After months of repairs from the Celepara incident, Laala and her friends enjoy a lovely day of idol activities. Joining them was their former villain turned good, Hibiki, thought finding her way from being harsh and cold idol, she's soften up a bit, but it all changes whenever Mirei says her catchprase but she's getting used to it…Slowly…

It was a nice sunny weekend as Laala, Sophie and Mirei were enjoying the summer sunshine while Hibiki and Falulu were talking to Meganii about the upcoming Summer Grand Prix. The sounds of nearby idols sharing their pritickets and chatting about the now top idols, it was the usual hustle and bustle which made Laala relieved. She was still having a few nightmares about the incident with Celepara but now that's all bygones.

"Everyone!~" a cheery voice was heard as the trio noticed Mikan and Aroma coming towards them holding two new books. "The library had some new cookbooks nano~" she smiled happily, Aroma scoffed, "you keep thinking of food while I got something useful devi!"

"Oh? What's that book you got there pri?" asked Mirei, knowing it could be one of her play time devil grimoires.

"The library had…TWO NEW GRIMOIRES!" she laughed wildly with her little bat radio playing dramatic music. The trio sighed, "yup that's our Aroma.."

"Apparently the librarian was having a free book stand so Aroma just grabbed these nano~"

"Please tell me you're not going to summon a demon pri….."

"I'll show you Mirei! I'll show you that demons are real devi!~" she snickered, opening a book that had the title "Book of Ragnarok".

The trio chuckled, knowing that Aroma can't really summon an actual demon and it could be just some wordy picture book.


In the tea room, Hibiki and Falulu were having a casual chat when the sky turned black, they both blinked wondering what was going on. They managed to hear the meganes running around telling that there's a system issue and something is coming through. Falulu was worried but Hibiki reassured her by asking Megane what was going on.

Suddenly, a bright light opened up in the room, Falulu ran towards Hibiki with the fair prince idol protecting her from harm. She summoned her sword, aiming at the light, "who goes there?!"

A bright circle, with many symbols and decorations having the sun, moon, wings and several others turning around like gears as a figure appeared from the circle, folded in wings almost like a cocoon. Sparks were flying as Hibiki waited for the strangers to show themselves, then the cocoon started to unfold, showing a girl having bright pink hair, a slender body and wearing some kind of armour and holding in her arms was a small Pegasus mascot. The girls watched on as the circle and light started to fade, the girl was covered in some levitating magic that kept her in air for a while before the light completely disappeared and then she was lowered to the ground. Her eyes were closed and she looked unconscious.

Hibiki and Falulu were silent as the skies suddenly turned blue, they were wary of the stranger but Hibiki being herself, she told Falulu to get Megane and Meganii while she dealt with the stranger. She agreed and rushed outside, calling their names out for help. After she was gone, Hibiki looked at the stranger, she walked slowly, being cautious as well. This being could be celestial and might be dangerous to humans but then she knelt on the ground to get a better look.

The girl was dark skinned, having bright pink hair and her eyes were closed. She sounded like she was asleep holding her mascot tightly in her grip. "What in the world…" she thought, gently trying to wake up the girl. It was no good, she was completely knocked out, but she was wearing armour. Not idol armour for shows, this was genuine war armour from books and novels about fantasy knights. She then turned her attention to the mascot who looked knocked out as well, giving a gentle nudge, she tried to wake her up. "Hey… Hey" she nudged the mascot, then suddenly the mascot started to move. This jolted Hibiki a bit, seeing the small Pegasus mascot crawl out of the knight's grip and rub her eyes as she yawned.

"Awwwaaa… Where am I…" she yawned then gasped as realization hit her. "HEIDI!" she yelled even spooking Hibiki as the mascot turned her attention to her.

An awkward silence between the two then a full on scream from the mascot as she sent Hibiki flying to the wall. Rushing in to save the prince was Falulu, Megane and Meganii seeing the frightened Pegasus clinging on to the knight and Hibiki groaning in pain.

"What in the world?!" said Meganii, seeing the small mascot, he decided to come close but carefully not trying to startle the small Pegasus, "it's okay little one, I won't hurt you…"


"Wai- Kidnapped?!" they all shouted in unison.

"We're innocent! We wouldn't kidnap anyone!" said Falulu

"Then why are we here?!"

"Hold on, you two must have been the ones that bypassed our system" said Megane as she came in as peacekeeper. "It's okay, nobody kidnapped you" she said gently giving her signature smile.

The Pegasus started to calm down slightly, "then..why are we here?"

"Someone must have brought you to Pripara, the question remains no is who…" said Meganii, thinking about it as he looked through surveillance videos around Pripara town.

"Now then..What's your name little one?"

The Pegasus was silent for a moment, then spoke softly.

"It's.. Scheherazade.."

"Scheherazade? The storyteller of one thousand and one nights?" asked Hibiki.

"Yeah..Of course I'm not! I was named after by my owner, Heidi..Who's currently passed out on your floor.." she pointed to the sleeping knight.

Megane then checked her pulse, she was breathing fine which was a relief. "She's okay, but she should go outside Pripara for help" said Megane as she looked at Hibiki. "Can you help us out?"

"Of course, I'll have Ando carry her outside"

"I don't think a regular human can actually carry Heidi here"


Scheherazade grabbed Heidi's shoulder pad. "Here try it."

Hibiki then walked up but as she took it, the shoulder pad fell to the grown, creating a massive crack on the floor as she gulped as the sheer weight of what the knight wore.

"Wait, when you said humans… You mean Heidi isn't a human?"

"Of course she's not, she's a seraph."

"A what?"

Scheherazade groaned and gave a facepalm. "Seraphs..Ya know, the second in command for God? Angels? Ring any bells mate?"

The group all had their collected "oohs" then "EH?!"

"Angels?! As in actual angels?!"

"Not like that but you're getting there, anyways, can I have some room so I can take off her armour and hop her into your human world?"

They looked at the glasses twins then Meganii shrugged, "I guess it's for the best. Let's leave out. Just call us when you're done."

Scheherazade thanked him as the group started to leave, but Falulu was looking at the mascot then smiled. She walked away with Hibiki to the outside, waiting for her to be finished.

A few minutes passed, then the door opened, "Alright we're ready to go."

Heidi's armour was in one corner piled up as she was wearing some kind of a turtleneck shirt and some leggings. Still fast asleep on the floor, she looked so peaceful as well.

Hibiki immediately called for Ando and the butler appeared in seconds, wearing a goat costume. "Ando could you carry this girl here to the outside?"

"Of course Miss Hibiki" he bowed as he carefully lifted Heidi on to his back, with the Pegasus badgering him about being careful with her. Heidi was on her back, check! Now to head the outside world!

But… That became a problem…

Heidi couldn't be taken to the outside world. The system was denying her exit and even classified her as a Vocaldoll much to Hibiki's and Falulu's surprise. Scheherazade turned pale, even though she was already white, fainted to Megane's arms as they couldn't get help at all.

But Meganii had a solution.

"We could have her rest at the clinic"

"The clinic? But it's just a small place?"

"It's our only shot, we can keep an eye on her health as we can't get her to the outside.." sighed Megane.

"We should ask the pripara doctors tomorrow when they arrive, they should be able to help us"

"Please!" Scheherazade sobbed, "please help my partner!"

"Don't worry Scheherazade, she'll be in our best care. For now, let's take her to the clinic." They both agreed and asked Ando to follow them as they made their way.

Hibiki was worried but Falulu looked surprisingly happy. "Oh..She could be like me.." she giggled.

"We'll see.. For now we should find the source of how Heidi and Scheherazade got here and who the culprit was" he reassured her, "come on let's follow them"

"Oh… Alright~" she smiled following Hibiki.