Chapter 1
"Ladies and gentleman, please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing in Philidelphia Airport shortly".
My heart begins to race as I hear the pilot's voice over the intercom. I take a deep breath, fasten my seatbelt and reach over to check on Caia.
I can't believe that I am on my way back to Rosewood. The very place I left in such a hurry almost 3 years ago.
I can't help but wonder if he still lives there, I asked Mom but she just avoided the question which makes me think that he does which means I am going to have plenty of questions to answer once he does some mental calculations.
"Mommy" my darling little girl says and gifts me with her gorgeous smile.
"Yes baby?".
"Where are we going?".
"I told you earlier, we're going to see Nanny and Grandpa".
"I haven't seen them before have I?" Caia asks in her sweet, innocent voice which makes me feel incredibly guilty.
"No darling, you haven't but we are going to see them really soon" I say as the plane lands.
My Mom agreed to meet us at the airport, well she more insisted than agreed, she's keen to meet her granddaughter.
I grab my bag out of the overhead compartments before lifting Caia out of her seat and carrying her off the plane.
Despite my not wanting to see certain people I am really looking forward to seeing my Mom and friends again.
"Aria" I hear Mom shouting as I walk into the airport.
I grin and wave awkwardly at her, trying not to shift Caia who fell asleep on my shoulder the moment we got off the plane.
I make my way over to her and she throws her arms around the side of me that isn't taken up by my sleeping daughter.
"Hey Mom".
"How was you're flight?".
"Long and tiring" I say and yawn as if to prove my point.
"Well lets get the two of you home and maybe then I can meet my granddaughter properly".
The drive to my Mom's place seems to pass in the blink of an eye.
Sorry for the short first chapter but please tell me what you think.