His heart still pounding from an adrenaline rush, Félix sighed as Charlotte closed his bedroom door. Eyes stinging from lack of sleep, he pushed himself out of bed. Give it up for day two, he thought sardonically. He grabbed his phone and headphones and lazily scrolled through his music library. Playing "Luvoratorrrrry!" he started getting himself ready for the day. He'd never admit it, but he was grateful that Adrien had taken him and Charlotte shopping. Looking at the clothes he'd brought with him, the ones his mother had bought him, made his stomach knot itself whenever he set eyes on them.

Félix had a specific morning routine. Shower, do his hair, cover up any bags under his eyes with concealer, get dressed. His mother had always gone on about how important appearances were. At the time, he'd chalked it up to a weird personality tick, but now knowing she'd been married to a fashion designer, it took on a new light. He supposed some old habits died hard.

Music still pounding in his ears, Félix made his way downstairs to the dining room. Charlotte was already there, picking at her food as usual and talking genially with Adrien. So she was still acting like everything was fine. It's her funeral if she wants to ignore her grief, Félix thought as he sat across from her. He could faintly hear Adrien ask him something.

"Sorry?" he said, taking an earbud out.

"I was just saying good morning," Adrien replied.

"It's certainly a morning." He fought back a laugh at Adrien's perplexed face and Charlotte's sniggering. As he put his earbud back in, he heard Charlotte explain to Adrien that he detested mornings.

As they went on the drive to school, Adrien glanced at the twins. Charlotte was on her phone and Félix was staring out of the window, still listening to his music. He'd tried a few times to sneak a peek at what he was listening to but with no success. Whatever it was, Félix seemed pretty entranced. That or he was using it as an excuse not to talk. Both seemed pretty plausible to Adrien.

Students were hanging around the front of the school as they pulled up. Nino and Alya were talking to Marinette, who held a cream-colored box in her hands. It wasn't odd to see Marinette at school with a box full of pastries. Since they'd gotten into high school, she'd often bring treats to her friends. Sure, they were a little stale, but Adrien didn't mind one bit. Whatever she brought, he'd eat it.

"Good morning, sleepyheads. You look like you didn't sleep last night," Alya greeted them as the trio approached them. She wiggled her eyebrows at Félix, who rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I slept just fine. It's just that someone woke me up with an air horn this morning," he replied, glaring over at Charlotte.

"It's not my fault that someone broke my vuvuzela. The one I spent hours gluing rhinestones on," she fired back at him.

"I didn't purposefully break it," he defended himself. Marinette sheepishly grinned at the joke before clearing her throat.

"Hey, uh, Charlotte, your brother and Adrien came by my bakery yesterday and well, I thought since they didn't bring you anything that I could. I mean, you can pick something you like from the box. Or take the whole thing, it's not like I'll throw any of this away. I just felt bad that you didn't get to have anything," Marinette said. Adrien felt Félix tense up beside him as Charlotte's mouth gaped ever so slightly.

"Um, thank you, Marinette. That's very kind of you," she said. Her fingers picked up a tiny macaroon and popped it in her mouth. Adrien's eyes caught the faint quiver in her fingers, the slight pause before she swallowed, and a quick glance at Marinette told him she saw them as well.

"Can I have some too?" Félix asked Marinette, point to the box.

"Oh! Sure, go ahead!" Félix didn't wait to be told twice, digging into the box and shoving four macaroons into his mouth before heading off to class, Charlotte trailing after him.

"He's got a sweet tooth, doesn't he?" Marinette nervously laughed as she glanced after them.

The dining room was silent as Adrien and Félix sat at the table. Félix was shoving food and wolfing it down as if he'd been starving for months, the sharp dings of cutlery against plates ringing in the room followed by soft munching noises. Adrien's food was untouched as he wanted to wait for Félix's sister to join them. He hadn't seen her since they got home. She had run up to her bedroom as soon as she got into the foyer and slammed the door shut. Maybe I should see if she's okay, he wondered. Maybe she's upset. Félix had gone after her, but Adrien hadn't seen if she was fine or not.

"We don't have to wait for Charlotte, you know," Félix said, fork violently digging into his food. "She'd want us to go ahead and eat."

"I don't know. Maybe I should go see if she heard Nathalie," Adrien mused, glancing towards the doors.

"Leave her be. She'll eat when she eats," Félix replied through a mouth full of bread. Adrien paused. He knew the right thing would be to go and check up on her, but he thought about sitting across from her, with her eyes and her face that matched their mother's perfectly and felt nauseous.

"Do you mind if I take my lunch back to my room?" Adrien asked. Félix shook his head and Adrien was out of there in record time. As soon as he shut the door, he knew he was being selfish. He should have been spending time with the twins, not sulking in his room.

"They're not babies, Adrien. They can take care of themselves," Plagg said, whipping out of Adrien's shirt quickly.

"But I'm their older brother. I have to make sure they're okay during all of this," Adrien argued.

"Your mental health is just as important as theirs. If you need a break, you can take one," Plagg replied, but Adrien remained silent, guilt still stinging his soul as he ate in silence.

After lunch and a nap, Adrien trudged down to the foyer to wait for Félix and Charlotte. I hope the rest of the day goes quickly, he thought as hard footsteps against the marble floor echoed through the house.

"Charlotte's not going back to school today. I managed to get her to eat something but she's not feeling well," Félix said as he joined Adrien in the foyer. Adrien frowned and glanced over towards Charlotte's room.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

"She will be. This always happens when she has sweets. Her stomach can't handle it and she throws it back up," Félix replied.

"Maybe I should stay home and stay in case she needs something," Adrien mused out loud. Félix shook his head.

"As I said, this happens all the time. She's fine on her own." And without another word Félix made his way towards the car waiting outside. It felt wrong to be heading out when Charlotte needed him or her twin, but at least she had Nathalie there to help her if needed. And if Adrien was being honest with himself, he didn't feel like going back to school either. Reluctantly, he filed into the limo after Félix.

The car drive was silent, Félix staring out of the window, headphones in, and Adrien staring into space at his phone. What wouldn't he give for the car to crash and land him in a coma. Maybe then he wouldn't have to deal with this. Wait, what am I thinking?! Adrien thought, perking up. I shouldn't be thinking like that!

After an eternity, the car pulled up to the high school and Adrien couldn't get out fast enough. Nino and his friends would take him mind off all of this. They had to.

"Where's Charlotte?" Marinette asked as Adrien and Félix joined her and the others after the break.

"Charlotte tripped and hurt her ankle so Adrien's assistant took her to the doctor to make sure it's not sprained, or something," Félix replied. Inwardly, Adrien breathed a sigh of relief. He'd been expecting Félix to tell Marinette the truth, that her sweets had made Charlotte sick. That would have broken her heart. But no, Félix lied and spared Marinette's feelings.

Perhaps he wasn't as cold as he was letting on.