InuYasha: Fate of the Souls

Chapter 1: The Arrival

The plane eased closer to the runway on its descent; as it touched solid ground, a small bump shook the passengers inside, but it was nothing new to most of them. They all gently rocked as they readjusted from the slight turbulence. The day was sunny and clear at Haneda Airport and no problems occurred with the plane's landing. After reducing its speed along the long stretch of asphalt, the metal bird began to slowly taxi over to the Jet Way. The pilot's voice came over the PA system, first speaking in Japanese for the native returning passengers and then in clear-cut English.

"Ladies and gentleman thank you for flying with us, we know it's been a long flight and we hope you enjoy your time here as you visit Tokyo, Japan. And for our native travelers, welcome home."

Inside the airport, a family was waiting for an arrival, although the person they were waiting on was not family, but an awaited guest

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Yes Mom, I made sure to bring the picture with me."

"Hey look! People are getting off the plane now!"

The mother, daughter, and son stood there waiting patiently as passengers billowed from the Jet Way. Periodically they would look at the picture and then back to the gate. The son, who was younger, started jumping up and down and pointing.

"There he is! Wow he's tall!"

They could see him walking among the crowd of people, taller than most of them. He was an American; the daughter looked at the picture again and remembered what his application had said. He was twenty-one years old, looking to learn about Japanese culture and hoping to get in a vacation at the same time; he loves video games, and is always looking for new experiences. Just like the picture, he had brown hair and brown eyes. He didn't look twenty-one at all. More like he was about sixteen or so, with no facial hair and a bit of a baby face. The American almost looked harmless. He had had the fortune to be picked for an Ambassador's program, which allowed him to take this trip. The program was meant for younger people in order to promote education about other cultures and countries. Japan was his preferred choice and fortunately a family right in the middle of Tokyo had offered him a place to stay.

"What's his name again?" The mother asked as her eyes peered through the crowd.

"It's Brent, Brent Miller." The daughter shows her the picture.

"Hey over here!" The son yells as he waves his arms.

Brent had stopped and was looking at a picture in his hand; it was of the family he would be staying with in Tokyo. The photograph showed a mother with her two children, and teenage daughter and young son, and who appeared to be their grandfather; everyone was smiling brightly, except for the elder man. His head bobbed up and down as he looked around the airport for them. When he saw the younger son jumping up and down a smile crossed Brent's face. Moving through the crowd of families and friends, he could be seen pardoning himself. It took only a few moments, but he finally reached them.

"You're the Higurashi family?" Brent asks, adjusting the strap of his carry-on bag.

"Yes dear! It's so nice to meet you!" Ms. Higurashi says.

"You're really tall Mr. Brent!" The young boy says.

Brent just laughs and looks down at him, "Tallest person in my family, but just by a bit. You must be Sota." Brent says with a warm smile.

"Yeah! And this is my sister Kagome!"

"Hi. It's so nice to meet you! It'll be nice to get to know you more!" Kagome says as she holds out her hand, Brent takes her hand gently as they shake.

"Your English is really good! I've been reading up on some quick Japanese just in case, but I've honestly been afraid that I'd make myself look like an idiot."

He pulled out the book that he'd been reading from the side pocket of his bag to show them and the family all chuckled.

"You don't need to worry Brent, my children and I all attended schools that taught English. Though Grandpa might be a bit more reluctant…"

"Don't worry Mom, I'm sure Grandpa will like Brent." Kagome says.

"Let's hurry home! Kagome told me you like video games? You gotta play some with me!" Sota says excitedly.

"Hahaha! Alright little man, but I've been playing longer than you so don't get cocky!"

After visiting the baggage claim and grabbing Brent's suitcase, they all headed outside to hail a taxi. For the entire length of the car ride, Sota was going on and on about the games he had, and how high his scores were. Brent could barely get a word in edgewise, even to mention the games that he had played and owned himself. It made him laugh at how excited the young boy would get, though he knew he had had the same enthusiasm when he was at Sota's age. Kagome smiled and rolled her eyes at Sota.

After a while, taxi pulled up along the sidewalk and in front of a tall set of steps. Everyone gets out, and while Ms. Higurashi pays the taxi, Brent grabs his suitcase and bag out of the trunk, and takes a moment to look up the stairs.

"I thought you all lived in the city?" He asks says looking slightly confused.

"We do dear, but we just have our own bit of land within it." Ms. Higurashi says as she walks by.

"Our home is also a shrine, that's the reason why we have our own land within the city." Kagome says as she walks along beside him.

"Really? What kind of-whoa..." At the top of the steps he pauses and looks around; their home was gorgeous.

The home itself had two floors, green shingles lined the roof. A large, weathered tree sat off to the right of their home, providing ample amounts of shade. Closer to them over toward the right, a fountain trickled gently. The fountain was round, surrounded by smooth oval-shaped rocks, with a small upper level for the water to fall from. Off to the back there was an older shed, sitting halfway under the trees and looking rather lonely.

"And here I thought I'd be staying in a skyscraper, Kagome this place is beautiful!"

"Thanks! We do our best to keep it this way. It isn't always the easiest thing in the world, but it's worth it!" Kagome smiles.

"You know, I've been here all of two minutes, and I already feel at home. It feels so familiar here."

"Let's go inside. You still need to meet my grandfather." Kagome leads the way inside as she slides the door open.

"Grandpa! Grandpa? Our guest is here!"

"Here Mr. Brent, I'll take you stuff to the room!" Sota says as he rushes forward.

"You can just call me Brent buddy, and thanks!"

Sota rushes off with the wheels on the pull-luggage rolling loudly, just as their grandfather comes around the corner.

"Sota be careful! You can't run through the house like—oh, hello. You must be that American boy."

"Hello sir, my name is Brent."

"Yes yes, they told me. They also told me I'd be giving up my room!"

Brent's smile suddenly disappears and is replaced with widened eyes and an awkard stare.


"Grandpa! It's only for-"

"You're still putting an old man out of his room!"

Kagome and her grandfather begin arguing with Brent looking back and forth between the two; finally he came up with an idea.

"Hey whoa whoa! Look I can room with Sota. It's no trouble at all! Really!" He says standing between them.

The two of them stop arguing and look at him. Kagome looking worried.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that." She says.

"Yes I'm sure. I don't want to put anyone out of place. Besides, Sota seems to like me and we can just play his games. It's fine. Really!"

"Hmmmm...Well at least one person can respect my space!" Grandpa says walking off.

"I'm so sorry, Grandpa tends to be..."

"Don't worry about it. I know how grandparents can be. You should meet my grandma."

"Well thank you. It's probably better this way. He would just keep complaining."

"You think that's bad? Geez, have I got stories for you."

As Kagome shows Brent around, they chat and laugh. Brent talks about his friends back home and cracks jokes keeping Kagome laughing as they walk around. They stop at the large tree that sits off to the side of the property.

"Whoa, this tree looks old. I feel like there's a lot of history here."

Kagome thinks to herself a moment and then puts on a smile, "Oh yeah, it's been here ages. I think over 500 years."

"Really? Wow...Can't imagine the history it has lived through...What's that over there?" He asks, gesturing over to the small old building, sitting in the shade behind the property.

"Oh that's nothing at all, just a shed. There's an old well in there, but it's been dry for as long as I can remember." She smiles but looks a little embarrassed.

"Oh I see. That's a shame, building looks pretty old too."

"Kagome! Brent! Come get ready! We're going to miss the Festival!" Kagome's mother yells out the back door.

"Wait...a festival?" Brent asks.

"Oh yeah! Hiwatari-sai! Come on!" She runs by grabbing his hand.

"The Hirawi what?"

"You'll see! Let's get ready!"

After rushing inside, the entire family, along with Brent, got ready for the festival. Brent comes down and sees everyone dressed in Kimono's or robes, all while he's standing there in jeans, a button up shirt, and a sports jacket.

"Uh...Well...I've never felt more out of place..."

"Oh nonsense dear, you look fine!" Ms. Higurashi says.

"Don't worry so much!" Kagome teases.

Grandpa leads the way outside and they all make their way down the steps. The festival was taking place in just a few hours away up on Mt. Takao, and it would be quite a sight for the Higurashi's guest. Hiwatari-sai, The Fire-Walking Festival.