I'm so sorry this took so long to update! Normally I like to update within a week and not make people wait, but life just got super busy.

As always, I welcome constructive criticism! I only started writing/publishing last October, so I know that my writing can improve and I want it too. Oh, and thanks to everyone for the reviews last chapter! You're the GREATEST. :)

It took a minute for Cress to find Thorne, which turned out to be a good thing. It gave her time to calm down. Not that he wasn't used to her talking to herself, but her running into him while chanting about how brave she was would probably be an awkward way to start the discussion.

She found him lounging at the very back part of the Rampion - the last place that he looked, of course. He didn't notice her at first, giving her ample time to observe him. Her heart fluttered as she watched his dark head hover over a brightly-colored brochure depicting attractions in Seoul, their next stop.

Cress's initial plan was to go right up to him and confront. But watching him now, she debated on perhaps easing into it. Or would that just make her more anxious and nervous?

As she was rolling possible scenarios in her head, Thorne's head suddenly snapped up, and his blue eyes landed on her. Before she could process anything else, he was on his feet and came to meet her in the doorway.

"Hey, I was just about to come looking for you! Check this out." He said, gesturing to a page on the brochure. "We'll be in Seoul for two hours and I saw this and thought of you. Maybe Scarlet and Wolf wouldn't mind doing the work this time while we slip away."

She looked at the page he was showing her but couldn't concentrate on it. Mustering up a smile, she returned her gaze to his. He sent her a wink, and then said, "It could be like a date, since I haven't been able to take you on any yet."

Her face froze at the word 'date', and he must have picked up on it because he quickly added, "Or if you think we shouldn't sneak off, that's fine too. We can always come back. It looks like something you would enjoy, that's all."

Taking a deep breath, she responded slowly, trying to make sure her words came out right. "That's really sweet Thorne. I'm sure Scarlet and Wolf wouldn't mind doing all of the distributing and the paperwork part of it. But there's something I need to talk to you about first."

Immediately his brow creased, but he nodded and inclined his head to a couch in the room. "Want to sit?"

All she could manage was a nod, her throat already feeling like it was closing up.

'Remember, you have to be brave. He won't know what's wrong if you don't tell him and give him a chance to answer."

Thorne halted by the couch and motioned for her to pass him and sit first, something that Cress was starting to get used to. Her 'boyfriend' - if you could call him that - may have his share of weaknesses, but behaving gallantly was not one of them.

Of course, she wondered with some suspicion if he couldn't have managed to scoot back a little. The way he was standing forced her to brush her body against his slightly as she passed, but when she looked at him his facial expression was unassuming.

She was just starting to lower herself when the ship jerked. Letting out a tiny squeak, she toppled to her right and landed on a small table - and landed hard on her hip also.

"Whoa!" Thorne exclaimed, righting himself before he fell too. "Are you okay Cress?"

"I'm fine." She breathed out, trying not to wince as she stood. "I might have a bruiselater, but nothing bad."

Still, he frowned as he approached her, and then proceeded to give her a full-on scan with his eyes. Not only did it make her feel uncomfortable, but she was also blushing by the time he made it to her eyes.

"Hey, I'm just making sure you really are okay."

She didn't say anything in reply, but gave him a small smile and took her seat, this time holding on to the side of the couch to avoid another bruise. Thorne joined her, relaxing into the cushion and returning her smile - though his was brighter than hers, Cress was sure.

Now that she was sitting right here beside him, she was at a loss of where to start. Nerves hit her full-force, and she could feel her palms start to sweat. Trying to combat it, she ran them over her dress - a movement that Thorne followed.

"What's going on? Tired of Scarlet and Wolf making out in front of you? Me too." Thorne joked, sending her yet another wink.

Somehow though, Cress could tell that he was nervous. It showed in the way he stiffened up slightly and didn't quite meet her gaze. He was either reacting to the way she was behaving, or else he had an idea of what she wanted to talk to him about.

Taking a deep breath and muttering one last encouraging sentence to herself, she spoke. "I want to talk about our last stop. About w-what happened down there."

"In Manila?"

"Yes." Cress blew out the breath she just inhaled and felt better. "When the girl walked up to us."

She watched Thorne carefully, saw the understanding dawn on his face, and figured he would try to play it off. Instead, she was amazed when his eyes met hers directly, and how steady they were. Not a trace of guilt was there, though his facial expression grew serious.

He didn't say anything, so she continued, choosing to look up at the ceiling in order to not get distracted by his looks. She was still quite susceptible to them, after all.

"It upset me when you looked at her. I know we all did, naturally, but you seemed to look at her more. Like you checked her out."

"Cress-" Thorne started, but she held up her hand.

"Scarlet figured out that I was upset and told me I should talk to you and let you explain. But I know what I saw. And I don't blame you, I guess. She was really pretty."

Her voice - that had started out strong - had softened towards the end, and it made her feel pathetic. How more insecure could she sound? But the need to know trumped all other feelings currently, so she made herself face Thorne again.

His gaze was still steady, but he looked upset now as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Cress. I hate that you saw that."

Turning suddenly, he touched her hand. She tried not to flinch, but couldn't help it. It felt like betrayal, hearing him say 'I hate that you saw that'.

"I did look away though. Once I realized what I was doing."


She was proud at how steady her question came out. Thorne's response was immediate, but confused her even further.

"Because I wanted to."


Another short reply, but she didn't know what else to say. He wanted to look away? Then why did he look in the first place?

"I love you Cress. And I want you to be the only person I look at that way." He said, and she stilled, trying to comprehend his words. Thorne continued, taking her numb hands into his, "I'm working on changing, I promise. But it's hard when I used to have no qualms about looking and admiring pretty girls. You want to know something though?"

Before she could answer, he stated, "I think you're prettier than her. In fact, I turned to look at you once I realized what I was doing. That just confirmed it for me."

Cress couldn't help but look at him and smile shyly, a warm feeling starting to well up inside of her. She could tell that he was being honest, but at the same time she still had something else to say.

"I want to be able to trust you Thorne, I really do."

He sighed, interrupting her with a wry look. "I sense a 'but' coming along."

"But it's hard."

"I can understand that."

It looked like he braced himself, and, feeling a bit impish, she cleared her throat and used the most somber tone she could pull off. "I suppose it will take time to build trust. That means a lot of dates." Letting out a sigh, she added, "but I'm willing to comply."

She watched him as a look of confusion came onto his face, then comprehension, then delight (though the latter he tried to downplay).

"Does this mean that you're not breaking up with me?"

"Were we officially dating in the first place?" She shot back at him.

"Wait, we weren't? I mean, I guess I never really asked you, I just assumed, well-"

It was cute watching him sputter, but Cress was tired of talking. While he wasn't paying any attention to her, she moved right up against him, took his head in her hands, and kissed him.

She didn't think she had ever taken control of a kiss like this, and the feeling of empowerment was nice. Well, until Thorne caught on, that is.

But she pulled back before she could get too lost, breathing out, "Let's make it official, okay? And when we land in whatever place we're going - my brain is muddled now so I can't remember - you're taking me out on that date. And we'll figure this trust stuff out there."

Cress was still close to his mouth as she spoke, so she could sense the grin on his face as he replied, "yes ma'am. I'm happy to oblige."


"Now", she could feel his hands encircle her back as he asked, "Where were we?"

It wasn't long before the ship landed in Seoul, and they all exited so they could start preparing to distribute the antidote.

Well, Scarlet and Wolf were going to be doing all of the work. Cress and Thorne had to endure some teasing after they asked if they could go off alone for a while, but Cress caught the secret smile and thumbs-up that the redheaded girl had thrown her, and knew that she didn't mind at all.

Now, as she threw a look over her shoulder at the couple they were leaving behind, a feeling of happiness welled up inside her. Scarlet was in her 'lecture mode', having already gotten into it with the person in charge who was trying to bully her into giving out more than necessary, while Wolf was standing there with his arms crossed, backing his lady up.

'They're so cute and perfect for one another. Just like a fairytale.'

Cress had been working on her fantasizing - especially when it came to things like fairytales - but she couldn't help but slip every once in a while. Although she knew that she needed balance, she also was realizing that real life was better than a fairytale. It wasn't as perfect, but people weren't perfect, and somehow knowing that true, genuine love could exist among imperfections was the purest thing of all.

"What are you thinking?" Throne's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Oh, just how life is better than a fairytale." She answered chirpily, looping her arm in his and leaning into his shoulder as they strolled down the city streets.

"Is it now? I thought you were all about the fantasy world."

Cress pursed her lips, thinking. "It's nice sometimes. But I think perfection is overrated."

Thorne stopped abruptly on the street and turned her to face him, "Oh yeah? So my 'perfect' date idea will probably be disappointing to you now?"

She laughed, picking up on his teasing tone. "I didn't say that. You can still try. But just being with you is perfect, to me, in spite of our imperfections."

His gaze softened, and he leaned over and kissed her cheek suddenly. "You're adorable Cress. And I'm completely in love with you."

"And I am with you, too."

Nothing else was said, but as they continued to walk down the road, Thorne took her hand and then pulled her up against him tightly, pointing out the sights to her.

'Yes', she mused, taking everything in and feeling her contentment rise even further, 'Imperfect love has to be the grandest of all.'

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