Ladybug wasn't acting like herself, and Chat noticed. There was irritable aura pouring off of her and he didn't like it. Making puns usually made her laugh, but today, not even a chuckle.

"Of all the days, they just had to come today..." Marinette sighed, the Akumas we're relentless these past few weeks. And Hawkmoth made a point that he wasn't going anywhere. Another broken item, another Akuma captured, another witty pun from Chat. Marinette was at her wits end. Going through the motions every day without rest or recovery tends to ware on you.

"M'Lady, what a purr-fect way to end a day, wouldn't you think?" Chat Noir hummed behind her, practically setting his chin on her shoulder. A sigh escaped her lips while her miraculous beeped. "Ladybug, what's eating you?" He quietly asked, attempting to be soothing. Surprisingly, she turned, a smile on her face.

"Today… Today is a special day a-and I'd rather not be fighting." She whispered as if choking back tears. He was speechless, absolutely speechless. "I would love to stay and Chat, but I'm about to transform. See you later." Ladybug answered shakily, pulling out her yo-yo. "I don't need this today..." She muttered under her breath, swinging away from the scene, leaving chat alone on the balcony.

Chat didn't like this. Although Ladybug didn't seem to enjoy his puns she never fully rejected them like that. Chat sighed and climbed onto the roof. Seconds later, his transformation wore off.

"Jeez, Ladybug seemed off today." Plagg muttered, sliding into Adrien's conveniently open pocket.

"I'll have to get to the bottom of this next time I see her. For now, I'm late for school." Adrien retorted, heading for the stairwell.

"How are you going to find out? Ladybug is going to be impossible to crack. She would never share anything about her normal life. Just give up, women are impossible to understand anyway, and she'll probably be over it by the time you see her next." Plagg said, as Adrien push the door open, his steps staggered a bit./p

"That doesn't matter, I want to get to the bottom of this. I can't stand seeing her like this."

"Where were you girl? You've been late for like, three weeks. This is going to really hurt your attendance!" Alya whispered as Marinette sat down, combing back her hair with her fingers.

"S-Sorry Alya, I… Slept in… Again…" She muttered, trying to fix a messy bun on the top of her head.

"Well I guess you have an excuse today." Alya chuckled while reaching behind her. Marinette leaned forward on her hand, curiously watching Alya rummage through her bag. A flash of pink and red slipped into Alya's hand and onto the desk in front of her. "Happy birthday Mari!" She chirped, sliding the hand sized box across the desk in front of Marinette. She squealed and grabbed the box. It was so neatly wrapped with pink striped wrapping paper with huge bow topping it.

"This is so sweet Alya! Thank you so much!" Marinette giggled, carefully unwrapping the gift.

"Anything for my BFF." Alya chuckled, watching excitedly.

Marinette gasped as she pulled out the necklace. A silver chain glistened with a small ladybug charm on the end. The charm had a silver ring around what looked like Ladybug's miraculous. "W-Wow Alya, I don't know what to say. Thank you so much!" She squeaked while wrapping the chain around her neck, fastening it in the back.

"I am glad you like it! I made it myself." Alya laughed, patting Marinette on the back.

Suddenly the door to the classroom swung open, with Adrien slowly walking in. His face was scrunched as if he was trying to figure out something. He walked up to his desk, paying no mind to anyone around him. Marinette blushed as he passed, a quiet giggle escaping her lips. Adrien looked over and smiled, he still seemed to have something bugging him. Marinette's face turned beet red as she awkwardly smiled back.

"Hey Marinette, how are you?" He quietly asked, his voice smooth and quiet.

"I… I'm doing g-good, How about you?" She stuttered, her hands fidgeting and playing with her new necklace. Adrien's eyes trailed down to look at what her hands were doing, noticing the Ladybug charm.

"I really like that necklace! I didn't know you were a Ladybug fan." He smiled; his face seemed to light up a little bit.

"Y-Yeah... She's pretty cool. She's like…really strong and stuff. N-Not as cool as you though!"

"Well, what do you think of Chat Noir? He's pretty funny and clever right?"

"Hah, I guess you could say he's funny. Sometimes he just tries too hard, you know? He can be really stubborn when he wants something, and I guess that can be a little annoying, but I guess he's still genuinely nice. Although he may be a little delirious sometimes, he can be pretty funny I guess..." Marinette began ranting, quickly getting to her point; it caught Adrien off guard for a moment.

He began to laugh, running his fingers though his hair,"Yeah, you're totally right." He continued to laugh. Marinette hadn't ever heard Adrien genuinely laugh before. It was refreshing, considering the closed he would usually laugh was a quiet chuckle. Marinette smiled as he continued making his way to his seat behind her. Although Adrien didn't wish her a happy birthday (or for that matter, even know it /was/ her birthday) she didn't mind. Getting to see a side of him shedidn't usually see as gift enough.

A few hours later, school finally was out for the day. The excitement of her birthday rang in her ears as she walked quickly out the front doors. "School is finally over, maybe Hawkmoth could give me a chance to really enjoy my birthday." Marinette muttered to herself, shoving books into her bag. Suddenly screams came from down the street. Marinette groaned and trudged to a secluded back alley. She realized how dangerous it could be if an Akuma would be let loose, but she wanted so badly to spend time with her family and just have a nice birthday evening. She knew that wouldn't happen, so she unclasped the purse at her side.

"Mari, are you ready?" Tikki asked quietly, floating out of her hiding place.

"I guess... No harm in helping someone in need." She answered, taking her hair out of the bun and letting it fall to her cheeks. "Tikki, transform me!"

"Yes! Now's the perfect time to talk to Ladybug, She really needs my help!/em Adrien thought while running down the school hallway. Plagg bounced around in his pocket, complaining while they made their way to the bathroom. "Plagg, Claws out!" Adrien yelled quickly, sucking the catlike creature into his silver ring.

"Fine, I'll help you with your relationship problems, but don't blame me if everything blows up in your face." The Kwami said mockingly.

Adrien tapped his head, "Just because I can hear you in my head while we're formed like this, doesn't mean I have to listen."

Moments later, Chat came bursting out the bathroom, a smug look on his face. He had a plan, and he was ready to initiate operation, 'Figure out Ladybug's Problem'. Chat ran down the empty hallways, the tapping of his shoes echoed throughout. The crashing and banging of battle drew nearer as he ran. He turned into his English classroom where half of the outer wall was ripped out. Ladybug stood firmly in the middle of the room, her hair flowing in the breeze that flew through the newly 'renovated' classroom. Chat could feel his face get hot. He didn't realize that Ladybug could get anymore attractive until he saw her with her hair down, slightly curling at the ends. She turned to see Chat, dumbfounded in the doorway.

"Took you long enough. Help me with this!" She barked, her irritable aura still very present.

It took a good hour or two, but they finally got through another Akuma. Chat sat on the railing of a roof, overlooking the beautiful city of Paris. Ladybug stood behind him, twirling her yo-yo in her hand. Both of the heroes had to use their 'charms', but the Akuma was strong enough, that they had to re-transform even after that. They no longer had a time limit, and they didn't have to run, so they just sat.

"Lady, what's bothering you? Obviously you want to leave, and I get that, but what's going on...?" Chat asked, standing to meet her eyes.

"Do you really think that matters right now? We defeated the Akuma, it should be a problem." She quietly said, avoiding his gaze and crossing her arms uncomfortably. "Chat please... You know I don't want to mesh our super hero lives and our normal lives."

Chat stared at her for a moment, not wanting to do something he'd regret. Although his instincts was telling him no, he was compelled to do something drastic, even for him. He slowly moved forward, watching Ladybug carefully, watching her response. She didn't move. He stepped closer, their noses nearly touching; she still refused to move, yet there as a nervousness about her. He tenderly put a hand on her shoulder, "Ladybug... Please tell me. I want to help you... Somehow." He quietly said, her eyes meeting his. Their eyes locked for moment, Chats face got a bit hotter. Chat realized something was very different and very wrong. Ladybug was crying. Tears streamed down her face, the mask covering her identity, damp. Ladybug was so strong and brave, but in this moment Chat saw something he had never truly seen in her before: Weakness. His heart began racing has he placed a hand on her face, his thumb gently stroking her skin. She sniffed and leaned into his hand, her cheek and nose touching his palm.

"I'm so sorry Chat... I'm sorr-" he cut her off, brushing a thumb over her lips.

"Ladybug, you have nothing to be sorry about." He knew he was letting go; pushing down the walls he had set for himself, he had to do it. "My lady." He quietly said while slowly leaning down to meet her lips. Everything went blank. All he could think was that she needed him, and he needed her. Ladybug's arm slowly extended and ran her fingers though his hair. He let out a slight purr has he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in closer. Ladybug squeaked at the gesture, but still didn't budge.

Chat finally realized that he had done enough damage, and pulled away. Ladybug looked up at him in a daze, still trying to process what had happened, a hand still on the nape of his neck. He lowered his arms, timidly placing them on her hips. "I'm sorry… so sorry I didn't mean-" She put a finger to his lips, a smile on her face.

She began giggling as she laid both hands on his chest, "Don't apologize Chat. I'm Feline fine now."

Chat burst out laughing, he wasn't prepared, and he was so glad that he wasn't. Ladybug's nose scrunched up while a smile stretched across her face.

"You should probably head home. You do have an alternate life, don't you?" He said between laughs, running his fingers through her hair. "You do too." She answered, lowering her hands to her sides. Chat slowly let go of her hips, taking a step backwards. Ladybug stared at him for a moment, and then walked to the ledge of the building. "Hope to see you soon" She said, waving a salute while grabbing her yo-yo.

"Wait!" Chat yelled, grabbing her arm. "One last kiss goodbye?" He said, smiling and raising an eyebrow. Ladybug sighed and leaned down, touching their lips again. Chat couldn't help but run his fingers through her let down hair, sliding his hand down from the top of her head to the nape of her neck. Ladybug shivered, and giggled. He pulled away slowly, twirling some of her curled hair in his hand. "I-I look forward in seeing you again my Lady" he said, still a bit flustered, his ears warm, along with the face under his mask. Within moments, Chat was alone on the roof again, Ladybug taking his breath away.

"Plagg… I think I'm in love." He whispered, leaning on the railing dramatically.

"I never would've guessed." Plagg sighed sarcastically, his voice echoing in Chat's head, "Can we de-transform now? I'm getting tired and I really want some Camembert right about now." Plagg continued, sounding short-tempered.

"Alright fine, I'll get you your cheese…" Chat answered, completely distracted, slowly walking towards the stairwell. The Kwami groaned and exited his ring, taking the transformation with it.

"You know you never figured out what was wrong. I guess your plan failed after all." Plagg shrugged while landing on Adrien's shoulder.

"I guess you could say that, but I'm pretty sure she's alright now."