"What did I say Marco!?" Star was shouting. "What did I say!? Just one more! Now you've done it, time for quarantine!"

The declaration had been cast and Marco was helpless to stop the Mewni princess from dragging him by he collar away from the two cheerleaders they'd been speaking to only moments before. He couldn't make sense of it himself, Brittney had just seemingly flirted with him while they were talking. Brittney! The Mean Queen of school that used to only communicate with comments like "Move out of the way!" and "Blech!" on the rare occasions when referring to Marco. However just minutes ago with a wink she'd made sure to confirm her good looks with him. All evidence that was pointing a direction Marco didn't like.

"Star can you slow down for like a second!?" The boy insisted and freed himself from Star's grip, taking a breath after nearly being choked. "There. Okay. So... listen, that was weird back there."

"You're telling me." Star said, her arms crossed and with a serious expression that she rarely took when dealing with anything.

"Sure, it could be interpreted as maybe some of the girls in school are illogically attracted to me. Or maybe I'm just that good looking! I feel like you're throwing that possibility out the window too fast." Star raised an eyebrow in disbelief as her only response. "Hey, I'm serious here!"

"No way, there's something going on without a doubt. I smell magic, Marco. And shoe polish... and french fries... and ink markers. There's some really smelly lockers in this hallway. But I also smell magic! Evil magic. The kind that lures in young women to their doom."

"This is crazy talk." Marco said, totally done with the subject. "We just need a second opinion. Someone to ask directly."

"Fine, if I can find anyone that hasn't been brain washed or energy sucked by a demonic arm that's possessing my friends." Star countered, making Marco roll his eyes. However she found a volunteer faster than expected. "Okay then, how about this? Hey Janna!"

"Wait, not her!" Marco protested but it was too late, the girl was already heading his way. Janna was the same age and in the same class as Star and Marco, an olive skinned girl who liked to wear a dark green beanie over her short dark hair. Today she was in her usual beanie-matching dark green shirt, blue jacket and yellow skirt combo. When she spotted Star calling her near and Marco's distraught expression the girl got a sly smile.

"Hey Star, s'up Diaz."

"Hi Janna." Marco replied in a low tone.

"Hey Janna, can I ask you something. How hot do you think Marco is?" Janna's eyes got wide at the question and Marco nearly jumped out of his shoes as he tried to speak before Janna could get an answer in.

"What the heck are you asking her, Star!?"

The princess shushed him and waved her hand his way. "Calm down Marco, I just need an honest answer. Don't worry, Marco won't take it personally." Star assured Janna though Marco didn't actually get a say in all of this. "Now how would you rate him?" The other girl took a moment to look Marco over carefully, scanning up and down his body and making the boy feel like an examined piece of meat that she was looking for an expiration mark on.

"He's pretty fit, but karate is kind of dorky instead of a real sport so it evens out. Skinny jeans and hoodie are simple but plain, no real style. Has good hygiene but is always worried about something or other being out of place. Lectures a lot, but has a cute face and beauty mark. I'll say... six out of ten." Janna finished with a nod, satisfied with her evaluation. The quick sum up left Marco speechless but had Star taking note of everything she'd said.

Star gave Marco a pat on the shoulder once Janna was finished. "Not bad, right? That's above average." The reassurance from the princess didn't make Marco feel any more confident. He was a little thrown off that she'd hit him with such an accurate accumulation of his character so quickly. "But more importantly it wasn't a perfect ten, meaning Janna hasn't been infected!"

"Infected? Is there something going around?" Janna asked with a hint of concern.

"Yep! Without a doubt, there's something sneaking around in the night. Sucking the life out of the student body of Echo Creek Academy and rendering innocent young girls into helpless slaves!" Star grabbed Janna by the shoulders and shook her. "Even now we're at risk of this horrible fiend attacking us at any moment. For it resides... HERE!" Star proclaimed and pointed at Marco's arm, the boy just standing there awkwardly while Janna looked on in total confusion. Before long Marco decided to help make sense of it all.

"Star thinks my Monster Arm is back." Marco admitted.

"Really!? Awesome! That thing was so cool. Can I see it, do you make it pop out now?" Janna asked and ran to Marco's side, grabbing him by the wrist and wriggling his arm around. "We should see if it can crush the principle's car!" While she was enjoying the idea of the return of Marco's inhuman appendage the boy didn't share the same enthusiasm. Pulling his arm back sharply Marco rubbed his wrist and groaned in annoyance.

"It's not really back, Janna. Star just thinks it is." Marco corrected, not enjoying the way Janna had seemed so thrilled that part of his body was possibly being controlled by an evil entity. Star wasn't about to give up though.

"I don't think, I know! And by my guess it looks like Janna and me are the only girls in school not walking around like zombies or helplessly infatuated with you." Marco didn't really want to admit Star had a point, but the thing with Brittney earlier today had been weird. And Sabrina seemed to be paying him an awful lot of attention lately. On top of that there were the kids walking by them. Normally whenever Star was doing something wacky or energetic she got a few people to watch her antics for a while, but this time around everyone was just passing by slowly. Like they were all half asleep. Even Janna seemed to notice this as she looked around the halls at the other students.

"So... what does that mean?" Janna asked, not sure where Star was going with all of this.

"It means we need to lay a trap! Two young, innocent girls all by their lonesome. Completely untouched and unspoiled. No evil monster could resist a temptation that great." Star said with eager eyes as if she was planning a grand scheme. "Which is why I want you go come over tonight for a sleep over."

"Really!? Awesome!" Janna responded, even more thrilled at the invitation than Marco's monster arm making a return. Marco had different feelings on this though.

"Whoa whoa wait a minute, hold on. I don't know if I'm comfortable having Janna over night at our place." Marco pleaded, though Janna had a sly smile about her again.

"What's the matter Diaz? Can't taking having two young, innocent, pure girls in your house at the same time?" Marco wasn't sure he liked them continuing to use that description of themselves as it was conjuring all kinds of implications. Though it didn't matter as Star laid the argument to rest.

"Don't worry Marco, she's going to be staying in my room. We'll just do girl things the whole time while you keep to yourself, okay?"

"Well... okay." Marco agreed, not sure how he was going to keep this from happening anyway. It was highly unlikely his parents would be against it, they always encouraged Star to make as many friends as possible.

"Good. And if you should happen to mutate into a horrible monster in the middle of the night that tries to invade our privacy, I'll just blast you back to normal. Agreed?"

"Just don't go firing at me for no reason, alright? I don't want to get up for a glass of water and get magic shot gunned off the stairs."

"Princess honor." Star said, holding her hand up as if she were taking an oath. "Now then, this is going to be a lot of fun! I haven't had a sleep over with anybody since Ponyhead back on Mewni."

"I can't wait, I hope we get to do all sorts of cool magic stuff while we're there." Janna agreed eagerly, the girls giggling with each other as they began to plan their evening of having fun and laying traps in wait of a possible monster attack. Marco groaning and walking off to hit the rest room. By now they were all guaranteed to be late for class, might as well make the most of it.

"Just when I thought I was catching a break lately."

One full school day and a few hours extra later found Janna at the door of the Diaz residence. She had to run home of course for a change of clothes for the next day and that gave Star time to ask for permission from Marco's parents for a sleep over. Naturally to Marco's dismay they agreed to it wholeheartedly. Marco's mother even commenting that she was sad the girl didn't come by to spend time with Marco as much as they used to when they were younger. With his parents enthusiasm involved the normal dinner for that night became a delicious event of Mexican cuisine, snacks for watching television afterwards and a genuine welcoming nature all around. He'd have denied it if directly asked but Marco's posture was changing from a rigid, on guard stance to more loose and relaxed. Much like how he usually was in his home.

As it got later into the night Star became ready to put things into place. His parents were going to stay up a while longer downstairs so the kids were the first to retire to their bedrooms. The climb up the stairs was normal at first until they got into the hall way. Then Star went into the real reason for their sleep over tonight. "Okay, so far so good. Now we'll lure out that evil creature and put an end to all those sleepy and love struck girls at school."

Marco rolled his eyes at Star's statement but he still seemed far more comfortable than he had previously. "Whatever. I'm going to head to my room and just spend the night there without incident."

"Good. That's good, Marco. Convince the Monster Arm that we don't actually suspect it and it's more likely to strike!"

"Yeeeeeeah, sure thing. Well, anyway, I'm off to bed. I'm glad things were much more normal than I was expecting tonight to go. Night Star. Night Janna."

Janna waved to Marco as he turned the opposite direction from herself and Star. "Night Diaz, stay out of trouble."

"Sure, like I'm the one that has to worry tonight. You're sleeping in Star's room. Look out for the teddy bears, by the way. They can be rough."

"Teddy bears?" Janna asked with a look of disbelief but Marco was already headed into his own space, closing the door behind him. "If he was trying to scare me he could have tried a little harder, I'm not a child."

"Yeah, besides I got them mostly caged up so I don't think they're going to be dangerous... though I might want to add another padlock to it." Star said thoughtfully a she lead a now more concerned looking Janna back to her own room. The girl took a moment to look over the various designs on Star's bedroom door before exploring the rest of her tower on the Diaz home. Even if she'd been over before since Star moved in she hadn't had a chance to really hang out in her personal space.

"This is really cool. Is this what your room looks like back home?"

"More or less, it's a little more drab since my mom wants it to appear 'like royalty lives here' when we have visitors. I don't know why they'd want to see my room but it's fine since I'm here now."

"Being a princess must be great. You get to have so much stuff." Janna said, taking a spiked mace off the wall that Star had up for decoration and seeing if she was strong enough to swing it. Star was impressed that she managed to get a full swing at the air before it proved too heavy and she had to put it back.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't get to have friends over like this though back home so I'm really happy I get to be kinda like you for a while."

"You think so?" Janna asked with concern, turning her attention to Star now from all her trinkets and decorations. "Being a regular person isn't that special."

"Maybe, but you guys get to do special stuff. Like tonight when we had dinner with Marco's mom and dad. I really love that I get to be around all of them." Star said, a smile naturally coming to her lips when she thought of it. There was just something warm about this family structure that she liked to bask in. "Even something like this, having a pajama party with a friend. I'd say it's a lot more special than most of the boring stuff a princess is expected to do."

Janna nodded as she was starting to understand what Star was getting at. "Okay then, as long as we're together, I'll try to make you feel as special as I can princess. In return you'll still be my friend too, okay?"

"Of course!" Star said, grasping Janna in a hug she clearly wasn't prepared for as she let out a gasp of air. She noted that the hug might have been a bit too rough, not quite on the level Marco was usually able to deal with when she squeezed him. "Now let's get those pajamas so we can start partying!" The princess let Janna go who seemed to enjoy the return of easily accessible breathing. From there she went to her closet to pull out her night gown. Janna went to her backpack where she had stuffed in both her clothes for tomorrow as well as her pajamas for tonight. "Do you need a hanger?"

"Do you want me to use a hanger?" Janna asked cautiously, though the state of Star's room with clothes and stuff scattered everywhere made you wonder if Star even knew what a hanger for clothing was.

"Nah, you can just use the floor if you want."

"Done." Janna said, her jacket and beanie coming off in a flash as she began to change right there. Star followed along and in moments the two girls were in their night attire with their other clothes scattered on the carpet. The princess dressed in her normal nightgown and Janna in a green shorts and a t-shirt of some band Star didn't recognize but looked like they played a lot of weird and creepy music. Fitting for Janna. "So uh... what do we do now?"

"I dunno. We're supposed to wait for Marco to go all creepy crawly on us so I can zap him back to normal. Till then we just do uh... stuff?"

"Stuff is cool. Let's start doing stuff."

"Okay. Um... lets see. Well we got my room, some board games, a magical wand that allows me to alter the material world to my whim and some music CD's." Star pondered it for a moment before turning to Janna. "What do you think we should go with?"

"... the wand?"

"Yeah, the wand, that should have been obvious to me."

To which the night was spent with a lot of fun, magical activities while the girls awaited their tentacle-armed trespasser. There was a poker game with Star's magically animated stuffed animals (Janna was surprisingly good at it), an indoor game of tennis using the bottom floor of Star's room (Star was unsurprisingly good at it) and an attempt to use the magical scissors to open a portal to a pizza place and order some food. They were surprisingly bad at this which got the pair to resort to chips from the kitchen and calm down for a little bit and start to recline. One spell later Star's indoor standing porcelain bathtub was expanded to fit two ladies and they hopped into a pool of magazines and comic books that filled it. Janna didn't question the presence of such a thing, it was oddly normal compared to the rest of the room.

Waist deep in magazines the two girls sat across from one another, Janna propping one of her legs up on the edge of the tub while she leaned back to read. Some music was playing lightly on Star's CD player to avoid waking up Mr. And Mrs. Diaz. The only other sound the flipping of pages and the occasional sliding of paper as they'd fish another magazine to look at. Before long Janna broke the silence from her side of the tub. "So, how's Earth so far compared to Mewni?"

With conversation starting again Star abandoned her magazine to the pile sitting on them both. "It's great! I like Mewni and all but Earth is just the best."

"I'd think a magical kingdom full of monsters would be a lot more interesting."

"It's okay, never really boring. But there's something about Earth that feels nice, y'know. It kind of makes me feel like I'm at home even though I'm away from home." Star admitted with a big smile.

"Are you sure that's Earth or is it just living here with Marco?"

"Well, yeah, that's probably part of it. I feel really lucky I got to stay here compared to some place else. Even Mom and Dad seem to like Marco's parents." Star thought some more about the subject though since Janna had brought it up. "I guess I like school too."

"Can't say I feel the same way. It feels like such a drag. The homework is oppressive and Skullnick has no mercy for anyone."

"I dunno, just I never got to go to school before. So now that I get to with a bunch of people I like it's something that's important to me."

"Well I'm glad you came too cause it's been a lot more fun since you showed up." Star giggled at Janna's compliment, happy to bring joy to anyone around her. "Say, you ever fill this thing with water and soak in it?" Janna asked, changing the subject as she looked the bathtub over.

"Not really, whenever I use magic that involves water in the house it usually ends up on the floor and Marco complains that I get his socks wet."

"Well that's only if you let him in your room while you're taking a bath." Janna corrected with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Another reason why I don't use the tub in here, I don't like shutting people out of my room. Plus I'd have to make another one for you anyway."

"Nah, I'd share." Janna said and the grin didn't leave her face, that answer catching Star off guard a little. "What? Is that weird? We're both girls."

"I guess not, I just... never had anyone suggest something like that to me." It wasn't like seeing another girl naked was weird to Star, but it felt a little weird if it was a friend of hers. She'd had servants help her get cleaned up in the past but that seemed more like a focus on preparation than an activity of relaxing with someone close to you.

"Things are more fun when you involve your friends." Janna winked and Star wasn't sure how to read that signal. She might have been starting to understand how it was Marco could get so on guard around Janna all the time. "Speaking of friends, shouldn't Marco have done some monster arm stuff by now?"

"Why? It's only... Midnight!?" Star said in surprise, looking at her clock from the edge of the tub. "I can't believe it's that late already. What the heck Marco!? We've been waiting for hours."

"Maybe he's not really a monster after all?"

"No way, I know there's something monster-ish going on around here. But I don't get it, this should be the perfect bait for him. We're two girls having a slumber party."

"Maybe... we're not the kind of girls he likes?" Janna asked, her voice trailing off towards the end as she spoke.

"Excuse me, I'm a magical princess and you're a rule-breaking bad girl. We're like a vanilla and caramel ice cream sunday to a girl hunting monster."

"I don't break that many rules..." Janna said as she looked away from direct eye contact. "I mean... I haven't been caught breaking a lot of rules."

"There must be something I haven't thought of... something keeping him at bay." Star pondered, chewing on her wand as she hung over the edge of the tub. Something was clearly stopping Marco's monster side from appearing and trying to molest them. But what could keep him from walking into their trap?

"You know, we kind of told him to his face this was a trap. Maybe that's what did it." Star's eyes widened with realization at the suggestion.

"Oh. Yeah... yeah that might do it." Well crud, now she was out of ideas! Was the slumber party a waste of time? She'd had fun with Janna but if this wasn't helping Marco then it had been completely useless while he was suffering on his own.

"Plus we have all the lights on and we're wide awake. If he was going to show up wouldn't he wait until we fell asleep?"

"That's it!" Star declared, standing up in the tub and scattering magazines all over the floor around her while causing Janna to nearly jump in surprise. "We'll go to bed and act like we're asleep, then he'll show up for sure."

"I guess if you wanna try, I'm kinda tired anyway." Janna agreed and carefully exited the tub without spilling a single magazine on the floor. As Star jumped out herself and began to turn off all the light, Janna went over to the bed and grabbed a hold of one of the pillows. Laying it on the floor she pulled her jacket over and prepared to use it as a blanket for the night. Once Star was done with rendering the room dark aside from the moonlight, she saw what Janna was up to.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed, duh. Say you wouldn't happen to have a spare blanket would you?" Star couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Janna, just sleep on the other side of my bed." The girl looked at Star's bed, then back to the princess with an unsure gaze.

"Like... with you?"

"Yes, silly. Jeez, did you think I was going to let you sleep on the floor?"

"Well, yeah."

"No no no. C'mere." Star said and picked the pillow up, tossing it back onto the bed. Pulling the covers aside Star hopped into bed and directed Janna to lay down next to her. The other girl gulped and carefully got into the bed, looking uncomfortable the whole way. "See, it's a lot easier to sleep here."

"I guess so. I'm just surprised you're okay with letting me sleep next to you like this."

"Ahem, you were the girl that wanted to take a bath together."

"That's different." Star couldn't see how for the life of her, but wasn't concerned at the moment. Instead she settled under the covers alongside her friend and got cozy on the pillow. Slipping her wand beneath it she turned to lay on her side facing Janna, an eager smile on her face.

"Okay, so we'll wait here for Marco to make his move. Then we'll blast him back to normal and everything will be okay by the morning."

"You really think it'll be that simple?" Janna asked with an uncertain look on her face. "What if we fall asleep? Or he doesn't show up?"

"He better show up!" Star said, annoyed that after all this planning the Monster Arm hadn't fallen into her trap yet. "Don't worry about a thing, you can just rest up and I'll take care of all of it." Star patted Janna on the head in a manner that was meant to assure her but by the look on Janna's face she was skeptical.

"Yeah, sounds completely safe." The girl sighed, then looked away into the dark of the room. "Hey Star, thank you for letting me hang out with you tonight."

"Thank you for hanging out with me tonight! This was fun."

"Yeah, it was." Janna said, her face smiling a little in the dark. "Hey, no matter what happens I'm hoping we'll get to still be friends."

"Pfft, don't go getting over-dramatic on me girl. By tomorrow everything will be just fine."

"I think so too." Janna said. "Night Star."

"Good night but not-really-good-night-cause-I'm-gonna-do-a-stake-out, Janna."

Star turned her body to look a the clock on the night stand. It was about fifteen minutes after midnight. Shouldn't be long now.

Star's eyes shut and opened again. The clock read 12:20. Her eyes closed and opened again. The clock read 12:27. They closed and opened again. 12:33. They closed.

They opened again.

The clock read 1:15 AM.

"Shoot, I fell asleep." Star grumbled quietly, rubbing the grogginess out of her eyes. She turned her body to see if Janna had fallen asleep but was surprised to find her bed was empty aside from her. "Janna?" Star asked, crawling over to the edge of the bed to check the floor. No one was down there. No one seemed to be in her room but her. "Janna?" Star asked, feeling a little panicked. Getting to her feet Star carefully walked out of her room into the hallway to see that the bathroom light was off, along with all the others. "J-Janna?" Star asked, doubling back to her room now to grab a hold of her wand from under her pillow. Walking back into the hallway Star began peeking around every corner, careful to be sure nothing was going to jump out at her in the dark. She could have turned the lights on but if her prey was in the house she didn't want to scare it off.

No lights downstairs either. It seemed that Janna wasn't in her room, in the bathroom or the kitchen. There was one place to check though. Creeping down the hallway Star came to Marco's door. Taking a deep breath she whispered against the wood. "Marco?" No response, not surprising this late at night. "Marco? Are you awake? Is Janna with you?" She didn't know if that would have been a good or a bad thing. Deciding this wasn't a time to be polite she reached up for the door handle to go inside.

The door slowly pushed open at her touch, it wasn't even closed.

Seeing this Star burst into the room with her wand before her, pointing it every direction. Ready to blast anything that looked remotely tentacle like. Though in the moonlit room there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, aside from the lack of anyone in it. As in no Janna or Marco. And an open window. "Oh no." Star ran over to the window, touching the sill and finding a strange wet substance on it. It was on the sheets on Marco's messy bed as well. "Oh no! On no oh no oh no! What do I do!?" Star began to panic, pacing around the room. It got right past her and got to Janna without her ever even waking up! How was she going to stop all of this now if she couldn't even protect one friend. "Gotta... gotta stay calm, stay collected. Gotta find them."

Willing magic into her wand the circular star faced front projected a beam in the manner of a spotlight. It cycled through various colors of light until one shined on the substance on the window that caused it to glow. "Ah ha! Got you now." Not bothering with the stairs, Star leaped out of Marco's window onto the driveway with a perfect landing. Her exceptional strength keeping her from the harm something like that would cause a normal human. All the more reason to suspect a monster was the cause of all this. Waving the beam of light around Star eventually found the trail of strange liquid and began to follow it. "Don't worry Janna, I'm coming!"

On the floor of a dark room a figure began to awaken. Slowly picking themselves up off the ground they found their clothing had been stripped away from their bodies, leaving them in just their underwear. Groaning the person shook their head to try and wake up faster, looking around a place they though they might recognize but was still unfamiliar to them and certainly not where they had gone to sleep. Sitting straight up and finally aware enough to comprehend that this was a bad situation they spoke out into the dark.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Their voice called out. It wasn't long before they got a reply.

"You're finally awake. Now we can begin."

"Who... who's there?"

"Come now, you know who it is don't you?" A match lit in the dark to reveal a figure standing before them. They lit a candle and allowed the light to shine brighter until they were visible.

"You! You're..."

"Good evening. Did you sleep well, Marco?" She asked with a mischievous grin.

"Janna!?" Marco cried out in surprise. Indeed it was Janna, who for all Marco had known was currently staying the night in Star's room. Yet somehow she was here before him, in some place he was unfamiliar with. "What's going on here? Where am I?"

"We're at the school gym." Janna answered. "It's not the most romantic place I know, but I needed us to get together somewhere that could accommodate everyone."

"Ev-everyone?" Marco asked hesitantly. To dramatic reply three more matches lit up around Marco, causing him to get onto his feet in surprise. They all lit candles together (though one had trouble as she let out a small yelp due to burning her fingers). Before long Marco could make out their faces through the dark by the combined light. "What the... Sabrina? Hope? Brittney!?"

The Asian girl narrowed her eyes at Marco. "Why did you sound so surprised to see me? I can't believe we're all bothering with this dork." Despite her normal behavior with the insult Marco was still left in shock. All the girls were surrounding him as if they were part of some kind of cult or coven with the combined candles. What's more as far as Marco could tell they were all in their underwear, just like him. Marco began to back up away from them but found he was caught by someone else.

The figure behind him had a candle as well and gave him a small push forward. "Careful Marco, almost ran into me." Jackie said with a smile on her face.

"J-J-Jackie!? What the heck is going on around here!?"

Janna was still grinning wide before him at his surprise. "You should see the look on your face right now, Diaz. It's priceless." She giggled but was the only one laughing, most of the other girls seemed to be impatiently waiting for something to happen. "You're the guest of honor at our get together. Check it out, we made a lot of preparations." The girls all together placed their candles down on the floor of the gym, showing what looked like a red pentagram with a number of weird symbols inside the circle. Standing in the center of the painted design was Marco himself, each of the girls having placed their candles down at a point of the star inside the pentagram.

"Whoa... are you guys like... witches?"

"I wish!" Janna exclaimed. "That would be awesome to have that kind of power! But... maybe later. Right now we just need you for a special ceremony involving that right arm of yours." His monster arm. The thing Star had been worried about. Was it true? Did he really attack all of these girls with it? And if so how did all of this tie into everything? "You're curious too, right?"

Marco made a decision right then and there. "Nope."

"Wait, what?" Janna asked, a look of disbelief sweeping across the faces of all the girls there.

"Look this is really hot and everything. Middle of the night, girls in their bras and panties, candles. But I've seen a lot of weird things and I can recognize a bad situation when I'm in one. Plus, none of you guys can actually stop me from walking out of here. So just tell me where my pants are and I'll be on my way." Staying for this would have been something fun to see but getting to Star and having her un-magic whatever craziness was about to happen was the smart move (even if Jackie looked just incredible in blue underwear).

Janna's face was a sea of disappointment. "Wow Diaz, even in a situation like this you're willing to be super lame."

Brittney looked downright angry at Marco. "I told you Dorko was worthless."

Hope grumbled. "I put a lot of work into painting that..."

Sabrina held her hand up to Marco. "Wait, don't just go! It'll be fun if you stay, promise."

Marco felt Jackie's hand touch his back lightly, causing a shiver to pass through him. "C'mon Marco, don't you wanna see what happens next?"

So maybe this was in fact not a crazy evil magic gathering and possibly just a really awesome orgy? Still... knowing his own luck... "I'll be leaving now." Marco said as he prepared to push past the girls. Janna had other things in mind though.

"Girls, show Marco why he should stay." Janna ordered and Marco got ready to defend himself, expecting someone else to attack him from the shadows. However he was surprised when instead they all began to take their bras off, casting them aside onto the gym floor. Marco gulped hard but was completely unable to pull his gaze away from the collection of exposed breasts before him. "There. Now do you want to stay and listen to why we brought you here?"

"I... uh... that is..." Marco tried to protest but stopped when he felt Jackie walk up behind him and hold him in a hug, pressing her breasts against his back. He could have easily broken out of her grip, but since he was here anyway, "Okay, sure, might as well hear what you have to say." Don't be too upset with him, he'd dreamy of this for years.

Janna's grin returned to her when she saw him comply. "Thought you might." Reaching behind herself Janna removed her own bra and cast it aside onto the floor, a sight Marco never expected to see but wasn't at all disappointed with it. Janna took in a deep breath and let out a little groan as her right arm began to change. It started to grow and expand outward, shifting from its normal olive color to a deep green and coming to a point at the end. When it was finished a long tentacle hung from Janna's shoulder where her arm used to be and her eyes had changed to an inhuman green color as well. "Surprise."

"You're the Monster Arm!" Marco declared and tried to move from Jackie's grip, but the other girls surrounded him to keep him in place. Had he fought with his actual strength Marco may have been able to throw them off but he didn't want to hurt any of his friends. Not to mention having a group of naked girls pile onto him was really throwing off his focus. "I don't get it... how did something like this happen!? Star had to cast a spell from her book to cause me to get one."

Janna's tentacle arm had risen to see her, a mouth appearing on it that smiled at them with jagged teeth. She pet her arm affectionately before continuing. "Well it's Star that's to blame. When she went all bug monster on the school that gave me a chance to read her book while you two were busy. I didn't get to see too much but that little guy inside showed me the page with the Monster Arm spell."

"Glossaryck, that worthless pudding eating..." Marco grumbled among the restraint by the other girls.

"Yep, that guy. He showed me how to bring the Monster Arm back without Star's wand. Of course I needed a few other magic things to do it. Stuff that I'd never get on Earth, but if we ever went on a magical field trip..." Marco's eyes widened in terror as he realized what the reckless behavior of Star and himself had brought. "From there I was able to borrow a few spell ingredients. Some vials of this and that, weird things like demon's spit and dragon's eyes. Mix it up just right and you get a potion that can grow one of these." Janna said as the Monster Arm waved at him silently.

Marco was still confused however. "Wait... so you wanted to find out how to give yourself one?"

"Heck yeah, look at her! Isn't she just the most awesome?"

"It's a her!?" Marco asked in amazement, causing the arm's "face" to show a hurt expression. Janna scowled at Marco and hugged her tentacle arm against herself.

"Be nice, Marco! She's very sensitive about showing herself."

"Hold on a minute here, if all you wanted was a monster arm for yourself, why did you kidnap me? And why is everyone else here?" The other girls around him were still holding tightly to Marco's arms and torso, clearly invested in making sure he didn't escape. This wasn't just some weird favor for Janna they were doing, it was like they all desperately wanted to keep Marco with them.

"Well yeah, you see I didn't realize that having a monster arm gives you certain... cravings." Janna admitted with an embarrassed look that would have been cute outside of the horrifying circumstances they were in. "Turns out my kind of arm has a need to mate like you wouldn't believe. But you can't drop some monster eggs just anywhere, so I had to find surrogates to carry them for me." It took him a little while to understand what she meant, but after putting the pieces together Marco suddenly grasped why all of the girls were in the gym with them.

"You... put monster eggs INSIDE THEM!?"

"Hey, don't sound so freaked out. It's a little rough but once you get started it feels really good. Right girls?"

Jackie sounded off from behind Marco. "Totally, you wouldn't believe how great it is."

Sabrina kept a tight grip on Marco's left arm, more holding onto it to keep from slipping to the gym floor from her soft socks. "It's kind of rough but... you start to like it."

Hope held Marco's right arm, almost caressing it against her chest. "Seriously, tentacles are just as good as they look in hentai's."

Brittney had been keeping a hold of Marco's neck with her arms, pressed more against him than any of the other girls to his discomfort. "You better not disappoint me after what I had the first time, Dorko."

Marco tried to soak all of this crazy information in, reeling from what was being revealed. "You... made them your slaves?"

Janna shrugged but didn't look upset at all by the term. "Sort of. Putting one of my buns in your oven makes you absolutely devoted to seeing that the egg gets fertilized. Which is where you come in, Diaz." She walked over to a bag that was on the gym floor, pulling out a few bottles that Marco couldn't recognize. "I had to keep myself healthy though, making so many eggs takes a lot out of a girl. So anyone I didn't pick to be one of my baby-mama's instead provided me a little sustenance to stay alive. Just a bit of blood, no big deal. But now that we're all together I just have to mix up the potion and you can be the daddy of our little family."

"Not on your life!" Marco said and tried to struggle, but the girls weighed him down fiercely. "Janna, that arm is controlling your mind! Once it attaches to you it'll try to manipulate you into what it wants. You have to fight it!"

"Fight it?" Janna asked, checking her ingredients. "Why would I do that? I want this Marco, and soon you will too. Besides is having a tentacle for an arm really so bad when you get to have an orgy with all of us?"

"I... wha... hold on, what?" Marco asked, a little thrown off by what was just offered.

"I hope you've been exercising Diaz because everyone's going to want a turn and I don't want you to disappoint us." Jackie said in a flirty tone and Marco looked around himself at the girls surrounding him. There was a huge conflict happening inside right now that he was debating heavily.

"Well... I mean... Star will probably show up soon anyway so there's no reason to fight it." Marco said relaxing his body and the girls around him began to smile happily. Jackie gave him a small kiss on the back of his neck and Marco felt his body shudder.

"Hope you're ready for the night of your life, Marco." Jackie said eagerly and Marco tried to keep from passing out he was starting to breath so heavily.

"Yeah... yeah I'll just wait for Star and what happens happens. Right?" Everyone seemed to agree, why not go along with it? After all this is one of the few times a monster encounter was going to end favorably for him.

Then the gym door swung open with a magical blast. "Marco, I'm here to stop you!" A voice rang out as Star Butterfly leaped through the air and landed in the gym.

"Awww! C'mon!" Marco shouted in frustration. "This couldn't have happened like an hour later!?"

Star didn't pay Marco's protest any mind however. Swinging her arm she blasted the light switch on the wall with her magic to turn the overhead lights of the gym on. With all of the gym lit brightly everything before her was much easier to see. "Now to put a stop to WHOA everyone's naked why is everyone naked!?" The princess asked in confusion seeing the girls surrounding her friend. "What's going on over there? Janna? Wait Janna you have a monster arm?"

Janna grumbled and stopped working with the different colored vials she was pouring into what Marco could now see was a smoothie cup. The mix of various evil ingredients, chemicals and food items was oddly fitting for her when it came to dangerous magic. "Dang it Star, we were right in the middle of something."

Star was still shocked however and as realization hit her the expression went from surprise to anger. "Wait a minute, you were lying to me! I invited you over to my house to catch Marco and this whole time you were the one with the monster arm?"

"C'mon Star, don't be mad. It wasn't like I could tell you about this." Janna said as she motioned with her human arm to the slithering tentacle that was attached to her. "Besides I really did have fun hanging out with you. I even saved a special present for you; my last monster egg. That way you can be part of the family too."

"Ew! Ew ew ew ew! No, no way. Not happening. I'm zapping that arm, fixing whatever is wrong with all of them, and then I'm taking Marco home."

Marco called over to Star, now sitting on the gym floor with the girls still hanging onto him. "You don't have to hurry with me, we're doing fine over here. Just take your time and be careful." Marco assured Star, soaking up how all the girls looked now that the room was well lit. Star gave Marco a death glare for his horn-dog behavior and the boy quieted down.

"They're brain washed, Marco! I might have gone a little boy crazy in the past..."

"You turned into a literal boy hunting monster." Janna interjected. "Destroyed half the school with webbing and junk trying to get laid."

"I wasn't finished." Star replied. "I might have turned into a boy hunting monster that tried to keep every guy for myself, but at least they were all screaming to escape of their own free will. Is this really how you want things to be with Jackie?"

Jackie was ready to answer Star's question for Marco, squeezing him tightly against herself. "I don't mind, I've been waiting for this for a while."

Hope offered her input as well. "It's a lot more fun than it sounds Star, you should try it too."

Sabrina didn't want to be left out. "I'm pretty okay with all of this if you ask me."

Brittney hugged Marco's neck against herself, glaring at Star. "You're just jealous, get lost Butterface."

Star grumbled over how annoying this situation had gone and let out a big sigh. "Whatever, I guess I gotta be the responsible one here. Returnio Armus Normalrino!" The wand lit up with magical light as a beam fired out towards Janna, who expertly dodged it with the assistance of her monster arm. The blast hit a fire extinguisher on the other side of the room, transforming it into a big red metal arm. The effects of the spell were clear to Janna who took action right away.

"Brittney, Hope, Sabrina! Stop Star from hitting me with her wand. Jackie, don't let Marco get away." Upon Janna's command the three girls released their grip on Marco and got to their feet, all heading across the gym towards Star. Marco tried to get up as well however Jackie took this moment to change her spot, sitting down on Marco's lap to keep him in place during everyone's departure. The boy attempted to get up again but was quickly subdued by a little more pressure against his lap.

Star wasn't hindered by the incoming attacking, walking slowly towards Janna as the girls got ready to assault her. Brittney had taken the lead, her face a devilish smile as she closed the gap between her and Star. "I'm gonna knock those stupid teeth out of your dumb smiling head, Princess Puke." She was nearly upon the Mewni princess until Star simply raised her wand in Brittney's direction.

"Candy Cane Capture Cage." Star spoke and Brittney was consumed in a blast of magical light. When the flash passed she found herself stuck in a tall, thin cage with a red and white candy stripe coating. Brittney growled and grabbed the bars, trying to shake them loose.

"Don't think this is gonna stop me! You hear me you alien freak!? I'm gonna break out of here and-" As she passed by Star pushed the cage over to knock it backwards. Brittney landing helplessly on her back in the tight confinement. "Hey! You big jerk!"

Hope was up next, her face a mix of uncertainty and determination as she was following through with Janna's orders. The attack did little to impress Star however as she pointed her wand at the girl to utter another spell. "Lengthy Licorice Lasso." A stream of stretchy, candy like rope flew from Star's wand and began to wrap around Hope's body. Tying her ankles together and creeping quickly up her legs to her arms.

"Hey wait no stop!" The girl fell over and struggled against her bonds but found them to be quite tight and strong. "I... I can't get out. This feels really tight... kinda nice. Hey if we beat Star can I stay tied up in this later? It feels pretty good." With two down Star hopped over Hope's restrained body and proceeded towards the last girl who tried to stop her. Sabrina had her arm reeled back, letting out a battle cry as she ran full tilt at Star. However she put a little too much tilt into the run and ended up falling forward onto the gym floor.

"Oof! I'm... I'm okay! I got this." Sabrina picked herself up again, but managed to slip due to her socks and fell back again onto her butt. "Ow! Don't worry, it's okay. I'll stop her." Finally getting to her feet she managed to charge forward again with another war cry, only to be bested when Star took one single step to the side to allow Sabrina to fall over Hope's tangled body. After some more apologizing and stumbling Star eventually helped the girl to her feet herself. Using her magic she pulled a folding chair from one of the gym walls to them and set it up.

"Here hun, why don't you just sit this one out." Star offered and Sabrina sighed, sitting down in defeat. Thankfully not crashing in the process. Janna was shaking her head with her human hand over her face.

"I can't believe you guys."

"What the heck did you expect them to do?" Star asked. "It's not like any of them know how to fight. It's time to give up Janna. Let me fix you so that we can all just go home."

"No! I'm not letting you take this from me." Janna shouted angrily, an act that surprised both Star and Marco. "This arm is special. It makes me special... and I'm not going to let you take all of this away after I've come this far. This is important to me Star, don't you understand that?"

"Janna... look around you. Look at what's happened to everyone, what that arm has done to your friends. Is this really what you want?" Janna was quiet after Star asked that, looking at the room of nearly stripped down people and the magical princess before her. Finally she was able to reply.

"If my answer is yes?"

"Well, it didn't really matter what you answered anyway." Star said and raised her wand, firing a blast of magic Janna's way.

The shot flew past, Janna no longer standing where she'd been. The muscular monster arm flinging her body high into the air of the gym and over Star's attack. Janna came down with her monster arm first, Star narrowly dodging the attack that cracked the floor of the gym when it hit. "I won't let you stop this!" She cried out and began her assault again, swinging the monster arm wildly at Star who was dodging each attack expertly. Much to the amazement of the people watching.

"Whoa." Was all Marco could say as he looked on over the fight. Jackie had her arms wrapped around him and was watching along as well, smiling confidently.

"Don't worry Marco." Jackie assured him. "Janna will bring Star into the group along with us. Then we can all have a good time together."

As enticing as her offers was, Marco was too worried about his friend to really enjoy it. "Jackie, listen to me. You have to let me go. Star and Janna are going to really hurt each other and I have to put a stop to this."

"No you don't, you can just sit here with me and wait for it all to be over. Besides, I think I know which side you really want to win." Jackie said teasingly and rubbed her hips over Marco's lap, making the boy gasp from the pressure. "Just wait for Janna to finish up, then we'll have a lot of fun."

It seemed that Jackie had every right to be confident, Janna was swinging her tentacle arm around like a whip the size of a log. Though Star managed to expertly dodge each attack as Janna pushed her back farther and farther. The monster possessed girl was laughing in triumph. "Give it up, Star! You can't stop this, everything's already going my way." She brought her arm down for another crushing attack which Star dodged once more, this time however her foot came down over the end of Janna's monster arm and shockingly to the girl it didn't come back up. "Wha-what? How are you...?"

"Janna." Star said seriously, the girl's eyes snapping up to attention. "Give up now or I'm going to fight you for real." The threat shook the girl for a moment, strength leaving her as Star gave her an icy cold gaze. But she wasn't going to give up everything that easily. With a vicious roar Janna pulled the arm upward, freeing it from Star's pinning with her foot. The princess wasted no time however as she ran directly towards Janna through her attacks, coming face to face and raising her hand. With one quick motion Star brought her hand across Janna's face with a loud slap.

The hit was so unexpected it knocked Janna to her knees. The monster arm fell to the ground lifelessly and Janna raised her human hand to her face, holding the place where she got hit. "Star... Owwww... that... that really hurt." Janna said with a shaky voice. "Why did you hit me like that?" She winced and sniffled a little, a red mark already showing on her face.

"I didn't hit you that hard." Star argued, feeling uncomfortable seeing someone cry from one of her attacks. "Well it's not like you gave me a choice, you know! I didn't want to do that to you."

"It stings." Janna whined.

"I know... c'mon, can we stop now?" Star asked, offering her hand to Janna. "Let's go back to the way things were, okay? Friends?" Janna looked at Star's hand with uncertainty before taking it and rising up to her feet.

"Friends." Janna said with a smile. Then rose her tentacle arm to strike Star while her guard was down, hitting her hard enough to send her into the air and knocking the wand from her hand.

"NO!" Marco shouted and tried to get up but was wrestled to the ground by Jackie. She was putting up a harder fight now as Marco was trying to pull himself away. Star herself was trying to recover from the blow and noticed her wand had slid across the gym floor away from her. Crawling towards it Star felt a tug at her ankle as the monster arm began to creep up her legs and over her waist.

"Friends." Janna said menacingly. "After this we'll be friends for life, I promise you. You'll never want to leave my side again." The tentacle's end slipped around Star's chest but she managed to keep her arms from being restrained. It dove for her mouth but was caught in Star's grip who managed to restrain it. Jackie growled as she pushed the monster arm harder but didn't seem to be gaining any leverage against Star's grip. "Just how strong are you?"

"Marco!" Star called out, the tentacle tip looming over her face. "Need some back up over here right now!"

"Yeah right, like I'd let you get to that wand." Janna said confidently, walking in its direction. Though when she started to move Star swung her wrapped legs the other way and pulled Janna off balance to the ground by her own tentacle arm. "Seriously, how strong are you!?"

"Marco, right now!" Star shouted, though he'd heard her the first time. Jackie was putting up a real fight to keep him from getting away and Marco was having trouble throwing her off without hitting her.

"Jackie, get off me!" Marco yelled but the blonde girl didn't comply, her legs wrapping around him even tighter and doing everything in her power to keeps his arms down. Normally he'd be happy to stay in this position but he knew Star couldn't hold out forever. Seeing he couldn't safely out-muscle her Marco relaxed and let her take control of him. "Hey Jackie?"

"Marco?" She asked, unsure of what was happening now that he'd let her win.

"Just remember... I'm doing this cause I care about you. So don't be mad at me, okay?" Marco leaned up and kissed the girl on the lips, seemingly breaking whatever concentration she had and causing her body to relax against his. His hands rose up over her chest and gripped her breasts, causing Jackie to let an eager moan escape into their kiss. With her now relaxing into his guidance Marco acted, and pushed her as hard as he could.

Jackie fell off his body with a surprised yelp and Marco rolled up onto his feet, though he was a bit uncomfortable from all the teasing when he actually got to standing up. But this was no time to be embarrassed by highly visible boners. The wand was all the way on the other side of the gym where Star and Janna had been fighting. With the lights on in the gym Marco was now able to see everyone's clothes had actually been dropped in a pile nearby, along with everything they'd brought with them here tonight. Luck would have it he saw something that would help him get what he needed.

Janna noticed that Marco had managed to get free of Jackie's grip during the struggle and she was still having a hard time wrestling Star into submission. "Brittney! Hope! I need some assistance!"

"What do you want us to do about it!?" Brittney shouted from her candy colored cage, still restrained by Star's earlier spell. It was pretty obvious they wouldn't be able to help so she moved to the next likely candidate.

"Sabrina, get up and get that wand."

"I'm on it!" Sabrina replied and stood up quickly from the folding chair she'd been sitting on, only to get her foot caught in the chair and fall forward. "Whoops!" The cheer leader crashed to the ground, her leg stuck as the chair folded up when it fell with her. "I'm... I'm caught."

"Oh for the love of..." She could see Marco was on his feet now and running towards the wand. He was holding something too but she couldn't make out what it was. That didn't matter though. "Jackie!" The skater girl sprung up to her feet. "Don't let them get that wand!" Like that she was off, racing behind Marco and quickly gaining on him as her powerful legs pushed her forward. Though Marco had counted on this as he didn't think he could actually outrun the athletic girl. As she began to gain on him Marco held out what he'd been carrying in his arms.

"Hey Jackie, recognize this!"

"My skateboard!" The girl cried in terror as Marco held up her prized possession above his head. Letting it go the skateboard began to collide with the ground. "Nooooo!" In a dramatic leap worthy of an action film Jackie hit the ground to protect the skateboard from impact, stopping her pursuit. Janna couldn't believe her eyes.

"Are you kidding me, Jackie!?" The girl roared in frustration, though that wouldn't be the end of her anger. With no one to stop him Marco reached Star's wand and kicked it across the gym floor directly at the princess. Star freed one of her arms used to hold the tentacle at bay and reached out, letting the wand slide into her grip. Janna realized the danger she was in and tried to pull her arm back, but Star used her legs the grip it into place.

"Returnio Armus Normalrino!" She shouted and blasted the monster arm and point blank range. The effect was immediate as the grip around her body was released and Janna fell to her side as if she'd suddenly lost all her strength. The mouth on the monster arm let out a horrible, wailing noise as it began to shrink back down and become Janna's arm once more. Star rose to her feet as Marco walked over to her side to congratulate her.

"Nice work Star. Hey, I guess you could say we won the arms race, right?" He asked feeling pretty clever at the one liner he delivered in their moment of victory. "Get it? Arms race? Cause it was a monster arm? Star?" Marco looked to the girl who's gaze was straight down at Marco's boxers where his time with Jackie was making itself known as it pushed against the fabric. "Star."

"Huh?" She asked, snapping her head up to look at him.

"I made a joke."

"Oh, yeah that was... sure a thing." She said again, her eyes trailing back downward.

"So I'm just gonna go put my pajamas back on."

"Yeah maybe that's a good idea." Star agreed, finally pulling her eyes away with a blush as Marco left to get dressed.

After a few uncomfortable minutes of redressing Star had managed to rouse Janna awake from her ordeal and freed the other girls from their magical (and non-magical in Sabrina's case) prisons. Jackie rejoined them only when Marco promised not to put her skateboard in danger again. Even with Janna's possessed arm the girls themselves still didn't want to part from Marco, surrounding him still minus their clothing.

"I'm not going to say I'm really upset about this." Marco began and Star had her arms crossed in annoyance.

"I bet you're not." The princess agreed.

"But I really don't know what we're supposed to do to fix them. I mean I thought when you got rid of the monster arm it would be all over." While the duo was at a loss Janna had some input on the situation, coming to join them despite being in a groggy state.

"They're still carrying the monster eggs." Janna explained with a tired voice, herself having taken the time to get dressed into her pajamas again after being cured. "As long as they have those they're going to be chasing after Marco until he gives them what they want." Star and Marco exchanged a glance over that revelation, the boy ready to help of course.

"Well, if it's for their own good and I have to give them what they want-"

"Keep it in your pants, lover boy." Star stopped him. "I'll take care of this."

"You will?" Marco asked in surprise as Star came over to where Marco was and took Hope and Jackie by the hand.

"Yeah, it's a spell I learned before I came to Earth that I didn't think I was ever going to use but now I'm glad my mom taught it to me. Takes care of bad situations involving princesses that are way too adventurous with their boyfriends. We gotta use the girls room for this, so you wait outside. Gimme a hand Janna?" The other girl nodded and brought Sabrina and Brittney with her as well, despite their reluctance to leave Marco's side and leaving the bewildered boy alone to ponder what it was they were going to do.

A while later outside the gym where Marco was waiting the girls finally exited, fully dressed and back to normal. Though they all looked like they'd been through an ordeal as they were unsure in their steps. It looked like Star had gotten whatever was in them out because they didn't even look his direction once they were in the open air. Star and Janna came out last, talking to one another.

"Are you sure it's okay to just leave everything like this?" Star asked, looking back at the gym door. "We kind of wrecked the place. Plus I'd hate to be the janitor that cleans up that bathroom."

"Nah, schools are funded for this kind of thing. Better to let them do it than try to explain why we were all here in the middle of the night." Janna answered in a way that didn't surprise Marco at all. Getting to his feet from where he'd been sitting Marco approached them.

"So everything's back to normal?" Marco asked carefully, Star answering with a happy tone.

"Yep! No more monster junk inside anyone anymore. But um..." She leaned in closer to Marco to whisper. "They all don't really remember what happened. I guess having those eggs inside them really warped their minds when they were under its control. So I just told them a monster took over everybody's minds and you helped me set them all free."

"Oh... uh, cool." He didn't mind being depicted as the hero but felt a little bad since it didn't really go down that way. "So no one remembers what we did?"

"Mostly. I mean they were all naked in the bathroom when they came to so they know something happened but I down played it." Maybe that was for the best. Being turned into sex craved slaves wasn't the nicest thing to find out happened to you second hand. Jackie and Hope were talking to each other and Sabrina was waiting next to Brittney who was on her phone. "Just go along with it so everyone feels better about this."

"Oh... okay." Marco replied, deciding that was probably for the best. Once Brittney was done with her call she turned accusing eyes in the direction of Star and Marco.

"Listen Butterface, I know all of this had something to do with you! There's no way anything weird doesn't happen around here if it didn't have your hands in it. So maybe you saved me or something but that just makes us even since I bet you caused it in the first place." Marco glared at the girl, wondering how high and mighty she'd be acting if she knew the truth. It didn't seem to bother Star though as she just waved to her.

"Sure thing Brittney, glad everything worked out for you."

"Whatever." Brittney grumbled in defiance. Shortly after a black car pulled up along the side of the road and stopped next to where the Asian girl had been waiting. Opening the back seat she crawled inside without another word and Sabrina followed after. Though before she got in she turned to the others and waved back at them.

"I don't know what happened but thank you for saving us, guys." Sabrina said and earned a wave from everyone else. Leaning down Sabrina managed to hit her head on the car roof before getting inside and driving away with Brittney.

Jackie approached Star and Marco next, looking more confused than angry over the whole ordeal. Hope was sitting off to the side with Janna as they were both working things out together. In a way everyone was coping with this mess. Marco was happy that Jackie was still willing to talk to him after all the insanity. "So... I guess you guys saved me huh? That's cool."

"It's no problem." Star assured Jackie and the skater girl smiled a little more confidently. She turned to Marco next, her eyes settling directly on his.

"Star and Janna said something happened with all of us, something weird that left us all almost naked together?" Jackie asked unsure and Marco wasn't able to keep eye contact at that question. But he had to say something in reply, something that wasn't a mess of jumbled words like usual.

"Yeah, it was kind of strange. But nothing um... "disrespectful" happened?"

Star leaned in to their conversation. "He means nothing naughty happened with you two." Marco coughed uncomfortably at her interjection and Jackie turned her eyes away, her foot rubbing the ground nervously. "Not that he doesn't think you're a hottie. But even as a mostly naked hottie Marco's still there to protect your virtue." Marco's cough was a little more insistent now as he tried to flag Star to quit while she was ahead, Jackie clasping her hands in front of herself tightly as she looked at the ground. "I mean even if you were possessed by a monster and on top of him he wouldn't have-" Marco nudged Star with his elbow to bring her attention to everyone's awkward silence besides her. "Oh... uh... I'll go talk to Janna and Hope." Excusing herself Star joined the other girls to let Marco and Jackie talk in peace.

After a long moment of silence between them they were able to make eye contact again, Marco letting out a sigh. "Sorry that tonight has been just so weird. It kinda happens around me a lot lately."

"Weird's not a bad thing." Jackie replied. "Hey, you wouldn't take advantage of a girl even if you had the chance right?"

"What? No! Never. That would be just awful to do to anyone."

"Then I guess you really were a hero tonight. Most guys wouldn't stop if they got the chance." Jackie said with a smile and leaned up to give Marco a quick kiss on the cheek. "I don't remember a lot but I know something happened with us. So thank you. See you at school, Diaz."

"I.. dah... uh..." Marco stammered, words no longer able to find a way to come together from his lips.

"Right." The skater girl said with a smile and walked back over to the other girls. They chatted a little outside of earshot from Marco before Jackie sat her skateboard down on the ground and got on with Hope holding her from behind. The two girls waved to everyone before taking off down the hill, leaving just the trio who were the only ones that knew the truth of what had happened here tonight. With their business concluded they decided leaving the scene of the crime was the right idea and began to walk back to Marco's home.

"Thank goodness that mess is over with." Star said as she stretched her arms out while they walked together under the starry night sky. "No more weirdness at school, everyone gets to go back to normal."

"I agree." Marco said with a sigh of relief and a little bit of anxiousness. After a night of being covered in half naked girls and getting a (willing) kiss from Jackie he was both worn out and really pent up. If only Star had been a few minutes later... but this was probably for the best. He even got to see a bunch of girls topless tonight, including Janna. Speaking of which she was trailing behind them slowly, carrying her backpack against her chest and looking at the pavement while they walked. "Hey Janna, is everything okay?" Marco and Star stopped walking and so did Janna, still hugging her bag against her chest tightly.

"I really messed up." She said quietly. "I really messed things up." Janna sounded as if she might be on the verge of tears and Star walked up to her, giving her a big hug out of nowhere.

"Hey, listen you. Maybe you did but everything that happened was because of that big bad monster arm. You're still our friend, okay?" Star assured her and Janna looked up with hopeful eyes.

"Really?" She asked, Star nodding her head. "So you really want to still be friends with me?" Star nodded again. "And... I can still sleep over at your place tonight?" Star nodded for a third time, getting Janna to stand up straight from her slumped posture and smile in return. "Thank you Star."

"That's what friends are for." The two shared a hug together, but Marco wasn't done with this conversation.

"Hold on now, I got something to say as well." Janna's body became rigid with fear hearing his disapproval, but Star was there for her defense.

"Marco, don't be mean to her! It was all that monster arm's fault that she acted this way. Don't go blaming Janna for what it made her do."

"Look, I'm not blaming her for what it made her do. I know what that thing can do to alter your thinking. Also Star, I'm sorry I doubted you on what was causing all these problems. You were right from the beginning, I just couldn't see it."

"It's okay Marco, I was wrong about it being you after all. I shouldn't have accused you just because you were the most likely suspect." Everyone seemed to breath a sigh of relief with the tension gone between them. It did leave a question though. "So... how exactly DID Janna get a monster arm attached to her?"

"Oh yeah, right. That was the other thing I was leading up to." Marco said and took Janna's bag out of her hands. Unzipping it he began placing the bottles of dangerous magical ingredients and house hold chemicals on the side walk. "I'm confiscating these due to gross misuse of magic in the Earthly realm per the authority of the only guy responsible with magical garbage around here."

"Whoa, this is some big league stuff." Star said in amazement as she moved over to where the bottles had been arranged to read the labels. "Tiracorn horn shavings. Beholder eye drops. Platypus blood! Janna where did you get all of this?" The girl was standing by nervously now after she'd just gained Star's acceptance. But considering she'd shared the details with Marco already there wasn't any point in hiding it.

"Well I sort of 'borrowed' a few things from this display case I saw when we went on that field trip?"

"You stole some of the most dangerous magical ingredients in the universe from a locked display case?" Star asked in disbelief and Janna could only shrug in return.

"If they wanted it guarded so bad they should have put a better lock on it." The logic wasn't really there for Marco but the solution seemed clear enough.

Marco nodded to Star. "Destruction of evidence?"

"Heck yeah! I ain't getting caught with this stuff on us." Star agreed, zapping the spot of the pavement with a beam of magic that was too serious to get a silly name attached to it. Where once Janna's stolen goods had lined up was now a smoking black spot on the concrete. "Well now THAT puts all of this mess behind us." Everyone seemed glad to be rid of it aside from the girl that stole them in the first place.

"If I'd known I'd have to get rid of them like that I would have tried some more small magic spells first." Janna complained.

"Glad we got to them in time then." Marco stated and lead the way back to his house. "I'm heading to bed. This has been too much for one night for me."

Star yawned loudly and followed behind Marco. "Yeah, it's pretty late. Let's go Janna, we'll find something magical that's less body altering to do tomorrow."

"Can't wait!" Janna said happily, earning a groan from Marco who was keeping pace ahead of them. As their night was coming to a close one last question was on Star's mind.

"Hey Janna, can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing, what is it Star?"

"You went to all of that trouble to kidnap Marco when you were possessed by that monster arm, but you used all that spell stuff to summon one on yourself. If you could put a monster arm on anybody then why did you try so hard to make sure it was him?" The question certainly caught her off guard as Janna's eyes widened when she was asked. Watching the boy ahead of them she sighed a little under her breath.

"I guess he was... special to me."

"Special?" Star asked, now more curious than ever.

"Yeah, because he... um..." Thinking harder about what she planned to say next, Janna's demeanor changed as she put on an air of disinterest instead caution. "I mean, it must have been special to the Monster Arm. Since he had one before it could probably sense it. Know what I mean?"

"Well... I'm not sure I get what you're saying, but I think I know what you mean." Star said with a knowing smile, a look that softened Janna's expression.

"Yeah. Thank you, Star."

"Don't mention it. That's what friends are for."