Chapter twelve
A few weeks later Harry decided to be honest with Sirius, at least with one thing, he knew eventually he would tell his godfather everything. So Harry took Sirius into the room he used with his friends when they played their instruments.
'Wow, you sound brilliant, all of you do.'
'Thanks Professor,' the students all grinned.
'Did mum or dad play an instrument?'
'Your mother played the piano, she had lessons from when she was young. Lily was very talented, I often got lost in the music she played. You know, all of you should show the school what you could do, it could help lift everyone's spirits.'
'Wouldn't that look like we're insensitive, like we don't care.'
'Yeah, how would Ron, Fred, George and Percy take that?'
'I think they would be fine, it's not like your dishonouring Ginny's memory, your actually help show everyone that life is worth living. Everyone needs help sometimes, if we can show the children here at Hogwarts that if they just don't give up then they could find something that can help them, whether it's in a career or just to have some confidence which could help them when they leave here. The teenage years are some of the toughest all of you will go through, none of you can do it alone. Showing your talent just might bring someone to you that is having some type of problem, something they can't share with their other friends, not yet, not until they feel they are worthy. If you're worried, you could talk to Ron Harry, he is your best friend. Ask him how he would feel if some students put on a concert.'
'It's only been a few weeks, none of us would like to upset them or think we don't care that they lost a sister.'
'I'll see what Ron has to say, but he has been talking about Ginny, mainly to me and Neville. Okay, if Ron says it's fine then we can work on some songs for that night. But Sirius, would Dumbledore allow us to put on a concert?'
'I believe he will, Albus loves music, so even if what you play isn't really his cup of tea, he will enjoy it, so will everyone else. I've heard the stories of what's gone on here over the last two years, the spirit of Voldemort then a basilisk petrifying students, I believe Albus will agree that just having a fun night will be good for everyone. How about I talk to him about it, without mentioning names, not until you're ready.'
The students all looked at each other then Sirius, they nodded, now they had to work on which songs to sing, there were five that could sing so they would have to make sure everyone got a chance.
Harry pulled Ron up to their dorm room, 'What's wrong?'
'Nothing, but there is something I want to ask you on behalf of some other students. You see, you know how I sometimes go find an empty classroom to do my homework.'
'Yeah, what about it?'
'Well, I found out that there are a bunch of students who play musical instruments, they sing as well, they began playing together, like a band, except there are ten in the group. Now Sirius found out about them and suggested they put on a show for everyone, here at Hogwarts. They were all worried if you would think they were insensitive, since it hasn't been that long.'
'Ginny loved to sing, maybe if she knew about this kids she might have joined them instead of…' Ron sighed, 'She had a nice voice Harry, really nice, her and Charlie would sometimes sing songs at Christmas. Bill used to wind her up saying she will be the first singing quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies,' Ron sat on his bed, 'We know there are other kids in the school that have been hurt or mistreated, maybe having a fun night will help them.'
'It might, Sirius said the same.'
Ron got up and sat beside Harry, 'Tell me the truth Harry, would it help you to have a night of music and fun?'
'It already has, I…um,' Harry sighed, 'Don't say anything yet, but I play with them, we're all going to do it. Before they found me I would just sit and play my guitar, it would help take my mind of…them. So yes, it's helping me.'
'Then tell them to do it, it could just stop one more student doing something like Ginny.'
'Yeah, it just might, so we'll have a fun night, but I think we might just dedicate one or two songs to Ginny and others like her.'
'You too.'
Harry nudged Ron's shoulder, 'Yeah, we'll dedicate a few to everyone that's ever gone through a bad time.'
'Okay, now let's go down to dinner, I'm hungry Harry.'
Harry laughed, 'When is a Weasley not hungry?'
'Never,' Ron pulled Harry to his feet then the friends practically raced down through the school.
Sirius told Harry the next day that Albus gave the go ahead, he would also like to invite a few people to the school, parent's of all the students, not just the ones performing. Sirius would be representing Harry's family so he told Harry he thought it was a good idea.
Harry spoke with his other friends, right after they began to rehearse. Between the five who could sing, they picked songs that everyone could enjoy. They didn't just pick songs from the magical world, they also picked songs from the muggle world, since there were a lot of halfbloods who were raised in the muggle world, there were also a lot of muggleborns. They wanted to make sure everyone had a good night.
The day the concert was going to be put on by the students, Albus and the staff had to work on the wards around Hogwarts, since some of the children were muggleborns, they were going to change the enchantments so their parent's, muggles, could see and enter the castle for the concert.
When the students, staff and guests entered the great hall, they all took seats, there were no tables. A stage had been set up, there was a curtain up so no one could see the students who were getting ready to perform.
'Now that we are gathered, I was given information from Professor Black that there was a group of students who had been sneaking away. All these students enjoyed something in common, music, they either played an instrument or could sing. I was asked if these students could put on a concert for all of you, we decided that their families should be able to see them perform. Then I was asked why not allow all the students families to enjoy the entertainment. So how about we give a Hogwarts welcome to Hogwarts Howlers,' Albus pointed his wand at the curtain, as it disappeared the band started to play.
As most students had no idea their friends could play an instrument or sing, they were all surprised to see them up on stage. But what surprised everyone more was how good they were. There were ten members of the group, all playing different instruments. When one song finished another person began to sing, some even changed instruments.
The Gryffidors who were friends with Harry couldn't believe how good their friend was. He started off playing guitar then went to piano, but when he played a classical piece he had the entire population of Hogwarts spellbound. It was a beautiful piece of music that seemed to touch everyone.
'He plays like Lily,' Sirius said as he stared up at his godson.
'Yes, he does, so he flies like James and plays piano like Lily, he got the best of his parent's,' Remus said.
'He sure did Moony, if they are watching I'm sure they would be proud of their son.'
'They would be, they would also know that even though he hasn't spoken about…it, he is healing because he knows he finally has a home with a loving father.'
'Don't forget he will have a loving uncle living there as well. He needs us Moony, this time we're not going to let Harry down.'
'No, we're not.'
The two men fell silent so they could continue to listen to the group, but they also noticed that all the students were enjoying themselves. It seems that whether they were going through something or not, having a fun night at Hogwarts was exactly what was needed.
The end:
I wish to thank everyone for reading, and hope I can continue to bring interesting stories for the fans of fanfiction.