Mother Knows Best

Author's note: I've always felt that Sasuke's parents got way too little screen time. I am basically coming up with backstories from scratch. But please don't take offense if something is not cannon.

To give a vague sense of a time line this would be after the fight with Madara/the War but before the Rookie Nine start getting married and having kids. All reviews welcome. Please don't flame.

Ages are listed according to .com .

Mikoto Uchiha (Sasuke/Itachi's mother): 35 at time of death and physical age of revival.

Fugaku Uchiha: (Sasuke/Itachi's father) 40 at death.

Sasuke Uchiha: 17.

Kakashi: 31

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except for OC's.

Warnings: This is not a religious fanfiction, but there are a few references to Heaven. Sasuke's parents are for all practical purposes, divorced. There WILL be at least two pairings later down the line. There is some swearing, the fanfiction is rated M for a reason and a couple lingerie references. I haven't written anything for a couple years and this is unbetaed, so please overlook any spelling/grammar mistakes. ^_^ I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter One Phoenix

Mikoto's POV

My name is Mikoto Uchiha and I am having a very eventful day to say the last. One moment I'm enjoying the afterlife, the next I feel a strange tugging sensation on my soul. This happened when I was trying to impress upon my ex husband, for the millionth time, the importance of cuddling. It was an old "argument."

"I fail to see the point. You've already clearly enjoyed yourself. Besides, we are shinobi. Cuddling is for animals, small children, and teenagers," Fugaku said.

"It's a way to show you care and it feels nice. For someone from a fire clan, you can be a cold fish sometimes," was my rebuttal.

"You never had a compliant with my...performance," he says smugly and I pondered swatting him.

"The performance no, the encore was somewhat lacking," was my response.

I say ex because technically they say "Until Death Do Us Part," when you take your marriage vows. We died; so we parted. The dynamics of romantic or even sexual relationships in Heaven are a bit eccentric. If you died and your partner ended up in the same location, you and your partner get the option of continuing your union or disolving it.

It's one thing to spend decades with one person, it's another to be in a monogamous relationship for all of eternity or until reassignment. This is why even for couples who renew their marriages, it is highly likely they will enter an "open marriage." This means they agree that they can take other partners. (The rules of what is considered acceptable in an "open marriage," vary greatly and it is best not to think about it too much. It can cause headaches.)

We agreed to disolve it. I was hurt that he offered very little protest. Well he did worry about how Itachi and Sasuke would take the news. I harbor no ill will towards him. I was scarcely more than a bespotted academy student when I first met him. I had just graduated and become a Genin. He was a Chounin that was assigned to watch our squad while our sensai took some well deserved vacation time.

To make a long story short, THAT Uchiha has a very thick skull. It took awhile to get him to notice me as anything other than a Genin with a bloodline. The Elders of our Clan were happy with the match as we were both capable of the Sharingan and thus we were married once I came "of age."

Unfortunately, five years might not sound like a large age difference but in the shinobi world it is. By the time, we were wed, he'd already been a Jonin and in the Uchiha Police Force for a few years. I never did get him to tell me what caused him to "close up," but I know that he experienced some horrible things.

Still I count myself as lucky. I had a faithful and smart husband. He was never abusive. The fact that he wasn't particularly talkative and didn't like cuddling, those were minor concerns. There had been worse marriages.

By the time we died, neither of us were in the mood for romance. Being killed by your son, tends to be a mood killer. Yes, the pun was intended. We were both too busy watching Itachi and Sasuke to care much about renewing our vows.

He was the only man I had ever been with. (Well other than a couple games of Truth or Dare at the Academy during recess. But I don't really count those. They were just very clumsy kisses.) While it probably isn't proper to admit this, once my clan is finally at peace, perhaps I'll pursue my options. Fugaku has hopes to become an arc angel, I doubt he's in a rush to take another lover anytime soon. But he has given a few of the female angels, appraising looks here and there.

Fugaku realized what was going on. Itachi had been revived temporarily recently. He tried to pull me back. Thankfully, there was no pain in this version of the afterlife. If there had been, I think he might have crushed my hand. What can I say? The man has a STRONG grip

"Let go and tell Itachi what happened," I yank myself away. It was as much curiosity as anything else. From what Itachi had told me, this wasn't the same sensation he had experienced when he was revived.

Little known fact, when you've been dead a decade... coming back to life is a bit of a jaring experience. Everything started working at the same time, my heart, my lungs, senses, and so forth. I'd describe it as painful, but it was over so quickly, I didn't really have time to process it.

Quickly, I tried to scan my location. Unfortunately, that effect you have when it was pitch black and someone turns the light on was making it difficult. You know the one, when you have to shut your eyes as you adjust. Annoying as fuck? Yes, that's the one.

"It seems it was a success. Tell me do you know who you are? Can you speak," a masculine voice says.

Thankfully, my eyes finally adjust and I"m able to squint a bit. I don't recognize the man. But it was always important to gather as much information as possible. He looked to be in his 30's, maybe 40's. He had short shaggy dark blue hair and green eyes. He had a stocky build. This was someone who was used to using taijutsu. He had to be a ninja to revive me. Otherwise, I would have pegged him as a foreman on a construction crew.

As I was looking around, I noticed we seemed to be inside a stony structure. He must have made an improvised medical lab. Smart. Probably as a precaution if the revival was unsuccessful or partially successful. There was a bed, all sorts of tubbing, fluids, medications, and... restraints. Dammit, yes I was definitely strapped to the table using some sort of metal chakra surpressant.

I think I shall dub him Dr. Frankenstein. My grandfather made me watch the movies. He loved horror. Anyway, Frankenstein wasn't an amateur. This had clearly been in the works for awhile. Which probably wasn't a good thing for me.

Hmm to be honest or play the damsel in distress? Damsel it is. It has never let me down before. Men could be such suckers.

"Who are you? Where am I," I ask faking confusion and adding a touch of fear to give it some realism.

"Well at least you can speak and are aware of your surroundings. So I consider it a success. Perhaps your memories will come back later. Who I am, doesn't matter. I revived you for a purpose. You see the ninja worwld is growing soft. Your records indicate you are of a more... calm demeanor than the men of your family. It's our belief that Sasuke would be more agreeable to our cause if he knows we brought you back. He is your son," he explains.

Well thank you very much Captain Obvious. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't recognize my son's name? Still an honest answer. I was always good at spotting a liar. I had much practice when Itachi kept trying to steal cookies and Sasuke claimed to have cleaned his room.

After looking around for awhile, I saw an engraved heart on one of the walls. I remembered carving that years ago. It said Mikoto + Fugaku. Ah I remember those days. Fugaku was five years my senior, but I was a girl with a crush. Nobody thought I'd ever win him over. I was too "sweet" for him. It wasn't my age that was the factor. Uchiha women tended to marry young and were often younger than their husbands. It increased the odds of having more children.

But that marking was all I needed to know where I was, I was in one of the old fortresses our family made during Madara's day. We had entrusted ninja cats to watch over it. I wondered if they were still here. If they were, this could be my chance.

"If I have a son, I would like to see him immediately," I answer.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to him. We'll have to be stealthy of course. Can't have you wandering around like that in the Leaf. Someone might recognize you and we don't want to tip our hand too early," he says.

I whistle. If there were any ninja cats left, they should come running. Mentally I sigh in relief when a dozen or so furballs arrive. Thank the Gods and Goddesses, cats are intelligent creatures. They were able to deduce restrained Uchiha = bad = attack that son of a bitch!

It was almost comical. A flurry of white, orange, black, and other fur colors launched themselves at him with their claws out. A few were spitting fire, literally. They were ninja cats afterall.

"What the fucking hell?! Get off me you damn flea bags," Frankenstein says. He tries to shield himself with his arms from the on slaught of claws. The claws he had some success blocking. The fireballs proved more of a challenge. He performs a water jutsu to try to put out the flames; but the cats kept up their barrage. Dogs might be man's best friends, but there is a reason why the crazy cat lady archetype exists. They get the job done.

A white cat makes a dash for his pocket and grabs some sort of key out of it. She or maybe he races over and stuffs the key into the slot of the restraints.

I smile, jump off of the table, and pat the cat's head, "Good kitty. You on the other hand, I can't say the same for."

It was a pity that I didn't have any weapons on me. That would have made things easier. I really didn't want to have to use my chakra network at the moment. There was no telling if it would be active after previously having just been bones before my revival. It looked like I was going to have to settle this the old fashioned way.

"You've got to be kidding me. You sicked fucking cats on me," Dr. Frankenstein says.

"You aren't a cat person, I see. Well if I had known you were a dog person, I would have called the Inuzukas and had their dogs finish you off," I smirk and go flying at him.

Taijutsu would have to do. Lion's Barrage would probably do the trick. I slam my legs into his back. A few umpfs of pain can be heard, but he manages to roll around and grab my leg. He sends me flying into the wall.

I had to admit that did fucking hurt. It had been awhile since I felt pain. Which is why, he was able to advance on me so quickly.

"I really didn't want to have to do this the hard way," he says, as he tries to knock me out.

"Me neither. This is beneath me," but I kick him where NO man wants to be kicked anyway.

"YOU DAMN BITCH," he hisses out as he clutches his bruised equipment.

"Accurate. Cats do Formation 666," I yell as I go racing out.

Formation 666 was named that because our ninja cats would all spit fire at once, making it look like Hell. It was designed to give an Uchiha a chance to escape while the enemy cowered in terror or had to put out the flames.

It was a shame that I hadn't been buried with shoes. Shoes would have been good right about now, as I raced across the ice cold stone floor. I had always been fast. Which was good, there was no telling how long the cats would be able to buy me.

I got out of the fortress, just as a wave of water comes crashing through and empties outside. Looks like he decided some type of major water release. I hope the cats didn't drown.

There was no way around it. He was going to pursue. If I wanted to get out of here, I'd have to kill him.

He comes racing out shortly afterwards. The "good doctor" didn't look too pleased with me. Well I did just kick him in the balls. So there was that.

There was a forest only a few yards away from the fortess. I come from the Leaf Village; so a forest would give me a natural advantage. I might be able to slip away. But if he followed, he'd come back to the Leaf and I didn't want him to go there.

"You know I can't kill you. That defeats the purpose of reviving you. But I can make things VERY unpleasant for you. If you keep this up. I'll let that one go, as you are a walking corpse and everyone gets a freebie. Now get your ass back in the fortress," he says.

"That's not going to happen," I say and make a run for the forest, with him in hot pursuit.

That was alright though. One of my specialities was speed. I'd never have my husband's or sons' raw power when it came to punching, but I was fast. Not Fourth Hokage level of fast of course, but faster than this cretin.

I scale a tree quickly with him just a few feet behind me. But it was enough. I jump onto his back and snap his neck. His body crumples, but he oh so very nicely prevented me from landing on the dirt floor of the forest.

"Odd that I was allowed free movement," I muse to myself.

Really, I resented the idea that it was ONLY the men in my family were hot heads. Where did people think my boys got their temper from? Their father's rage had been a volcano; awesome in its fury but over quickly. Mine was a slow simmer underneath the surface of the ocean and eventually a tsunami would build. Another way to put it, is my husband and Sasuke's anger was aggressive; Itachi and I were more passive aggressive.

The white cat must have escaped drowning because it comes waddling out. The poor thing was soaked and looked like a drown rat. Shooting it a smile, I begin the morbid task searching Dr. Frankenstein's body for anything that might assist in figuring out his true identity or be useful.

First things, first I looked for a headband. I didn't see one. But given he had been attempting a Forbidden Jutsu, that was hardly surprising. Though something wasn't right. I had been fully in control of myself. The Reanimation Justu had one under the control of whoever revived them unless they wished otherwise. He seemed to geniunely believe I might not have my memories. I had not heard of such a side effect from that jutsu. He must have used another method to bring me back.

"I'm coming with you Mistress," the white cat walks over rather determinedly.

I tried not to laugh at the appearance of the soaking wet cat or the formal title. Poor thing had likely just witnessed all its comrades dying. It was best not to add insult to injury.

"That's kind of you. If you do so though, you will have to pretend to be a normal cat for the time being. I think I'll call you Snowball," I answered.

Snowball made a face at the overused name for a white cat. But honestly, coming up with a clever name was on the bottom of my to do list. I had to figure out how much time I had, if this was permenant, and most importantly find Sasuke. Luckily, he didn't decide to bicker over the name.. He gives a somber nod of his furry head, accepting it.

There were a few kunais and senbon needles. Well it was better than nothing. The real prize however was the food rations, some water, and cash. It wasn't a lot of money, but it would certainly pay for a few days stay at a decent inn or maybe a few weeks at a shady one.

"My lady, you may wish to disguise your appearance. I don't think anyone not from the Leaf would recognize you. But that's no reason to take the gamble until we figure out what to do," Snowball says.

The furball had a point. I use a genjutsu to change my hair from midnight black to Kushina red. My eyes were no longer onyx in color but sky blue. Then I start braiding my hair. Hey, I didn't want to give anything away. Even hair texture and length could be a give away if it was a skilled shinobi or even someone who knew and remembered me.

"Well done Mistress. I might recommend a cleaning jutsu. Your clothes are well...dirty enough to attract suspicion," the cat offers.

Oh that was embarrassing. They were caked in dust and dirt. Well nothing a few handseals took care of that. Had I known I was going to die that day, I probably would have worn something more glamorous than my standard "housewife" outfit. A bland apron with a grayish purple simple dress underneath, not the best look. At least it was comfortable and I could pass for a civilian in this.

My only concern for this disguise would be a Hyuga seeing through it, another Genjutsu expert, or perhaps even just a skilled sensory type. But it should do well enough until I could get to the Hokage tower and try to explain.

"MISTRESS LOOK OUT," Snowball yells.

But it was too late. I wince in pain as a kunai goes into my back. It wasn't a vital spot. He wasn't trying to kill me. The "dead Dr. Frankenstein" turned into a log. I can't believe I fell for the oldest trick in the book, a substitution jutsu. I'm far too rusty it seems.

"Red head, huh? Bold choice. Too bad that I saw you transform or I might have not reognized you. By the way, I'm not stupid enough to work alone," Dr. Frankenstein explains.

The genjutsu drops. I would have been able to see through it easily if I had been using my chakra. There had to be about twenty of them. All men, all shinobi, and most disturbingly, all of them were blind. The odds of finding that many shinobi without eyesight were slim. They had been blinded on purpose. Probably as a counter measure against the Sharingan.

"As you've probably figured out by now, these ninjas are specially trained to deal with someone of your... unique talents," he smirks and gestures for them to attack.

There were twenty-one ninjas, if you include Frankenstein against myself and Snowball. I grimanced at this. There was almost no way I could get out of this one without activating my chakra network. For all I knew, this could short circuit my chakra network from sudden overload. Snowball would be able to help some, but not enough.

Thankfully, they seemed more inclined to use brute force instead of jutsus. These goons weren't going for fatal attacks, but to overwhelm me. Two of the larger ones charge at me first. I was able to whisk out of the way at the last second and they crashed into each other. I chuck some of the needles into them to paralyze them for the time being. That was at least two down.

"It's so hard to find good help these days," Dr. Frankenstein facepalms.

"Wouldn't know," I slam my fist into the face of another of the goons. Goon number 14 gets a cheap shot in while, I do so. He smacked me in the back of the head so hard, I saw stars, and fell to my knees. I spit up some blood and can hear the Dr. cussing him out.

My vision was swimming, but I could make out, "IDIOT! I told you that killing her was a no go and that includes breaking her beyond repair. What do you think Sasuke is going to do, if we present an invalid to him?"

"Sorry boss," goon fourteen says and I take this opportunity to slash his femoral artery with one of the kunai's I snatched off the substitution Dr. Frakenstein.

"It's going to take a lot more than a knock on the head, to make me an invalid," I say and flick four kunai into the chests of some other goons.

There was a problem though. That was all of the kunais. I had the needles and taijutsu left at this point and ...

"REEEOWWWWWW," Snowball who was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, scratching the ever living Hell out of anyone he could get his claws on. Cat claws can do some damage, some of those scratches were almost as vicious looking as the ones that would have been caused by kunais.

"Earth prison," goon number ... seven I think yells out.

I manage to do a roll and avoid getting caught up in the jail cell made of earth, almost. One of my legs got stuck inbetween the bars. Growling with rage, I bring my fist to it and break it.

"Dammit," I didn't think that it was broken but it was injured badly enough to slow me down and speed was one of my few advantages in this fight.

"What are you idiots waiting for? GET HER! But for fucksake don't do any permanent damage. Throw your weight around," Frankenstein yells.

The remaining minions all charged at once. It was really all I could do to try to dodge the flurry of punches, kicks, and grabs. There were so many of them, that it left little room for them to move, so that helped a bit. I could already feel several bruises forming from where their hits had connected.

"TAKE THAT YOU MANGY MUTTS," Snowball was trying his best, slashing and biting at them.

I kneed one in the stomach hard, as I came to a decision. I'd have to send up a flare and hope that someone nearby saw it. Using chakra in this situation, was not ideal. There was no way of knowing the effects.

Shit! I narrowly avoided getting pinned down by a kunai. Still it scraped my shoulder pretty badly.

"FIREBALL JUTSU," at least I could fry some of the dumbfuckers, as the flare goes up.

It was a gamble. I didn't know if anyone would be nearby enough to see the flare or if they would be "friendly." This was about a day and a half journey from the Leaf. Though I think there is a village closer by. Maybe someone would see it. Hopefully ninjas. Even blind and some fried to a crisp, these were clearly experienced ninjas. It was doubtful civilians would be able to offer much aid.

Some of my opponents howl in pain and a few jump back to avoid the blaze. But it still had the desired effect. The fire had risen high enough that for a short burst it was above the trees, acting as a beacon. Of course now it was smoke but still. That should get someone's attention.

The ones who weren't hit by the flames get their nerves back, as their injured comrades head off for treatment for some serious burns. Snowball currently was making a chewtoy out of one of their faces, while I used my hands to try to block the brunt of the blows.

"So you can use chakra. I wonder how much. Fascinating that the Izanami's (Japanese Goddess of creation and death) pearls can revive the chakra network as well, as the spirit, and body ," Dr. Frankenstein was approaching.

So that's how he did it. Izanami had a pearl necklace that once every hundred years, could bring back one person to life. It didn't matter how long they had been dead. Of course, it came at a price. It took an enormous amount of chakra to activate the spell. Enough chakra that it would completley drain, whoever said the incantation. A life for a life. This was why it was so rarely used, even if one did find it.

"You learn something new everyday. Too bad that knowledge won't be much use to you in the afterlife," I was about to rush him when, I sensed three chakra signatures approaching FAST.

That temporarily confused my attackers. I managed to get a good punch to one's jaw, while they were looking at the approaching figures. There were three in all. Two men and one woman. The attire of the men was very strange, green spandex with jounin uniforms. But I recognized the headbands as belonging to the Leaf. Their hair was black and both had bushy eyebrows. Hmm I didn't realize that it was possible to be put on the same squad as a relative. They must have been father and son? The other was a woman who had brown hair put in two buns and wore white.

"Saw your distress signal," the older spandex wearing man says.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not right to hit a lady," he flashes a blinding white smile with his thumb up as he charges at Dr. Frankenstein.

The woman takes out two scrolls and smoke appears, she jumps high into the air and the scrolls take the shape of two dragons. She was spinning a barrage of weapons, some of the kunais had explosive tags on them.

"Rising Twin Dragons," she calls out and they start flying. The weapons user had deadly accuracy, as more than a few land on their mark.

Mini spandex boy, wasn't to be outdone though. He yells something that I didn't understand about the power of youth and starts fighting back to back with his father to take out the remaining shinobi.

"Retreat for now," Dr. Frankenstein says to the remaining living goons.

About half of the blind ninjas were still alive. The Dr. grabs them and does a series of handsigns I didn't recognize. It must have been some sort of teleportation jutsu though because they disappear.

Well that was anticlimatic. Though they would be back eventually, I was sure of it. But I suppose I should count my blessings. A kuani in the back, some bruises that were going to be a bitch to deal with tomorrow, and a leg in less than ideal condition.

"Are you alright? Why did those men attack you," the younger youth fantatic asks.

"I should be fine in a day or two. I think I ... startled them," was my vague, but truthful answer.

"Let me see your back, it looks like you got hit. You'll be fine to travel after bandaged up. The village isn't that far. I assume you are a ninja, as you were able to send up a fire flare. Must have lost your headband in the fight. What village do you come from," the older man says.

"Thank you. You are very kind coming to a stranger's aid. I'm originally from the Leaf, but I've been away for a long time," was my response.

Again that was all true. I couldn't exactly say, oh yeah I was a Leaf Shinobi, turned housewife, turned angel, and I'm back from the dead now. Can you take me to my son? Well it was mostly true. I did recall this man now. His name was Might Guy. He used to always compete with Kakashi. Kakashi was one of Minato's students. Minato was my best friend's husband and the Fourth Hokage.

He instructs the rest of his team to look away and goes behind a tree with me. It was nice to see that chivalry wasn't dead. But honestly, the boy looked to be about Sasuke's age. It's not like he was a child. Even with his strange fashion sense and eccentric eyebrows, it was likely he'd seen a naked woman at some point and he was a battle hardened shinobi. I didn't care if someone got a look at my back, while an injury was being taken care of. As for the girl, it wasn't like she'd see anything she didn't also possess.

I undo my apron and slide out of the simple dress. Yes, Guy got an eyeful of my lingerie but it was really the only way to tend to the back injury. Well it seemed at least he was a gentleman. But he was only human, so yes he had to make a smart comment.

"Kunoichi's Secret, you have good taste. I haven't seen this stuff for decades. People don't appreciate the classical lace look as much anymore for some reason," he says as he uses a med kit that all ninja squads had.

It was basically an advanced first aid kit. At some point after one of the wars, finally someone decided hey, maybe we should have medical supplies if we are going to send people on potentially life threatening missions. The stuff, whatever it was, still stung though.

"Mhm. I would probably stop discussing lingerie choices with me, when your son is only a few feet away," I hiss out in annoyance at the sting, more than his conversation.

"Son? I don't have any children. Oh you mean Lee," he bandages me up.

"No, he's my student. He really has taken to the philosophy of youth. Tenten is another of my students. Though they are both full fledged shinobi now. So I probably shouldn't call them my students anymore," he answers and I quickly dress.

"... He's not related to you? But you look nearly identical," I say in shock.

"Funny how things like that happen," he chuckles and we rejoin the others.

Tenten speaks up, "I'm Tenten, that's our Sensai Guy, and of course, Lee. You get used to them after awhile. Who are you?"

"You can call me Suki," I say.

Suki means loved one or eagle eyed. I thought eagle eyed was a nice subtle reference to the Sharingan. I'll call this an inside joke.

"Well Suki, we should head back to the village. Lee make sure to hide the bodies for the time being. We'll have them collected later. See if we can't find anything out about our friends," Guy says.

Lee and Tenten start digging "graves," in the forest ground. Really they were just holes large enough to put the bodies in until they could be retrieved. One could learn a great deal about a ninja from their corpse and about their village, if they had one.

"Don't forget me," Snowball scurries over and climbs onto my shoulder.

"This is Snowball. He is... my ninja cat," I say.

There was no point in pretending he was anything else. They already knew I was a ninja. So the whole civilian cover idea, was not going to work.

Tenten's eyes light up and she heads over. The brunette was having a grand ole time petting Snowball. Well I guess they didn't have a problem with my companion.

After awhile we start off. As I walk alongside my new commrades, or in Guy's case old commrade, I ponder what I'm going to say when I get into the village. There wouldn't be any records of a Suki. I'd have to gamble, if they took me to see the Hokage. They probably would. I mean ten dead bodies and the others had escaped. It'd stupid if they didn't take me to see the her.

I try to remember what little I knew about the Leaf's first female Hokage. I knew that she was blonde, the granddaughter of the First, loved alcohol and gambling, and was fond of Naruto. Well there wasn't much to go on there. Maybe I could get her drunk and then explain? It was worth a shot and I had always been good at holding my liquor...