Welcome back! I hope you've all been enjoying this! I know I am! I know I've been using that M-rating for language since the beginning but I'm excited to be using it soon for other purposes, wink wink!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel :'(
Chapter Six
"Wade, we should talk about this," I breathed, letting out a strangled 'eep!' when he spun us, grinding against me and trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along my neck. My chest heaved as heat flared in my core and I clutched his head to my collarbone, urging him on. "We- I - Logan…"
Over Wade's shoulder, I met the Wolverine's gaze and paled. I was so not ready to have this fucking talk.
Logan stare hard at me, his eyes black, and growled to Wade, "Put her down, Wilson."
The merc let out a loud scoff, snorting, "As if!" and nuzzling his rough nose along the underside of my jaw. He ignored me as I hit him hard on the shoulder; he might not have feared the other mutant, but the look on his face told me he certainly should have been. A dark snarl crossed Logan's face, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest.
Was it bad that his dangerous side turned me on?
"Wade, maybe you should-"
"Oh my Gawd, fine!"
Rather unceremoniously, Wade let me go, forcing me to scramble before I hit the ground. He rounded on Logan, yanking a pistol from its holster and leveling it at the Wolverine, "What the fuck, Wolvie!? Can't you see we were trying to have a civilized conversation here? Dude, back off."
Civilized conversation may have been a bit of an overstatement, seeing as Wade had left me so flustered I couldn't even string three words together. And our position had been a bit compromising for what done would call civilized.
Pretty sure Cap wouldn't consider this polite or refined, I mused breathlessly, then again, I don't think he'd be all for a quickie in Fury's dungeon.
"Oh yeah, real nice conversation, Wilson," Logan snorted, his muscles taut and straining; in a few seconds, he'd be unsheathing his claws and-
Yep, there they are, I thought, my heart pounding in my chest as I positioned myself between them and held a hand up in each man's direction. Tugging Wade's gun down, I ran a hand along the smooth, warm metal of Logan's blades, lowering them as well, "Guys, chill."
"Lu, I know for some crazy reason, you're into this dick, but it doesn't mean I like seeing him marking you," Logan huffed, though he withdrew his claws, lessening the chances of him attacking his red-clad rival.
"Wait, he knows about us and I'm not dead?!" Wade exclaimed, surprised, as he pulled his mask back down over his face and rounded on the pair of us. He felt around on his body, checking his chest for bullet holes and grasping his dick to ensure it was still attached. Eyes wide, he exclaimed, "What sort of witchcraft is this?!"
"Lu's kind," Logan replied, lips pursed as he rolled his eyes to the ceiling, "she's the only reason I haven't decapitated you yet, Wilson. It's obvious; I smelled it on both of you when I came to the gym. You want her, she wants you."
"Well, I mean, I hadn't quite told him all that yet, Howlett," I grumbled, my face flushing wildly as I avoided Wade's gaze. Pressing a hand to my forehead, I willed my face to return to its normal color and remembered Natasha's words. Just say it. Tell them. Logan already knows… "I mean, yes, he's not err… wrong. Per se. I do, ah, like you, Wade, a lot. But-"
"She also wants me," Logan smirked haughtily, folding his arms across his chest. He was unflinching as Deadpool went for his twin swords, though whether that was because he truly wasn't afraid of him, or because I was in between them and he knew Wade wouldn't hurt me, I didn't know.
But I was betting on the former.
Wade rounded on me, his white eyes wide, and I knew my face had to be a mottled purple by now. Drawing my lips into my mouth, I felt myself sweating as the pair of them stared, unblinking, at me, a metaphorical spotlight shining down on me.
Oh, God, oh, God, oh God…
"That is, uh, also true."
Deadpool and Wolverine shared a long, silent look, and I ran a hand through my hair roughly, fighting the urge to yank it out in chunks. Their eyes narrowed, their forms rigid, tense, as they continued to stare each other down, and I was both turned on and concerned. Wade huffed and Logan quirked a brow. The merc tilted his head to the side in consideration, casting a searching glance my way.
No, this would never work. It couldn't. They had never really liked each other, but I didn't want them to hate each other. Not that I was worth hating each other over, I would never say that, but they both acted like they wanted me and-
Snapping my mouth shut, I coughed awkwardly and cut myself off from what I thought was an internal monologue. But they were both eying me rather affectionately, so I chanced a small grin and muttered, "Sorry."
Wade and Logan looked at each other once more before returning their attention to me. A smirk flitted across the latter's face and he rolled his shoulders, shrugging them, "It certainly ain't ideal, and we already hate each other, but you are worth it, Lu."
"Yeah I mean, snagging a fox like you with this mug…," Wade gestured to his face, throwing an arm around an entirely unwilling Logan, "I'll share with this big lug. Fuck yeah, I could be a rapper! DJ Deady-P!"
Snorting, I stared disbelievingly at the pair, offering an unapologetic grin as Logan pinned me with an 'are you fucking kidding me, Lu?' glance.
Wade was on a roll, though, heedless of my amusement and Logan's exasperation, "Cuz, damn girl, if you think I'm giving up on you after that steamy make out sesh, you got another thing comin'. Probs him, huh, Wolvie? Right in those suuuper tight jeans of yours. Lu-Lu, which do you like better? My glorious ass in this spandex, or that glorious ass in those Levi's?"
He shook Logan a bit too roughly, sending the feral mutant's nostrils flaring and a dangerous glower crossing his face, "Watch it, bub."
To say I was stunned was an understatement. They had agreed far too readily to, well, sharing me, to allowing the other man to be with me without a fight. I just eyed the pair of them, mildly suspicious, my heart still thundering away, before noting warily, "Well, um, okay then, that went shockingly easily."
"Well I never said I wouldn't slice off his dick," Logan replied casually, "but it'll grow back."
"Yeah and I may impale him on occasion," Wade patted his swords, grinning beneath his mask, "but I wanna impale you so I won't do it too often."
My core ached at the thought of Wade pinning down and thrusting into me, maybe finally removing his mask fully, my name escaping his lips on a scream.
Logan, finally disentangling himself from Wade, stalked slowly forward, making my mouth run dry and my lower half sop. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he dropped his lips to my ear, nuzzling his nose into my hair and muttering, "But right now, I think you should come with me. I got a bedroom that needs christening."
"Wait a second!" Wade exclaimed, dashing over to the pair of us as my mind went fuzzy and images of Logan and I doing some rather passionate christening flooded my thoughts, "you interrupted us, Sir Sheds-a-Lot. I think it's only fair that you peace the fuck out and let us go back to our love fest."
"Fuck off, Wilson, you had your turn."
"God, guys, this is already starting off fantastically," I grumbled, though I made no move to leave Logan's hold, hard and warm and deliciously-scented as he was, "actually, let me tells you what I was thinking about Loki, since you never let me finish, Logan."
"I'll always let you finish," the two men chorused, leaving me snickering delightedly.
Fuck. Yes.
"Alright, just so no one's tempted," I slipped myself from Logan's grasp and danced away from Wade's reaching one. I needed to calm myself or I'd be jumping one of them before I could say another word. "Loki."
"I already heard this story, Lu-Lu!" Wade cried dramatically, while Logan simply leaned against the glass container, reaching for a cigar.
"Fury doesn't want to play fair, so I won't either," I announced with a devilish grin, feeling rather empowered by their joint attraction to me, "we get the chance, we talk to Loki. See what he may know. He's from another world so there's a chance he may have some idea where it how we could find Peter."
"You think he's really help you, though, Lu?" Logan queried curiously, "this guy sounds like a real piece of work. He'll probably give you some bullshit answer and let us God knows where."
"Maybe, but it's worth a shot," I replied with a shrug, "maybe we can give him some bullshit, too; say we'll help get him out or something…"
"I'm in," Wade agreed immediately, though he backtracked quickly, "just, this," he motioned between Logan, himself, and I, thrusting his hips, "stops with us, right? The only sexy times a-comin' are between you and me, not some trumped-up, punk-ass wannabe god."
"Think again, Wilson," Logan smirked, sending me a dangerous grin.
"Maybe I'll dump you both and run away with Loki," I sniffed, though a shriek escaped me as Logan tossed me suddenly over his shoulder and made for the exit, snorting, "I think you're gonna have your hands full with us, Lu. Speaking of, I think you and I have a date in my room, yeah?"
"What am I supposed to do?" Wade whined, watching us go dejectedly, though he surprised me by staying put.
Like a dirty little puppy.
"You're gonna come to the control room, all three of you."
Natasha's voice echoed through the massive room and Logan halted. She probably stood before him, blocking his way; she was stealthy as a ninja and I sheepishly wondered how much she had heard.
Hopefully not my plan.
Logan set me on my feet, his hands delectably low on my hips, his crotch pressed against my ass. With an embarrassed, yet pleased grin on my face, I couldn't meet Nat's eyes as I queried, "When did you show up?"
"Fortunately just now," she sounded far too amused and I stared at me feet, distracted by Logan's hardness, unable to care about her smirking tone, "we've got eyes on Loki. Stuttgart, Germany. We're gonna get out there, us and Cap. Think you three can control your hormones for a while til we get this demigod situation under control?"
"Erm," I resisted the urge to grind back against Logan, stepping out of his hold instead and finally meeting Nat's entertained, green gaze, "you got it, chica. When do we go?"
"Ten minutes," she replied, catching my arm to keep from returning to Logan's side, as ten minutes was time enough for a rendezvous in his room, "c'mon, let's get this show on the road. Guys, I'm stealing your girlfriend. Meet us on the landing strip outside and try not to fuck anymore shit up."
"Only one thing I plan on fucking, Natty-poo," Wade winked one white eye, falling into place beside Logan and resting an elbow on his shoulder to the Wolverine's dismay, "and it rhymes with moo-moo's pasty thunder marriage."
The three of us gaped at him, forcing him to roll his eyes and explain huffily, "Lu-Lu's tasty undercarriage, come on, lame-os, I thought it was obvious."
Nat snorted, hiding her grin belatedly behind her hand, and spun on a heel, "Come on, Lu-Lu."
"Shut up, Wade," I muttered, elbowing him hard in the side, "you don't know anything about my undercarriage."
"Not yet," he stressed with a smirk, catching the back of my neck, deftly lifting his mask with the other, and planting a hard kiss on my lips.
Logan tugged me away from him, burrowing his face into my neck and nipping deliciously painfully, growling quietly, "Not first, either."
I needed to run before I could succumb to either of them. Slipping away from the pair, I winked up at them and grinned, "This is gonna be fucking awesome."
Well not quite any sexy times yet, as Wade would put it but, uh, cough cough, should see it next chapter ;)
I hope you all enjoyed! Please review!
Lostfeather1: haha oh shit indeed! But it went rather well, for now. They've agreed to it, but I don't think they know how jealous it's gonna make them hehehe
Raging Raven: I know, I can't not have them both be with her! I was going to choose just one, but I really truly couldn't hahaha.
Sunstar Writer: haha not quite either, but soon we're gonna see some action lol
Bumblebee1013: ooh yes, more fun times shall be coming!