Hello lovely readers! Just so you know, this is not an update or a notification for a sequel, but rather a heads-up.

This story has been out for some time, now. But, looking back on it I find myself cringing, and I wanted to inform you all that I have begun to plan a rewrite, where I will add in some things, like, for example, a more fleshed out buildup and maybe even a reason why Chat visits Marinette in the first place, and I will take out some things that I deem to be cringeworthy or unnecessary to the plot.

I will post the rewrite all in one day, which may be any time from a month to 3 or 4 months from now. So be on the look out in the future so you can come back and find out what I changed.

I adore how supportive you guys have been for this story, but I just find it to be one of my least admirable works. Hopefully I can make it even better than you guys seem to find it. Until then, stay awesome, y'all.
