Believe it or not I'm writing something new! I haven't been around for a while at all, so if no one remembers who I am, I would definitely not be surprised lol. But I felt the need to write a broader Avengers, bringing in some of my faves from the Marvel universe. Now I don't claim to know the characters by their comics; I'm going by what I know of them from the movies.
This is going to be a romance as well, but I haven't decided who it's going to be with. I'll put up a poll; please vote on who you'd like to see the OC get with!
Alright, looks like that covers it; away we go!
"How'd you find me?"
Frustration roiled through my veins, my face flushing as I shoveled my books and papers into my bag. Class had just ended, my students wandering off to their next lesson, leaving me to deal with him.
Damn you, Charles, I growled, shooting a dangerous glance over my shoulder at the unassuming man lingering in the threshold of my now-empty classroom, why'd you have to let him in? After all this time?
You cannot keep running, my dear, the warm voice replied - normally, the professor had a calming effect on me; now he was just pissing me off. His chuckle reverberated through my mind and I could almost see the amused smirk painting my mentor's face. Now, now, don't blame me. Hear him out. I fear his visit is more disconcerting than I'd thought. You'd be a great asset to him, my dear. And you may find the answers you've been searching for within the very organization you despise.
My suspicious gaze snapped to the agent, who waited silently, oblivious to my internal discussion with the telepath down the hall. My lip curled in distaste; while I didn't want to entertain the unwelcome guest, the professor's assumption was more tempting than not. Answers were something I had been desperately seeking for twenty-six years, something this guy's agency had been withholding for just as long; if I could cut a deal with him… My help - for whatever reason he needed it - in exchange for information on my brother…
Jerking my head toward the seat across from my desk, I gave the man no alternative but to enter the room and plead his case.
He'd hunted me down after I'd done a helluva job covering my tracks; he'd better have a damn good reason.
The man offered me a polite smile, adjusting his tie and entering the room, a manila folder beneath one arm. He really was an average looking fella; I could see how people would underestimate him as an agent of one of the world's most elite organizations. Of an average height, with thinning mousy brown hair and a pleasant smile, he didn't look dangerous in the least; certainly not compared to the company I kept on a daily basis, anyway.
But I knew his boss wouldn't send some meek pushover to the school; if I was anything, it was stubborn and they'd need someone who could hold his own. No, this guy was tougher than he looked - not tougher than me, not even tougher than half the students - but who knew what kind of firepower he had on him. I didn't lift my gaze from his wandering form for a moment.
He took his time approaching the desk under the guise of examining the paintings and posters decorating the walls; in reality, it seemed like he was giving me a moment to assess the threat he posed. A smart move on his part, really.
Though I wasn't quite the Hulk, I could change forms, too, and I was just as much of a monster, far less imposing but equally formidable; if I decided I didn't like him, he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against me. Shit, the last person to piss me off nearly lost more than one limb and I considered him a friend. Course, it wasn't quite the same, he couldn't die. But this guy, this mortal guy, he'd clearly done his homework.
"I'm not here to hurt you, Ms. Quill."
"Sorry, but I can't say the same, uh-?"
"Coulson. Phil Coulson. I'm with SHIELD," he replied, his warm chocolate eyes flitting toward me as I dropped the bag from my desk, curling my hands into fists and propping myself up, allowing the slightest of growls to escape me, teeth bared.
The dangerous hiss brooked no argument from the agent, though he hesitated only momentarily. I smirked; mission accomplished. Still, he didn't flee, earning more than a few brownie points from me. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and settled himself in the seat across from me, murmuring to himself with raised brows, "Plush."
"Yeah, well, when I've gotta call a kid out, I like to give 'em a false sense of security," I replied, lifting my shoulders in feigned helplessness, dropping myself gracelessly behind the desk across from him. Pretenses were next and I sneered, "What the fuck could a shit-show like SHIELD possibly want from me?"
"You remember us, then?"
"How could I not?" I snorted sarcastically, nails digging into the shiny oaken desktop to keep myself from lunging at him, "I spent - oh hell, what was it? twenty-six years? - trying to get you guys to look into my brother's abduction - yeah, it was a fucking abduction-," I snapped as he opened his mouth to defend himself, "I saw it myself. But you guys weren't interested in that; 'not your area of expertise' if I recall correctly."
"Well, it's really not," the agent replied demurely, an apologetic frown on his face, "but I'm here to tell you, you've been misinformed, Ms. Quill. Believe me when I say we've been looking into it. Just without any promising results…"
Brows furrowed, I blinked rapidly, spine stiffening. So SHIELD really had investigated Peter's disappearance? After all those years of denying the existence of aliens to someone who had seen a fucking UFO?
They did have answers. They'd said they hadn't believed me all those years ago; to them, I was just a hysterical child, screaming on and on about how her older brother was abducted by aliens. It was the trauma of my mother's death, of my brother running away and leaving me behind… hell that'd been the cause of my mutation's manifestation. My abilities. At least that's what the Professor had claimed. Great strain and stress could bring about a person's inherent genetic mutation and, trust me, losing so much in such an extraordinary way… strain and stress didn't begin to cover it.
"So you've been lying to me?"
Blinking, I nodded; at least he had the balls to admit it.
"Who ordered SHIELD to look into it?" I pressed on, elbows resting on my thighs, eyes narrowed in suspicion, "last I knew, Pierce refused to give it the go-ahead."
"Well, Director Fury was a bit more interested in your brother's disappearance than Alexander Pierce, Ms. Quill; he ordered it to be looked into, off the record, as it were," Coulson replied, studying a Captain America poster on my wall with great interest. Gesturing toward the supersoldier, he queried, "Have you heard about the time when- well, I'm sure you have, teaching history and all. Are you a fan?"
"Who isn't?" I inquired disinterestedly, "you didn't find anything out? I mean, I know it's a big universe and all, but after that shit in New Mexico-"
"Now's not the time nor the place to discuss your brother's disappearance," he responded immediately, offering me a sympathetic smile as my lip curled at his well-practised answer, "I'm sorry. I don't even know the extent of what we know. Our - my - knowledge on space travel is, unfortunately, incredibly limited. But I've been assured, the file is yours. If you help us. We've got a seriously pressing issue going on and-"
"Everything alright in here, Lu?"
Jade eyes flicking to the doorway, I offered the wild, broad-shouldered man a smile. He didn't notice, bulging muscles flexing as he pinned a fierce glower on Coulson, who did nothing but smile in response.
"Who's your friend?"
"Agent Coulson; he's with SHIELD," I replied, earning a surprised huff from the Wolverine.
"SHIELD, huh? I'm surprised you haven't torn out his throat…"
"It is tempting."
Logan quirked a dark brow, shrewd eyes flitting over the seated man's form, obviously unimpressed. Still, he wouldn't leave me with him if I didn't want him there. "Want me to escort him out?"
His fingers curled into his fists, his stance defensive; I noticed Coulson's eyes flit to Logan's knuckles, the first sign of apprehension he'd shown all day flashing through his eyes.
As much as I would have enjoyed watching him kick the shit out of a SHIELD agent, I didn't mind this guy. He seemed like a genuinely nice fella, despite the shady-ass agency he worked for; hell, he'd given me more answers - crappy as they were - in five minutes than the whole agency had in two and a half decades.
"Nah, we're good here," I replied after a moment's contemplation; the relief flooding Agent Coulson was palpable. Logan and I shared an amused glance, before the gruff mutant stated, "Just holler if you change your mind. And you," one claw extended from his knuckle and he jabbed it in the agent's direction, "watch yourself, bub."
Coulson watched him wander off, melting into his seat and adjusting his tie sheepishly, "Nice guy."
"He actually is," I concurred with a smirk, "he just knows what a pain in my ass you guys have been and it pisses him off. But don't worry; I won't call him in. Any problem you cause, I can take care of it myself."
"I don't doubt that, Ms. Quill," Coulson chanced a grin, glancing down at the folder on his lap.
"Luna," I replied, waving a flippant hand and nodding toward the file, "if that's not about Peter, I'm afraid to ask what it is about."
"I'll admit, it wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done, tracking you down," he mused, smiling slightly as I let out a huffing laugh, "it's fortunate, I think, that I did now; even if it did take the better part of a year, really."
"What can I say?" I raised my hands in surrender, kicking my booted feet up onto the desk, folding my arms over my chest and eying him warily, "I was always the best hide-and-seeker in school. So…you tracked me down, probably with the professor's help-," I rolled my eyes as he offered me a sheepish grin, "what exactly do you need my help with? There's plenty of others in this building who'd be willing to help you. Why me?"
"Uh, hello? Have you seen yourself, hotstuff? Who wouldn't want you on their team, all dressed in that tight, sexy spandex? Ooh, I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it."
Fighting a grin, I peered over Coulson's shoulder, "Wade. What're you doing here?"
Leaning against the threshold was my favorite mercenary, arms folded across his chest, masked face tilted as he glanced exaggeratedly between the agent and I. He pushed himself into the room, prancing to the desk and hopping atop it.
"Well, I was following Wolvie; you know how much I love to piss him off," he mused, resting his chin on his fist and sighing wistfully, his tone high, chirping, "but then I saw you and I couldn't resist. Don't you know I regularly spy on you? Well, I'm pretty fucking great at it; you probably didn't realize it. But hey, now that the cat's outta the bag, would you mind changing next to your bed? I can barely see you from the branch outside your window when you change in front of the dresser."
An almost noiseless laugh escaped Coulson, his hand covering his mouth, and my face flushed. Shoving the teasing merc from my desk, I shooed him away, "Go pester Logan. But don't tell him I sent you."
"Ooh, a secret mission from my favorite Wolvie against my second favorite Wolvie?" Deadpool clapped childishly, leaping to his feet and prancing from the room, "be still my evil little heart!" He disappeared, only to peek his head back into the room, finger raised in thought, "Don't forget about the changing thing. I gotta have something smexy to think about when I play with myself tonight."
The silence rang and I chewed on my tongue for a moment, embarrassed. Before I could utter a word, Coulson nodded toward the doorway, "Mr. Wilson's reputation precedes him. But back to your question: why you? We need someone like you. Someone outwardly unassuming. Someone Loki will underestimate. Someone he'll regret underestimating. You're strong, powerful; almost indestructible. And whatever information we do have on your brother, Director Fury is willing to hand over. If you help us."
As much as I enjoyed the flattery, I flicked a nail, a nail that extended before his eyes, curving, sharpening, into a menacing talon, "And what if I just decide I want to take it? I am strong, powerful; almost indestructible. You can't stop me. So how much are you worth to Fury?"
Though Coulson eyed the extension warily, he smiled, "Come on, Ms. Quill. Luna. I've read your file; I know you wouldn't use me like that. You also know I don't have the information on me. Hell, I don't even know what it is, let alone where; all I know is that if you lend us a hand, you will be given your brother's file."
Lips pursed, I retracted my claw and extended a hand, fingers beckoning the folder. Coulson grinned, handing it over, leaning forward excitedly in his seat, "One to ten on the danger scale? It's an eleven. Please, take a moment to review it. Director Fury would be grateful for your help. We all would."
"Sounds disconcertingly important," I accepted the folder, flicking it open and eying the glowing blue cube staring back at me with interest. I wasn't big on science and I didn't recognize it from anything I'd ever read; I did, however, recognize the Hydra symbols plastered throughout the pages. "Hella important…"
Shit; yup, worse than I thought, I chewed on my lower lip, skimming through the file, unlimited power? Alien power? Fuckin' hell, that ain't good…
Several names stood out, names I'd heard bandied about in the news after the… "Whattaya fuckin' know… New Mexico…"
Pinned beneath an accusatory glare, Agent Coulson shrugged, "Please… Help us stop Loki and you'll know what we know regarding Peter's abduction."
Sighing heavily, I tossed the file onto my desk, raking a hand through my auburn, pixie locks, "Well, color me tempted, Agent Coulson. I'd say I need to run it by the professor, but I'm sure he's already well aware of your offer, and my answer."
Coulson rubbed his hands together, shoulders slumping in relief, "So you're in?"
"Under one condition," I replied, lifting a finger and tapping the file pointedly, "this Loki character seems like a real shit. A real powerful shit… And I know you're probably assembling some sort of team-"
"Including Captain America," Coulson interjected excitedly.
"Be that as it- oh, fuck me, the Captain America?" I shook my head hastily, steeling my resolve before I agreed without another thought. As much as I loved the thought - and I fucking adored it - of meeting the Star Spangled Man With a Plan, discuss his role in World War II, ask him if he'd run into Logan in battle, I calmed myself. "-are any of them, any of them, of the same caliber as this… demigod?"
"It's our hope that together-"
"I'll take that as a 'no,'" I replied, a knowing brow quirked, rubbing my lower lip with my thumb, "he's not going to go down easily, right? You've got the Captain, yeah… who else?"
"I'm meeting with Tony Stark tonight," the agent replied, reaching for the folder and flipping halfway through, pointing out the other recruits, "a colleague of mine is seeking out Dr. Bruce Banner, as well."
"Neither of which have signed off on your mission yet?"
Coulson's smile was tighter, less friendly, than before, "I don't doubt that they'll be interested in aiding us, Ms. Quill. It's a matter of global security…"
"Right," I chuckled, "well, I highly doubt a guy in a suit, a doctor who hates himself for turning into a massive green bulldozer, a stronger-than-average soldier, and basically a werewolf have even half the power to take down this Loki character."
"What are you proposing?" Coulson inquired, brows furrowed low in intrigue.
"Two more guys," I answered, "two that can't be killed. Well, at least, haven't been yet. The shit that's gonna go down with Loki and this cube? Me, Cap, the Hulk, Iron Man… we're outmatched. I want Deadpool and Wolverine; get them and you get me."
The agent's head dropped, a disbelieving laugh escaping him, "I'm not sure I want to put Mr. Stark and Mr. Wilson in the same room together."
"Deadie loves me, obviously," I grinned, "I'll keep him under control; don't worry. He loves a good fight; I'll make sure it's with the right asshole. He won't be your problem, though; Logan will."
"Well, I suppose you'd better call him back in, Ms. Quill," Coulson loosened his tie, "and, um, make sure he knows you're not pissed at me. I'd appreciate that."
So, thoughts? Should I keep going? Do you like it? Don't you? Let me know! I should be updating my other Avengers story and my Walking Dead one here at some point.