The Dream and The Laughing Master

Don't own KFP

Strangely enough, this came from a dream I had. Sleep is really good for the imagination.

Po was tossing and turning in his bed. He was still in the bed. He was very anxious, but the dream he was having was different. When he finally woke up, things became really strange. "Wow," Po said, shaking his head to make sure he was awake. "That was an interesting dream." He decided to get ready. When he got out the room, he had a flash vision. He envisioned a small Tigress coming back to her room in bandages. When the flash vision was over, he had an enormous headache. "OW!"

"Something wrong Po," said a voice behind him. Po looked around to see Viper behind him.

"Yeah, just a little headache," Po replied. "I'll be fine." He walked to the kitchen where he got some food. Crane and Mantis walked in.

"Hey Po," Mantis said.

"Hey," Po replied.

"You look like you had a hard time sleeping," Crane noticed.

"Really? Oh, I didn't notice," Po answered. He didn't feel tired, but he did look tired. His eyes were red and were half open. His movements were slow and seemed like he had weights on them. "I'm fine really. Just had a headache."

"Drink some water. I've heard that helps," Crane suggested.

"Thanks," Po said, going out the room. He went to the courtyard. There was a little fountain to drink water. When he was about to drink some, he had another flash vision. Tigress was looking in the reflection of the water and was crying. Po received another headache when the flash vision was over. "OW!" He couldn't hear anything in these flash visions. He couldn't hear Tigress crying or groaning. But why was he having them.

"Po," Monkey said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache," Po sighed.

"I told you, you shouldn't be up eating late," Monkey laughed. Po grumbled.

"I wasn't eating late," Po said. Then Master Shifu came out.

"Dragon Warrior, it's time for your training," He said. So Po went into the Training Hall. He started on the tumblers and the swinging clubs. As he was dodging and moving around, Po had another flash vision. A young Tigress had been hit by the swinging clubs and Po could see Shifu sternly yelling at her. Then along with a headache, Po was clobbered in the face by the club.

"That doesn't help with the pain," Po grunted. Shifu came to Po's side.

"Are you okay," Shifu asked. "What happened?"

"Nothing, I've been getting these sudden headaches," Po answered, rubbing his head.

"Why don't you take a minute to rest?"

"Thanks, Master Shifu," Po replied, as he stumbled out of the Training Hall. "Maybe I can find something that will help me in the Hall of Heroes," Po thought to himself. So he went there and right as he went inside he had another flash vision. Tigress was doing push-ups with what looked like tons of weights on her back when she broke. Again Shifu sternly yelled at her something Po couldn't hear. "OW!" Po screamed. "Why does this keep happening?!"

"What keeps happening," Tigress asked, who was behind him. Po jumped.

"AHhh! Don't scare me like that, Tigress," Po exclaimed. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Why did you scream," Tigress asked.

"I'm just having these headaches," Po grimaced. Po had another flash vision. This one he could hear. He saw Tigress in the barracks and she spoke to Po saying, "I will never forgive you." Po nearly collapsed on the floor panting.

"PO!" Tigress exclaimed. She helped him up.

"It's fine. They just keep coming," Po grunt through the pain. Then his head felt relieved. "I'm okay, now," Po said shaking his head. He looked around to see if it was really okay. Nothing. "I'm fine." Tigress stared at him for a while before going away.

Later on, it was lunchtime. Po, the Furious Five, and Master Shifu were all in the kitchen eating. Po wasn't eating as much as he usually would. He looked at his food, thinking for the most part. Then he spoke. "Master Shifu, is there a person named the Laughing Master?" This caused everyone to stop eating and look at him.

"Why do you ask," Master Shifu asked.

"I was just wondering. Does he look like a giant gorilla?"

"Um... no. I've never heard of a Laughing Master before," Master Shifu said.

"His real name is Master Wan," Po clarified.

"I'm sorry, Po. There's no Laughing Master," Shifu replied.

"Oh," Po said, disappointed.

"Is this why you're having those headaches," Crane asked.

"No, not the headaches. I think the headaches are because of the dream. Just a dream," Po replied.

"What was it about," Viper asked.

"I... rather not say," Po hesitated. "It's really weird."

"Po, you're having severe headaches. The least you can do is tell us," Tigress said. Po sighed as he started the story.

"I'm in this prison with Tigress and Master Shifu. Tigress is knocked out. The cellmate next to me asks about the Laughing Master," Po said.

"What was he like," Viper asked. Po thought about it.

"He was jovial," Po managed to say. He smiled thinking about him. "Crazy, wild, funny, and free." Po daydreamed about the large gorilla warrior. He pictured him putting a whoopie cushion under one of his servants. "He was a blend of me, Monkey, and Master Oogway. Fun-loving, laughing, and unpredictable." The Laughing Master laughed a powerful laugh. It came from the throat and shook through the ground it seemed. "His fun nature didn't mean he was insensitive," Po said as he pictured the Laughing Master hugging a small child whose toy broke. "But he was never seen with a frown on his face." The Laughing Master then made silly faces making the sad child laugh. "And his skills were legendary." The Laughing Master swung around a staff, knocking all of his enemies down. While they were knocked out, he drew silly marks on their faces. "His laugh was something everyone knew. It was loud, it shook the ground, and it made you laugh too. Master Wan taught the children and the people about the pleasures of life, the morals to have, and the need for something better out of life." 'But always do it,' Master Wan said to the children, 'With a smile.' And the great gorilla made a funny smile, making the kids laugh. "But there was one thing I remember most about the dream. The Laughing Master picked one special apprentice for him to teach."

"Who," Tigress asked. This brought Po out of his daydreaming.

"You," Po said. Tigress was surprised. Po daydreamed the big gorilla master giving a small young Tigress a scroll of acceptance. The crowd cheered but little Tigress seemed confused. Master Wan understood. So he carried her on his shoulder all the way back to the palace.

"How did you know it was Tigress," Mantis asked.

"HA!" Po exhaled a chuckle. "There was one thing that was similar between this Tigress and that Tigress. I was the punching dummy." He distinctly remembered the times in the dream that he was hit, beaten, thrown around, and tossed onto his backside. Po could also remember growing up with Tigress and constantly sparring her and lose. But he always smiled as she laughed victoriously, trying to imitate the Laughing Master. This Tigress had a different outfit. She had the same pants and vest style, but the vest stopped at her top abdomen, showing her well-toned belly. Po sighed thinking about her.

"So why did you want to know if there was a Laughing Master," Crane asked. Po became nervous.

"Well, I guess I wanted to see him. It seemed like in the dream that he was an interesting teacher."

"What about the headaches," Viper questioned. Po shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you," Po said, getting up from his seat. "Well, I'll be at the tree if you need me." He went to the Heavenly Peachtree thinking about the Laughing Master. "It would be nice to have her be trained by him."

"So that's why you asked," Tigress said.

"AAAAHHH! Tigress!" Po exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Why do you want me to be trained by the Laughing Master?" Tigress asked, sitting down next to him.

"I... just wanted to see if you could. I mean the Tigress trained by the Laughing Master was..."

"Like you, outrageous, clumsy, careless," Tigress retorted.

"She was confident," Po replied. Tigress was surprised.

"You don't think I'm confident," Tigress threatened.

"Confidence isn't anger. Confidence is knowing who you are," Po replied. "If I've learned anything from the flash visions-"

"Flash visions? That's why you had those headaches?" Tigress asked. Po nodded. "What were they about?" Po sighed.

"They were about you and Master Shifu. It was about how he basically raised you. It was harsh, stern, unloving, and full of pain," Po looked at Tigress. "Is that what happened? Did that really happen?" He was really hoping it hadn't, but Tigress just looked away.

"What exactly did you see," She asked, not looking at Po. Po rested his hand on her furthest shoulder and drew her in. "Po," Tigress said in a warning tone.

"I saw a girl crying because she couldn't become the person she should never be," Po replied. Tigress was puzzled. "I know that you've always wanted to try and become like Shifu, but you won't. I know that Shifu isn't the main reason you're like... you, but he is a factor. You have to become yourself," Po said. Tigress chuckled a bit.

"I remember Oogway telling me about that. I guess I should have listened," Tigress sighed.

"Or trained with Oogway," Po suggested. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"There was one thing I liked about Shifu's training," Tigress said.

"What's that?"

"It gave me an excuse to hit you," Tigress smirked. Po laughed. Tigress chuckled as well.

"See, that's what I wanted to see," Po replied. "I loved the way you laughed under the Laughing Master's training. It was..."

"Confident," Tigress finished. Po nodded. "How about I show you how confident I am?"

"Please tell me it doesn't involve me getting hurt," Po pleaded. Tigress smirked.

"Not quite," Tigress replied. Then she kissed him on the lips. Po was shocked as she pulled away.

"Wow," Po whispered. Tigress giggled. "Does this mean that you like me?" Tigress smirked as she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Maybe," She said. Po smiled as he laid his head on top of hers.

In another parallel universe, a sleeping Tigress awoke. She stood up and stretched with a smile. Her red vest that stopped at the top of her well-toned belly was fading a bit because of multiple uses. She planned to get another one. Tigress quickly went to the Training Hall. "Master Wan!" She called. The big gorilla greeted her with a silly face.


"BLEH!" Tigress returned with a silly face as well. The Laughing Master chortled.

"Well, my grown apprentice," Master Wan said, noticing she was a fully grown woman. "What has you so excited today?"

"I had an interesting dream," Tigress smiled.

"Tigress, we already spoke about the birds and the bees," Master Wan replied.

"No!" Tigress exclaimed. "I had a dream about a cute panda."

"You foresaw your future boyfriend?" Tigress huffed.

"Master Wan, I don't need a guy slowing me down. I already got old Tai-Lung for that," Tigress smirked.

"Hey, just because I let you win when we spar doesn't mean you can trash on me," Tai-Lung remarked. Tigress laughed.

"I'm sorry, Tai-Lung," Tigress apologized with a winning smile. Tai-Lung grumbled.

"You're lucky you're beautiful," Tai-Lung muttered. Tigress smiled.

"Hey, why don't you get something to eat Tigress. I've heard we're having something special," Master Wan said.

"Great!" Tigress said running to the kitchen, "See you, bro."

"See you, sis," Tai-Lung replied as she ran. "Um... Should we tell her about the new panda cook that we just hired?"

"Shhh, let her find out," Master Wan smiled. "I'm sure she'll like him now."

The end

If you think this should be expanded into a longer story, please tell me.