It's me! Amaneyei25! I'm sorry for the late update. My schedule won't allow me to write. So sad.. I received a message from my lovely friend, Youki minaco-san. Thank you for sending it! It makes me so happy! I promise you, guys that even I do it so so so slowly, I will continue to write. Thank you for your support! I love you! Finally, finally! It's the final chapter here! A bit longer because I want to wrap it up nicely. Happy reading.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

It has been hours and Tezuka barely could keep his patience. His head filled with many possibilities that could happen to his lover and all of them were bad. He mentally shook his head and casted aside those bad thoughts. He sighed, the breeze sipped into his light jacket and although it was summer he felt cold instead.

He was too lost in his thoughts about his lover that made him almost missed the phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Tezuka. Where are you now?" He heard Yukimura asked.

"At the N park near the central police station."

"Good. We will arrive in less than five minutes."

With that he disconnected the phone and Tezuka left alone once again.

Tezuka sighed and put his phone back to his pocket.


Tezuka's ears picked the voice and turned his head toward the source. "Father." Tezuka bowed slightly when his father finally stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry, it took so long to dig into these files. You surprised me when you asked about this. Are you in trouble or something? I can help you better if you told me the problem."

Tezuka nodded at his father and took the files and read them quickly. Raised by his family made Tezuka became a quick learner and calm person yet his father could see through him easily. His son was anything but calm.

"You can go back and wait inside the office.", his father explained. He looked around the empty park. His son contacted him hours ago and they agreed to meet at the park near the police station.

Tezuka flipped the sheets and scanned throughout the document. "No need. I am in a hurry. These files are more than enough. Besides, I know it's a violation of rule when you handed these files to the outsider. I don't want to cause another problem for you."

Tezuka Kuniharu was torn between proud and dejected. His son was so proper as he wished but also so stubborn. Who does he take the stubbornness from, he wondered.

The younger Tezuka finished his reading and handed the reports back to his father. "I am done. Thank you, father."

The older Tezuka took the reports, "Who is it?" He asked curiously.

"Someone important."

"Ask them to come and have dinner with us. I'm sure your mother will be delighted."


Both of the men turned their head, "Yukimura."

"We made it, Gen-chan."

Sanada who ran behind his lover grunted his answer and bowed politely to the elder Tezuka. "Kuniharu-jiisan."

"Oh, Genichirou! Long time no see. Last time we met was at the new year's eve, how many years ago? Three? Four?"

"Four." He answered shortly.

"And who is this young man?"

"My..lover. This is Yukimura Seiichi. Seiichi, this is Tezuka Kuniharu, Tezuka's father."

Yukimura stepped out and offering his hand, "I'm Yukimura Seiichi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. I never know that you have a beauty lover, Genichirou! Why don't you introduce him sooner?" He patted the black haired man's shoulder a bit too hard.

Sanada cringed by Kuniharu's words, "It's complicated."

"I see."

"I don't want to be rude but did you find something about Syuu-kun's whereabouts?" Yukimura asked quickly.

"Aa.. I read the reports."

"And?" He asked as if he had lost his patience.

Tezuka sighed, "I think I know where he is."


"Either at the house near Syusuke's home or at Yuiichi-kun's."

"Syuu-kun's home? I'll ask Yoshiko about this." He fished out his phone.

"When I said about his home, I meant the house where the accident happened in the past."

"What accident? Don't tell me, it's about the serial killer that has taken public's attention recently?" his father asked darkly now.

Tezuka nodded at his father, "Aa.."

"What are these talk about? Why are you looking at him? He is dangerous, boy."

"We know. But he kidnapped my cousin this afternoon. We can't wait any longer. He is insane and he can do worst things to my cousin."

"Your cousin?"

"Fuji Syusuke."

"The witness? He is kidnapped?"

"You don't know?" Sanada asked before Yukimura could.

He sighed, "I was in the middle of regular assembly when Kunimitsu phoned me. I asked my friends to take care of these files which Kunimitsu asked. No wonder they took time, it's a delicate topic, isn't it?" Tezuka Kuniharu felt sorry for wasting so much time.

"It's okay, Tezuka-san. We understand your situation. Just.. Can we move now? We mustn't waste more time."


"Should we go to Yuiichi-kun's house first? It's nearer and I think he must be there."

Tezuka frowned, "Thinking about it again, we should go to the empty house."

"But, it's so far from here. We need at least an hour to reach it. What if we were wrong and Syuu-kun is brought to Yuiichi-kun's house? We would waste more time, wouldn't we?"

"We can always split into two groups. One to Yuiichi-kun's and one to the other." Sanada suggested.

"I don't want it. I want an precise answer! Syuu-kun is in danger! Can't you understand? We are walking on the thin ice."

"I think Kunimitsu is right." Tezuka Kuniharu added suddenly.

All of the young men looked at him, "Based on my experience these years, the culprits often go back to the first scene case to boast their ego about his successful business." He frowned and placed his hands on his hips.

"Syusuke hurt his pride and he will show his power over Syusuke and the best place is that house."

"It's personal." Tezuka Kuniharu added to support his son.

Yukimura looked unconvinced, "Don't worry, Yukimura-kun. You can go to the house and I will go to Yuiichi-kun's house myself." Tezuka Kuniharu calmly added.

Yukimura contemplating his options and finally got it, "I understand. We will go as Tezuka suggests."

Tezuka and his father sighed, finally, finally can take action now, Tezuka thought.

"I will go with my friends now. Do you need any lift?"

"No need. I bring my car." Tezuka answered.

"Good. I will call you if I find the man's whereabouts."

"Ah.." He nodded and ready to walk away but his father added, "And also," Tezuka looked at his father quietly, "Don't let your guard down."

He nodded and dissappeared from the older man's sight before the man realized it. "Well, I wish you luck, my son."

The older Tezuka took his walkie-talkie out and put some orders. He communicated for minutes and when everything was ready he was on his move to catch the culprit.


Fuji opened his eyes and grunted lowly. He was laying on a dusty floor and stuffy room. He was a bit puzzled and confused about his surrounding. It was dark that made him unsure where he was. Fuji tried to get up but the he realized that both his hands and feet were tied.

"You are awake now, I see." a sound startled him, the source wasn't far from him.

Fuji heard a clicking sound and a small bulb was turned on. A skinny man with pale skin was sitting on a chair several feets in front of him. His appearance was so different from what he remembered and Fuji understood why the police hadn't caught him yet. He lost almost all of his fat, with the zombie-like skin Fuji was sure that this man rarely or even never came out and enjoyed the sunshine. It was his scar which convinced him that the man was really Takada Norie, a murderer who changed his life.

Fuji tried to get up from his laying position but it was no avail. The man chuckled by his action, "It's no use, young boy." He leaned on the chair with one hand leaned on the prop casually.

"Where are we?" Fuji asked coldly.

"Somewhere nostalgic." The man smiled which make his face crueler and uglier.

Fuji gazed upward to the man. "What did you do to Yuiichi-kun?"

"You mean the boy?" He shrugged, "I don't know. He fell down after the first swing. I don't have time, you know, to take care of him."

"What a wonderful man you are." He answered sarcastically.

The man laughed. "Oh man, don't worry about the boy, it's yourself who you should worry about. I can't believe it when I saw it days ago. I thought you were dead that day." He giggled horridly.

"You have a hard head, don't you? That old man and his daughter didn't have a chance to resist my fist yet you could." He mumbled something but Fuji blocked his sick words and tried to free himself. "When I left you, you weren't breathing. I made a mistake and now it bites me back. Worry not, this time I won't repeat my mistake."

Hearing the words Fuji's face dimmed, "How can you find me?"

"Oh, it's not that difficult. I can read, you know. And... Asking here and there is truly helpful. The journalists aren't that tight-lipped. Poor, poor, boy nobody can save you now."

Fuji whirled his wrist to feel the knots but it was no use, a crazy man like Takada Norie was an expert and knew what he did, the rope didn't budge.

"What do you want from me?" Fuji decided to ask after he was sure that there was no way out. The ropes were too tight but he at least could extend the time until the police found him.

They must have known about my dissappearing by this time.

"What else? I need to shut you up so nobody can catch me. I must do it soon and dissappeared, go hiding until they forget about me." He continued his talks while looked confused and angry.

Fuji ignored the man and searched around the room, it was dark but after the lamp was turned on, he could see his surrounding better. The room was filled with broken table at the furthest side from him, a cupboard at the wall behind the man, and broken frames scattered around the room. Other than that was nothing, well except the dust covered the floor and on every surface that Fuji could find. There were neither weapons nor escape route can be used.

Darn it!

The man had stopped talking and now looking somewhere far in the distance. Fuji knew he almost ran out of his time.

He suddenly spoke, "You know, I just got an excellent idea! We can finish this now and I can put you out of this miserable. Which one do you prefer, deep down under the sea or the ground? I prefer sea, though. It's easier to throw away the body and the evidences." He laughed as if just got another idea, "Yes, yes, that's right. Now, what do we have here?"

The man was rummaging a cupboard behind his chair and took a bottle of alcohol while doing it. He took several long gulps before satisfied. The alcohol was stinky, it was as if he kept the drinks for years or he added some illegal ingredients into it, and he wouldn't dare to think about. Fuji couldn't help but coughed. He chocked by the dust on the floor and coughed more, it was totally awful.

"Shut up!" The man threw an empty bottle toward Fuji but fortunately the aim was too high, it flew above Fuji and crashed into to wall behind him instead.

Fuji looked behind him and imagined what would happen to him if the man was a sniper. A very sober sniper.

The man didn't give a chance to answer. He walked to a big brown curtain which hung on several feets away from Fuji's left side and opened it. The curtain did a good job to filter the sunlight, it wasn't night yet but the sun was about to set.

Fuji gasped by the view in front of him, it was the same garden which he visited on that summer. Although that time the garden had always been neat and pretty but it wasn't by this time he saw it now, Fuji still remembered about the gate's shapes, the color and the big tree in the corner. That summer he stood on the grass and saw people were killed in the room, this time he was the one in the room and was going to be the next victims.

He opened his arms and raised it, "It's very beautiful day, isn't it? The sunset reminds me of the blood. Flowing, coloring everything it passes, and it never in same pattern. We can't predict where it will flow but we know it is there and it feels exciting to wait it to come."

The man enjoyed the time and Fuji scooted slowly to the broken bottle and tried to search for a fragment to cut the rope. He hissed when he touched the edge directly, but he didn't stop searching until he realized that the bottle was shattered in very small pieces and nothing left for him to use.

Darn it twice! He lost all his chance and there was no sign of police coming to this place. Wasn't there any way out?

Takada Norie walked back to his cupboard and took one knife which stained by dried blood on his right hand and a bottle of his half emptied alcohol. Fuji got a feeling that the knife was used to stab Yuiichi-kun and his mother and the good news was it could be used as an evidence. "Come on, we can end it now." Takada looked so over-exhausted and disoriented now.

Takada trod slowly toward Fuji while the other man retreated to widen their distance.

"Don't I have a chance to say something before my death fall upon me? After these time, I think I deserve it, don't I? Why so hurry? Nobody will come here and we still have plenty time. Bringing my corpse out in the middle of night is much more safer than now."

Takada frowned, he was busy with his mind while Fuji thought for another way out. It was clear that the police wasn't going to come soon and he didn't have any way to give them hints.

"No problem, I can discard your body later. Today, tomorrow, either way is fine." Takada shrugged and continued his walk.

Time is over.

"Now! Listen. Doing this won't solve any problems. Finishing me up here won't erase your sins , it will be the opposite. Surrender yourself now because there is no point killing me, the police already known about your, your identity, your face and your MO. Escaping won't be easy next time. The jail is waiting for your arrival and nobody can stop it."

Takada spat on the floor and scoffed, "Just shut up!" The blow from his hand was hard and fast, what had this man done to upgrade his punch skills until this point?He was suddenly laying on his right arm and his temple hurt so much.

Persuasion is useless. I will use the last resort, then. He gritted his teeth.

"The police can't catch me. They are just a bunch of fools who dance around my palm for years. They aren't smart enough to know where I am. Your corpse will be an admonition for them to leave me alone."

Fuji laughed at the man, "Like hell they would. Catching you is their top priority now and they won't stop until they throw you into the jail." the man pulled Fuji's collar but he didn't cower and continued talking, "and you can't see the beautiful sunset which you love so much then, not until your head is as bald as the desert. That's if you are fortunate enough for not getting the death sentence."

Fuji's fate might be in this insane man's hand but like hell he would surrender to the man easily. He would fight tooth and nail to defend his right to life and the insane man had to go over his dead body to expect him to surrender without fighting back. Literally.

The man was getting angered by his sentences and threw his punches directly to his face. "Go to the hell with it! What do you know about me?! They weren't there to help me that time and now you think they are going to help you?" several punches later Fuji's face was filled with blood and he thought the man had broken his nose, the same nose which had broken once.

"Don't make me use so much strength, will ya?" He whined to Fuji and waved his hand calmly as if he had just swing tennis racket too many time and not had just punching someone. "I planned to finish it fast without adding strength or using the stressful way yet you make me to do it. It's very tiring, isn't it?" He pulled Fuji's collar one more time and then Fuji spat on his face.

"I won't let you to do as you please. You have done too much and it's the time for you to meet someone who can make you to eat your own medicine, don't you think so?" Fuji smiled solemnly.

"Ah.. Ah.. Ah.." Takada shook his forefinger in front of Fuji's face, "This is not how I work. The rule here is I command and you listen and do as I told you."

He let Fuji go and the bloodied man fell on his back with his hands confined between his body and the floor. He cursed silently, he rolled until he laid on his left arm and balanced himself one more time. When he felt the ground wasn't moving so fast and he was strong enough, he sat back on the floor.

Takada went back to Fuji with his emptied bottle at his right hand, "Since you don't listen and do as I wish I will change the rule. Let's see how long you can endure my punishment and let me remind you, it won't be comfortable and fast as I promised before."

Fuji didn't answered him.

The police will come in any minutes now. I will be fine, this too, will be passed.

Takada became furious and kicked Fuji's stomach, he continued his action and kicked not only his middle part of body but also his head and his chest. "Urgh... Urgh.. Gah.."

Takada laughed loudly, "Cry now! Cry for my forgiveness! Beg for it! You piece of scum!"

Fuji balled himself to protect his stomach, it hurt like hell but he had to endure it. Just a little bit more. When the man's feet coming toward him, Fuji lunged into the man and tackled him down to the floor. Takada who didn't know about it shouted loudly and grabbed Fuji's hair but because of his panicked condition he failed to keep his hand intact. Fuji used this chance to knock his head on Takada's head. Twice.

Takada was shouting nonsense and separated himself from Fuji. "How does it feel? Does it hurt? Have you ever placed yourself in the victims' shoes? It isn't even the half of what you did to them!"

"You son of the bitch!"

"Sorry to disappoint you but I do have a father so your words don't work for me." Fuji's spat on the floor to get rid of the blood taste in his mouth.

"I can kill you and your family! When I finish you will regret it!"

Fuji stared at the man darkly, "Over my dead body!"

"That can be arranged!" He swung his hands above his head angrily.

"No." Fuji shook his head, "Even if I died here, people will continue hunting you down and if they can't find you I will, even if as a ghost."

Takada swooped down and seized the bottle and clubbed it to Fuji's head. The bottle broke into two part, the bottom part fell on the ground and shattered while the rest was still attached on Takada's hand. The sharp point scrapped from Fuji's forehead until his eyelid. He grunted and closed his eyes desperately, now he couldn't see the man clearly with just one of his eyes. He need to do something before everything was too late.

Fuji took the shattered glass and tried to cut his rope. Takada Norie didn't saw what he did yet his attack wasn't finished yet.

"Uh.." Fuji cut the rope quickly even some of his hasty movements caused him cutting himself too.

A little bit more.

"That was your last chance. I won't leave this slipped from my hand now!"

A little bit.

Takada jumped to Fuji with the sharp point of his bottle-changed-into-weapon directed to Fuji. "Haaarrgghhh..."

Fuji felt everything moved in slow motion yet he couldn't escape it. He wished.. He just wished..

It's too late. I'm sorry, Kunimitsu!

Fuji closed both of his eyes to receive the impact.

Which never came.

"Aaaaarrrggghhh!" Takada shouted loudly when he felt something hard landed on his wrist. The bottle fell from his hand and he fell on his behind, holding on his wrist.

What was that?


"I think we choose the wrong location, Tezuka." Yukimura reminded him for the nth time when they parked the car.

Tezuka relinquished the seatbelt and got off of the car without saying anything to the blunett.

"Tezuka! I don't think this is the right place! He won't remember about this place, he need his living supplies thus Yuiichi-kun's house can provide!"

Tezuka stopped at an intersection and straightening his tennis bag, "Which way?"

Yukimura sighed, "Right."

Tezuka continued walking without answering Yukimura's objections. Sanada walked behind the men and enjoyed the one sided argument. If the situation wasn't too urgent he would tease the men about how they were much closer than they were in a relationship before.

They repeated the ritual thrice. Tezuka would stop and ask the direction which Yukimura gave grudgingly. When Yukimura tried to argue Tezuka would walk faster to avoid the smaller man's tantrums.

They arrived at the mentioned house but it looked forlorn since it was unoccupied for long time. There was neither sounds nor light from the house.

"Okay? Now, what? I don't see any signs that someone is here, moreover two." Yukimura rolled his eyes.

"Sshh!" Tezuka warned. He looked passed Yukimura to his cousin and Sanada understood what he wanted.

Tezuka walked slowly around the house, toward the voice sources. "Wait! What are you—" Yukimura was stopped by Sanada's hand and the taller man shook his head.


"We won't interfere from here. It's Tezuka's right. I will call the police and you can call the ambulance."

"Ambulance? What ambulance? You don't mean that Syuu-kun..."

"No! I mean it for the crook. Someone has to book a room in the emergency room after Tezuka find him. That is if Tezuka doesn't finish him first." Sanada tried to lightened the mood.

"I prefer the second option." Yukimura said while waiting for the person from the emergency room to pick up his phone.

"Because that Takada man doesn't deserve any help from us after all the bad things he did." Yukimura said when Sanada looked at him with a confused look.

They then fell into the conversation with the person across the phone.

Tezuka was almost one hundred percent sure that the man brought his Syusuke to this place. Takada was a smart man despite his bad credits. Police couldn't find him despite many victims and his clear and similar attacks. He could predict the police's movements and know how to get rid of the evidences. He could kill and hide well but he couldn't let his ego down if by chance he was catched by the police after years he was succeded. Therefore he would finish the main witness, Syusuke, by any means.

Syusuke must be here.

This house fit perfectly with Fuji's description. He walked quickly to the right side of the house and met a left behind yard which filled with tall grass and leaves. He moved slower now and stuck his back to the wall until he found a big window with a small porch in front of it.

He could see his Syusuke from his position and he had to calm himself down after seeing what before him. Fuji who was injured badly sat on the floor with bonded hands while the man was swinging his broken bottle in front of his beloved man. Tezuka would like to attack right at that moment but he didn't since he knew the man could use Fuji as his hostage and the scenario couldn't get any worse. So he searched for weapons but found nothing.

Fuji said something to the man and suddenly Takada charged into Fuji. Tezuka let his instincts took over, he took his racket and a rock. He smashed it hard, his accuracy never let him down. Soon he heard the man roared painfully. Tezuka discarded the racket and moved into the room.


What was that? Fuji frowned, trying to open his eyes but his bruised and battered eyes refused to open.

"Who the hell are you?" Takada who was kneeling on the floor roared while pressing his blooded hand.

Is that police?

A familiar voice answered, "You took something precious from me and I want to take it back."

"Mitsu." Fuji tilted his head to the source of the voice.

Tezuka moved slowly and put himself in front of Fuji. The athlete heard Fuji mumbled in his blindness, he scooted but he couldn't move much since he was tied.

"What? What nonsense are you spouting about?" He stood up, but it didn't make Tezuka wavered, the man was no longer dangerous as long as he was empty handed.

"Just surrender yourself. The police are on their way here. Don't try to run or resist because there are consequences to face." Tezuka said calmly and confidently.

Fuji spoke weakly, "Don't do this, Mitsu. He is dangerous. He might hurt you, just run away, please."

Tezuka kneeled down to Fuji and opened the rope quickly, "Aa.. I know it but you are more important now."

"What are you two doing there now? I will kill both of you!"

"No! He isn't involved in this case. Leave him alone! I won't allow you to hurt him!" Fuji stood quickly or as quick as he could in his condition. His eyes couldn't see but he could still use his body to protect Tezuka.


Takada took his knife in his healthy hand and shouted angrily as he did before, "It doesn't matter! I will kill both of you! I vow it! And I always fulfill my vows!"

Tezuka moved slowly to the side and left Fuji's side. "Try me." This came from Tezuka.

Takada Norie shouted loudly like a mad man and charged toward Tezuka. The glasses man who had trained with his father for long time dodged the attack easily. Takada staggered when he passed Tezuka and he moved back to charge with his knife, it wasn't easy since he was drunk and using only one hand while Tezuka was a fine and strong man.

Tezuka dodged his moves easily everytime the older man charged. Right foot and then left and then back to right foot. Tezuka was playing with the man in his Tezuka's zone. Takada then took one of the broken leg of a chair and threw it to Tezuka. The athlete caught it and Takada used the chance to attack.

Tezuka used the wood he caught before to defend and when Takada was too surprised, Tezuka grabbed Takada's hand and threw down the man using his judo technique and locked his arms around Takada's neck.

The man grunted in frustration and breathed heavily while Tezuka looked as almighty as he was before. "Just give up." Tezuka reprimanded on top of the man.

Takada knew he was cornered and run out of energy. He raised his hands as a sign that he gave up. "Alright. Alright. I give up. Please don't hurt me!"

Tezuka pushed his elbow harder, "Are you saying the truth?"

Takada chocked, "Yes, yes! Forgive me! I will surrender. Please let me go." His face turned red and his eyes were bulging out.

Feeling the man told the truth, Tezuka loosened his arms and using his vision to search for a tool to keep this man caged. Takada stuck out his free foot to retrieve his knife back which was Tezuka unaware of. Everything happened so fast, Takada pulled out his hand out of Tezuka's grip and he use the last chance and threw his knife toward Fuji who wasn't aware of his surrounding. "Haaarrgghhh!"

Tezuka cursed, he let his guard down.

Fuji looked confused when Tezuka shouted, "Syusuke! Two steps to the right!" Fuji got it rightaway and stepped aside as Tezuka commanded. The knife flew and embedded into the wall behind Fuji. Takada cursed in his frustration.

Tezuka slammed then man once again with his back on the floor, he punched Takada once which caused the criminal yelled, "You used all of your luck."

Takada laughed hysterically. "Screw that."

Tezuka launched his fist to stop the crazy man, "That's for the victims."

"They deserve it! It's their sins! They have to pay for it!"

Another punch and the man was passed out. After making sure that the man wouldn't create any chaos anymore, Tezuka took the rope which used to tie Fuji's hand before to tie down the criminal. He didn't want to waste another time and energy for this man. When he finished his job he walked toward Fuji who was standing and hugging himself in bewilderment.

"Who.. Who is it?" Fuji asked when Tezuka touched his arm.

"It's me."

"Mitsu.. Takada.. He is.."

"It's fine. He passed out, I tie him up so he can't escape this time."

Fuji took Tezuka's hand into his blooded one, "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, he couldn't do more than a little scrap but I can't say the same to you." Tezuka replied and took his handkerchief to clean Fuji's face.

"That's good. That's good." He fell down but Tezuka managed to catch him before he reached the floor. "Syusuke!" Tezuka tapped on Fuji's cheek weakly.

"It's okay now, isn't it? He can't hurt people anymore, can he? Thank you so much, Mitsu." Fuji placed his hand on Tezuka's.

Tezuka hugged his lover carefully and picked him up in bridal style. "It's alright now, Syusuke. Nobody can hurt you now. I promise."

He walked out of the verandah to the gate and found Yukimura, Sanada and a group of medic workers and the police officers. The sirens were turn off but the blue and red lights were illuminating the area.

"Syuu-kun!" Yukimura ran to the men. "What happened? Is he alright? Did the man do this? My Syuu-kun, can you hear me? Oh my god, what happened?" Yukimura asked in his panicked voice.

"Where is the criminal?" Sanada asked.

"Inside. You take care of him." Tezuka tilted his head to the house.

"You didn't do what I think you would do, did you?"

Tezuka raised his brows and answered calmly, "Nothing more than what he deserves." Sanada shook his head in disbelief but he guided the police into the building.

Yukimura got the stretcher and the medics ready for Tezuka so he could put Fuji on it soon. They were carefully and delicately put the lithe man on it. Fuji tried his best to cover his pain but he couldn't help but to hiss when his injured and battered body touched the bed.

The medics did their job rightaway, the oxygen mask was placed, IV was inserted and vital organs were checked. Yukimura took Fuji's free hand and whispered silent prayers to the almighty above to keep his cousin safe. Tezuka who was stood at the head of stretcher caressed his cheek and temple slowly, he hoped that his action could calm Fuji down.

"Are you the relative of Fuji-san?" The medic asked finally after the initial checks.

Yukimura wiped his tears away. "Yes, I am his cousin."

"He condition is stable but he lost too much blood so we need to take him to the hospital before his condition worsened."

"Yeah, yeah.. Sure. Lead the way."

They took the stretcher into the ambulance but when Tezuka trid to hop into the ambulance, Fuji's hand touched him. "'Mitsu."

"Don't worry, Syusuke. You are save now." Tezuka tried to explain.

Fuji shok his head slowly. He tried to talk but he was too weak and his voice came in a mere whisper. Yukimura who already seated next to Fuji bent down to the man and listened to what Fuji wanted to say.

Tezuka hopped into the ambulance anyway. He stopped Yukimura and bent down by himself. He didn't care even if Yukimura felt uncomfortable for being crushed between Tezuka and the wall.

"The.. Match.. Have to go.. Don't worry.. Have to win." Fuji said weakly.

"I won't go."

"It's.. Important." Fuji breathed.

"You are important."

"No.. Please. Don't.. Don't want to be.. A bother."

Tezuka touched Fuji's cheek, "You are not a bother and never will be."

Fuji closed his eyes, "Please.. Mitzu.. Win.. Win it.. For me."

Tezuka tightened his grip on the rail of the bed. "I can't. I can't leave you. I won't."

Fuji despite his condition, felt annoyed by his lover's stubbornness. He glared at the man weakly and then looked at his cousin. "Sei-chan.."

Getting the message Yukimura interrupted, "He is right, Tezuka. You are the best athlete this year. Many people put their expectations to you. It will be very disappointing if you didn't take part of it and win it. I am sure Syuu-kun doesn't want to be a hindrance to you career."

"We have to go now. Please decide it fast." The medic reminded.

Tezuka looked back at his lover blankly.

"Tezuka. Syuu-kun is fine now. You have saved him, I will make sure that he will be back in shape soon." Yukimura said.

Fuji nodded once.


"Don't worry.. I am fine.."

"Hurry up, please."

"Besides, if you stay there are not much you can do. The medics will do all the works."


Tezuka sighed, "Okay. I will go."

Fuji sighed, too and he smiled at Tezuka. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Get well soon, my love." Tezuka bent and kissed Fuji's temple. He lingered for a moment and pulled away. "Get me informed." He commanded to Yukimura.

"Got it."

"Every hour, you hear?"


The door closed and they left Tezuka. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"You aren't going?"

"Aa.. Syusuke asks me to compete as we scheduled."

Sanada nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Let's go the the airport, then. You might have passed your schedule but there is always a next flight."


Wait for me, Syuu.


The door was so familiar, so did the accepting room, the smell and the people. He straightened his gifts and entered.

"Who is there?" The man on the bed tilted his head and asked.

However the man on the door kept his silence and walked next to him. "Is there someone here? I clearly heard sounds."

Tezuka put away the flowers and fruits aside and studied the little man on the bed, he was thinner but livelier than the last time he saw his lover. His eyes were bandaged but Yukimura assured that it was as precaution to keep his eyelids sterile and they would put it off soon.


Tezuka decided to tease the man more, since Fuji insisted him to go when he wanted to do the otherwise.

"Darn it, I thought I heard something. Must be my imagination." Fuji said and turned his head to the window.

After the incident that day, the police captured Takada Norie and he was sentenced immediately. Fuji knew about him later day, the man's past was far from happy and joy. His was born without knowing who his father was and when he was seventeen, his mother was died from an attack by unknown man. The police couldn't catch the culprit. He, Takada Norie became a pitiful and hateful man. All the grudge and hatred poured into the most stressed way, he murdering people. A death sentence was fallen before him. Fuji who heard it felt sad that nobody helped that poor man in the past, if only he could meet someone who could understand him. It wouldn't turn ugly and many people could be saved.

The breeze flew passed him and he sighed, "I hope you are here. I'm sorry for asking you to go." He bent his feet and placed his cheek on his knee, "Mitsu. I miss you."

Couldn't stop himself anymore he answered, "I miss you, too."

That attracted Fuji's attention, tilted his head to the left and Tezuka could see blush blossomed on his cheeks. "Mitsu?" He stretched his pale hand to Tezuka's direction.

Tezuka took it quickly and squeezed it firmly.

"You are real, aren't you?"


"It's not my imagination, is it?"


Fuji chuckled and spread his arms which Tezuka welcomed with delight. They hugged, laughed and whispered 'I love you' to each other in the same time.

When they separated, Fuji patted on his bed and asked Tezuka to sat next to him. When the latter man fulfilled it, Fuji took his opportunity to snuggle and hugged the man more. Tezuka smiled at the man's antic. They talked and talked and although Yukimura always kept him updated about Tezuka and his match when he was too weak to do anything, Fuji liked to hear it from Tezuka's mouth more.

"How did you find me?" Fuji asked finally after they had talk for an hour.

"I was picking you up that afternoon but you was nowhere in the building so when I search for you for the second time I found Yuiichi-kun and he told me everything. My father helped, too. Why were you so careless, Syusuke?" He caressed Fuji's hand

"I don't want you to worry about it . Your plate is already full. I don't want to bother you with my problem. I can take care of it. You just need to worry about your health and match."

Tezuka knew he couldn't change Fuji's mind if the smaller man had decided so he asked, "Who am I to you?"

"My boyfriend?" Fuji answered with blush behind his bandage.

"Hn.. So it's my responsibility too, to take care of you as you to me." He pulled Fuji's hand and kissed his knuckles, his palms and his inner wrist.

Fuji shivered by these motions, his senses became more sensitive because he couldn't see anything and he couldn't anticipate what would happen next.

"Sensitive?" Tezuka teased.

Fuji nodded.

"Let me show you how the real sensitive means."

Tezuka while still holding Fuji's hand dipped down and captured the man's lips in a swift motion. It had been too long. He missed how Fuji's smell and how Fuji's tasted like. When his lips finally touched the other, he grunted softly on how he missed this. He gave Fuji little pecks on his lips, his cheek, temple and back to the lips again. Fuji giggled by Tezuka's childish play. His bandage didn't help so much so he couldn't anticipate what and when Tezuka would launch his attacks.

Tezuka hugged Fuji and placed his face on Fuji's neck. He kissed the neck and inhaled Fuji's lovely smell that always soothe him. Fuji accepted the man in his arms and played the silky hair of the athlete. "For a man who stays in the hospital for months, you smell divine." Tezuka whispered.

Fuji chuckled by Tezuka's words. "Funny. I did think the same about you, that time."

Tezuka straightened himself, "Really?"

Fuji nodded, "Mmhmm.."

"It feels so nostalgic, right? That time we were here, too." Fuji continued.

"Aa.. In a reversed position."

"That time I hate you so much."

"Same here."

"I refused Sei-chan's request. I felt bad for you, Sei-chan left his boyfriend to be his best friend."

"Hn.. Do you regret it?"

"About what?"

"Helping him."

Fuji thought and sighed, "Of course no. No. I don't regret it. If by chance I could, I would never met you and I would regret it more."

"Even though you ended up injured and hospitalized?"

"But I have a handsome and sexy bodyguard to protect me, don't I? Besides, it is finally over. He will never hurt anyone else anymore. I am glad."

"Hn.. I will make sure he never will, Syusuke." He kissed his lover on his temple.

"Oh, that's remind me, what did you to Takada that day? I heard him howled before you appeared, you did something, didn't you?"

"Aa.. I beat his hand." Tezuka felt his blood boiled by that memory. He was so angry that Takada was one step closer in killing his lover. If he came later than that, he didn't dare to imagine it.

"How come? He was more than five feets away from you. You need to be near him to beat his hand, he is a good fighter."

"I used my tennis technique." Tezuka explained shortly.

"I don't know that tennis can be used as a weapon." Fuji responded with a slight amused voice.

"Aa.. It has the same impact as a bullet if handed by the right person. I got blind before, didn't I?" He joked.

Fuji nodded once again, "Remind me for not getting on your bad side."

"No need. There is no bad side if it's for you."

"Liar." Fuji chuckled.

"You think so?"

"Well, I may have one if it regarding to you." He admitted.

"Should I be worry about it?"

"It depends, because.." Tezuka leaned over Fuji's ear and whispered his desires to the smaller man, he ended it with a small bite on his lover's neck.

Fuji shuddered by Tezuka's action, "W..Wait. You are impossible." Fuji laughed.

"Yes, and I live only to serve you."

Fuji laughed at Tezuka's dry joke, "I love you, silly man."

"I love you, too. With all my heart." Tezuka leaned down to Fuji's lips.

"Forever." Fuji whispered.

Tezuka answered before sealed the lips, "And ever."


Can't believe it! It's finally done! *throwing confetti* thank you very much for reading and always keep your patience. I will try to write again, let's see each other again at the next story! See you!