Las Vegas, the city of dreams where humans crowd the streets, looking for entertainment in all kind of casinos, theaters, and clubs that the city held. Sounds of rattling coins that professional casino's participants loot off of the amateurs who thought that Lady Luck would grant them a ray of luck in their pitiful life could be heard through the open casino's entrances. Few of those who walked outside of the buildings of the Wheel of Fortune were enthralled by the cheers of those who's won a play and without a second thought they entered the casino, hoping and praying to any deity that they would make something out of their pitiful life by winning a few plays and left this building with a small fortune, but the owner of the casino knows better, they will never win. Shaking his head, a young man quietly laughed in amusement at the poor souls who entered the Lotus Casino while he let himself guided to his next destination by the sea of crowds that gently pulled him along with them. Above the heads of the humans, a light show could be spotted, flickering on and off and basking them in brilliant, bright light and occasionally an explosion of fireworks.

'Beautiful,' The man thought while a gentle breeze of air graced his face, pushing a stray bang of snow-white hair out of his handsome chiseled, slightly tinted face. The fireworks exploded in different shapes, some looks like palm trees, others are a dancing call girl, and another are a number of casino's coins. All around him the crowd cheered and owed at the right time when one of them exploded and formed difference figures in the air. 'Hecate did a wonderful job with this place, or better said with her fireworks.' Basking for a few full minutes in the artistic work of his friend, the young man let a small smile grace his face as he stepped out of the sea of humans and entered the casino: Lotus Casino, at the entrance the two doormen who are disguised bodyguards bowed slightly towards him as he returned the gesture with a slight nod of his head. 'And the guards are still... cordial... why? I thought they would block me, especially after the last time I was here,'

"Milord, welcome to our humble casino: Lotus Casino," One of them said in a way of greeting to him that made him inwardly curious. Seeing the guard push the door open and held it open for the young man while motioning him to enter the casino. "The Mistress of Magic awaited you."

"She did," Commented the young man curiously with a slightly raised eyebrow while his small smile now formed in one of amusement. "Thank you, sir. If you excuse me, I think that I will not let her wait a minute longer." Having said his part, the young man entered the casino, his bright sapphire with a white flower patterned eyes roamed the hallways, noticing several humans from different timelines. Some of these humans are wearing dresses that would seem completely normal in the Victorians time, other from the time of the 80ths, especially that dark skinned man with his huge afro. Stepping aside to avoid a group of ...teenagers? Turning around slightly on the ball of his feet, the young man's eyes studied them, one is a boy no older than twelve, raven black hair that refused to be tamed with under the bangs a pair of bright sea-green eyes, next to this boy was a girl, slightly older than him with dirty blonde hair, a pair of bright, very intellectual eyes that were at the moment stormy. 'Well, well... demigods here in the Lotus Casino, how intriguing. Maybe Hecate is in a good mood and will share her tale with me.'

Resuming his pace while he leaked a bit of his will that made the humans and any supernatural occupants step aside for him. Reaching the stairs that would lead him to the first, second and finally the office of the goddess who had summoned for one of her reasons. A waitress past him and quickly the young man picked up a glass of high valued wine that is made by the Wine-God, Dionysus. Sipping from the wine and savor the unique taste that nowhere else in the world can be found, 'except if you have luck and find Dionysus secret stash somewhere in this world.' Grinned the youthful looking man when he reached the last floor and entered the office of Hecate.

"About time you arrived, Naruto," The man now named Naruto smiled while the glass in his hand disappeared from existence and a pair of sapphire blue eyes with the white flower pattern rested on a very attractive, well-endowed woman, her flowing dark brown hair rested on her shoulders, a pair of firm, round breasts that are held firmly together in her dress, making them three times larger. Lowering his eyes, past her slim waist, wide, full round hips and long elegant legs before they snapped back to her face, seeing that she held an amused expression. "And thank you, dear. I can see that you still held my beauty in high regards."

"No matter how long we were separated, you stay one of the most beautiful women I have ever met," Naruto commented while moving towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek before grasping her hand lightly in his and guided her towards the bench that looks out over the casino below. "But what is so important that you needed to call my assistance, sis?"

Hecate elegantly lowered herself on the couch, when she made herself comfortable she conjured several snacks and some soft drinks that appeared on the small stand. "I know that you had a hand in the escape of the nekomata race, don't take me wrong," the goddess hurriedly said when she noticed the flare in her brother's eyes. "I am glad that your action saved a lot of innocents life, without you, the Nekomata would have certainly been extinct. But I need to ask you something, a few favors."

Naruto picked a few walnuts, cracked them open with his bare hands and offered her some which she accepted gratefully before he took some himself. He curiosity has been spiked again, "Why are you asking for a few favors, so far I know, you are not one of the Goddesses that like to be in someone's debt, especially a few debts."

The Goddesses savored the walnuts while gathering her thoughts. Once she gently gulped down and washed her mouth with a sip of her orange juice she answered. "You are right, Naruto, I as the goddess of magic and crossroads does not like to be in someone's debt. But several days ago a lone member of the nekomata race entered this place and pleaded for help. I could refuse her of course, but by that time I had already gained the news what happened to her race and assured that she is safe here."

"Hecate, I know that you know that the massacre was a ruse from the devil's faction to gain enough unwilling test subjects for their experiments. And if I know you well enough, you know that I used that ruse to rescue the nekomata race, what of course was a complete success." Hecate nodded slightly with her head while she listened to her brother figure. For the past days, the goddess of crossroads and magic had laughed when she discovered when her brother cunningly rescued them. "Using a massive army of blood clones that are henge like them while I used that distraction to safely spirit them away from the Underworld. But I sense that I am summoned to here because I have left some loose ends?"

Hecate nodded, she always knew that her brother figure was smart. "Yes, while you did a well-done job in the Underworld, there were two things that happened unexpectedly. A young nekomata who has the better word evolved to a Nekoshou, a rare breed of her race as she gained the ability to wield the mythical power of chakra." The young man nodded to her story, not seeing yet where this would lead to. "This person discovered the massacre plan at the same time as you, but also something else, something that froze her blood in fear." Naruto leaned slightly forward, indicating that she now had his full intention. "They were planning to start with the young person sister, this of course caused the person in a frenzy and with a desperate plan she tried to rescue her sister by first killing her former king..."

"And she succeeded in killing that bastard but did not succeed in rescuing her sister." Interjected and completed Naruto her sentence with a cold edge. Not towards her were the feelings of absolute doom, no they were reserved for the devil faction. Still, in his cold voice, he continued, "Now with the idea that the nekomata are obliterated they are trying to keep a hold on the so-called last nekomata, hoping that she too like her elder sister will evolve to a nekoshou and experiment or use her as a breeding machine!"

The Goddess of Magic lowered her head, knowing what will comes next is something she will regret. In a small, weak voice she voiced out her heart-wrenching thought. "You can't rescue her sister, Naruto."

Naruto who was in half the process to teleport away appeared back in the corner of the couch, several seats away from her, eyes, now a deep dark pool while a heavy pressure fell on her shoulders and her breathing became labored. The male's adonis face cracked, a being, so terrifying than a devil, more than God or any higher being revealed himself, and in a low, cold Antarctic voice, the Infinite God hissed out; "What did you just say, must I let that poor child in the hands of those miserable insects! Letting both the sisters suffer only because you asked a favor from me by not saving her! Explain, explain now!"

Hecate's dark eyes widened in fear when she felt the oppressing will of her brother figure seeped in her office, pressing her down in the soft cushion of her couch that now more felt like a rock with several spikes that pressed painfully into her skin. She noticed that the wall slowly vanished when a dark haze raised in the corner and his voice, Naruto's voice resemblances a thunder. Still, in the same, low, quiet and weak voice, she explained. "The elder Nekomata sister, Kuroka managed to reel in a favor that the Lord of House of Lucifer still owed her. Demanding that her younger sister will be taken in by the Gremory House, more especially becoming a peerage member of the Heiress of said House. You must know that the Gremory House and current House of Lucifer take care of their peerage members like they are part of the family. Knowing this, Kuroka managed to organize the safest place for her."

The oppressing dark will of her brother figure reeled back into his body, bringing some light back that made Hecate sigh in relief. She knew that this was a gambling, last time and that was not with her brother turning this enraged, but that was a rightful anger that was caused by a foolish young god, an idiotic sun god who loves to sing poems and is a sis-con who happened to accidentally knock over Naruto's ramen. Her casino slash hotel was ruined for a day, she still got tears when she thinks back to that day, 'On the seventh day of the seventh month seven days ago...' Quickly she shook her head to clear her thoughts of such an unfortunately day. Hecate noticed that her brother figure had calmed down, or maybe better worded, shimmer under the surface, maybe it would be safe to quickly elaborate in a more understanding way. "I know that this image that I painted seems unfair for Kuroka and her younger sister, but at the moment the eldest is an international supernatural criminal, searched by the three biblical factions. While the three factions are now searching for her, the youkai faction is at the moment also in peril." Here Naruto tilted his head curiously, masking his emotions that want to burst out and lash out at the devil and angel factions, for the latest he doesn't care if they are dark or light, they will die when he see them unjustified kill or hunt someone down. "With the increase of the youkai population back in Kyoto when you rescued the nekomata, they too will soon earn the three biblical wraths only because the devil will believe that they are all criminals and will be marked for death."

"So, I had left them alone and let them unjustified be killed by a bunch of fools, is that what you tried to tell me?" Naruto growled lowly from his throat, his eyes flashed dangerously and Hecate knew she wasn't out of the wood yet, she didn't know if it was wise to explain everything now, especially now he is in this state. A moment nothing was said between the two, a good or bad sign, she didn't know but when he motioned for her to continue she sighed inwardly. "Please, continue."

Hecate conjured new drinks before she resumed her explanation. "With the devil faction now having marked the nekomata, and Yasaka having extended a helping hand towards them now they are finally out of the Underworld's grasp, she can extend asylum to them. Granting them protection so long if they stay in Kyoto. And here comes another part of the bad news, Naruto, Yasaka can only grant them such a promise only if Kuroka will not set a foot in her city."

Flashing brightly cold, his eyes, dangerously evidently when outside her office several cries could be heard and explosions. Another silence fell between them while Naruto pushed himself up and moved towards the window and gazed down at the gathered semi-immortals below. In his baritone voice he spoke to her, "I understand Hecate, it is not your nor is it mine fault that they are such fools. But tell me, and I want the truth, is Kuroka's sister safe?"

"She is, I personally looked after the crossroad of her." Started the Goddess of Magic and Crossroads with conviction. "No harm will come to her, I can promise that at least."

Naruto inclined his head, conjuring a glass in his hand and took a sip. "Can you summon Kuroka the stray devil and my future apprentice."

Hecate could not help to smile brightly at her brother figure when he decided to take her in. There are of course many other ways, one of them being Kuroka joining Ophis, but the Goddess thinks that this is something they both need. She snapped her fingers, a sound resounded through the office and not a mere second later the door opened and Kuroka stepped through the entrance and came to a halt next to the couch. In a gentle, soft voice, Hecate welcomed her. "Welcome Kuroka, do you know who I am, and why I have summoned you."

Kuroka is a beautiful and attractive young teenage girl with a starting figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel gold eyes with cat-like pupils. She wears a black kimono, a yellow obi. The kimono features a red interior and it is slightly open at her shoulders, giving slightly view at her starting breasts. At the moment she looked confused and slightly afraid, especially from the person who stands at the window, watching the view below him. From him, she could feel a raging inferno that would blast her apart if that massive power Neko Mata at her. With a weak, lifeless voice she answered Hecate. "Nya, I don't know the answer for both of your question, sorry."

"Don't worry sweetheart, it is not your fault you don't know who I am or why I summoned you to my office, but let me introduce myself. You might have heard of me, my name is Hecate, Goddess of Crossroads and Magic is one of the most favorably known titles that is attached to my name." Here the cat girl's eyes widened at the now known goddess, she slightly shook on her place when it now took place in her mind that she stands in close proximity with a strong deity. When nothing happened her shaking slowly receded before it completely disappeared from her body when she noticed that her voice was kind to her when she entered the office. "Come, Kuroka, please sit with me."

The nekoshou slowly slid next to the goddess on the couch, keeping a wary eye on the only male that still stands like a statue, watching the world outside the window. When she asserted that the male would do nothing to her she focused her gold cat-like eyes back on the goddess who resumed her talk. "My brother and I have conversed for a long time about you, my dear." Kuroka could not help the widening of her eyes at this revelation and slowly her cat-like curiosity roared her head. "I will say and repeat as many times you want, you have nothing to fear from us. We have learned about your predicament, and not only of yours..."

"Shirone," Gasped Kuroka, interrupted the Goddess and for a moment, Kuroka feared for her life only to earn a reassuring smile from the Hecate.

"Shirone is a very adorable name for your sister," Smiled Hecate, lifting her lone index finger to Kuroka's lips, silencing her. "And I am sorry, for now, we can do nothing for her. You, Kuroka did already a lot for you sister. Providing her safety by placing her under the leading House of the underworld, and this oath, yes Kuroka, what you claimed is an oath, if they broke it they will be cursed terribly. So, Shirone is safe for now."

Kuroka's eyes watered, tears streamed down her cheek and she suddenly slammed her face in the goddess chest, crying out her fear and worry for her sister. Hecate caressed the nekomata hair gently, rocking her gently like a caring mother would do to her daughter and for a while, nobody said a word and only the quiet cries of Neko Mata could be heard. Her tears slowly stopped, drying up when Hecate wiped them away gently and wrapped her arms around the frail form of the cat girl, hugging her until she had recovered. "You did well Kuroka, all those negative emotions needed to get out. Know this Kuroka, you are always welcome here in the Lotus Casino." The cat girl not trusting her voice buried her face back in the women's chest who only could smile at the girl. "If you have recovered enough, I want to tell you some things and a possible trainer for you that helps you in obtaining control over your chakra."

"Nya?" Kuroka cried out surprisingly at all the good things that suddenly happened around her. Her head shot out of the very soft, round globes of the Goddess and locked at said goddess eyes for confirmation about gaining a trainer for controlling her chakra. "Why, why will you go so far for me, a stray devil?"

"There is nothing wrong in trying to rescue your sister, even if that means that you need to kill your former master." For the first time she heard the male speak, turning her head she gained a faint tint on her cheeks at how handsome he is. "You know my sister figure, Hecate, as for me, I am Naruto the Infinite Primordial God or also known as the Ten Tailed God or Juubi, and after this, you might call me sensei."
