Disclaimer: I do not own anything other than the current plot and additional characters not created by J.K. Rowling. But you already knew that.

A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Harry Potter story. I'm no stranger to the world of FFs. But I think I've become a little rusty. Hope you like what I have in store for you. Feel free to ask me any questions related to the story and don't hesitate to correct any inaccuracies.


Summer At The Burrow

The horizon changed from a pale yellow to a bright orange as the silhouette of a crooked and lopsided house slowly became clearer. The backyard was filled with gnomes and a distinct smell of mint as a young girl with red hair rushed off with a huge pitcher of lemonade. Rounding a corner, she dropped it on a large wooden table and grabbed a broom lying next to it, soaring into the air before anyone could say anything.

"Oi Ginny! You're too young to play with us!"

"Yeah. Go help Mum with dinner."

Ginny glared at the identical pair of red heads and swerved towards the other end of the yard.

"I'm going to be starting my second year," she huffed, "and that's when students can try out for their house teams!"

"Yeah but the funny thing is-"

"-there aren't any places for you to try out for."

The twins grinned at each other while their little sister scowled even more.

"Oi! Lay off her. I'd like to see you lot score as many goals as she does at this age," said a stout red head with an amiable grin on his face, " Fred and George would go down if Ginny took to scoring against them, isn't that right Oliver?"

A young man with short brown hair grinned and looked at all the red heads in front of him. The Weasleys had decided to invite the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team for the last remaining week of the summer break and this is how he found himself between his two current Beaters and his previous Captain and their youngest sister.

"Eh, that goes without saying Charlie. I reckon I'd have a hell of a day facing your sister at the hoops."

Ginny's face broke into a grin at this statement and she turned to look at her twin brothers with a smug look on her face.

"Well, stop faffing about. We've got a game to play. Considering the numbers, we've got to change the rules slightly. Ron and I are the Keepers, Harry and Charlie will be the Seekers. We'll have to do with one Beater per side and two Chasers. So Fred is on Charlie's team and George, you'll be on mine. Ginny and Alicia, with me and Angelina and Katie with Charlie."

Everyone looked slightly uncertain with the lineup pitting a vastly inexperienced side against a highly qualified one.

"You're the captain, Oliver," said Charlie, "So whatever you decide goes. Let's play, you lot!"

With that all ten of them soared out onto the middle of the pitch while Charlie's younger brother Percy and Harry and Ron's best friend, Hermione, released the 4 balls.

An hour later, Hermione looked up from her book to hear someone calling out their names from a little way away. It was a girl with short, black hair, shirt sleeves rolled up and hands firmly inside the pockets of her jeans. As she came closer, Hermione smiled and waved to her, recognizing her as a fellow Gryffindor and Oliver and Percy's classmate, Victoria McCaul.

"Hermione, aren't these guys done yet? Mrs. Weasley's going to blow her top," she said with a grin on her face.

"Not likely. Wood's having a field day with so many Gryffindors playing with him."

Victoria pursed her lips and surveyed the scene before her. Ten, very sweaty and distinctly happy riders were nowhere near getting off their brooms. She wondered why they were still playing.

"Percy, why are they still playing? The game started ages ago," she asked the red head with horn-rimmed glasses.

He looked highly annoyed to have been disturbed from his book and pointed at Harry and Charlie," They haven't caught the snitch yet."

"What?! But Harry's never taken so long. And Charlie was always top-notch and…"

She trailed off as she realized that those two had never been pitted against anyone of the same level and that was possibly why the snitch had not been caught by either. It was getting dark and they needed to go back inside but she knew there was no way Oliver would let them leave an unfinished game.

"Oi Wood!"

Oliver jerked slightly on his broom and turned an annoyed face at the voice.

"Ten minutes to catch the snitch. Otherwise, I'm telling Mrs. Weasley."

Oliver frowned, "You can tell whoever you want. We aren't leaving until the snitch is caught."

Six pairs of eyes immediately whipped towards him and six voices bellowed different things all leading to one eventual conclusion.

"Oliver, I insist you finish this match immediately."

"No offense, Wood but Mum's gonna kill us if she finds out we've been playing. Harry, back me up here."

"Oi Oliver, if you want a sodding team this year-"

"- you're going to have to make sure our Mum doesn't find out about this match."

"Mum won't let me take my broom for tryouts if she finds out!"

"Sorry Oliver. We really can't let Mum catch us. This lot needs to be alive for their journey back to school."

Oliver sighed in annoyance and glared at the girl grinning at him from the ground.

"Fine. 10 minutes. Harry, I'm counting on you."

15 minutes later, the snitch was still nowhere in sight and Victoria was getting impatient. She didn't want Mrs. Weasley to catch all of them but Oliver was too damn persistent. She saw a flicker of gold near the edge of the forest and sprinted towards it.

Hermione checked her watch, they really were going to get a telling off. She frowned and looked around, Quidditch never really being something that interested her. She saw a figure dart from side to side with impressive skill and wondered who it could be. Just as she was about to go up and check, she heard the twins groan from above.

"Wood, come off it."

"At this rate, we'll be grounded from school and you won't have any Beaters this year."

"No need for that. The snitch has been caught and I declare this match a tie."

Everyone looked in surprise at Victoria, as she grinned widely, waiting for the ten of them to dismount.

"Never figured you were this daft, McCaul. Neither of the Seekers have caught the bloody snitch. Can't you see?" Oliver scoffed at her.

She rolled her eyes and held up her left hand. Inside her palm, everyone could see the tiny speck of gold, signaling the presence of the snitch.

"What the hell? McCaul! You can't just go around disrupting the game like that! That's sabotage and tampering with the match!"

Victoria simply shrugged and placed the snitch inside the Quidditch equipment box. Without another glance backward, she walked towards the Burrow.

"Better head back before Mrs. Weasley spots any of you."

Everyone quickly landed and locked up everything inside the shed with Percy and Hermione's help. They were too hungry to care about anything else and trudged back happily as the smell of a delicious dinner wafted through the air. Except two people. Hermione was confused and Oliver was furious.

Please review and let me know if you have any suggestions!