You were completely normal.

Er.. Well as normal as anyone else could be.

Well actually there was that one thing. You were obsessed with supernatural and paranormal things. People. Creatures.

Your a huge sucker for those cheesey vampire, werewolf, romance novels. That's not really the truth. Any mythological creature grabbed your fancy too. You loved exploring haunted places or giving things a try like Charlie Charlie or hide and seek by yourself. The thrill of adrenaline excited you.

Your friends and family didn't exactly share as large an interest in your hobbies so you tend to do these things by yourself. This time you were going to Mt. Ebott, supposedly one of the most haunted places on this side of the country. It didn't have a reputation like Mt. Fuji, but people heard voices, felt like the were being watched, saw apperations, and were sometimes touched.

Also people reported electronics dying and turning them back on with a message saved in their notes. That there definitely peaked your interest and you had been saving up quite a bit just to stay in a cabin near by for week.

Grabbing your things you locked the door to your house and quickly threw everything in. You were so excited, you couldn't stop squirming in your seat as you drove to your destination. You had taken precautions of course. Kids have disappeared in the area so you were sure to set the GPS locator on all of your devices and let everyone know you were only staying a week, no more. And if there was a possibility of being kidnapped, you set up a special code word for everyone as well.

Glancing at your bags in the back seat you couldn't help the grin growing on your face. You had bought one of those fancy EMF detectors and a radio box. But since reports said the ghosts could use the note pad on a phone you brought a few old phones

After half a day of driving you finally got to the mountain and arrived at your cabin, you enjoyed the view. The mountains were always so beautiful in your opinion. Though you were still creeped out by insects being near you, you always sucked it up and enjoyed the environment.

A lanky elderly man made his way to you, his face looked to be in a permanent scowl. Or maybe that was because the sun was blinding him? He shuffled over, "You rentin' the cabin?" Smiling you nodded, "Yes sir I am." Picking your wallet out your pocket you pulled out a hundred and held it out. "I really appreciate you letting me rent the place." He grunted and handed over a key for the cabin. "Don't trash the place. No parties. Don't break or damaged the property. Watch your step in the woods." With those rules he left on an ATV.


Grabbing your bags, you made quick work setting up your living space for the week and headed out to tour the surrounding area. It wasn't bad, it was setup originally for "camping" there were things set up to entertain kids like a tire swing and note cards on trees or stands that said things like "This is poison ivy! Don't touch it! It'll make you iitchy" or "This is an ever green!".
You wanted to start now but it was still much too early for anything to happen so you walked back to the cabin and set an alarm, making sure everything was hooked up and charging.
A loud screeching jerked you from bed and you quickly canceled the alarm blarring from your phone. You had set up the 'CALL 9-1-1 NOOOOOW' from that Skrillex song and it worked wonders completely waking you up in a snap.
Jumping out of bed you washed your face, tied up your hair, and made a sandwhich. Standing in the livingroom you watched the t.v. and ate your sandwhich. Looked like the weather is going to be decent tonight. Finishing up you shut off the screen and packed your bag.

Abnormal amount of charged phones, Check.

EMF detector, Check.

Radio box, Check.

Water bottles, Check.

First Aide kit, Check.

Rope, Check.

Trail mix, Check.

Flash lights (3), Check.

Shutting off the lights and locking the door you set out with the biggest grin on your face.

11:40 p.m.