ShadowKurayami: Chapter 3 is now up. Any ideas, send them my way.

Figere in Fragmina

To Fix the Broken


Chapter 2

Regula III

Rule of Three

After Unity Day Aurora had been livid. Bellamy was trusting some people with her secret! Her Daughter!

Even when Octavia protested that they were nice and cared for her, she didn't listen. She stormed out of the room.

Bellamy sighed, wrapping his arms around Octavia as their mother stormed out of the room. The young teen frowning as she looked up at her brother.

"Why is she like this Bell? I mean… They're trying to keep me safe." The younger girl held onto her brother, looking at her small room under the floor.

Octavia felt spoiled when she was able to sneak away and visit Clarke. At Clarke's Jake spoiled them both, the older man teaching Octavia some things like math and science.

Bellamy was upset with his mother; she had blown it out of proportion. Even if she had some right, was Octavia expected to live under the floor the rest of her life?

Aurora was angry, stomping down the Go-Sci Station. Unknown to her two children, she was pregnant with a third. She had a friend in Medical who would get her past the annual physical.

"Aurora Blake?" Abigale Griffin spoke, her curly hair pulled back in a tight bun, standing in her lab coat.

"A-ah… I'm here. Where is Nova?" She questioned looking at the doctor.

Abby glanced up at her. "Nova is currently on site because of the quarantine of influenza in Argo Station. Today I am your doctor Ms. Blake."

"C-can I reschedule?" Aurora froze. This made Abby glare at the brunette woman.

"Ms. Blake, you are already here. Let's just get this over with." Abby motioned for Aurora to enter the room.

Aurora had willingly taken herself off her annual birth control, when she was supposed to be taking it, she traded Nova some extra clothing supplies to keep from needing to take it.

She swallowed hard once Abby drew blood to test.

Within a week Clarke was moving quickly down the hall. She looked over her mother's notes for studying and saw some flagged blood results.

Clarke knocked on the door, her eyes freezing when she saw Aurora. "A-ah hello Ms. Blake. Is Bellamy here? My father asked me to run an errand on some new programs for the Cadets."

Aged hazel eyes narrowed at Clarke before nodding. "Bellamy, someone is here to see you." She spoke sharply.

Bellamy had been getting dressed for work and froze seeing Clarke. "Ms. Griffin, why are you here?" He questioned, swallowing hard.

"My dad has those programs; he wants you to come get your port updated. I can wait outside if you need me to." Clarke said softly.

He nodded, and she turned away from the door, waiting out in the hall. Bellamy had quietly opened the area where Octavia was resting. Her eyes peered up at Clarke's voice before he took the port screen. He ruffled her hair slightly in reassurance before he went out into the hall. Walking down the hall with Clarke.

"You mother is in trouble Bell. Real trouble." Clarke pushed Bellamy into an empty area.

"What are you talking about?" He was confused.

"She went to see the doctor for her physical. She's pregnant Bell. And my mom is the one who drew her blood." Clarke's eyes were wide with panic.

"What?" Bellamy froze.

"They'll be coming for her soon… I don't know how long my mom will wait, but from the tests she's beyond the point of abortion. Which means she had to know, it's been more than twenty-four weeks. Bellamy… your mom will get floated for population control." Clarke tried to touch his hand only to have him slap it away.

"I-I have to go." He pushed Clarke away and hurried back towards his place, leaving Clarke alone in the hall.

Before he could get home he was stopped by one of his Commanding Officers. "Cadet Blake. I need you to come in tomorrow afternoon. We need to ask you some questions before we are able to think of you as a candidate for a permeant guard position."

Bellamy nodded slowly. "Yes, Sir. I will see you tomorrow." That set in the panic. Guard families when arrested, the guard was pulled aside for questioning during the arrest.

Bellamy hurried home, closing the door slowly. "What the fuck is wrong with you, mom?" He hissed, trying to be quiet in case of anyone outside.

"Bellamy, how dare you—."

"You're pregnant again. Are you trying to get us caught? O already has to live under the fucking floor. Adding another baby?" He was angry, Octavia was slowly slipping out of her hiding spot.

"You're risking me and Octavia to be selfish. O, grab your things, I'm getting you out of here before you get caught along with her."

"Bell... but..." Bellamy turned to his sister, gripping her shoulders.

"I won't let you get caught up in this mess. I will hide you O. This… secret could get her and I both floated, I won't have you getting caught in this." He kissed her forehead and pushed her to pack a bag.

Despite being left out alone by Bellamy; Clarke spoke to her father before leaving. Octavia could stay with them and Bellamy could temporarily. He'd just easily lie about her being a young orphan whose parents were floated when she was young.

With the information Clarke found out, Jake was going to take a huge risk. He used his program to hack into the Ark log, adding Octavia into the list by tomorrow she would be Octavia Carson, a girl who was orphaned at the age of four due to both her parents being floated for misuse of medical herbs.

Clarke and her father discussed it, keeping Bellamy out of the loop, if by some chance Jake was caught, Bellamy wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Clarke had been terrified of losing her father, but at least this time if he got caught, it wouldn't be her mother's fault.

She was quietly waiting down the hall from Bellamy's living quarters. She could see the arguing was going to continue for a while, thus she went off to the Go-Sci labs, where he father was working.

She greeted him and talked, he discreetly handed her the new identification for Octavia. She slipped it into her pocket, hugging her father tightly.

"I'll talk to your mother, but she'll be safe. They both will." He whispered quietly into his daughter's ear.

Bellamy had left the area with Octavia, Aurora loudly causing a scene as he left with his sister.

Octavia stopped in her steps when she saw Clarke, the blonde weakly smiling as she went to embrace the girl, handing her some new identification. "Everything is done but the retinal scan. Dad will do that at our place." She whispered to Octavia.

Bellamy looked at Clarke, he was exhausted. The blonde cupped his cheeks. "Go grab your things. I have Octavia. You're staying at my place tonight…" She whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm sorry it turned out this way."

"Me too. Just take her back to your place. I'll be okay." Bellamy said, offering her a weak smile. He never thought… he wished his mother had been responsible, but this put Octavia and him at risk.

"No." Clarke was being stubborn, and Octavia was happily joining her. "Grab your things, I will wait right here. So will Octavia. We are going together."

"Just do it Bell. She's going to be stubborn." Octavia teased Clarke.

"Like you're one to talk." He sighed heavily, running a finger through his hair. "I'll be back soon." He turned around to go grab his things, mainly his things for work and to sleep at the Griffin's a night or two.

Aurora was glaring at him with a tear stained face. "So that's your friend." She spat, having seen Clarke Griffin.

"No. That's my girlfriend mom. Don't even blame this on her. She can't control her mother, just like I can't control mine. You knew the risk of your actions. You either ignored it, or just didn't care. I'm sad for you… but I am not going to stay here and risk my life for yours. Not this time." Bellamy grabbed his bag, shoving some supplies into it as well as clothes.

"You're choosing the privileged over your own mother!?"

Bellamy turned to look at her. "No… I'm choosing my family over you." His voice was cold, and it hurt him to speak to her that way. But… he needed to go.

He left quickly, leaving Aurora there alone. When he reached the hall his steps slowed and he wrapped his arms around Clarke. Holding her tight.

"Come on Bell, let's go home." Octavia whispered, taking her brother's hand. The two girls guided him towards Alpha Station.

The living quarter was empty and he collapsed against the couch with the girls. He turned towards Clarke, and within moments the blonde was holding the two siblings as they cried. Octavia sobbing into her shoulder, as Bellamy laid on the couch, burying his face in her stomach. She could feel the tears soaking through her shirt.

Clarke stroked Bellamy's hair, she knew why he couldn't hold it in. He wanted to save her again, but she… she was the cause of her own death this time. Aurora in a way betrayed Bellamy this time around.

When Octavia finished crying, she had exhausted herself out. "Go lay in my bed O. You need some rest." She kissed Octavia's head letting the girl go.

With Octavia gone Bellamy pulled Clarke over with him, he was laying against the couch, holding Clarke to his chest. He was no longer crying, but he was lost in thought. Clarke didn't try to break him from his thoughts, she just laid with him, her head on his chest.

The two laid in silence as Octavia fell asleep.

"How could she do that? Was she trying to get us caught?" Bellamy's whisper came out, his voice wavering.

"Bellamy, look at me." Clarke slowly sat up, brushing her fingers over his cheek. "Don't do that to yourself. You'll lose your mind questioning her reasoning." She whispered.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" A female voice snapped and Bellamy watched as Clarke's eyes rolled in annoyance. He had to hold back a smirk.

"Mom, Bellamy. Bellamy, my mother, Abigale." Clarke said, carefully getting off Bellamy. "And he is here because dad said I could bring him. Since… you're having his mom floated soon. I didn't want him there with a chance of being accused that he knew when he didn't."

Bellamy slowly sat up, trying his hardest to not glare at Abby. It wasn't exactly her decision to enforce the rules. With the Blood in the system, if Abby didn't report it, she and his mother would have been floated.

Abby took a breath. "Bellamy, I am sorry about your mother. Rules are rules… but I wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Mom… just don't. Okay?" Clarke moved to press her lips to Bellamy's head. "Go to my room. I'll be there in a second."

He was just too tired to put up a fight at that point.

When he was gone Clarke turned to her mother. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to look him in the face and say rules are rules when you're getting his mother killed." Clarke quietly hissed.

Abby had never known her daughter to be so defiant. "Fine. Where is this girl your father said would be moving in with us?"

"Sleeping on my bed. She had a rough day. She was friends with Bellamy and Aurora. Now I am going to check on them. If you'll excuse me."

Clarke knew she shouldn't have been so angry, but she was. Closing her door behind her, she just grabbed a couple extra blankets and stole a pillow from her bed. The blonde curling up on the floor with Bellamy. "Don't listen to her okay." She whispered, brushing his dark hair from his face.

Clark frowned slightly her gaze focused on his dark locks, "Being honest… I preferred it when it was longer."

This made Bellamy chuckle, cheering him up slightly as he laid back on the pillow, and she rested her head on his chest. Five more months… that's all he had with her left. His fingers caressed her cheek as he watched her slowly begin falling asleep.

The next couple months were hectic. He was still a Cadet, and his mother was floated for breaking the rules of the Ark. Octavia spent the entire night crying into his embrace, shutting out Clarke for her mother's actions after their mother was floated.

Despite Bellamy still being a Cadet, he had taken on more responsibility, and moved out of the Griffin's into his own home. Octavia stayed, although she and Clarke were having a strained relationship because of Abby.

Clarke had begun interning at the medical bay, trying to get as much experience as she could. Everything was turning out well, until the reports came in early.

Clarke had spoken to her father, talking to Bellamy and Octavia. The Reports were three months early. Which meant Bellamy would lose three months with Clarke.

He swallowed hard when he was called to a report of treason at the Griffin Household. Octavia was crying when she heard the fighting.

"Dad you can't stop me! They need to know!" He knew Jake was likely confused. When the door opened, he felt dread in the pit of his stomach.

"I thought Jake was the traitor…" One of the guards mumbled.

"I guess Abby didn't want to believe her daughter was the traitor." Another muttered back.

"Clarke Griffin, you're under arrest for treason." She struggled slightly, teary eyed as Jake reached for her.

"Stop! You can't take my daughter! CLARKE!" Jake struggled against Bellamy, the younger male holding him back as they Arrested Clarke.

"I'm sorry Jake… I'm so sorry." Bellamy whispered, he could hear Octavia sobbing in the corner, she was muttering apologies to Clarke.

Jake had been furious. Not at Bellamy, not at Octavia, not even at Clarke. He was furious at Abby.

Bellamy was sitting in Clarke's old room, the one Octavia and she shared, holding the girl as Jake yelled at Abby in the other room.

"You sent our daughter to the fucking Skybox Abby! She knew it too! You would have had me floated! Damnit Abby. Get out!"

"Jake. Please, Clarke is okay, she'll be reevaluated at eighteen—."

"That's a joke and you know it! She's not in the skybox for stealing a fucking bag of chips Abby. You had her put away for treason!"


"Get out Abby. Stay with Thelonious. Stay with Marcus, stay with anyone. Just not here."

Abby froze at his words, she wanted to plead with him, but the anger in his eyes kept her from saying anything more. She went to pack an overnight bag and went to stay with Thelonious and Wells.

"Are you two okay?" Jake asked, slowly opening the door.

"Not really…" Bellamy replied, cradling Octavia who was looking to Jake.

"I was so angry at her… and now she's gone…" Octavia whimpered, curling into Bellamy. Jake's eyes flashed in pain.

"How about you write her a letter, Sweetheart. She's probably going to be in isolation, so I'll give her something to keep her occupied… and I'll get some letters in to her." Jake said softly, crouching down to be at Octavia's level.

Octavia nodded and slowly got up. She didn't waste any time writing a letter on some paper, she wanted to apologize.

"Jake… I think you and I need to talk." Bellamy said softly, getting up to leave Octavia to her letter.

Clarke was sitting in a familiar cell, holding some charcoal she had in her pocket when she was arrested. She started early, starting her first drawing on the wall behind her bed.

"Just wait Bellamy… a little over a year and we'll be back… we'll be together again."

Words: 2668

Questions? Comment? Concerns? PM or Review.

Clarke is now in isolation, Aurora is gone, and Everyone is trying to figure out what the hell to do.

On Aurora. I don't exactly like her, but I always felt her death was needed. Her being gone allowed Octavia to grow up to be stronger, and made Bellamy more protective.