A Hilarious End

"Ready! GO!" With that, the bean buns were flying. The gorilla and the panda raced to see who could stuff the most bean buns in their mouth. "I'm surprised he's actually doing this," Crane said.

"How are they doing that with their faces?" Mantis marveled. Wan gave in shortly after 45 bean buns. But Po kept going.

"He's going to 50? He'll never get to fifty!" Crane said.

"I'll get to fifty!" Po mumbled with food in his mouth.

"Do it," Tai-Lung encouraged him.

"You got it," Po said, stuffing two more buns in his mouth and sealing it up. The team clapped and cheered.

"Well done, Po," Crane smiled, patting him on the back. Po spat out the bean buns at rocket speed.

"Well, I guess you've proven that you're the better eater," Wan sighed, wiping his forehead. "Why don't you get some rest?"

"Yeah, I'm bushed," Po said. As Po walked to his room, he happened to see Tigress in her room with her back to the door. She seemed to be mumbling to herself about something. Po stepped inside the room. "Tigress?" Po saw her tense up and jump up on her feet.

"PO! What are you doing here?!" Tigress asked with a guilty face.

"Your door was open and you were just sitting here alone. Are you okay? You seem jumpy."

"I'm... fine," Tigress said with a cheesy smile.

"Tigress, I know that smile. I practically invented it," Po smirked. Tigress sighed. She presented Po's figures of himself and Tigress. "Hey, that's my do- I mean action figures. What were you doing with them?"

"I was... practicing apologizing to you for what happened on the pier," Tigress replied.

"Practicing?" Po asked.

"Po, I understand that what I did might have... crept you out a bit. I'm sorry that it made you uncomfortable," Tigress said, shyly. She hated how she sounded right now. So pathetic.

"Tigress, I told you it was fine," Po smiled. Tigress offered a small smile back, but Po saw through her fake smile. "Tigress, what's really wrong?"

"Po," She paused, "How long have we known each other?"

"For about three years now," Po replied.

"And... are we friends?" Tigress asked. Po became silent. He wanted to tell her what was in his heart, but his fear struggled against it. He finally sighed.

"Yeah, we're friends," Po replied, still trying to keep a straight face. Tigress was doing the same.

"Um... I was...Uh... wondering if...what I mean to say is... have you..."

"Have I what?" Po asked, getting closer to Tigress. Tigress stuttered more.

"Have you... ever... what... wanted to be... more?" Tigress finally asked. Her face felt like it was on fire. Her heart was in her throat making it hard to speak and swallow. Her hands were trying to calm every itch and tingle on her body. She was scared of the risk. This was her first time confessing and she never knew it would be so... nerve-wrecking. She didn't hear Po's reply because of it. "What?"

"I said I do want to become more," Po smiled. Tigress's whole body seem to float up in joy. Thinking she would float off, Tigress grabbed Po roughly and kissed him, placing her hand firmly on his cheeks to make sure she was anchored. Po did the same by wrapping his arms around her. As they parted, Po said. "I love you, Tigress." Then he became curious. "Why were you so scared to tell me?" It was obvious that she was nervous. Tigress became shy again.

"Well, I thought you wouldn't like me more than a friend. You're... my first crush."

"Really? You're mine as well," Po replied, smiling. This surprised Tigress. Someone as kind and caring as Po should at least have some experience of an intimate relationship. Tigress just smiled as she said.

"Well, that just means we get to explore this together." Po smiled as he hugged her. Then something came into Tigress's mind. "Why do you seem so surprised?"

"Well, I mean you're so awesome I thought you would have the first pick."

"So what? All the men just see me as a walking beauty queen?" Tigress asked, pretending to be upset.

"No, no, no! I'm not saying that! I'm just-" He was cut off by Tigress's lips. "I wish you would stop doing that," Po whined miserably. Tigress just smiled.

"Hey Tigress, Tai-Lung needs some help with-" Wan stopped short when he saw Tigress and Po in each other's arms. The two froze. Nobody moved for a good five seconds.

"We can explain," Tigress and Po said at the same time. The big gorilla just smacked his hands on his cheeks and made an open-mouth smile.

"My ship is sailing through!" He said happily. Though Po was completely confused, Tigress just groaned.

"Master Wan."

"Right, right. I'll leave you alone. I'll just tell the others that the ship has safely made it to its destination," Wan laughed as he walked away. Po just looked at Tigress.

"Eh?" He asked.

"Don't ask," Tigress groaned.

"So, what do we do now?" Po asked. Tigress just smiled.

"And that's how you were born, Lily," Master Wan said with a smile. Tigress facepalmed her head as her four-year-old daughter stood there confused.

"That's not completely how it happened," Tigress replied.

"Then how did it happen?" asked Lily.

"You don't need to know," Tigress sighed, picking her daughter up. "All you have to know is that your father and I love you. Now, it's time for bed, Lily."

"Aw!" Exclaimed the little one. As the young white tiger went to bed, Tigress could feel her master's smirk on his face.

"What?" Tigress muttered, knowing she would regret the question.

"I'm just smiling over how everything has changed. Po is fulfilling his role as Dragon Warrior, your brother has finally started his own dojo so I don't have to worry about his bothersome tail, and you and Po are married. That last one is still blowing me away," The big gorilla laughed.

"I know. You fainted when we told you the news," Tigress muttered.

"Can you blame me?" Wan asked defensively. "You guys moved pretty quickly into the marriage. I mean it took you awhile to confess that you loved each other so I guess to make up for it, you went straight to the wedding." Tigress rolled her eyes.

"We did not immediately get married after we confessed. We waited a good year or two." The gorilla shook his head.

"By the way, where is-" Before he could finish, a big commotion came from the kitchen. "Should've known," Wan sighed as he got up from the ground and headed toward the kitchen with Tigress. There Po was underneath a pile of dishes and food. "Let me guess, trying to find Monkey's almond cookies again?"

"I know they're here somewhere," Po replied, looking around the kitchen. Tigress pinched the top of her nose.

"Why?" She groaned underneath her breath. Po started climbing up to the top shelf.

"AH! Here they ArrrraaaAHHH!" Po fell back down, spilling noodles from a nearby pot all over him. "Oops," He muttered. Tigress and Wan couldn't help but laugh. Tigress bent down to slurp up a noodle.

"Mmmm, panda-flavored. My favorite," She mused, chuckling at Po's blushing, goofy smile. "If you're done destroying the kitchen, your daughter wants a bedtime story."

"Okay, I'm on it," Po said, rising from the noodles. Tigress went along with her husband to see Lily to bed. "Hey, Lily!"

"Daddy!" Lily exclaimed, getting up from her bed and hugging her dad. "Bedtime story!"

"Alright," Po said, thoughtfully as he placed Lily back to her bed. "How about the time I met your mother?"

"Master Wan already told me that one," Lily said. "Tell me the story about how I was born!"

"Uh," Po mumbled shyly. "That's a story for when you're older. Much older. But I can tell you the story of how I became the Dragon Warrior."

"Really? What was it like?!" Lily asked. Tigress looked on in silent content as Po retold the story in vivid detail. She laughed at some parts and others brought a little tear to her eye. When the story was finally done, they found that Lily was fast asleep. Tigress and Po both placed a kiss on her head and quietly walked out of her room.

"Sleeping like an angel," Po smiled.

"Unlike you who snores like a bellowing gorilla," Tigress smirked.

"So you mean like Wan," Po smirked back. Po noticed that the other Furious Five were fast asleep as well. Tigress released a small yawn. "I think someone needs to sleep. Go to bed, I'll be right there." Tigress kissed Po on the lips.

"Goodnight Po," She said, going to their room.

"Goodnight," Po replied. The panda walked outside to see the bright full moon. He gazed at its dull yet glowing light.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Wan asked, coming up from behind the panda.

"It really is," Po replied.

"Whatcha thinking?"

"I'm just thinking about how completely different my life would have been if you hadn't been in my life. You're kindness and your encouragement all helped me stay here even when I thought I didn't belong here."

"I think Tigress had a hand in that," Wan laughed.

"Well, in either case, I'm glad I had the Laughing Master along with me," Po smirked. Wan just laughed.

The End

Sorry if it feels rushed. A lot of things going on in my school life.