Author's Note: I owe it to you guys to finish this story.

Enzo headed out into the living room with his keys in hand. He was fully clothed, and he was in search of his phone. He noticed how fidgety Angelina seemed once she took note of his presence.

"Hey," she breathed. "Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah. As soon as I find my phone," he answered as his eyes trekked the room. "Have you seen it?"

Her face turned a deep shade of red as she grabbed it from under the blanket. His eyes narrowed as he slowly moved toward her.

"Might I ask why you have my phone?" he asked, grabbing it from her swiftly. She laughed nervously.

"I saw that Bonnie was calling. I just wanted to get under her skin a little bit," she responded calmly. He was taken back by her response.

"Get under her skin? What did you say to her?" he asked quickly. She shrugged her shoulders and rose to her feet.

"She asked where you were. I told her you were asleep… because we had a wild night," she told him. His eyes widened.

"You told her we had sex?" he snapped. She shook her head.

"I never said that," she spat.

"You might as well have," he argued. She folded her arms as her face contorted in confusion.

"Why are you acting like you care? Don't you want to hurt her as much as she hurt you?" she asked.

"No, Angelina! I don't," he grimaced. "I would never want to do that to her. I would never want her to feel that pain."

"Well why the fuck not? It's not like she gave you the same respect," she told him. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came to mind. He knew it was partly true, but he still loved her way too much to want to hurt her intentionally.

"I think I should just go," he said finally, heading toward the door.

"I'm sorry," she called after him. He didn't respond as he opened the door, slamming it shut after him. He knew that Angelina was just trying to be on his side by getting back at Bonnie, but it killed him how much he just couldn't allow himself to stay mad at her. The love that he had for Bonnie was just too strong, and he hated himself for it.

Bonnie's brief moment of peace was interrupted by the buzzing of her cellphone. She collected herself as she broke eye contact with Damon, grabbing it from the coffee table. She had to do a double take when she looked at the caller ID—it was Enzo.

She carefully placed the phone to her ear as her breathing sped up. Damon watched her with suspicious eyes as she made it clear that she was avoiding eye contact with him. She cleared her throat before answering.

"H-hello?" she stuttered.

"Bonnie," was all he breathed. She felt the heat rising up her neck. She couldn't deny how much she had missed the simple sound of his voice.

"Enzo," she choked out. She could hear him taking deep breaths on the other end of the phone, causing her anxiety to increase as the seconds passed.

"I need to see you," he finally responded. She sighed heavily as the unshed tears appeared in her eyes. Had she heard him correctly?

"You actually want to see me?" she breathed.

"I don't want to… I need to," he corrected. She couldn't deny the fact that his words stung a little, but she understood.

"Well, I'm at Caroline's," she told him. "Would you like to come here?" she could feel Damon's body tense up at her words.

"No. Not there," he said. She narrowed her eyes confusedly.

"Then where?" she wondered. He thought for a moment.

"Can you meet me at the park? The one down the street from… the boardinghouse," he said after a minute.

"Yeah. I'll ask Caroline to watch the baby," she responded. She looked at the clock, noticing that it was a little after 7 P.M.

"Okay. I'll see you there in a bit," he told her before hanging up the phone. She slowly looked over at Damon, afraid to see the look on his face. He looked unsettled, to say the least.

"You're about to go see him," he said as more of a statement, rather than a question.

"I guess I kind of have to, don't I?" she responded. He nodded slowly and rose to his feet.

"I guess you do," he said lowly as he rocked Eliza against his chest. "I'll watch her. You don't have to bother Caroline."

"Are you sure?" Bonnie asked as she stood to her feet slowly. He nodded.

"She's my daughter. I'll make sure she's alright," he told her.

"You've never had her by herself before. Are you sure you're up for it?" Bonnie questioned again, narrowing her eyes. She trusted Damon, but she wasn't sure how he would handle it if she started wailing her head off, and no one was there to save him.

"Like I said… she's my daughter," he told her again, locking eyes with her to let her know that he was serious. She nodded slowly and tugged on her lip.

"Okay. I'll let you know when I'm on the way back," she said as she grabbed her keys from the table. He reclaimed his spot on the couch as she left the apartment.

She could feel her heart pounding through her chest with each step that she took to her car. She felt as if she hadn't seen Enzo in forever, and just the mere thought of seeing his face again gave her chills. She absolutely hated the situation that they were in, and she would do anything to make it go away—she would do anything to have Enzo trust her again.

As she drove the short distance up to the park, she froze up when she noticed Enzo seated at a bench. He hadn't caught sight of her car yet, and she was silently thankful. She wanted to give herself time to collect herself.

As she parked, she repeatedly took deep breaths. She had no clue how the conversation was going to go, but she could only pray that it would end in her favor.

As she began walking up to him, his eyes slowly connected with hers. She could feel the thick tension between them as his eyes trekked her apprehensive form. She couldn't quite read the look on his face, and that's what was beginning to scare her—she had always been able to get a clear sense of what he was feeling.

Once she stopped in front of him, she froze up. She didn't know whether or not she wanted to sit, or wait for him to stand. She wasn't sure if she should go in for a hug, or stay planted firmly on her feet. She just didn't know.

"Hey," was all that he said. He had no emotion on his face. He looked numb.

"Hi, Enzo," she breathed. After a prolonged moment of silence, she finally took a seat beside him. She could feel the heat coming from his body; she could sense the tense way his body immobilized as she leaned into him more.

"It's taking everything in me to be able to look at you right now," he admitted, swallowing thickly. She could feel the pang in her chest at his words.

"I understand," she admitted. "I didn't mean to hurt you at all."

"Is that why you left?" he snapped, ignoring her prior words. Her lips parted a bit.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"You left because you knew that the baby wasn't mine. And you knew that I would be mad. Is that why?" he clarified.

"N-no. I left because I felt that I had no choice," she told him. "I just wanted to protect Eliza."

"Protect her from your lies?" he spat.

"My lies? Enzo, I had no idea that she was Damon's. You have to believe me," she said as tears welled in her eyes against her will.

"That doesn't change the fact that you slept with him behind my back! And then you left me! How could you do that to me, Bonnie? After everything we've been through?" he cried, his voice cracking. She could feel the hurt in his voice—she had shattered his heart by her actions, and she hated herself for it.

"I never cheated on you, if that's what you're thinking. It happened when we had broken up. I was devastated and Damon was just…. There. It happened and I'm not proud of it. I'm especially not proud of hurting you, because I love you, Enzo. I never meant for any of this," she whispered as the tears finally managed their way down her cheeks. He finally looked up to stare into her eyes, and she could still feel the fury inside of them.

"But you love him, too, don't you?" he stated as if he already knew the answer.

"That's complicated," she told him, clearing her throat. "He's my best friend. So, naturally, I have love for him—

"You have feelings for him!" he interrupted as he rose to his feet to stare down at her. "And he has feelings for you, too. And now… you guys have a child together. Maybe it was fate."

Bonnie stared at him for a long while before she stood up to be eye level with him.

"I can stand here all day and plead with you to give me another chance to make this right, but I can tell that you've already made up your mind," she spoke, her voice barely audible—she was so hurt that she could barely get the words out.

"I don't think I can get past this, Bonnie. You… and him…. It just makes my skin crawl. I love you. That's never going to change. But this… I don't think I can do this anymore," he sniffed, turning away from her.


"Goodbye, Bonnie," he affirmed before hurrying away from her without a word more. Before she knew it, he had disappeared in the distance.

It was in that moment that she had finally allowed herself to break down into a million pieces. She fell to the floor as the cries vibrated throughout her soul, erupting into flames around her fragile body. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't feel. All she could do was cry.

She had just lost the love of her life.

Author's Note: Do you guys think this is really the end of Bonnie and Enzo? Stay tuned for more!