Hope you enjoy this story! I would like to give credit to my BFF Sophia for some ideas in this! -CaitlinD22


The bronze dragon spread his wings and they soared into the unknown.


Leo and Calypso glided over the shining sea.

"How do you like this, Sunshine?" Leo asked.

He looked into the Titan's eyes with a look that might've been mistaken for a lovesick puppy's face.

"I told you NOT to call me…" Calypso suddenly lurched forward like she was going to puke.

"Calypso!" Leo cried.

A silver like flickered in the light. It seemed like she was molting. The light grew, and grew, until..

"Whoa," she gasped.

A few seconds later, a new and younger version on the Titan folded out.

A familiar voice came from the sky. Zeus.. "Every rescue comes with a price."

Calypso was now mortal, no longer the immortal goddess. Leo hugged Calypso, relieved she was alive.

To him, she was still the same.


They finally arrived at Camp Half Blood.

The seven was the face of gloom. Hazel had tears streaming down her face.

Percy's sea green eyes caught… "Leo?" and in a more shocked voice, "Calypso?!"

Leo waved and yelled loud enough that the gods/goddess on Olympus could hear him. "Bad Boy Supreme is back in business!" He jumped off of Festus and took Calypso's hand. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Calypso." She blushed. Leo had never called her that.

Frank looked at Leo like he was some alien.

"What happened?"

"Oh, um nothing much, Calypso kind of became mortal." Leo explained the details.

"Yeah, that's nothing much, Valdez." Frank gaped.

Calypso's hazel/gold eyes seeked Percy's with a hurt expression. Percy, for once in his life, was absolutely speechless. His hand griped around Annabeth's. Leo broke the tense air by saying, "C'mon, Sunshine. I'll show you Bunker Nine."

Bunker Nine…

Nyssa shook Calypso's hand. Her own was swollen, calloused, and cut.

Once everyone inside the bunker was introduced, Piper and Jason passed by.

"Hey," Piper greeted. "Calypso, you can spend the night in the Aphrodite Cabin with me."

Leo groaned but after the tour, lead the way to the Barbie Cabin. Drew answered the door. Her jaw dropped when she saw Calypso: no makeup and still drop dead beautiful.

"Hey Drew," Leo said, "Can Calypso stay here?"

Drew sneered. "Okay, Darling. You can sleep next to Piper."

Leo left. Piper arrived a few seconds later and sat down next to Calypso.

"So," Piper started, "Do you like Leo?" Calypso blushed. "Yes, well I haven't told him yet."

Meanwhile, Leo was spying on them. His heart lifted up when he heard what his Sunshine said. Leo peered through the neon pink curtains.

"Why don't you tell him?" Piper soothed.

"Okay, I will," Calypso said as she started to walk out the door.

Then Drew's mirror caught the reflection of… "LEO!" Calypso screamed, face as red as a tomato. She threw the mirror at him but missed. Leo ran away and Calypso followed on his tail.

She grabbed his arm and said, "Well, now that you know…" Leo stopped her with a kiss. Everyone looked at them in envy. Calypso hugged him.

The Next Day…

Piper was granted permission to use the phone.

Yesterday, Calypso told her about her dream to make "Leo and Calypso Garage: Auto repair and Mechanical Monsters.

Piper picked up the phone and said, "Hey Dad."

Her dad seemed to be in the middle of a photoshoot.

"Hey Pipes," he greeted.

"Hi, um I know this sounds weird but do you have a small shop in New York?"

Tristen McLean laughed. "Sure. I can get one in about a week."

Piper was excited. "Thanks!" She hung up.

She ran towards Bunker Nine.

"This is a television," Leo explained to Calypso. He turned it on.

Calypso gasped and said, "I shall save you, little people!"

Piper cleared her throat. Leo glanced over and she shared the news.

"That's wonderful!" The Caleo couple squealed. They started chatting about future plans.

One Week Later…

In New York City, the opening of the machine shop was grand!

Demigods from both camps came, with half of them placing orders already.

True to his word to Calypso on Ogygia, Leo burst into flames with Calypso sang her song.

There was a huge party with the Hermes/Mercury children pranking everyone and the Ares/Mars children practicing with their weapons.

Just as all the havoc left, Calypso completed an order from Frank.

Suddenly, a figure, possibly a ghost appeared in front of her. He had a long scar running down his face and a mop of blond hair. His sneer was something of a warning… as fast as the figure came, it dissolved.

Calypso wondered, Who was that?

How do you like this? Reviews! :) -CaitlinD22