Would anyone out there be so kind and tell me, if the Epilogue of the Shadow Path fits with the rest of the story? Please?!


The Council was not pleased, in fact, it was beyond furious, though it was hard to say, at whom it was directed. Obi-Wan briefly glanced at the men at his side. He had no idea how, but Dooku had actually managed to arrive just as they had and he was now standing next to Qui-Gon proud and rebellious as ever. Actually, he and Master Yoda were having a silent staring duel and the ginger haired Padawan was not sure, what it was about and who would win. Qui-Gon however, was leaning mostly on Obi-Wan, not that the teenager minded, but he too was glaring at one Council member in particular. And while Mace Windu returned the angry glare with the same fire, did he also look like he wanted to jump from his seat and strangle somebody. Xanatos was unconsciously tapping with his foot. It was painfully obvious that he was uncomfortable with the whole situation, but at least he was note engaging anyone into a staring duel.

"What," Mace Windu begun VERY slowly, this was not a good sign, "in the Force's name, is WRONG with you?" he had gotten louder towards the end of his speech.

Qui-Gon, bless his souls, pushed himself away from his Padawan to stand on his own. "What is wrong with ME?" he sounded hysteric. "What the hell is wrong with YOU? Who do you think you are!? Sending MY Padawan, MINE, to such a mission, without consulting me fist!"

Never before had Obi-Wan heard his Master shouting like this in anger. He had straightened to his full height – despite the pain and exhaustion – and he looked truly terrifying. Obi-Wan was just glad that his ire was not directed at him.

A hand that came to rest on his shoulders, startled the ginger haired Jedi, who looked up to find himself looking into the reassuring face of the raven haired man beside him. Xanatos was not as unfazed by the outburst as he wanted to appear, but the gesture was nice.

"You forget your place, Master Jinn," spat Mace Windu, he made a move to stand up from his seat.

"No, you forgot yours," retorted the long haired Jedi just as fiercely. "You had no right," he growled.

"We spoke to your Padawan and he readily agreed, besides..." the Jedi who had spoken up, quickly shut his mouth as the furious midnight blue eyes came to rest on him. Instead, he cowered back into his seat, clearly frightened.

"Qui-Gon," Yan's command was sharp, but some of the tension actually left the Jedi's body.

"My Padawan," his voice sounded much calmer, but it actually made it just this much worse in Obi-Wan's eyes, "is not even of age yet. He is my responsibility and as such, it would have been your task to talk to me first."
"He is a Senior Padawan, Master Jinn and he can talk and decide for himself," said another Council member, Obi-Wan could not remember the name, he was too agitated to.

"Of course he had. Because every TEENAGER would say 'no' to the Council," he shook his head. "Have you even HEARD yourself talking?"

"This was an important mission and," Mace was cut off.

"I don't care," spat Qui-Gon, "because if it were so important, you would not have sent a mere Padawan." Over the newly crafted bond, Obi-Wan received reassurance and the promise that Qui-Gon did indeed saw him as a very capable Jedi. The older male was just not of the opinion that a Padawan – or anyone for that matter – should be sent ALONE to a Sith MASTER of all people.

"Way to go Master mine," thought Obi-Wan.

For a moment, silence reigned in the Council chamber, neither member was sure what to say to the statement. Eventually, it was Yoda who took the word again.

"Sorry, I am," he said and that was that. He did not offer more in that direction, though everybody in the room could feel that the green troll actually meant it.

"At least one, who realized what has happened," thought Obi-Wan and he felt similar thought travelling from his Master over their bond.

"Talk to you, I wish, former Padawan mine," Yoda continued, his eyes rested on Yan again, who nodded his approval. "And with you as well, in due time," this time he was looking at Xanatos, who also nodded.

Qui-Gon decided he had enough for now, "Padawans!" he called and as one, did Obi-Wan and the surprised Xanatos, follow.

"Master Jinn, we are not finished here," Mace called.

"But I am," without another word, he left, Xanatos quickly following him. Obi-Wan remained a moment longer, he looked into each face, until his eyes came to rest on Yoda. He nodded and slightly smiled at the green troll, who looked truly miserably, but nodded back. Then his blue-green eyes caught Yan's.

"Don't keep your Master waiting," said his Grandmaster.

"Yes Master," he bowed to Dooku and only to him, before taking his leave as well, keeping a little distance between the bearded Jedi Master and the raven haired male. He could tell that they were talking and he did not want to disturb them. Therefore he was mostly left to his own thoughts and he began to wonder, what was Sidious thinking, now that he was obviously betrayed and that in a few minutes, Dooku would reveal his identity? Then again, he did not really care.

A small smile appeared on Obi-Wan's features. He could feel that things were changing, mostly for the better even and perhaps, just perhaps, he might even be able to forget that this whole thing had almost destroyed him and his Master...


Sidious was beyond furious and in his eyes blazed pure hate. "So be it," he hissed and from the sleeves of his ridiculous robe, he pulled two lightsabers. In the blink of an eye, he jumped through the room, spinning in midair, before striking out. Both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon barely dodged the quick attack.

The bearded male's golden eyes shone strangely in the light of his lightsaber as he engaged the Sith Master one on one. There was determination there.

"If you truly believe that you have any chance against me, then you are indeed foolish," spat Sidious, though he was slightly taken aback by the fact that his opponent's eyes were yellow.

"We'll see," was the younger man's bold reply, it earned him a huff from the Sith Master, who pushed more strongly.

Obi-Wan took the opportunity and sliced at his opponent's legs, sadly to no avail, because Sidious jumped effortlessly away.

"Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said warningly, as the older male made a move to take the offensive again. "We need to work TOGETHER."

"Yes... what would you suggest?" That was a good question, to which Obi-Wan had no real answer. He was still recovering from the lightning attack and... his eyes widened suddenly and a cruel grin appeared on his features.

"Just trust me, you know when to act," he whispered right back, before swinging his lightsaber fancifully around him. "What's the matter Sidious, afraid?" he taunted.

Golden eyes narrowed at him. Sidious' greatest weakness was his arrogance and pride, the young dark side user could certainly work with that. He let one of his blood red lightsabers slip back into his robe and raised his hand, sending almost blinding bright Force lightning Obi-Wan's way, who had only a mere second to react. Just in time, did he raise his lightsaber, blocking and deflecting the attack.

Sidious had to roll away to dodge his own lightning and the former Jedi Master had gotten the clue and moved in time with the Sith Master.

A pained cry sounded through the room and even though Qui-Gon had hit his target it had not been enough. The ginger haired teenager cursed and just in time did he block the attack that had otherwise decapitated his future apprentice. The brunette meanwhile blocked the second lightsaber.

"Very good... my apprentice," Obi-Wan grit out between clenched teeth. He was working with psychological tricks, fully knowing that otherwise, the Sith Master could beat them.

"Master," Qui-Gon replied, either catching onto the game his former Padawan was playing, or having submitted to his role, Obi-Wan was not sure.

"What does it matter, he will submit one way or the other," thought the young dark side user.

The battle went on and on and sometimes, lightsabers even hit their marks. And while Sidious had been hit multiple times already, he was still standing, even with one arm already missing. It had been a lucky shot on Obi-Wan's part, but the ginger would not complain. He himself however, feared that he would lose sight on his left eye. Right now, it was hard to tell. He just knew that it burned like hell and that he could not open it. And Qui-Gon had an ugly red burn on his throat. He had only been tickled by the tip of the Sith Master's lightsaber, but it would not have taken much more to kill him.

"AAARGH," Sidious screamed in blind fury and on instinct, Obi-Wan raised his arms to deflect the Force push that was sparked with something more. Qui-Gon had not reacted fast enough and therefore had found himself crashing right into the wall, where he slid down unmoving. He was not dead, Obi-Wan could tell, but merely unconscious. The young Sith huffed in irritation.

"What a great help," he thought bitterly. "Then again, he only just now connected to the dark," he let that thought trail off, instead turning his focus on the other Sith, who was swaying on his legs.

Obi-Wan grinned, the man was getting tired. Now, that did not surprise him, after all they had destroyed the man's office and most of the building. There was hardly a room or a corridor that bore no mark of their battle for power.

"As much as I enjoyed our little... workout," he chuckled, "I fear it has to come to an end now."

Sidious had barely opened his mouth to retort something venomously, when a large brick connected to the back of his head. The younger male raised his eyebrow at such foolishness. The other man had not even noticed him using the Force right now. He shrugged. As long as he won, he would not complain.

With slow but determined steps, did he make his way over to the groaning Sith Master. He called the others remaining lightsaber to his hand, just in case and when he stood above the miserable figure that had once been the Sith Master, he felt more free and alive than ever before.

"Your time has come," was all Obi-Wan said, before Sidious' head was cut off from the rest of his body. Ironically, it rolled over to the still unconscious man on the ground. "And you did not even bear witness to my victory, my apprentice. How disappointing..." He laughed manically, scaring away the few poor individuals, who had not dared to flee during the rampage. "You can come out now, my acolyte."

And truly, from one of the shadows, appeared a hooded figure. The figure gazed upon the unconscious form on the floor for a few minutes, before turning towards the new Sith Master. "Master," he slid to his knees, head bowed.

"Take off that thing," demanded Obi-Wan. He hated not being able to look into others faces.

"As you wish," and once the hood was pushed back, it revealed the all too familiar face of Yan Dooku.

"You did well in distracting and weakening Sidious's presence," Obi-Wan praised, his eyes glowing brighter than ever before.

"I would not have been able to, hadn't it been for you," the man replied. He would be a good acolyte, Obi-Wan knew that, after all he had saved Dooku's life.

"I know... though I DO wonder, where did you get that clone and so fast?"

"Allow me to have at least a few mysteries to call myself, Master," there was amusement flickering in his eyes.

"Very well," he waved it away, not caring. He would not need a clone, not with Dooku and soon Qui-Gon as his personal bodyguards. "You know, I think it was indeed a good decision to tell you about Sidious' foolish plan to get rid of you... and that pest Xanatos."

"I can only agree," Yan had been more than helpful, as soon as Obi-Wan had told him that Sidious wanted to cut their numbers according to the rule of two. The two of them had played their roles perfectly ever since, with Obi-Wan even pretending to THINK about killing Dooku.

Right after the revelation, they had decided that it was better to think along those lines. Dooku had feared that Sidious could read minds, to a certain extent at least. And even though Obi-Wan's disdain for being Yan's apprentice had been true, his thoughts about replacing the man with Sidious had been false.

"Quite the act... quite the spectacle..." thought Obi-Wan.

"Well, Lord Tyranus, I think it is about time that we get out of here," he motioned with his head towards the still unconscious man. "Carry him, will you?"

"Yes Master," he set to work. "I still cannot believe that you made him join our cause." He did not see the pleased smile that appeared on freckled features, as the new Sith Master bent down to collect the scattered lightsabers.

"I told you, attachment and love are the greatest weapons in this universe," and with that he turned around and walked through debris and the sad remains of the former Sith hideout.

"How easy it is to manipulate people. Qui-Gon's downfall was his attachment to me and all it took to get Tyranus on my side, was bringing Qui-Gon into play. Now, all that is left, are the damn Jedi..."