Angel Azul: Yep. I love updating. :D And thanks! :D

Galaxy-Mitsuko-Pegasus: Yep! Go Ryker! Never thought I'd say that, but yeah. :D :D :D

ShadowSpirit020: Haha, thanks! :D

bella: Yay! :D Yeah, I think he'll definitely meet Ryker again in a later fanfiction episode, so we'll see how that goes down! :D Thanks! :D

CoverGirl7210: Thanks for the feedback! :D Yeah, Skeletons in the Closet was definitely one of my favorite to write so far. :D Thanks a bunch! :D

1 Fan: Awesome! :D

Charr2003: We literally just lost power a few hours ago, which included our internet. -_- XD Seriously! Losing internet is horrible! I read this story online about this guy who, whenever he wanted to call a family meeting, turned off the internet and waited for his family to come running. XD HICCSTRID FOR THE WIN! :D :D :D

Jo: Yep! I love character development! :D (Pssssst! Read this chapter! :D :D :D)

midnightsky0612: Yep, hopefully not. :)

Dimensional Girl: Haha, aw, thanks! :D :D :D

wikelia: Hahahaha, LOL! :D At first I was like, "oh, well, will my readers get mad at me if I don't stick to the already established date?" and I posted it, and well, no one's complaining. XD I laughed out loud at your reaction! :D :D :D Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying them so far! :D

Artwing7: Yeah, applying saltwater to a wound always stings. Thanks for mentioning it! :D I had already thought of it, but forgot to say something about it. :P Plus, Hiccup was sort of unconscious pretty fast, so he wouldn't have felt it much. :D Plus the adrenaline. :D Ryker has a conscience! Who would have thought, right? :D :D :D

Back at the Clubhouse, Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug, and Barf and Belch played with the baby dragons on the platform; the Changewings had gone into hiding to avoid getting chewed on by them. Inside the Clubhouse, Astrid, Fishlegs, Hiccup, Snotlout, and the twins sat at their round table, Hiccup's wrists wrapped in tan bandages.

"...And after Dagur knocked me out," Hiccup recounted, "Ryker came back for me. I guess he dragged me from the decks of Dagur's ship and left me on the shores for you guys to find."

"That's insane, Hiccup," said Fishlegs.

"I told you so," said Hiccup.

"Huh," said Tuffnut, "who knew Ryker could be thoughtful. That's almost as shocking as Snotlout being agreeable."

"HEY!" Snotlout objected.

"I said almost," said Tuffnut. "Don't worry, Ryker could never best you."

"So Ryker left the dragon eggs on the most unstable part of the island to try and run us out?" Fishlegs asked. "It sounds like he's trying to use his brain instead of his brawn…"

"But he should know that a few dragon eggs aren't going to collapse an entire island," said Astrid. "The plan was stupid, even for the likes of him."

"He's not used to using his brain," Hiccup said, shrugging. "Viggo usually did that and Ryker would fight. It just goes to show us how vulnerable the hunters are without Viggo to lead them. It's only a matter of time before they become like Dagur and his Berserkers, who attack without thinking and hope for the best."

"But at least we don't have to worry about Viggo coming up with another great scheme and wiping us all out," said Ruffnut. "That's a good thing! I'm all up for explosions and stuff, but getting wiped out isn't fun at all."

"Right," said Hiccup. "But I still don't feel exactly…"

"URGH!" Snotlout dropped his head onto the table, moaning. "Does nothing ever please you guys? They're gone already! Viggo's gone, the hunters took Dagur, so he's gone, and Hiccup and Ryker still have a few days left of their temporary peace treaty! This is perfect! Enjoy the victory while it lasts!"

Astrid found his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Hiccup looked at her, smiled, and sighed. "You're right," said Hiccup to Snotlout, and he squeezed Astrid's hand back. "You're right."

Just then, the baby dragons crashed through the Clubhouse, hyper and bouncy as ever, looking around excitedly. Hiccup winced when one of them knocked over a barrel and startled another; they wrestled each other to the ground.

"We do have to do something about them, though," Hiccup said flatly.

"You're right," said Fishlegs, 'they can't stay here, they'll either get eaten by predators, or destroy the Edge."

"There are plenty of dragons back on Berk," said Astrid. "We could take them there. They'll be right at home there."

"Sounds like a plan," said Hiccup, nodding. "We'll get the tarp to carry them in and fly them there with our dragons. I'll send an airmail to my Dad as a heads-up."

Two of the baby dragons knocked over a tarp, and when it covered them, they squealed and attacked each other, nearly rolling off the side of the platform in the process.

Fishlegs winced.

"Yeah," he said, "I think giving the Berkians a heads-up is a good idea."

A dark room, lit only by an oil lamp placed on a table in the center of it, with a large, dark throne. Upon it sat a cloaked figure, still as a statue and quieter than a mouse.

Ryker approached him from the shadows and nodded. "The plan worked," said Ryker. "Just as you said it would. They believe we are vulnerable."

"And what of Hiccup?" the figure asked.

"He believes you to be dead," said Ryker, and his smile grew slightly.

The figure smiled. "Excellent," he said. "Now that that's out of the way, bring the prisoner to me."

Ryker nodded in agreement and jerked his head towards the corner of the room; two soldiers hurried from the shadows, dragging a chained Dagur between them. They threw him down at the feet of the figure on the throne, and Dagur glared up at him.

"If you're going to kill me," Dagur snarled, "at least have the dignity to show me who you are."

The figure stood, pulled back the hood of his cloak, and once he did, Dagur gasped, his eyes going wide.

"What, is everyone returning from the dead now?" he said.

Viggo smiled. "Welcome, Dagur," he said. "It has been a while."

Dagur surged forward, but the soldiers holding him by his forearms kept him back. "You drowned!" snapped Dagur. "You should be dead!"

"By all rights I should be," said Viggo calmly, "but clearly, I am not." He sat down again and put his fingers together. "Now," he said, "I have a proposition for you, Dagur."

"Might as well kill me," said Dagur. "I'm not making a deal with the likes of you."

"I had a feeling you would say that," said Viggo. "Which is why I made it my duty to find a way to persuade you. After a lot of searching and even more hunting, I managed to find it. Or, more accurately, her."

"What?" said Dagur.

Two more soldiers stepped out from the shadows, and between them was none other than Heather, bound at her arms and gag fastened around her mouth. Her braid was loose, strands of hair spilling over her shoulder, and her eyes were narrowed and dangerous.

She was thrown to the ground beside Dagur on her knees. She looked at him, and he looked back at her, unable to fully believe who he was seeing.

"There," said Viggo, smiling. "That's better. A nice family reunion for the two of you, isn't it?"

Ryker came and stood beside his brother, sword raised, held over his shoulder. Viggo nodded to him, and he stepped forward.

"Now that I have your attention, Dagur," said Viggo, "I'm going to repeat myself."

Ryker thrust his sword forward, inches away from Heather's throat. Heather didn't flinch backwards, but she looked at Dagur pleadingly, clearly telling him not to do whatever Viggo wanted him to do.

"Now," said Viggo, folding his hands, "you have two options, Dagur. Option one, swear your allegiance and the allegiance of your fellow Berserkers to me. Option two…"

He looked over at Heather and nodded.

"...You say goodbye to your sister," said Viggo. "The choice, Dagur, is yours."

Dagur looked at Viggo, glaring coldly. Then, he looked at Heather.

"I swear my allegiance," said Dagur.

Author's Notes:

Aaaaaaannnddd that's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen! :D I didn't make eight chapters (ggrrrrr) but I figured it'd be better to end it here than to try and write a 2,000 word filler chapter, don't you agree? I don't like filler chapters, anyways…

It kinda makes me upset, though. I wish I could've made it is officially the shortest "episode" in season 2b to be sure...

BUT I PLAN TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU! In the next episode, and especially the "Cross My Wings and Hope to Fly" episodes. A lot of crazy stuff happens in those two episodes, so they should be up to "Skeletons in the Closet"'s length.


So, yes. I totally brought Heather back. :D You can look on my profile for the release date of the next "episode" in this series (I just put up three new ones, yay! :D :D :D).



Okay, so I took a quiz the other day to see which Hogwarts house I would be sorted into (but I'm not telling you which one yet, he he he). Just out of what you've seen me write, which Hogwarts house do you think I'd be sorted into? I'll post it on my profile if you guys really want to know. XD I just want to hear what you think. :D

That is all for now! Look for the next episode if you fancy! :D But until then, I leave you with this:



CHEERS (lol I'm so mean)! :D
