Azkaban was always so cold.

That's the one thing Sirius noticed after only a few days in his cell. The crisp air seeped quietly into his bones and the shivering was a constant. The screaming was also consistent, a different sound each day to wake the man up from his nightmares. Sirius knew, from the stories and from now lived experience that people lost their minds here. Either the guilt or the loneliness caused every single person to go a little bit insane. The only exception was Sirius, although the cocky, handsome man that entered was deceased, parts of him still remained. He wasn't screaming, he wasn't begging for a way out, he was still. Silent. Staring at the floor with his dead grey eyes, twiddling his thumbs.

All of that however, was about to change.

It was July 19th, 1983. A Tuesday to be precise. Of course, Sirius didn't know that. He hadn't known the date for many years. The days just kept on going in Azkaban, the same routine repeating itself until that's the only thing you ever know. The steps that echoed through the cell caused him to look up. There seemed to be a glitch in the system.

A man in a blue robe was walking slowly towards him. Sirius quickly stood, confusion plain as day written on his face. People didn't come to Azkaban, especially people with such colourful clothes. It had been years since somebody had worn a colour other than faded black and white. The confusion soon flicked to surprise as the man kept walking towards him. No one had ever visited. He didn't think it was possible. The man eventually stopped, right outside his cell and his hands quickly went to working open the door.

"Sirius Orion Black?" The man's gravelly voice asked, and Sirius could only nod, his voice far too weak to be used.

The man gave a small grunt before pulling the door open, standing aside to await Sirius' exit. But he stood, frozen in the room that he had been wrongly caged in years ago as a bewildered look passed over his face. The bulky man huffed in frustration, quite obviously annoyed at the lack of cooperation of the criminal. So he pulled out a small scroll, quickly rolling it out before speaking.

"The Ministry of Magic has officially recognised that Sirius Orion Black is not guilty of the crime charged against him. Peter Pettigrew has been found, as of now in the middle of trail awaiting verdict." Sirius flinched as the man read out the name with such fluency. The man who had ruined his whole life. "Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is to meet Auror Black at Azkaban and to discuss further details. Auror Tyler will be the one to collect Mr. Black." The scroll was then rolled up, and the man waited for Sirius to get moving.

"I'm free? Truly?" Sirius asked, his voice squeaking making him wince. He tried clearing his throat but it only made it worse, so he vouched to keep quiet. As the man nodded, a smile rose on his face. A smile that had not appeared on his face for many years. Cautiously Sirius stepped out of his cell and followed the now named man out towards freedom.

As he walked, he looked side to side. People were leaning heavily against their cell bars, their faces pressed to see what was going on, a mad look in their eyes. He felt a cold shiver pass through him as he walked past his dear cousin's cell.

"Sirius!" Bellatrix shouted, her madness somehow seeping through the bars. "Sirius Black!" A vicious grin rose on her face but he ignored it as he quickly strode on towards the exit. His heart was thumping at the thought of an exit. Freedom. Sirius was not used to this sort of hope he was feeling in his chest.

It seemed to last forever, walking past all these people. But eventually he was there. Somehow he knew he had finished. His days behind bars were soon going to be behind him, maybe he could even seek out the forgiveness that he thought he so desperately needed. What Sirius didn't know was that no one blamed him, everyone blamed themselves for not seeing Peter for what he truly was, for letting Sirius rot in hell, for James and Lily dying, for not being able to stop Voldemort before he took too much, but no one blamed him.

The warmth that spread through him as he walked towards a low warm light made him realise that this couldn't be Azkaban anymore. He didn't know how but he wasn't in that place anymore. Auror Tyler walked quietly in front of him until he stopped outside of a large silver framed door. It was in the middle of a long brick wall that carried on both west and east for as long as Sirius eyes could see. When he turned round all he could see was darkness, no glance at what was once his life for so long.

He then turned back towards Tyler who had his hand on the golden handle, "This is where you and I part ways." He said calmly, "Just walk through these doors and Professor Dumbledore will be there to help you." A small hoarse thank you was the reply that Tyler got as the door was twisted open and Tyler walked away down the endless corridor.

Sirius didn't even bother looking back before he rushed through the door and entered this brand new room. The room that he stepped into was bright, so bright that he had to shield his eyes for a few moments to adjust to the new level light. When he could see again, he saw everything. Not just the dark greying colours of Azkaban, but all the colours.

The curtains were a bold red, with golden trimming along the top that he gratefully noticed were drawn, shielding the outside light. There was grandfather clock which was a beautiful oak colour. When he felt the warmth against his back he turned to see blazes of the golden fire which made another smile appear on his face, but a full on grin spread when he saw Dumbledore. He was sitting in a chair, green robes shining brightly.

"Professor." He whispered, and for the first time he noticed he was shaking. All this new emotion was taking effect on him. Dumbledore gave a quiet smile, before looking pointedly at the chair opposite him.

"I have thought that you would want a drink after getting out." At the pleased look in Sirius' eyes a small chuckle escaped from the headmasters lips.

Soon Sirius couldn't feel the dryness in his throat, and his voice was gradually getting stronger, needing time to get used to being in use again. "Professor, what's happening? Why now? What did Peter say? Where even is Peter?" Dumbledore held out a frail hand, silencing all of Sirius' questions.

"All in good time my old friend, all in good time. What we need to speak about now is immediate details." At Sirius' silence, the Professor continued. "Peter was found by Arthur Weasley last month. Bought him straight in, and as soon as the news spread a trial was started. A few drops of Veritaserum and, well we knew you were innocent." Sirius sat up, his drink now finished.

"What am I to do now? What of Harry?" As soon as he spoke his name Dumbledore sighed.

"Harry has been living with his Aunt and Uncle for the last three years." Sirius would have stood in outrage if he had the strength.

"I hope you are talking about some long lost brother and not Lily's older sister! She hated magic, anything to do with it. How on earth did you think it was wise to let her look after Harry?" His heart hurt as he thought of the little babe he knew. The boy was the joy of both James and Lily's lives, as well of course of Sirius'. The black haired baby with his chubby cheeks and emerald green could brighten anyone's day and it made Sirius heart break at the thought of his Godson being anywhere near those magic hating muggles.

"It was the only place that was safe. Harry is famous, The Boy Who Lived. There isn't a wizard out there who doesn't know him. He needed to be out of the spotlight, and still does." It took a while for Sirius to realise what Dumbledore was saying. The thought of keeping Harry at the Dursley's even though he could look after him, it broke him.

"No. I'm his Godfather, Lily and James would want me to look after him." His heart beat sped up rapidly, the prospect of Harry being so close, yet being unable to go near him hurt him more than he dared say.

"I am not saying that Harry is to remain with the Dursleys." At this Sirius relaxed slightly. "What I am trying to say is that, Harry is a famous young boy. We need to keep him out of the spotlight. Which is why-" Dumbledore paused, moving to reach for a piece of parchment. "You need to sign this." He handed it towards the younger man. "If you sign, it entitles you to full guardianship of Mr. Potter."

Sirius didn't even need to think twice as he grabbed a quill and quickly wrote his name along the allocated space his signature a shaky mess from both the thought of being with Harry and his tired bones.

Dumbledore then proceeded, "Now the Ministry, as compensation for the wrongness done to you, has given you 40,000 Galleons." Dumbledore continued speaking before Sirius could react, "I have taken some of this and bought you a house and furnishes for you and Mr Potter to live in." Sirius nodded in gratitude, thankful for the trouble Dumbledore went through to do this so that Sirius didn't have to.

"When can we see him?" Sirius asked excitedly, his mind racing at the possibilities he thought were impossible mere moments ago. It had been far too long since he had seen his little Godson.

"When you have your strength back. I have sent a letter to the Dursleys and they are expecting you tomorrow, and Madame Pomfrey is expecting you to come and see her beforehand." A stern look was passed between teacher and former student, and a reluctant nod was shown that he would accept Dumbledore's request.

It was strange to be back at Hogwarts, it felt like lifetimes ago that he had stepped out from the large castle doors and into the real world. The corridors were empty for the summer holidays, it was strange for it to be so quiet. Everything looked just the same but more shiny. The portraits were still familiar, although the real details of each framed piece were lost to him. As were all the decorations, the large statues, the bright chandeliers, the grand staircases. The great architecture of the building still gave Sirius the same feeling as it did the first time he walked up the steps. A new beginning, a new start. To step away from his past and be who he wanted.

A feeling of grief fell over him as he remembered the fun he had with his best friend, James during his school days. The pranks they pulled, the great laughs they had, the things that found out together. The life lessons he learnt with Remus, turning into an animagus just for him was one of the best decisions he had ever made but also one of the most difficult. It took them years to learn the skill, but of course it was worth it. Every full moon Remus had people there, who he knew cared for him a great deal. Even Peter, even he made his Hogwart school days a much better place to be at.

"What of Remus?" Sirius suddenly asked Dumbledore as they walked towards the hospital wing. Since leaving Azkaban Sirius had washed and changed, his hair was combed looking less like the nest that it was. The mad look in his eye was still there, dimmed but it was going to be a long way before Sirius could forget the horrors of that prison, if ever. He was looking more like his former self now thought which made the man a lot happier "How is he?"

"Remus is in France as of present and he is faring well. I do believe he is on his way back here, and if what Professor McGonagall is saying is true, then he is here to see you." Sirius' eyebrows lifted at that statement, surprised at the fact that his friend would travel so far just to see him. "He has been your best friend for years." Dumbledore added, knowing the thoughts that were cementing themselves in his mind. "Of course he would come and see you."

Their walk remained in comfortable silence until they reached the hospital wing, looking the same as it did when Sirius was at school. "Madame Pomfrey will be waiting for you." Dumbledore gave a bright smile before walking away.

As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by two smiling faces. Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey, both equally pleased to see him. They wore bright smiles and gave him gracious words of greetings. Though Sirius could tell that they were careful around him, treating him like a delicate vase.

"Sirius, please sit." Madame Pomfrey said as she was pointing to one of the white beds lined up against the wall. "I'll fetch you a cup of tea before examining you okay?" Sirius could only nod, feeling like he was back in his third year when he fell of his broom and broke his wrist. McGonagall smiled at him, a look of pure relief among her face. Soon a look of surprise blossomed on Sirius' face as his once Professor gave him a big tight hug.

"I am so sorry." She whispered before stepping back, "The things that you must have endured, the place you went to. The horrors you must have had to face and no one helped. We didn't even-" McGonagall shook her head and hand covering her mouth, eyes closed as she stopped speaking. The Hogwarts healer had come back, a tray with three cups of tea in hand. The professor quickly accepted hers, graciously having something else to keep her mind occupied.

"Now, Sirius I am just going to look your vitals and see if we need to do anything before you go to sleep. And if you're healthy enough you can go and see your Godson tomorrow."

"Thank you." He said, realising that he had been quiet the whole time he had been here. The nurse nodded before starting to wave her wand around, different colours and feelings whizzing around him.

It took no longer than 5 minutes before the healer stopped, a smile gracing her face. "No major problems, I just need to get a few things for you to take with you and then you can sleep." She then turned round and walked towards her office.

"How did he do it?" McGonagall suddenly spoke after a pregnant silence, "How did he get away? How could this all of happened?" Tears had welled up in her eyes as she looked on, probably not realising she was speaking out loud.

"Please, Miss Mcgonagall you don't need to feel upset about any of this." Sirius started, not quite knowing what to say to stop her tears. "It was my own fault for trusting Peter. But I'm out now, and about to see Harry again," at that a smile couldn't help but break out on his face, "so it's okay now. Everything will be okay." Sirius whispered and McGonagall nodded, tears still silently streaming down her face.

"But Animagi?" McGonagall asked after a beat of silence, "all of you?"

"Yes, well apart from Remus of course," a fond smile rose on his face, the death like features that had been carved in from Azkaban, lightened as he did so. McGonagall suddenly smiled, her eyes wide. A gleaming proud smile on her face.

"That must have taken years to perfect." Sirius nodded, a little chuckle wheezed its way out of his lips and he realised that was the first time he had laughed in years.

"Took 3 year's altogether." He said after short pause, "Padfoot, Prongs, Moony and Wormtail. They were our nicknames."

"The marauders." She whispered quietly, and both then remained quiet until Pomfrey was back. In her hand was a small purple glass bottle held along with a box of chocolate.

"Now, this" and she held out the purple bottle, "is to be taken once a day, help you gain strength. Only one teaspoon and you should be on your way to pure health in no time. And this," she then held out the chocolate frog, "is to help along with the recovery." She handed them to him with a warm smile and he took them, placing the potion and frog in his pocket.

"Thank you." He said again not knowing what else he could say to convey his gratitude towards them, moving over to hug her before turning away. "Both of you." He then hugged his formed teacher before she guided him towards a bed that was lying along the back wall.

It was dark, the moon shining through the glassed window and Sirius felt exhausted. So much had happened to him that day, so many unexpected turn of events but the man still couldn't sleep. What if that had all been a dream?

Sirius was quite the expert at staying still and silent for long periods of time, so he had no trouble lying there waiting for the sun to rise. But it appeared, as always, the Madame Pomfrey knew better seeing as she was walking toward him when the clock nearly struck midnight and handing him another potion.

"I know sleep won't come easily my dear," she said softly, "but you need all you can get before you see Harry. Take this," she then pushed the bottle into the man's palm, "it's a calmer, and usually sends people towards to sleep naturally rather than being made to take sleeping potions that knock you out for hours." After thanking her and taking a sip, he did feel calmer.

In fact when he next opened his eyes, the sun was rising and the room was light again. Although it was still early, it was more than Sirius expected so he was grateful. Once the morning has come through and breakfast was eaten Sirius made a move towards the headmaster's office.

"The password is lollipop." The healer called out after him when she that Sirius was leaving.

When Sirius eventually reached the headmasters office, he was greeted by a world of different colour and décor. The books spun around the office, the portraits hanging high along the wall. The desk was spattered with different pieces of parchment, ink pots and quills. And right in the middle, sitting behind a big oak desk was Dumbledore sitting, smiling.

"Good morning Sirius." Dumbledore greeted, waiting until Sirius was sitting down before he started talking again. "I presume you know what you are here for?"

"We're going to see Harry?"

"If that's what you want?" Dumbledore asked and Sirius nearly scoffed at the idea of not wanting to go and see Harry. That was the one thing getting him through.

"Of course I want to see him." With that said the two left the school behind and apparated behind a tree, hiding from the muggles, to a road lined with houses.

"Now," Dumbledore said as he walked through the tree lined path that led them out in the open. "Privet Drive, number four. Do you want to go together or just yourself?" He asked and Sirius let out a long breath, finally catching up to him that he was going to see Harry again. His Godson.

"I'll go on my own." Sirius decided, needing it to be just him as he started walking down the path that led him to the correct house.

Sirius felt his breath quicken as he nervously walked towards the door, feelings of butterflies suddenly shooting through his stomach as his hand wrapped quickly against the brown door. A low grumble of noise was heard before the door opened. A beefy man with a greying moustache stood in front of him, his skin already a flaming red.

"Are you here for the boy?" He asked, his voice naval reminding him a lot of his father. Before he could even answer, a thin-lipped tall lady came behind him, a look of fear in her eyes.

"Take him, quick, and hurry before the neighbours see." She said, her hands guiding a small boy out of the door. And there was Harry, with his thick black hair and rounded glasses. He had a small blue backpack on and an oversized shirt that seemed to cover most of his body. Sirius couldn't help the big smile that broke out on his face as he knelt down to the boy's height. He almost started crying, he looked exactly the same as James, all expect the eyes. Even the glasses were a match.

"Hey Harry."

The small boy stared up at him with his big green eyes, his hand clasped tightly a small ragged teddy bear with one eye and no ears. "We going?" Harry asked, his eyes so full of hope it broke Sirius heart. Why did he want to leave so badly? Sirius nodded frantically, he held out his hand, waiting for Harry to grasp it. Of course the boy was hesitant for a moment, but finally his tiny hand lifted into Sirius' palm and it took all of his effort not to swing him up in a big hug and get out this house as fast as possible.

He gently picked the boy up, Harry's arms wrapping tightly around his neck, his legs around his waist. "Hey, are you wanting to say goodbye?" Sirius asked quietly, not wanting to scare him. The boy gently shook his head.

"We go now?" The boys voice was so soft that Sirius quickly obeyed, walking out of the door without even a second glance.

The air was chilly that morning, the weather not realising it was summer quite yet. The sky was filled with dark clouds, and rain splattered on the ground every so often. All Harry had on was his big shirt and pair of faded shorts which Sirius quickly realised had holes in it which made Sirius want to quickly get out of this weather and wrap Harry in a sea of blankets. Sirius quickly put the boy on the ground, his feet covered by some clearly worn shoes. Sirius shrugged off his jacket, letting himself feel the cold for the first time since his imprisonment. He had been very careful to keep himself warm since he had left not wanting to remember the years that he had spent curled up in a corner, his body raking with shivers form the frost of his cell. But this was Harry, and he would do anything for that small boy so he tugged off his jacket and wrapped it around Harry's small frame. "Fank yoo." The boy whispered as Sirius lifted him back up, walking towards where Dumbledore was standing, hidden.

"Ah, Mr Potter." Dumbledore greeted, the twinkle in his shining brightly. "I guess your Auntie and Uncle has explained what is going on?" He asked, Harry was still clinging tightly to Sirius' frame, but his head turned to the new man that was talking to him.

"I leaving. Bad man." He whispered, "Bad man taking me for forever." A small smile graced his lips, "I never back?" He looked directly as Sirius when he asked this and Sirius just smiled. He gently placed Harry down and then knelt down this his level.

"You never have to see them again if you do not want to." Sirius said a bright smile blossomed over Harrys face. "Why don't we go see our new home and then we can talk more alright?" Sirius said, looking at Dumbledore.

"Of course, however I know this isn't preferable but you will have to apparate to your new home. I am correct in presuming that you wish to take Harry?" Sirius nodded his conformation before Dumbledore continued. "I will let you get settled there and I will come back tomorrow and see how things are tomorrow."

Sirius stood up from where he was kneeling, standing straight grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you Professor, for everything." Dumbledore just nodded, before bidding his farewell before apparating away.

Harry's eyes widened at his sudden disappearance, his mouth dropping open. "Now Harry, that was how wizards get around. It's called apparition." Sirius said, turning back to Harry. He held out his arms and lifted Harry back up. "And it is how we will get to our new home okay? It might feel really bad for a few seconds but if you hold onto me really tightly then it will be fine." Harry nodded, but Sirius wasn't so sure that he understood fully.

In the matter of seconds it took to get to the house, Harrys fingers were aching from holding on so tight. He had tears in his eyes, the different pulls and pains that quickly pulsed through him making him terrified. When they landed in front of their new home he immediately fell to his knees hugged Harry close, quietly soothing him hoping it would make him feel better. "Scwary." Harry whispered against the older man's chest after a while of silence, Sirius gently swaying Harry in hopes to calm him down.

"I know it was, you were a very brave boy for being so tough." Gently Sirius settled Harry down on the floor and took his hand. "So do you want to go explore?" Harry eyes widened as he saw the cottage in front of them, jumping up and down excitedly, his previous scare forgotten. Sirius could see why he was so excited, the cottage was beautiful. It had a big thatched roof and a bright yellow door that had the number 711 written on it. All around it were different types of coloured flowers and big tree just off to the side. Absolutely nothing like Azkaban. Sirius let out a bubble of laughter, unable to prevent catching the infectious joy Harry spread. This was his new home. This was their new home.

This was the first time for both Harry and Sirius at seeing the house. Although Dumbledore told him where it was, he never expected anything as brilliant as he saw. When they walked in through the front door they were greeted by stone ceilings, low but still tall enough that Sirius didn't have to duck down when he walked. The walls were all bright colours, varying from yellow to green to blue. There were windows everywhere, in every single room and all them opened widely but could be locked up so that no small boys could fall out and hurt themselves. In the kitchen there was a big glass door overlooking the green grassed garden. The whole house was completely furnished, perfect in every way for both Harry and Sirius.

When Harry entered his room, he looked around in amazement. "Who?" He asked and Sirius frowned.

"It's for you. I'm going to be staying right next door." They had looked at that room previously and Sirius deemed it suitable seeing as he wanted to be as close to Harry as possible.

"Me?" he asked in complete shock, "no cub-cub'od?" Harry said, and Sirius felt a small pulse of anger flow through him at the poor boys words, but he quickly shut it down, knowing that being angry would not get him anywhere.

"No cupboard, you get to have your very own room." That's all it took for Harry to smile wide and run and try and jump on his new bed. It took him a few goes, but before Sirius could intervene and help he was on there and landed with a soft thumb and an eruption of giggles flowed through him. Sirius quickly followed, sitting down softly on the edge of his godson's bed. "Do you like it?" The older man asked, and Harry nodded, quickly moving from his position to envelope the man in a hug. This room was the only one in the house to be sparsely decorated, Dumbledore probably thinking that the two of them would want to decorate it themselves.

Harry's stomach grumbled loudly and a small rosy colour covered his cheeks as he looked pointedly down at the ground. "Hungry?" Sirius smirked and moved towards the kitchen, Harry following closely behind. "Let's see what we have." Sirius whispered to himself whilst opening each cupboard in the kitchen. Sirius knew he was going to have to make food without magic for the time being seeing as he was yet to retrieve another wand after his hand been snapped in half. He also still needed to understand how much Harry knew about the wizarding world before spitting spells all over the place.

"What do you want to eat?" Sirius asked, looking at the small boy. The boy merely shrugged, not knowing a whole lot about selecting foods. Sirius turned back to the cupboard, picking up a box that looked quite edible.

"How about this hey? Mac and cheese? Is that a good lunch?" He asked Harry and the big nod he got in return showed he was going in the right direction. "Now how do we do this?" He whispered, not understanding the muggle convention of cooking.

It took over an hour, but soon both Harry and Sirius had had a plate of crisp pasta coated with a thick cheese source. Harry's chair had to be adjusted, placing a few cushions on it to raise him up so that he could see above the table's height. The pasta tasted like heaven for Sirius, having only slops in Azkaban. But after one mouthful he realised that he had a small child in front of him who couldn't eat by himself easily. So Sirius sat there, cutting up the pasta into manageable piece. Somehow Harry managed to get the food all over the place, the table, the chair, his clothes, as well as his face. But he seemed to be enjoying himself which was Sirius' priority.

The day, of snuggling up on the couch and reading some books that Sirius had found hidden, soon turned to night, and Harry was yawning widely. "Bedtime buddy." Sirius said, clearing up their plates. Harry immediately froze, slowly lifting his head. "No." Harry whispered, fear now clouding his eyes.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" Harry shook his head, grabbing hold tightly to the bottom of Sirius' shirt.

"You go!" Tears then starting leaking from the boy's eyes, and Sirius bent on his knee to be the same height as Harry so that he could talk to him.

"You want me to go?" Sirius asked, trying to disguise the hurt in his voice. But Harry shook his head, holding on tightly to the man.

"No go. No go!" Sirius could have hit himself from being so dumb. Harry didn't want him to leave, he would go so far as to say that Harry was actually scared of the prospect.

"I promise you that I will be here when you wake up. And I always keep my promises."

It took a long while for Harry to settle down and go to bed. First he realised that the boy should probably be bathed, but Sirius was going to save that for tomorrow. He needed to clean his teeth and put his night clothes on, which Sirius found in a draw. Eventually the boy was wrapped up tightly under his new duvet. He looked down at the plain white duvet and then up at Harry, "Why don't we go shopping tomorrow? Get some toys and such for your room?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded eagerly.

"Toys?" He quietly asked and Sirius leaned down and kissed him on his forehead.

"Your own toys." He confirmed, before gently moving the covers up a touch higher. "Goodnight pup." He whispered before flicking the lamp off and quietly walked away shutting the door.

As soon as Sirius was able to, he collapsed down on his bed, the soft sheets welcoming the tired body. Sirius wasn't used to such a luxury as a comfortable bed. His mind was racing as he thought of the past few days. From Azkaban to here. Harry being in the other room. Finally doing what his best friend had wished. A smile graced his face one last time that day before he had passed out.

When Sirius awoke in his room it was dark and cold and he felt a presence towards his side. He shot up, the fog of his mind blinking away Azkaban as his eyes adjusted to his no bedroom. He looked to the side to see a small boy, his small boy, standing on the side of the bed, his head could barely be seen. "Harry?" Sirius called out and it was like a trigger because suddenly the boy lets out loud cries, hands covering his face. "Harry?" Sirius called again, worry now rising through his gut. What had happened?

"I'm sowwy!" Harry said and it only made his worry grow.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Sirius flicked on the lamp that was next to him, and saw that Harrys face was blotchy and red. But Harry kept on crying. Sirius quickly got out of bed, walking so he got be next to his godson.

"I-I-I!" Harry stuttered out before he started crying again. Sirius could only hug him, in hopes that his affection would calm the boy down. Eventually it did, the boys sobs turning into hiccups. He kept repeating "pwease" and Sirius thought he was just saying please over and over but he had no idea why.

"You ready to tell me what's wrong now?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded but didn't look up at the man.

"Ac-iden." Was all Harry said before he started saying he was sorry again.

Sirius finally understood, and he sighed in relief that it wasn't Harry getting himself hurt. It was just an accident. Quickly, suddenly knowing what to do now, he took Harry to the bathroom, turning on the taps to fill the bath. He took Harry out of his soaked sleeping pants, knowing it would probably be uncomfortable for him. But he wrapped him quickly in a towel so he wouldn't get cold, before going to his bedroom to sort out the sheets.

Once he was done with that, finding some replacement sheets in a cupboard out in the landing, he went back to Harry, placing him in the bath. "I sowwy." Harry said again, blinking up at the man. Sirius just smiled.

"It's okay baby," Sirius said, "everyone has a little accident. It's perfectly fine."

"No send back?" Harry asked and Sirius shook his head, quickly filling up a cup so that he could wash the boy.

"No send back."

Once Harry was washed and he had a little play in the bath, Sirius found him some clothes to wear that weren't two sizes too big and had holes in them. He looked at the time to see that it was too late to go back to sleep now, the sun was already coming up so he picked the boy up, Harrys arms automatically wrapping round his neck and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

Breakfast Sirius knew what to do, seeing as it was his favourite meal of the day. He always made it with James and Lily once everyone was out of Hogwarts. So he found some food in the fridge, thanking the world for Dumbledore's existence, and cooked up some food.

Sirius was new at this parenting thing which meant he had no idea if a child was meant to have bacon and eggs for breakfast, but he did it anyway and Harry seemed quite happy which was all Sirius cared about.

Once the two had eaten and moved themselves to the living room, Harry perched quite happily on Sirius' lap, the two both heard the some crackle from further into the house. Sirius froze, his body still jumpy from Azkaban.

"Stay here baby, okay? Stay right here." Sirius said, placing Harry on the sofa and moving towards where he thought the noise was. He assumed that Dumebledore had put some warding spells on the house so that no one could just come in when they wanted, so he wasn't that anxious as to see what he would face, but one of the main thoughts racing through his head was Harry, and how now it was his job to protect him now. So he wasn't taking any risks.

Slowly, he walked towards the back room, and noticed a man standing there with a tweed suit on and a small black brief case.

"Remus?" Sirius asked, and the man turned around a large smile on his face when he saw Sirius. The man in question strode over to Sirus, and wrapped his arms tightly around the thin frame of his former friend.

"I am so sorry." Lupin whispered and Sirius only held on tighter. They eventually let go, both men with tears in their eyes. "I can't even begin-"but Sirius stopped his words with a wave of his hand.

"You couldn't have known."

"I should have!" Remus responded, anger in his voice. "You were my best friend, you still are! I should have known you would have never betrayed Lily and James."

"It's all in the past." Sirius said, before hugging his friend tightly again. "It's great to see you again." Sirius then said truthfully.

Remus didn't reply because he staring intently over Sirius shoulder, and when Sirius looked over to see what he was looking at he saw Harry clutching the door tightly, a scared look on his face.

"Hey Harry." Sirius said softy, carefully dropping to his knees and the little boy ran to his godfather, letting himself be picked up. "This is Remus." Harry stayed silent, hiding his face in Sirius' neck whilst Sirius stroked his hair.

"Hey Harry, it's great to see you." Harry stayed silent, and Sirius and Remus shared a look before they started walking towards the kitchen so that they could all sit down. Harry stayed clinging to his godfather.

"So what have you been up to?" Sirius asked and the werewolf started talking more about his time away in different countries. Visiting different people to see if there was a way to heal his 'condition.' But alas there was nothing, and as Remus kept talking Harry became more relaxed until he was listening intently to what Remus was saying.

"Have you talked about magic?" Remus asked suddenly when Harry had fallen asleep after about an hour into Remus' time with them. Sirius shook his head explaining the only magic that Harry had seen was Dumbledore aspirating.

"Are you going to talk about it? It's a pretty big part of his life."

"Not at the moments it's not. I don't have a wand, I can't do any magic."

"Your wand!" Remus quickly moved towards his bag that lay on the table and pulled out an old black box. If Sirius had something in his hand he would have dropped, quickly making his way over he grabbed the small object and painstakingly slowly opened the lid.

There, laying on white cushion was Sirius' wand. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. "How?" Was all he asked as he slowly removed his wand and placing it in his hand. It was like it never left, the same feeling pulsed through like it always did. The surge of magic now becoming almost overpowering.

"Dumbledore managed to save it, kept in a vault and when you were freed he gave it to me to give to you."

"I thought it was snapped?" Sirius said and Remus shrugged.

"Apparently not."

Sirius couldn't resist, he took the wand and started his first spell in three years. By the time Harry had woken Sirius could feel the magic flowing through his veins.

Pans and plates were flying through the air, the dishes were washing themselves. Harry was frozen by the door way, his eyes wide. "Harry!" Sirius said, a massive smile on his face.

Harry froze for two seconds before his little feet carried him away, his godfather having no idea where he went. The whole room froze, and everything slowly came to a stop. Sirius gave Remus a surprised look, having no idea why that reaction was created.

"You can't just spring magic on the kid like that Sirius."

So Sirius trudged after the boy, feeling guilty as he wandered through the house trying to figure out where Harry would go. He found him hidden under the bed, tears falling down his face.

"Harry baby?" Sirius whispered, carefully pulling the boy out from under the furniture and onto his la. "I'm sorry." Sirius said, kissing the top of the boys head.

"No maj!" Harry whispered, "Bad Harry! No maj!" The boy whispered and Sirius was stumped. What did he mean?

"Harry, magic if perfectly fine okay? You're not bad. You're brilliant." Sirius whispered, hoping he was soothing the boy.

"No bad?" Harry then asked and Sirius nodded, and suddenly, like a switch, Harry was smiling again and laughing. "Maj?"

"Magic? Do you want to see some magic?" At the hesitant look in the boys eyes, Sirius added, "I promise you won't get told off okay?" Harry then nodded, comfortable in being carried down the stairs back to the scene where the magic had happened.

They spent hours doing magic, Sirius loving the way the boys eyes widened and laughed at all the tricks. Harry had even become less shy around Remus, he had even started to speak to him at one point. But soon the day came to a close, Harry had starting yawning every couple of minutes. So Sirius quickly scooped him up, letting him say goodnight to Remus before heading upstairs.

"One!" Harry said as he settled on his bed under the covers, "One!" he repeated.

"One?" Sirius questioned, "One what?"

"One maj!" Harry said and Sirius smiled, reaching for his wand in understand. One more magic trick.

"Okay, one more and then sleep time okay?" Harry nodded, watching intently as Sirus let red sparkles fly from his wand and flying in circles just above the boy. They formed into a dragon, which then turned into a dinosaur before becoming a snake. By the end of it Harry was clapping a bright expression on her face.

"Again?" He asked but Sirius shook his head, bringing the covers up to the little boys chin.

"Sleep time now okay?" Sirius said and Harry nodded, pouting slightly. "Have you been to the toilet?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded, a blush blooming on his face. "Goodnight buddy." Sirius whispered, seeing the boys eyes flutter shut as he kissed his forehead, right on the lightning bolt scar.