Hi evry1! Im new at this so plz R&R! (my sp iz a lot betr in my fic.)

Dedicated to: Jstar888

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon

*Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember it's true: somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.* - Anon

It was a clear, crisp morning in the Telin kingdom and the two young princes sighed.

"I can't believe we're stuck in here on a day like this!" the younger one said.

"This is all your fault, you know." Replied the older one, "if you hadn't a- "

"My fault? What, it was your idea!"

"SO! You didn't have to go on and on about how fat and ugly and stupid he was. But then again, it was worth it. Admit it."

"Yea, I guess."

Just then, the royal doctor walked in.

"Hey," the depressed princes say in unison.

"Hello, Your Highnesses," replied the 17 year old, tall boy.

"Joe! How many times have we told you to call us by our real names!" said the 13-year-old boy.

"Sorry, Takeru. I, I, I mean T.K."

"Better" replied T.K. His sapphire eyes changed back to innocence, from flashing dangerously just a few seconds beforehand. (A/N: does that make sense?)

"I came in to inform you two, that your father requests your presence. He also says to look your very best and behave extremely well, or else," continued Joe, "He also wants you, Yamato..er..I mean Matt, to, um, not scare anyone else away just to avoid a marriage."

"Hey, if he didn't try to set me up every two days-"

"It's for the sake of the kingdom, not yours," Joe said in an as-a-matter- of-fact tone.

"Whatever. I know the whole speech you don't need to tell me."


Ok. Soo that wuz really short. K it will b longer next chp will b longer, but I told Jstar888 I'd post it 2day soooooo. Read Jstar888's storie Vendetta! (sp?) it's kewl!!!! Go chk it out!!!!! Plz Review. 5 reviews plz then I'll continue. Thank u 4 ur time.