The Sunday after his meeting with Snape he was having dinner with Ron and Hermione. He was excited to tell them about his new job at Hogwarts.

As he arrived at their front door Ron throws open the door and waves him inside. "Come on in Harry, we thought for a minute you weren't going to make it."

Harry shakes his head and smiles "No, I just got busy packing and lost track of the time. Sorry I'm late."

Hermione comes in from the kitchen "Dinner's almost ready, Oh! Hello Harry I'm glad you made it."

Ron clears his throat and says "Harry here says he was late packing. "turns to look at Harry. "What are you packing for mate? Are you moving?"

Harry nods. "Yeah, about that, actually I'm moving back to Hogwarts. I've been hired on as the new Defense Professor."

Both Hermione and Ron smiled and congratulated him Ron with and exuberant slap on the back and a "Right on mate." Hermione hugged him and told him she believed he would be a very good teacher. Harry was glad he had the support of his friends.

During dinner he told the, about the meeting with Snape. Ron of coarse cringed at the mention of the man which earned a whack on the head from Hermione followed with her exclamation of "Honestly ron, grow up." Harry just chuckled at his friends.

Ron became serious for a moment. "was he really that different Harry?" he asked after a moment

Harry shook his head "Well, he's still Snape, you know but he seemed much mellower."

Hermione looked thoughtful "Well I expect not having to spy or be under the control of two powerful wizards anymore has to take quite the weight of his shoulder. Maybe he is just being himself not instead of the Bastard he had to act like then. "

Ron snorts and shakes his head. "I don't think it was too much of an act personally, but hell I'm willing to give the git the benefit of the doubt."

Hermione and Harry simply roll their eyes. They had long accepted how Ron was about new ideas and holding on to things.

That night when Harry was getting ready to leave Hermione followed saying "let me walk you out Harry." As they walked to the edge of their wards so harry could dissaperate out Hermione pulled him aside. "Harry are you in love with Snape? I mean with how you acted after the final battle and how you defended him to everyone, and how you talked about him tonight. It just makes sense, so are you? In love with him I mean?"

Harry looks away from her searching eyes. Hermione had always been to perceptive for her own and everyone else's good.

She continues having already learned the answer from his silence. "Because, you know if you are that's okay."

Harry turned to look at her and slowly nodded. A blush forming on his cheeks that he tried to ignore. He had tried so hard to hide it but he should have learned by now that you couldn't hide anything from Hermione.

She smiles, "I'm glad you told me Harry, you know I just want you happy and if Snape makes you happy well then that's just fine with me.

Harry shook his head. "I don't think anything will come from this Hermione, but thanks for the support."

He takes Hermione in his arms and gives her a big hug as she hugs him back she whispers in his ear. "don't ever stop believing in the impossible Harry. Sometimes life will surprise you." She says pulling back and giving a fond look towards the kitchen window where Ron is doing the dishes. She looks back at harry after a moment "sometimes love can come from what at one time been unexpected places."

Harry understood Hermione's meaning her and Ron had went through many challenges to get to where they were now. He smiles and tells her goodbye before apperating to his flat so he could move into Hogwarts the next day. A whole new chapter in his life to begin.