Chapter 14

Im super duper sorry! Im just a cluster fuck of problems, my heart started to malfunction so I was back in the hospital. But now im back and hopefully nothing else goes wrong! Doc says there is something wrong with my heart, but I have to deal with it since it's not bad enough to do anything about it! So the fainting spells, tight chestedness and shortness of breath have become a new way of life! And no, I'm not overweight my diet and exercise are regular and adequate. I drink over 135 ounces of water a day, cheerios, salads, and im an ex athlete who keeps in shape. So who knows, maybe ill just miraculously grow out of it! If I don't update in while just be patient I'm going to finish this story! I have some crazy plot arcs I still have to develop and set into motion- I hope you'll love them!

"Cyborg? But you're still part human" Harley Quinn said quizzically, sitting on his chest. Cyborg's breath was labored, her hand having broken through his armor and was gripping the internal wiring thoughtfully, "would you die if I pulled the wires out?" she asked. Cyborg swallowed hard, did he answer truthfully? If he lied, she'd do it for fun, and if he were honest?
"Yes" he choked out. Harley let go of the wires and flipped away from him. Bumblebee and speedy were groaning from across the street, having been launched into a construction site and knocked out. Harley followed cyborg's glance, "I'm not interested in killing, i want information"
"You couldn't have picked up the phone?"
"I was also a little bored..." she tilted her head, "Especially with the big bad bat gone and his pet Robin missing, know anything about that?" she asked suddenly serious. Cyborg felt the hole in his chest, not sure how he would go about protecting it for the rest of this fight, let alone fixing it when he got back. Harley sat down on a totaled out car, "I have all the time in the world, and more than enough ammunition to keep you three on your toes" she smiled sweetly, pocketing the ridiculous sized gun. Cyborg struggled to his feet, "why does it matter where they are? We'll get you locked up in no time" he promised severely. Harley chuckled, "You and who else? Bumblebee and speedy?" she jumped down from the car and walked menacingly towards Cyborg, "I won't ask again tin man, where. Is. Batman?" she growled, planting the gun in the hole in his chest. Bumblebee weakly tackled Harley away, hurting herself more in the process. Harley flipped gracefully away, shooting her in the leg and landing back on the upturned car. Speedy was at her side in a flash, "hold on bumblebee, I got you" he whispered frantically, applying pressure to the wound. Harley dramatically blew at the barrel of her gun in likeness of a western shoot out winner, "I can tell he's gone, the mobs are rampant in gotham, crime is reaching normal levels and not a single bat signal is being answered, not even by his famous sidekick the boy wonder" she said. "if you know he's gone why're you here?" Cyborg growled. A merry bell chime sounded and the joker exited the ice cream shoppe licking a single scoop cone, "Well it's no fun causing crime if there's no one to stop you" he said, tossing the cone aside. `

"Oh fuck, ah!" Robin yelled. His arms and legs were quite literally being stretched out of their sockets. The psion in charge of the experiment wrote down a note in his pad and hit the stop test. Robin slumped inward, pulling his arms and legs close to his chest, "Why're you doing this?" he asked, shivering slightly. The psion didn't answer, noting his shivering and writing something else down. He was once again without his clothing. At this rate everyone in the galaxy was going to see him naked. The psion clicked something to his assistant and Robin found himself forced back into position, tied down tight enough to constrict blood flow. The lizard came closer with a needle dripping an acidic green liquid. Starfire screamed from across the room and the lizard pulled up short, thrusting the needle to his assistant and going to Starfire who was curled around her stomach, screaming. Blackfire held her hands up in a 'I didn't do it' motion. The psion yanked Starfire to her feet, feeling her forehead, her neck, took her pulse. "How do you guys know so much about our bodies?" Robin croaked. The assistant shrugged, "Not hard to pick up textbooks about anatomy" he said. "Then why do this?"
"Textbooks don't tell limitations, just how it works"
Robin swallowed hard, "You're pushing us to the limit, then what?"
The assistant didn't answer him, "We almost finished with the tamarans before, but they escaped. Humans however are more tricky to test, they die so easily" he said sadly. He almost commented back but The lizard checking Starfire grabbed a monitor and hooked her up. her heart rate was through the roof. Robin didn't know much about hearts, but he was pretty sure those jumping lines and the escalating numbers were not a good sign. The assistant turned back to him, pressing the needle of acidic green liquid into his shoulder. Instant pain engulfed him. His back arched as the liquid burned through him, the assistant made a few notes on his clipboard. His eyes clenched shut, his screams mixing with Starfire's. Blackfire was next, the guards came closer, "we only have one test left for you tamaranian's" the scientist promised. Blackfire's eyes glowed purple, "the last test before what, you kill us?" she growled. Starfire screamed again as her scientist attempted to calm her down so he could administer a shot. Her arms hugged her stomach, "Please, you'll hurt the baby!" she screamed. Blackfire froze, "You're pregnant?" the lizard monitoring her moved to grab another device and Blackfire turned her to face her, "Tell me right now, are you pregnant?"
Starfire's breath was erratically shallow as she met her sister's stare, "Yes"

The room exploded in blinding flashes of black and purple.

"it's been 3 hours and all we know is that the ship holding my son and two volatile warrior princesses- one of whom is pregnant and the other one is trying to kill my son and her own sister- is big and black!" batman roared, throwing the data papers in front of him onto the table. Superman sat calmly through his outburst, taking another drink of his coffee. "I'm waiting on the justice league to call me back with answers" he explained. Batman buried his face in his hands, "by the time they get back to us they're all going to be dead" he hissed. Raven floated ever so slightly closer, the anguish rolling off him drawing her closer. Superman watched as she laid a hand on his shoulder, the both of them shuddering. Batman jumped out of his seat, putting the table and chair between the two. "Stay the fuck out of my head you demon" he barked. Beastboy jumped from his napping position, "Woah! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" he yelled. Batman bristled, "I think I'm talking to an extremely dangerous half demon empath!" "Well without this half-demon, half HUMAN empath, Robin would be dead." Superman sighed, "Enough, all of you!- Beastboy take Raven back to her quarters, and batman? Take a fucking lap, she was just trying to help." he ordered. Batman's cheeks flushed, "I don't want her in my head"

"I really do just want to help" Raven said softly. Her purple eyes were wide, her hand still outstretched. Batman tensed, "What're you planning on doing in my head?"

"Taking the pain away" she promised. Batman chuckled ruefully, "You won't be able to do that, there's too much" he said bitterly. Raven raised a brow and held out her hand, "Is that a challenge?" Batman eyed her warily, "You won't like what you find in there" he said, tapping his cowl. she stepped closer and smiled softly, "I've seen most of it through robin's nightmares" she said quiet enough so that only he could hear. he nodded minutely, holding out his hand fo rher. she chuckled, reaching up and cradling his face. her hands were cool, gentle, and smooth. he watched as her purple eyes slid closed, a warm sensation filling him. though he could feel her stiffen at the assault of emotions, he didnt back away. years of anguish and torment was being lifted from his shoulders. the world seemed brighter. beastboy caught raven before she could hit the ground. batman helped him steady her on her feet, "Raven, are you alright?" he asked. she looked up at him, tears staining her pale cheeks, "You were right, i didn't like what was in there" she whimpered, tucking her chin down. batman gently lifted her chin up, smoothing a stray strand of purple hair behind her ear, "raven talk to me, are you okay?" an explosion from the neighboring ship stopped them in their tracks. batman rushed to the control panel as another explosion went off, bigger than the first. he whirled around, "are you still suggesting we wait for the justice league?" he asked sarcastically.