One year later...
We were surrounded by walkers outside a restaurant in Mexico where we rummaged for food. Encountering walkers became a normal occurrence in our daily lives. It's just the way it is.
I readied myself in a bloody fight with the walkers when Elyza kneeled before me, a small box on her hand. What the-
"I know this is weird and stuff but I want you to be my wife, Alicia Clark. Will you marry me?" She asked.
My eyes were wide, "Are you seriously proposing to me while walkers are hanging around outside of this building?"
Elyza smirked at me, "Yes. And I know this is super weird but I want to know if you would still marry me in this apocalypse. I want you to be my wife, Alicia." Then she shrugged, "Besides, they can't kill us. We are too masterfully good at killing them before they even touch a strand of our hair."
I chuckled at that. It's true. Walkers don't fear us anymore. For the past year, it became our mission to kill every single one of them before they spread their virus with another human being.
We called ourselves now the 'Zombie Hunters'.
I chuckled. "You are very weird, Elyza Lex."
"And you love me still." She grinned.
"Yes, I love you. And yes, I would marry you. If we're lucky enough to find a judge that isn't a walker, then we'll marry as soon as possible." I said.
The sound of door thumping outside the restaurant made us both look. We rolled our eyes in response. "I hope they won't interfere with our wedding as they interfere with my proposal." She breathed annoyingly.
"I hope they won't." I smiled as she put the diamond engagement ring on my finger. "It's beautiful."
"You're more beautiful." She said, and then she leaned forward to kiss me.
The growling sound of walkers made us pull apart. Elyza rolled her eyes as she prepared her gun towards the door. "Let's kill them all fast so we could have a HOT AND SWEATY post-engagement sex inside this restaurant. Agree?" She winked at me and that made me blushed as I mentally scolded myself for being turned on right now.
"Then let's kill them fast." I breathed.
She chuckled.
The door opened and Elyza headshot the first walker to come inside.
"Hey, where did you get this?" I asked, clearly curious on where she got the ring.
Elyza winked at me and replied, "Jewelry store. Across the restaurant."
I laughed. "Then we'll have to go back so I could get you one too. And probably, we'll get wedding rings too."
"Then we'll go there after we had our hot and steamy sex here." Elyza replied, giving me a side-glance.
The walkers continued to attack us but before they even enter the restaurant, they were already shot.
It took us approximately 15minutes to finish them all.
"And now for our steamy sex." Elyza pulled me against hers and kissed me fully on my mouth.
Yep. Soulmates belong together even in a zombie apocalyptic world. And they certainly still can have amazing sex with each other.