IT'S HICCUP'S BIRTHDAY! *confetti canons explode and steamers come flying down* so in honor of our awesome one legged viking dragon rider I am making a two shot story for him.

So this is part two and this time it's Valka's turn to celebrate her son's 21st birthday! This one is based on the Frozen short "Frozen Fever" except it's without the singing and the little snowmen.

Enjoy ;)

"No no no that portrait makes him so lonely," Valka commented when Bucket showed her a painted portrait of Hiccup standing alone looking as serious as any chief would. Bucket sighed then tossed the shield to the side then went back to painting then showed her a painting of the Haddock family standing next to each other but looking a little too serious. "Um, too stiff."

Trying to hold in his groaning, Bucket tossed that shield, painted and revealed Hiccup and her standing as they watched Stoick's ship burn which instantly got Valka to shake her head. "Goodness no! We can't do that Bucket!" Even though it's been a year since Stoick's death and that she and Hiccup finally managed to accept the fact that he is gone, it was still a sensitive topic.

Bucket then smacked the shield against his head which resulted it to break in two as he tossed the pieces to the side, using the last shield to try one more time, and this one had the Haddock family with around over each other's shoulders with their dragons right in front of them. Now that got Valka to clap her hands together as she nodded, "Yes that's perfect Bucket! Now I just need to put it in it's right place." She grabbed the shield and placed it standing right next to a large cake that has green frosting with a nightfury topper on the very top. "There we go, perfect."

She looked to her right, seeing Mulch struggle to put the streamers up in the Great Hall as she was quick to rush over to help him. "Careful Mulch, we can't have any accidents or disasters."

"Don't worry Valka, I assure that I've been hanging streamers like these for every birthday celebrated in Berk," Mulch reassured her so she left him to his business, ordering villagers in the hall to be careful and finish up the preparations as she whispered to herself. "Focus, focus. This must be perfect. Remember Valka this is for Hiccup, this is for Hiccup."

"Relax Valka," Gobber chuckled as he hobbled over to her as he passed Bucket who's face was flat on the floor with exhaustion. "The Great Hall looks great with everything in here. I'm sure Hiccup will be very pleased with this."

"Gobber's right ma'am," Astrid shouted from the top of the ladder holding one end of a giant banner with Eret son of Eret holding the other end of the banner that stated in big red letters, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY HICCUP' while Stormfly was on the floor as she shot her spine shots to hold the banner up. "Everything is absolutely perfect here so there is no way that anything will go wrong. And I'm sure that Hiccup will love this."

"Thank you lass, I need that," Valka smiled until she sneezed which caused Eret to look down at her with concern as he asked, "Uh are you feeling alright? Sound's like you got a cold there."

"No, no I'm fine," Valka reassured the ex-dragon trapper as she checked the tables once more to make sure the food and plates were perfectly set. "Besides it's just a sneeze and today is Hiccup's birthday so as his mother I must be here for him to make this day perfect."

"You know Valka everything is fine here, besides you're not the only one who was concerned for a perfect birthday for Hiccup," Gobber chuckled, recalling Hiccup's sixteenth birthday. "I remember when Hiccup turned sixteen, it his first year celebrating it with his father finally being able to celebrate it with him and boy did Stoick ever drove the village crazy that he tried to make everything perfect. But he was so busy that he nearly forgot the guest of honor until he found Hiccup sick in bed so he spent that day taking care of the lad." He remembered the panicked face Stoick had which until now was still humorous. "But the rest of the birthdays were amazing for the lad, especially last year's which I told you about last week."

"Yes with the kidnapping, the island, the string trail, the fishing and the surprise party," Valka recalled, feeling guilt fill her up since she wasn't there for her son to celebrate with him for all those years. "But now Stoick isn't here...So I must be able to make all those lost birthdays and make this perfect."

"Then I suggest you go check on him at home in bed," Fishlegs pipped in as he and Meatlug along with the twins were finishing up bringing the food. "Yesterday's daily chiefing was too much than usual so he went to bed late so he should still be sleeping."

"You heard him Val," Gobber smiled as he began to push her to the door as Cloudjumper was following from behind. "Go wake the lad up and lead him through your special birthday surprises and leave the rest of this with us."

"Alright Gobber but make sure nothing ruins anything in here," Valka listed as she was near the doors. "Make sure everything here is set and perfect."

"Don't worry Valka, I'll make sure everything stays in one piece," Astrid smiled, giving her a thumbs up and with that Valka was out the doors and headed to her home to wake the birthday boy up. However she didn't realize that she left an open bag of dragon nip on the table where a couple of terrible terrors were.

There snuggled up in his bed with his blanket covering him was Hiccup sleeping to recover his energy that was used up from yesterday's chiefing but he didn't realize that Toothless was awake and near the door to signal Valka that he was in bed.

Valka smiled at the sight of Toothless while Cloudjumper was waiting outside so she went up stairs seeing Hiccup sound asleep so peacefully that she nearly couldn't bring herself to wake him. Nearly. She walked over beside his bed, gently tapping Hiccup as she whispered, "Psst, Hiccup."

"Yeah..." Hiccup yawned, still half asleep and unaware that he was talking to his mother.

"Do you know what today is son?"

"...Bath day for Toothless..."

"No, it's more special than that. It comes once every year."

"...Peace treaty day..."

"No, it comes once every year but in your case, every four years."

"...Leap year..."

"Your close son, but it's extra special for you."

"...Your birthday..."

Valka chuckled at her son's failed guessing attempts since he was half asleep so she gently shook him, giving him the correct answer. "No son, it's your birthday."

"...My birthday..." Hiccup muttered still asleep but it wasn't until Toothless licked him so much that he fell off of bed with a yelp muttering how the nightfury's saliva wouldn't wash off until he finally noticed his mother. "Oh hey mom." Valka smiled as she helped her son up as she stated, "Happy birthday Hiccup." Now the message was finally through Hiccup's brain since his eyes lit up with realization as he laughed, "It's my birthday? Man time does go fast."

He was silent, remembering that this is his first birthday without his father but Valka lifted his chin up to look straight into her eyes, "I know, I wish you father was here too but he would want you to celebrate you birthday without any sadness... And today you will be happy, because you never had a real birthday before except for the ones when you used to do think that I was eaten." She grabbed his hand as she led him down the stairs and before she opened the door she added, "But this time, son, I'm going to make up for all those years, and make today the most perfect birthday for you." She then sneezed but this time twice which instantly brought concern to Hiccup.

"Um mom are you sure you're not sick?"

"I'm not sick at all son," Valka reassured her son, opening the door as Cloudjumper dropped an end of a green string that was leading towards the village. "Besides, there's a lot of catching up to do and a string of gifts to follow."




Astrid could see flying droopy terrors making Hookfang angry enough to light himself on fire but everyone is trying their best to calm him and the terrors down before any damage could be done to the festivities. Which should be easy...


Or not...

"Achoo! Achoo!"

"Whoa mom I think this bunch of presents and the singing chorus of children are more than enough but I think you should be heading to bed and get medical attention like right now," Hiccup insisted as he struggled to hold the huge amount of gifts the string led him and his mother to throughout the village.

"But we're not even at the best part son," Valka smiled, pulling her son forward to see the dragons perform a flight show just for him while she kept sneezing but she managed to continue on. There was more groups of children singing happy birthday to him which he could have enjoyed but was too concerned for his mother's health since she still didn't stop sneezing.

She was leading him around town showing a new gift each time until they found themselves flying on their own dragons, soaring in the sky with the whole flock of dragons. "Alright mom I think that's enough for today, we should head back and-"

"But it's your birthday Hiccup," Valka whined, standing on her legs on top of Cloudjumper which made the dragon panic since she wasn't sounding or walking like herself than usual. "We gotta continue your birthday thrills." She soon was dancing around her dragon's wings, urging him to fly higher as she mumbled to herself about flying and dancing while repeating happy birthday Hiccup over and over! "Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday!" She didn't realize how her son was trying to warn her about how dangerously high she was going since she kept chanting, "Happy, happy, happy birthday Hiccup!"

That was when she lost balance on Cloudjumper when she sneezed again but this time she was fell off his wing plummeting to ocean cliffs now causing great panic to both Cloudjumper and Hiccup! Hiccup gasped, nearly losing all the air he had as his eyes widened in fear as he shouted in panic, "MOM!"

Without hesitation he and Toothless dove down as fast as the speed of light as he held his hand out to reach for his mother until he finally reached for her, pulled her in to sit behind him as they flew back up to land in the middle of the empty village. Well Hiccup didn't notice that the village was empty since he feeling his mother's head as he told her, "Oh gods mom what were thinking falling off of Cloudjumper, I could have lost you! Please don't scare e like that again!" He embraced her tightly, "Look you're burning up, please just admit it mom..."

Valka sneezed then sniffled as she finally gave in. "Alright...I'm sick..."

Hiccup sighed as he helped his mother up as they headed to the Great Hall to get some broth and find Gothi but she was feeling so guilty so she apologized with a tone of regret, "I'm so sorry Hiccup, I just wanted to make today a special and perfect birthday for you but instead I nearly gave you heart attack and ruined it, again."

"You didn't ruin anything mom," Hiccup reassured his sick mother with a smile. "Come on let's just get you some soup and then head home." The moment he opened the door he could hear dragons roaring as everyone inside shouted:


"Wow!" Hiccup gasped, surprised to see the great hall decorated and some of them having scorch marks but it was perfect as everyone chanted happy birthday as Astrid went over to give him a kiss and say, "Happy birthday babe."

Valka was about to make a birthday speech but Hiccup was quick enough to grab her as he told her, "Alright mom to bed with you," He then turned to the rest of the village, "The rest of you guys can celebrate but I got a sick mother to happily take care of." He swore he could almost hear Gobber laugh and claim that he saw this coming but the village still celebrated anyway.


Hiccup was spoon feeding his mother some warm broth while Toothless wrapped around blanket around her to make sure she was warm as the young chief commented with a chuckle, "Best birthday gift ever." Now that got Valka confused as she asked, "Which one?"

"Letting me take care of you," Hiccup answered, and with that the mother and son embraced each other in a long hug as Valka whispered for the last time before she sneezed again,

"Happy birthday Hiccup."

And that's that.