I was not ready for the morning. That is to say, waking up was horrible. The room remained dark until the clock hit 6 AM, at which point, the lights went from off, to on without any warning. I didn't want to move, and so, for a while, I didn't. I allowed my eyes to adjust to the light, which was surprisingly gentle for a bright light that fills the room.
I had not had a chance to observe the room I was in the night before. The ceiling was slightly domed and the light poured out of the curvature of the ceiling as it met the walls. The walls were plain wood. No paint, no fancy color, just wood, which was comforting, for some reason. As I got out of bed, I looked around. There was a night stand on the side of bed opposite me, because of course there is a nightstand in the corner, and I got out of bed into the middle of the room. On the wall opposite me, was a large, wooden dresser. Out of curiosity, I peeked inside to see nothing there. Disappointed, I looked around the room for any change of clothes, or sign of a bathroom. Of course, I found none awaiting me.
So, I decided to deal with it and walk out of my room, hoping to somehow find my way either to a shower, a bathroom or to Chaos, to ask where these things are.
As I stepped out of my room, I found that the hallways looked like they were pulled from an insane asylum, a sharp contrast to the rustic vibe my room was giving me. Pure white walls, bright white lighting, and a marble tile floor; just confusing enough for me to go crazy or get lost.
I wandered the hall for a several hours, until I noticed that I was at another four-way junction. I had passed several of these in my aimless wandering, but this one had a panel with a button and what appeared to be a microphone. The button read "DON'T PANIC." Curious, I press the button and a speaker calls out:
"State your desired destination."
"The nearest bathroom," I reply. The ceiling then lights up with flashing LEDs of a blue-cyan-blue pattern that lead down a hall. "Wish Chaos had left me a note about this" I mutter under my breath, as I follow the LEDs.
I arrived at a Roman-style bathroom a few minutes later. The clearly noted changing rooms and signs pointing to the frigidarium, tepidarium, and caldarium gave it away. Deciding I needed a hot bath, I made my way to the caldarium, hoping that it isn't scalding hot like the ones in New Rome were. I was disappointed. While not AS hot at the ones in Camp Jupiter, the bath water was still well on its way to boiling hot. I guess that this bathhouse was probably heated with fire, like the ones in Camp Jupiter. Either way, it was hot, and I made sure to be quick, not wanting to be found here.
As I leave the bathhouse, I notice that there was another "DON'T PANIC" button on the wall. This time, I asked for Chaos' office. Black-grey-black lead me down several corridors, twisting and turning. At some point, the white changed to grey to black, and eventually, I was walking through a place that reminded me of the House of Night, from Tartarus. It was very dark and only the grey light told me where I was going. After several more hours, of wandering, and tripping as the hall transitioned to carpeted wood, I arrived at a silver door with a gold Κ, for Chaos, I guess.
I decide to take the direct approach and knock on the door. As soon as I'd knocked once, the door spiraled away and revealed Chaos sitting as their desk. Looking closely, today chaos was a blonde, African woman in her late 20s with a pixie haircut and vibrant green eyes that seemed to dray you into the pupil.
"May I come in, Chaos?" I asked, not sure as to if I should wait or not. Chaos looked up and waved me to sit down in a chair in front of her. As I got closer, she made a face.
"Why haven't you changed your clothes?" She asked. "Those ones smell so bad." I met her eyes and sheepishly replied.
"I… Uh… Wasn't allowed time to pack my bags by the gods on my planet before coming here…" I felt so bad for saying this, like I was putting a burden on her. She shook her head.
"We will have to get you some mission clothing. Can't have the whole universe knowing that it's YOU are undergoing the trials, now can we?" She was very confident in saying this. As she said this, she met my eyes and her eyes glowed. In an instant, I saw crowds mobbing the trial sites, waiting to see me. I shuddered and the image faded. "Now, while I could make you the clothing, that would take time I don't have. Go to a store and offer to host an autograph signing in exchange for clothing that the shopkeeper will tell nobody about." I nodded.
I walked over to the nearest speaker and said, as clearly as possible: "Take me to the nearest clothing store!" Chaos laughed at me and informed me that the light system only worked within her palace. I sighed. "May I have a map, then?" Chaos nodded, handed me a map and I asked to be taken to the North exit. Green-Blue-Green lit the way. I followed.
As I walked the monotonous hallways, I zoned out and thought about why I would be famous. I could only imagine that Poseidon had bragged about me to other deities and word spread by word of mouth. I noticed, briefly that the carpet disappeared, and the floor returned to black marble. I then pondered on my dream, wondering if Thor knew about me because of Poseidon or because I was sent as a champion from Earth to Chaos. It would be impossible to know for sure, though I suspected that Poseidon has simply bragged to all the Pantheons that HIS son was the most recent champion to Chaos and the first in hundreds of years. I doubt he had much of an ego to maintain, but rather I suspect he is proud of me and wants everyone to celebrate my successes.
It was at this point in my thoughts that I walked into a door.