Mark POV

Hitting the wall again and again was beginning to wear me down. I was sure that I could break through to the other side but I was starting to lose hope in reaching Sean in time.

"Come on Mark! You wanna see him alive right?!" Dark taunted me from the other side, his voice barely heard through the wall.

"I'm going to pin you in here when I get out!" I said, fully knowing that even if I succeeded in that, that I'd only have a few minutes to help Sean before Dark was able to take full control again.

I groaned as the soreness in my arms increased. But I had to get through. I had to get to Sean before Anti could hurt him more, or even kill him. I hit the wall again. And again, until the crack formed a hole. And with that hole came a stream of light. I backed up and ran myself into the wall shoulder first. Bang. Again. BANG. once more. THUD. I went through the wall and landed on the floor behind it. Once my senses started to come back from the impact with the floor, I heard laughing.

"Wow. You made quite an entrance. I bet you're tired." Dark taunted me.

"Not yet." I said, picking myself up, "I refuse to rest while you're still standing."

"Well that's bold of you Mark but I don't think you'll make it that far."

"Try me…"

I lunged towards him, fist ready to strike at any opportunity. It connected with a wall. The wall that Dark had previously been leaning against. I blinked, confused. There was no way he could move out of the way that fast. But he had. As soon as I hesitated, there was a hand yanking back on my hair, pulling me back against a solid body.

"Think you're so quick huh Mark? Think you can beat me that easy?" He snickered.

"No." I said through the pain, "I just need to give Sean enough time to fight back."

"He's probably already dead Mark. So give up!"


Sean POV

I thought I could see the end again. I had failed in keeping control and was pulled out again. But I wasn't immediately pushed into anything new. I was kept in Anti's creepy psych ward for a few minutes so he could beat me to a pulp again. But I wasn't going to let him.

After he hit me in the gut again, I fell to my knees. From there I stared up at my doppelganger and spit blood onto the floor. I wasn't going to let him win this time. I couldn't let him force me into another trap. So I stood and faced him.

"Well aren't you a daring little fuck!" He cackled at me, his voice losing it's somewhat human quality.

"I'm not gonna let you win Anti." I said, bracing myself for another attack.

"Well then! I'll just have to f͝o͢͢͠r͏će̵ ҉̧͞y͞ou̡͢͝ ͞ţ͏̵o҉ ̷̢ś̷ta͘y̛͘͟ d̨͘͝o̶̢w̢͡n̨͘!̧" His voice finally cracking.

Anti ran at me, throwing a hand around my throat and picking me up into the air before slamming me down onto an autopsy table he had made appear. The cold metal shocked my body, making it tell me to jump up and run away but I couldn't. Anti's hold on me was strong and I knew I couldn't try to counter it. So I struggled to grab anything I could that was at the sides of the table.

"Oh no Seany boy!" Those are for ME to͏͡ ̢͞p̸̧̕l̕͟҉a̛͝y̸ ̡͏wįt̵̨h̡." Anti said, laughing his maniacal laugh, "B̢͝ù̡t I̡'̨l͟͟l͘ ̨lȩ͡t ̕͏y͟o̸͝ù҉͘ ̴̡k͘now̛͜ ̀͞w̸h̴́a̛͘͝t ̧̕i̧͟͞t ̷̧͡f́҉ȩ͠e҉l̕ś̕ ҉li͝k̵҉e!̛͞͡"

Only what I could assume to be a scalpel, was plunged into my side, immediately causing me to cry out in pain. But it wasn't until it sliced down to my hip did I become afraid of what was going to happen to me.

"Doesn't that feel G͏̢̛R̵E͠͏҉A͏̨͞T̵!" Anti shouted, pulling the small blade out and plunging it into the top of my thigh.

I screamed this time as the blade was pulled down my leg, to my knee. I was going to die here unless I could grab something. My fingers were still searching the edges of the table to find something.

"This is what you get for trying to k̢̛e̵e̛̕p̨̕ m͝e̸̛͟ ̴c͝ǫ́҉ǹ̕t͜a̡͠i̸͞͏ne͜͠d ͏̷Se̶á͘͘n̷͘͏!̶" he said, this time stabbing the middle of my rib cage.

I was beginning to feel just how much blood was pouring out of me, and it wasn't a good feeling. But my fingers had finally found the handle of something, something bigger than just the scalpel Anti was currently using. With a firm grip on what I sure was another blade, I swung up with it with as much energy as I had, slicing clean through half of Anti's upper arm.

It took him a few seconds to realize what had happened but after that, he screamed an unearthly sound. Something so deep and mechanic like that it chilled me to the bone. But I didn't have time to be scared. I needed to act. I needed to finish the job and be done with this virus once and for all.

I threw myself off of the table and onto my weak legs, the cut on the right one burning, but I stood my ground. My left leg took most of my weight and my right arm tried to hold my side together as my left hand held the butchers knife I had picked up from the table, the end of it was dripping with blood.

"So you do bleed." I said, a smirk crossing my face.

"Y̶̴Ờ̡͘͝Ú̷͜ ̴̀͘͝L̷I̴̸̛͝Ţ̵́͡T̡̡́L̡͘͢É̛͟ ̷̸̷͘͞B̛I͟͏T̷̶͜͟͝Ć̴͘͢͜H̸҉!́͡ ̵̛҉I̸̕͟'̶̡̨L̵̀L͏͝ ̡͞҉͞K̨̢̡͞͏I̸̸̛L͜Ļ͡ ͏Y҉̶͝O̸̵̧͟͟Ù̶̧͡ ̴̶͘͡F̴̢̛́͝O҉̷R̷̸̨͡ ̧̛́͠͝T̸̨H̶̷̛̀͞A҉̕T͡҉̛!҉́͟͞!̷̷̸̧͘!̢͟" Anti screamed, his eyes turning a neon color and multiple shadows coming off of his back.

"Come at me!" I yelled.

With a roar, the virus learched at me. The shadows forming into more hands to grab me with, but before any of them could, I slashed through them. I fought my way to Anti before he even understood what was happening, and when I was right there in his face, I took the butchers knife across his chest, and then plunged it into the space between his ribs. He stopped. The shadow hands that were left seemed to melt away. His eyes went to their normal color again, and then dulled as I let go of the knife and let him fall to the floor, presumably dead. I took a moment to breath, and watched as everything, including Anti himself, blinked around me as if it were all an illusion. I fell forward onto my hands, onto the carpet of Mark's recording room, clutching my side as blood seeped from it, my chest, and my leg. I was going to die here, I was sure of that. But I had to know something first. I couldn't die knowing Dark would win. I looked around me, looking for Mark's body. It was halfway across the room, leaned up against the wall. He was still breathing. I smiled and tried to scoot myself over to him, wincing with every movement.

"Mark.." I said, my voice weak.

"Mark." I tried again, louder this time as I got closer to his body.


Mark POV

I could hear him yelling for me. Sean was alive! He had beaten Anti! Now all I had to do was beat Dark and we could be free of them. I picked myself up from my spot on the ground, wiping blood away from my mouth.

"Is that all you got?" I said, staring at my doppelganger.

But something wasn't right with him. Dark looked distracted by something. His eyes were wide and a hand was clutching his chest. He looked to be in pain or shock of some sort, maybe both. I stepped towards him, and still he didn't seem to notice me.

"Dark?" I said.

Nothing. He just continued to stare at the ground.

"Damien?" I asked.

In a flash he had ripped a hole in his shirt and was examining a spot on his chest, the spot where a heart would be if he had one. Instead there was a hole shaped like one. I heard him mumble something.

"What happened? You've always had that hole." I said, approaching him.

"No…" he said.


"He's dead….Anti is…." Dark mumbled, looking up at me. His normally fierce red eyes, dull and tear filled.

"What do you mean he's….?" I started to ask but Dark just vanished. Not in-control-again-vanished, but somewhere else in me vanished.

I blinked and I was in my recording room. I breathed a sigh of relief for a second before looking around for Sean. I only had to look for a few seconds before I found him at my feet, drenched in blood and not moving.

"Sean!" I said, hurriedly scrambling to him to see if he was alive. As I got to him I could barely see his chest moving as he breathed. That wasn't good. And as I moved even closer I could see that his eyes were closed. That was worse.

"Sean?" I said, shaking him slightly, "Please wake up."

I pulled him into my arms and watched as his eyes slowly opened, as if his mind didn't want to wake up. I watched him smile at me, his blue eyes ever so slightly dull.

"Hi Mawk…" He said, his voice rough and quiet.

"Shhh. Don't say anything. I'm going to call an ambulance." I said, pulling him closer and looking around for my phone. It was across the room.

"Mawk….you don't need to do that. I won't make it." Sean said.

"Don't say that." I whimpered, my eyes beginning to fill with tears, "Don't….say that. You'll make it. I promised to protect you….I can't just let you die…"

"It's ok Mawk….you'll be ok. I promise." His hand reached up and graced my cheek.

I placed my hand on top of his to keep it there. "There's so much I haven't told you….so much we haven't done."

"It'll be ok….I promise." His voice was getting weaker.

"I….I love you…." I cried.

"I….love you too…." He breathed.

"Sean?" I looked down at him, his eyes had closed again and I didn't get an answer.

Scared, I leaned forward to see if I could hear him breathing, when I couldn't, I looked for other signs that he was alive. I didn't find any. Sean was gone. I pulled him closer to my chest and laid my head against his chest as best I could as I cried.

I'll never love again…

*Months later*

I pulled up my recording agent and fired up my camera. I waved at the camera and started my intro.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today…." I hadn't posted a video in months. I thought I was ready to do it... but the tears were rolling down my face again. I tried to hold them back but I just couldn't. "Today I can't do this. I'm sorry."

I reached up to turn my camera off but then decided to keep it on. They needed to know what had been going on with me.

"I'm sorry….that I've been gone. I'm sorry I've said nothing about him or….what happened. But I can't just keep trying to keep it all in and just give you all a blank face. I'm tired of holding it in." I felt the tears coming down my face.

"Jack…..Sean was a great man. And I loved him. But he's gone now and I have to face that reality just as much as you have to. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you all."

I could feel my body shaking with the tears as they poured out of my eyes, and I slumped forward. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I just stood there in front of the camera and cried. I don't know how long I was standing there crying but it felt good to just let it out. Eventually I looked back up at the camera and tried to say more, but couldn't find the words.

"I'm sorry. I can't...I can't be in this place anymore." I said, taking my headphones off and stopping the recording before running out of the recording room.

I barely stopped enough to grab my shoes before running out of the house and onto the sidewalk. It was raining, but I didn't care. I just needed to get away. I ran through the storm and away from my house. I ran down one sidewalk after another until I was sure I was lost. I ran until….I slammed into someone and knocked the both of us on our asses.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going next time!" The voice of a female brought me out of my dark world. I had run into the city. I could hear cars and busy people all around me.

"I...I'm sorry." I stammered, "Let me grab this for you." I said as I grabbed the umbrella she had dropped on the ground and handed it to her.

I stopped in my tracks. The woman before me was beautiful. Her hair was blonde and long, her eyes were a brown. She wore a shirt with a green alien face on it and jeans. I was staring wasn't I?

"Hey! Aren't you gonna help me up?" She said.

"Oh...ya! I'm sorry...I've...been in a daze all day." I said, extending my hand to her.

She took it and I helped her to her feet, pulling her a little too close to me. I handed her the umbrella and started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait!" She called after me.

"I'm sorry...I...I need to go home."

"No one runs blindly like that and then just goes home." She said, grabbing my arm gently. "Why don't I buy you a coffee and introduce myself as a new friend?"

"I….I'd like that. Thank you. I'm Mark." I said, as she began pulling me in the direction of a cafe.

"I'm Amy." She said with a smile.

Hearing her name stirred something in me that I hadn't felt in a long time.

Welcome back Damien. I thought.

{Thank you guys for reading this all the way to the end. I know it was a long time coming and for those of you who read all the way through, even through the long waiting periods and shit, thank you. I hope that, even though I'll be moving onto new things now, that you'll still try to read what else I have. And if you don't then thank you for reading this one. This ending is sad but it is the one that I originally had planned for this story. But, Ash talked me out of it and you now have your choice of endings. So, which ever one you choose as 'your ending', thank you for reading. Once again, we'll be having a stream Q/A in the next couple of days, we'll have an announcement on what time(s) on our tumblr and if I need to I will put in an AN about it just so it gets to everyone. But, as always. Thank you for reading. And I'll see you in the next one. Bye bye.} -AN