Very short one shot of how Tony made it with Gibbs...

It was an awkward situation, to say the least, Tony thought to himself. First day as an Agent of NCIS and there was a man holding a gun to his new boss' head, with him holding his own gun to the mans temple having reacted automatically. The case he'd been working before he got the case with Gibbs in Baltimore had been an undercover assignment that left him going for his gun every time something happened…like this.

"Put you're gun down before I blow his brains out" Tony heard the other gunman say to him. Tony smiles that smile.

"Here's something better; you put down YOUR gun and I won't blow YOUR brains out" Tony offered still smiling. He could see his boss give him a calculating look while the other agents on the floor looked at him like he was nuts or stupid. The gunman looked at him.

"You think I'm FUCKING KIDDING?!" the man started to yell.

"You have three seconds, do YOU think I'm kidding?" Tony asked genuinely curious.




"2" Tony counted down, Gibbs angling his body differently.


"1" Tony felt his gaze grow cold instantly, like a killer, his finger starting to squeeze the trigger.

"CHRISTMAS!" Before he could completely pull the trigger, Gibbs reacted. Tony immediately released his finger off of the trigger; watching as Gibbs took the man by surprise, pinning him to the floor before cuffing him.

As three agents took the man away, Gibbs stood toe to toe with him.

"You really were going to shoot him, weren't you, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asks, his tone was neutral. Tony smiles again and tilted his head to the side.

"It's not December yet, boss" Tony replied. Gibbs narrowed his eyes just as a voice screamed Gibbs' name before he was jumped on. Abby has launched herself on her fearless leader. Tony blinked before he stepped back and let the young lab tech cling to her 'silver fox'. Gibbs hadn't looked away from him. After a few minutes of gushing, Abby noted the lack of attention and high tension between Tony and her leader.

"Gibbs?" Abby asks.

"You plan on doing stunts like that, DiNozzo?"

"You plan on getting into situations like this often?" Tony counters.

"…Most agent's wouldn't react to a situation like that" Gibbs pointed out.

"Most agents don't have people trying to kill their boss like that either" Tony redirected. Gibb's narrows his eyes and steps into DiNozzo's personal space.

"People'll talk boss" Tony grinned cheekily but didn't back down or look all that fazed. Gibbs smiled, nodding his head.

"You'll do"

Tony grin widen.

"Come on, we got work to do" Gibbs called as he made his way up to the Director to sort out the paperwork of this.

"On your six, boss" Tony calls jogging to catch up. Abby tilted her head in confusion. She had no idea what just happened.