Disclaimer: CLAMP owns Cardcaptor Sakura. I do not own anything except for the ideas.

#1: First Names

If their best friends had not been married, then both of them were not soul mates—not meant to be together. That was what both Mr. Li and Ms. Kinomoto thought. But no, that was not the case. How they wish that they had knew earlier. Both of their best friends set them up in the first place.

Eriol Hiiragizawa and Tomoyo Daidouji were getting married. It did not matter how they met nor how Mr. Hiiragizawa proposed Ms. Daidouji in the restaurant. This is a story of how Mr. Li and Ms. Kinomoto meet each other. Seems cliché but that is how it works.

Ms. Kinomoto is Ms. Daidouji's second cousin and only best friend. Mr. Li is Mr. Hiiragizawa's best friend. They both were selected for assisting the upcoming wedding.

Everything seemed very mysterious. Eriol did not bother to tell anything about Ms. Kinomoto except for mentioning her name and Tomoyo always called him as 'Mr. Li' or Li-kun instead of his real name. They both wondered. Who is this Ms. Kinomoto and who is this Mr. Li? They never met each other before. The only thing that they knew was Ms. Kinomoto will be the maid of honor while Mr. Li will be the best man in their best friends' wedding.

In the end, they had no choice but to contact each other and discuss about their best friends' wedding. Ms. Kinomoto asked her second cousin to give Mr. Li's number. She made the first move and asked Mr. Li if they could meet up.

They met in the café for the first time. Somehow they recognized each other even without asking their names. But when the Chinese auburn hair man meet the cheerful honey brown hair woman, their conversation all started with what is their first names.

Sakura and Syaoran.

02 March 2016. 11.00AM (GMT+7)