
Dragon looked at the evil looking News Coo, eye twitching as he debated how much he wanted to lose a finger. The problem was he wasn't sure if taking the paper or not would lose him a finger. Another problem was how the hell the damn thing had found him. He was in the middle of a covert operation, deep undercover, and hadn't seen a Coo in months. But he knew this one. "So do you want me to take the paper or not, Stumpy?"

The bird clacked its beak at him and managed to get ahold of a lock of hair. Which it tugged viciously.

"OW! Fine, I'll take it. Just, watch the foot." He referred to the fact the Stumpy no longer had a peg foot. Somehow his stump had been replaced with a hawk's foot. Which he had used to land on Dragon's knee. Risking it he snatched up the paper and offered the bird a piece of smoked meat which it eyed with disdain. "It's all I have. In case you haven't noticed I'm not exactly by the ocean right now." Reluctantly Stumpy took the food and settled in his lap. That just made him more nervous as he opened the paper.


Below the headline was splashed a photo of Sabo and Law with Strawhat in the middle, the two of them looking grim and determined while the third looked unwell. That explained what Sabo'd been up to he supposed. The article was much as he expected as he skimmed it over, noticing it was dated for a little over a month ago. "You came all this way to show me this?" The bird warked at him before tapping the back of the paper. Turning it over, there was a letter. From Sabo. "Ah."

Hi, Boss!

So, as you can tell, the family reunion didn't go as planned. Lu managed to get caught by slavers, which really WASN'T his fault! He'd been protecting a crewmember, but he won't hear one word against his crew. Keeps saying how he has to get stronger so he can protect them better next time, because let me tell you, Law and Ace nearly kidnapped Lu into their own crews. His crew put up a hell of a fight over that of course. Now Ace and Law won't let the Strawhats 'take back' their Captain until they've 'proven' they can protect him, so they're all over the island getting stronger, and Lu won't leave without his crew. So we're all kind of stuck here. Whitebeard apparently thinks it's a great thing and he's sort-of-adopted us all. I think. I'm a little confused about that because we're not crew, Lu refused outright to even ally with him, and Cora-san was our guardian, so….? Speaking of, Cora-san's doing well. He hasn't lit himself on fire recently at least. I think he started a betting pool on who's going to 'prove' themselves first.

Let's see, what else? Well, with all of us here, Fishman Island's been really peaceful. Despite what happened, or maybe because of it, Luffy makes a great ambassador about being tolerant.

Dragon reread the line. Sabo had never called his younger brother Luffy before. How odd.

A Merman and a Fishman were involved in his capture as well as Humans. He doesn't even hold a grudge against those two, though. In fact, he's been following the Merman around pestering him to use his toxin on him like every day! His Nakama says he gets like that about things. Same old Luffy…. Oh, Garp showed up. Thought you should know and all.

Generally, yes, a Vice Admiral showing up was something he should know.

I didn't know he was your Dad. Was he a psychopath when you were a kid, too? He spent the whole time trying to give us his 'Fist of Love' but we can fly and he can't. Annnd apparently he's decided Law's his grandson if he's our brother. Sorry about that, you now have four sons. Surprise!

I've got to go. I think Luffy just tried to eat Shirahoshi's shark again.


Dragon looked at the letter blankly, trying to absorb what it was telling him, but it was too much right now. Instead he looked at Stumpy. "How the hell did you get here from Fishman Island?"