Author's Note- Imagine Drabble # 22! I have written a ridiculous amount of these…Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or the imagine that I'm using. Just how I interpreted it and my character Haven.
The Fear of You Disappearing
"Goodnight, Dean," Haven said, pressing a kiss to Dean's lips.
"Goodnight, Haven." He wrapped his arms around her tightly. As much as he loved sleeping beside Haven, it always made him nervous to go to sleep. He was always worried that he'd wake up and she'd be gone. He stamped down his fear and went to sleep.
A few hours later, Dean woke with a start. He was on his back and his arms were empty. He looked over to see Haven curled up on her side of the bed. He sighed in relief and fell back to sleep.
The older Winchester woke up again to find Haven with her body curled against his back. He smiled as he felt the familiar heat of her. He rolled over and wrapped her in his arms again. He felt his love for Haven swell as her scent filled his nose. The flowery smell of her shampoo, the faint smell of gun cleaner, a smell that was uniquely Haven. His fears were calmed once again and he falls back into a dreamless sleep.
The last time Dean woke up, the bed was empty. His heart sped up as he felt how cold the other side was. He flung the blankets off of himself and rushed into the bathroom. It was empty, too. He hurried out into the library to find Haven curled up in one of the chairs. She looked up and frowned at the fear in his eyes.
"Dean, is something wrong?" she asked worriedly.
"I woke up and you were gone. The bed was cold," he said quietly. Haven stood up and wrapped him in her arms.
"Nothing is going to happen to me, Dean. I'll always be with you. I just got up to get something to drink," she replied. Dean lifted her in his arms, bridal-style, and buried his face in her hair.
"Let's just go back to bed," he told her quietly. She nodded and Dean headed back to their room.