A/N 3/21/16: Hi everyone! Just thought I would let you all know that I haven't forgotten about this story. I was surprised by my boyfriend when he took me away to Madrid for a few days. We had a great time. I have also just started a new course at work in order to get a promotion. I have the full first chapter almost complete so I hope you will all not give up on me. The full chapter will be up no later than Wednesday.

A/N: I own none of the characters except Charlotte who is my own original character. I hope you enjoy this first chapter, let me know what you think. This is just a taster chapter, if you like it I will write more. This has not bee beta-ed so bear with me. Also anyone who knows how and would be willing to make a avatar/image for this fic I would love that. Thanks and enjoy!

One Night Changes Everything

Chapter 1: Week 14 (Week 1)

Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett walked into Five-0 headquarters heading straight for his office. He stopped short when he noticed a petite brunette standing in front of his desk fidgeting nervously. He quickly approached the glass door and opened it quietly not wanting to startle the young woman. "Can I help you ma'am?" Steve asked as he entered the office. The woman jumped at the sound of his voice causing Steve to smile apologetically. The woman turned fully toward Steve and he gasped having a sudden flashback of meeting her before. "Hi. I'm really sorry to disturb you at work but I didn't know how else to contact you. You probably don't remember me, because when we met we were both very drunk, so it highly unlikely that you will. Sorry I tend to babble when I'm nervous." The woman stopped to take a breath and Steve took the opportunity to speak. "No I remember you. Stewie's bar?" The woman nodded her answer not wanting to start babbling again. "Charlotte wasn't it?" Steve asked. "Yeah. Charlie, I prefer Charlie." She replied. "Can we go talk somewhere?" "Yeah, sure." Steve lead her out of the office and down the stair through the lobby.

"I bet your wondering why I want to talk? The truth is that night we were together, that wasn't me. Not really. I haven't ever been a one-night stand kind of girl. I have only had one boyfriend, in college, and that didn't end well." Charlotte coming to a babbling start after the pair sat on a bench near the beach. "I'm not that kind of guy either, but I had just gotten out of a long term relationship with someone who I thought I would marry. I guess I was on the rebound and I dragged you into it. So I'm sorry about that." Steve replied. "I think its best if you just let me get through this without interrupting me." Steve could only nod not knowing what was about to happen. "I'm pregnant. Fourteen weeks. Meaning you're the father, I haven't been with anyone else in a really long time. I'm sorry. I know we were careful but I guess we're one of the 0.001% even with two forms of protection." "Hold on did you say pregnant?" Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. He remembered the night in question but thought they had taken all precautions possible. "Yes. I'm pregnant." She repeated taking a deep breath. "You should know I don't expect anything from you I just thought you would want to know, you deserved to know." Steve stood and stepped toward the tide hoping to find answers in the waves. Charlie was more than happy to give him all the time he needed, in order to recover from finally telling someone.

After roughly 20 minutes Steve turned around and walked towards the bench where Charlie was still sitting causing her to look up. She held onto hope he would sit and talk to her about what he wanted or didn't want. However, a big part of her thought he would just walk passed her and out of her life completely. To her surprise he sat next to her on the bench releasing a breath and then placing his hand on hers where it rested on her leg. "This is huge but I am going to be here for everything before and after the pregnancy. I promise." He said looking straight into her eyes, providing her with the knowledge that he was telling the truth and not just saying it to appease her for a while. Maintaining eye contact she smiled and said "You don't have to do that. I know that you have a new girlfriend. I saw you together when I tried to tell you a few weeks ago, I was just going to leave you alone and not tell you. You looked happy but the longer I thought about it and put it off the more I knew I had to tell you." "Lynn and I have only been on a couple of dates, I like her don't get me wrong but I'm not sure she's what I need right now or ever." Steve responded. "If she's not what you need right now then I'm definitely not what you need. If you want to be here for the baby, and only the baby, then that's fine we don't need to have a romantic relationship for this to work. I also don't think this would be the best way to start any relationship but I am willing to be friends to make this less awkward. That is if you still want to be involved." Steve chuckled "I haven't changed my mind the last few minutes. And starting as friends sounds good to me." The now new friend smiled at each other still holding hands then turned their head towards the ocean.