Sorry it took me so long to update this story; I know a lot of people love this movie pairing

I had some trouble with another story in which I accidentally deleted a newly written chapter.

Hope you like this new chapter and the fluff included

please review, favourite and follow

PM me with ideas for future chapters :)


Makoto opened the front door to her apartment slowly; luckily it wasn't a mess just scruffy. She tried to keep things looking as decent as possible instead of a complete tip. Yes she was aware how feminine that sounded but whatever; she couldn't function in a complete tip it messed with her mental state.

It wasn't as easy as you would think though; what with working hard as a part time sports teacher and helping her auntie witch. She did her best though and that counted for something at least. Most people her age gave up trying and just left their apartments a complete tip.

"Hope its ok; I don't have many guests round" Makoto apologized awkwardly. She had been so busy lately she rarely had guests round. Not that she minded; after work she got stressed and tended to avoid contact with anyone.

Then again working with kids was never easy; even when it was teaching them baseball. She always had a first aid kit on hand and watched them like a hawk. At that age teasing and bullying still existed and carrying a baseball bat didn't help either.

As for her personal life sometimes her sister would call about how guys were mean to her or that she had gotten into an argument with friends. However nothing out the ordinary as far as conversations between them. But given she was a teenager drama was something to be expected in that stage of your life; something she knew all too well.

Kousuke would call up and check up on her; asking if she was doing ok. Now and again he would as if she still missed Chiaki; as he knew about how they liked each other. They had a very strong sibling relationship and even after all this time; he still put her above everything. No matter what it was; he was always there for her when she needed support.

While she could never love Kousuke like she did Chiaki; he still held a special place in her heart all the same. He was very precious to her and if anything ever happened to him she would never forgive herself. He in return was the same around her; if anyone hurt Makoto he would beat the ever loving shit out of them. Despite his very kind and helpful personality; Kousuke had a surprising fierce side to him.

Chiaki gave her a "Really?" kind of look "Makoto I'm a guy; my room in high school was a tip" he reassured her gently. Nothing could have been as bad as his room in high school or the future landscapes from war zones he had encountered.

Makoto smiled at him warmly; he always knew just what to say to ease her worries. She opened the door slowly and let him inside. She held her breath as he passed through the doorway waiting for judgement.

Chiaki looked around casually "Seriously? You call this a mess? This is an organised struggle at best" he teased fondly. His room had been so messy you almost tripped trying to make it across the floor. The bed was always a mess and stuff was thrown everywhere without care. Hell at least hers was organized somewhat.

Makoto punched his arm affectionately and wondered into the kitchen "You want anything? I got a variety of beverages" she called back. She had chocolate milk, tea, coffee and juice boxes. Not very mature she knew; but it was all she could afford currently.

Once she started to get requests on art restoration she would have a better pay check. At least then she could afford nicer food and at least a Hoover to help with cleaning. However until then she could only budget on what she could manage; so it was on her to do list.

"Coffee would be nice" he replied removing his coat. He would have to get a job while she was in this realm; at least that way he could help support her. I mean they were going to be living together from now on. The least he could do was help provide towards the bill and the necessary items they needed to get by; he would be a jerk otherwise.

"Sugar or milk?" she asked as she switched on the kettle and looked out ingredients. Considering she hadn't seen him in 5 years; she had no idea how he liked his coffee.

"Milky with 2 sugars" he responded removing his shoes. They easily slipped off and he left them by the door next to hers. He then looked around her apartment quietly drinking everything in.

Makoto hummed as she sorted out their drinks; it felt like old times being back together. However they were both much more grown up and they had different lives now.

"So how's your family?" Chiaki asked curiously. She had always been complaining about them in the past in some form or another. While he was gone he had worried if she was doing ok and if her family was well.

"Well my parents still live in our old house; but they practically begged me to take up professional baseball. You should have seen their faces when I took art to help Auntie Witch" Makoto joked fondly.

Usually parents would have been overjoyed to know she was taking up such a useful career; however both of hers were devastated. Hoping instead of teaching kids sport temporarily she could have become an athlete.

Chiaki chuckled in amusement; he remembered how she used to always complain about her sister back then. It seemed over time they had grown closer and argued less about things. "And your sister? Is she still annoying?" He questioned playfully. He had a feeling she would say yes; but not in a bad way.

Makoto groaned heavily "Only because she doesn't take her studies seriously. She's a high school student now after all". Being a middle school student you could laugh, joke around and play all you wanted. It was the time when you were allowed to have fun and make memories.

However come high school you had to knuckle down, work hard and focus on your career. Spending time with friends was important; but so was your future. She knew that by neglecting such things she would get an earful from their parents.

Chiaki stifled a laugh; she sure had become very motherly while he was away. He wondered how she would act if they ever had kids together. Now that was something he could look forward to.

Makoto saw his expression and frowned "What's that look for? A person can mature in 5 years Y'know!" she retorted sternly. He really hadn't changed at all; still as teasing and cocky as ever. But she had secretly missed arguing over stupid shit like this with him.

"Nah it's just weird to hear you not complaining about how annoying she is" Chiaki teased fondly. He remembered on that bike ride or every phone conversation they had when he brought up something awkward; she would try and change the subject using her sister as an excuse.

Makoto huffed crossly and hid her blush "She still is annoying; just less so" she retorted defensively. At least now they weren't arguing over who ate the others pudding; or who acted like a baby. They had mature and serious conversations with each other and Miyuki would always come to her when she needed help.

Slowly Chiaki got up off the sofa and wondered towards her quietly. Upon reaching her he wrapped his arms affectionately around her waist. She was so soft and smelled like shampoo. Her hair tickled his cheek gently but he didn't mind; he had missed the feeling of being close to her like this.

Makoto stiffened and gasped upon his sudden contact. She had expected him to pull such a stunt and was a little flustered. "Chiaki..." she complained quietly. What was he doing? Surely he wasn't thinking of such things right now was he?

Chiaki buried his face on her shoulder gently and breathed out heavily. He had really fucking missed her; being here like this was like a dream. Every night he had dreamed of her big brown eyes and smile. He had remembered how much she had cried when he left and it had hurt so much to say goodbye to her like he did.

"I missed you much" he said quietly his voice hinting sadness. He had crossed endless time zones and planes to get here. Now he wasn't going to let her go again. Even if he had to fight off armies; he wasn't going to let go of her even if she fought against it.

Makoto smiled fondly and reached back with her hand to ruffle his head fondly. Deep down despite his rough exterior; Chiaki was a massive puppy dog. However you never would have guessed with how quiet or stubborn he could be.

"And I you" she responded gently her brown eyes loving. No words could relay how alone and sad she had been without him. But now they were together again; granted it had taken 5 years of being apart in different time planes. But now they had found each other again and that was all that mattered.