
Everything started off as a normal day; if by normal you mean salting and burning demons while listening to Metallica. The key word being "started." After about five minutes, however, it was the complete opposite of normal considering we were suddenly being hired for a wack ghost job while being paid an insane amount of moolah.

"Dude, Sam, who is this guy anyway?" I mean, it's not like we don't normally take on wack ghost jobs, but the mere fact that we were being paid a friggin' million dollars for it made it one of the top 5 weirdest jobs we've taken.

"Look, Dean, all I know is that he called your cell and we've just been offered a million bucks. I'd say it's a keeper. All we gotta do is, uh, find this 'ghost kid' and clock 'em, right?" Sam looked at me questioningly, with an edge to his voice.

"I don't know, man. It's all kinda sketchy, don't you think?"

We were driving in the Impalla along I-35 towards a place called Amity Park, which, for the record, I'd never heard of before. It had been a long 12 hours from Madison, Wisconsin, where we had just finished a job taken over a couple of vamps. Needless to say, we were tired and cranky and overall in a bad mood.

Taking an exit into a town called Elmerton, we headed towards the Sunco gas station for a final stop to our destination. Sam groggily got out of the Impalla and headed for the bathroom, while I plugged the gas pump into the receiver and went in to pay and get some grub. After loading my arms with all sorts of crap, I headed back to the car, Sam already ready to go.

I should probably explain what we were doing at this strange place before I go on. At the beginning, we got this call from some unknown caller, and of course I picked it up because it could have easily been one of Bobby's friends. It turned out to be some guy who called himself Vlad, and he said he knew all about us and wanted us to finish a ghost job for him. For a million f**king dollars.

Before we knew it, Sam and I were headed north towards this "Amity Park." We'd met tons of ghost people before, but this time we had no idea what we were really up against. After all, we were professional Hunters and basically undefeatable. Or so we thought.

Anyway, we got to Amity Park in about 20 minutes, and we made our way at 35 mph to the place where we were staying – Fenton Works. Don't get me wrong, I dig a good laboratory and all, but doesn't a town have any good motels? The answer: all three hotels and motels were victims to ghost attacks. Closed up. Typical.

Apparently the Fentons were "expert" ghost hunters, so I guess there was an upside to our stay, but when we got there, both of our jaws hit the floor.

The building was tall – like, two stories plus a crazy giant addition added to the roof; I mean, like twice the building's size – and there was crap everywhere. The whole addition was nothing but a big dome covered in satellite dishes and other weird contraptions. There was a huge sign that said: "Fenton Works" that was pointing to the building. Sam and I exchanged glances and parked the Impalla at the curb. We got out and reluctantly made our way to the door after I grabbed my duffel.

"Dude, should we really be doing this?" Sam cringed at the crash coming from inside.

"Not at all." I put my finger to the doorbell and pushed. The door almost immediately opened, and we were face-to-face with a guy. And when I say guy, I mean a massive guy. In a jumpsuit. With a giant, alien-looking bazooka in his huge hands. My hands instinctively went for the pistol hidden in my belt.

"Who are you punks?" He asked, pointing the thing at me, and then at Sam.

"Honey, they're the boys who are staying with us during the Hunt!" A lady, presumably the guy's wife, put her hand on her husband's shoulder. She looked at me and Sam. "You must be Sam and Dean. Well, I'm Maddie Fenton and this is my Husband, Jack." Sam and I gave curt nods. "I'll show you to your room. Do you have any other belongings you want with you?"

I smiled and shouldered the single duffel. "No, ma'am; we like to travel light."

She smiled. "Perfect. Well, follow me – Jack!" she cried out as the man in the jumpsuit fired the bazooka.

"What the –?!" Sam jumped back as a mess of green goo covered his waist. "What was that?"

"Well, you're not ghosts." Jack raised an eyebrow at me, and then he nodded. "Good. Have a nice stay!"

Maddie looked sympathetically at my brother, who was dripping goo. "I'm so sorry about that." She said. Her flaming hair was gorgeous. "My husband can be a bit… eccentric…. There's a bathroom in your room." She took us upstairs and motioned towards a door at the end of the hall.

"Thanks so much, Mrs. Fenton." I said, concealing my annoyance at this place. Why were we always forced to stay at crappy places?

"No problem. Now, if you want to get settled here, dinner's in an hour."

"Got it." Sam smiled as Maddie shut the door gently. As soon as we were alone, the smile instantly vanished. "What the hell was that? What's wrong with these people?"

"I don't know, but it smells bad. This whole thing is messed up if you ask me."

Sam looked around the room and eyed the bathroom beyond the two twin beds. "I'll be right back."

I tossed the duffel onto the bed and threw myself down onto the second, enjoying the coolness of the sheets on my face. I looked around the room for the first time. The walls were orange and black, and there was a giant "F" painted black on the ceiling. There were two bookcases, backed onto the far wall. My eyes widened. They were covered in weapons of every kind – there was a pistol, a shotgun, another friggin' bazooka, and a ton of other weird things.

The shower started in the bathroom. I sighed and sat up again, reaching over for the duffle. Pulling out my handmade EMF, I wondered if it was true that the spirit energies were way out of wack. In answer to my question, the machine shrieked, and I immediately turned it off. Ok, true. Then again, we were in the home of a family of "Hunters."

I smiled and got up, going over to the shelves of weapons. I picked up the strange-looking pistol and turned it over in my hands. It was a mix of blues and greens and the magazine was filled with shells of green goo, like the stuff the jumpsuit guy attacked Sammy with. I pocketed the handgun and went to the door.

As soon as my hand touched the handle, somebody knocked outside. I jumped back and whipped out the new goo gun. Oh wait. Catching my breath, I went back to the door.

"C-coming!" I shook my head and gave a nervous laugh. This place gave me the creeps.

I opened the door, and I swear my eyes burst. Standing in front of me was the hottest girl I'd seen in a long time. On a scale of ugly to sexy, this girl was smokin'.

"H-hi there." I stuttered.

"Hi. Are you… Dean?" She formed it into a question but gave me no time to answer. "I'm Jasmine. Call me Jazz though, please."

"Ok, hi Jazz. Yeah, they call me Dean." I stood awkwardly at the door, looking down at her. Oh hell.

"So, I can show you around if you'd like. You gotta tell me what you do as a, uh, 'Hunter.' You're a Hunter, right? Anyway, I'm doing a study on strange professions, and after hearing about what you two do, I figured you wouldn't mind telling me."

"Sure, yeah." She took hold of my hand and started showing me around. Her hands were smooth and warm and I couldn't take my eyes away from her. Her eyes were a beautiful teal, complimenting her teal headband and pants. Her hair was long and a brilliant orange, plus her lips were the perfect shade of pink. Not to mention her black shirt, which looked great on her. Ooh yes.

Before I knew it, we were walking down a flight of stairs to the basement. I must've been zoned out during the tour. Jazz was saying something…

"I'm sorry, what's that?" I snapped out of my trance awkwardly.

"Oh, I was just saying that this is the lab. It's probably better I show you around than my dad…" I cringed when she brought up jumpsuit guy. "But yeah, feel free to look around." She led me into the giant lab, featuring a hi-tech-looking hole in the wall.

Three kids were standing in front of it. The one in the middle was a goth chick, but good looking at that. On her left was a darker-skinned boy who had a red baseball cap on his head, a backpack on his back and a phone in hand. On her other side was a kid with messy black hair and a rather rebellious complexion that I could relate to. He was the first one to look over, and is initial reaction was one of pure horror at seeing me. It faded as quickly as it had come, and he turned back to his friends.

Jazz turned to me. "That's my brother, Danny. The girl is Sam and the other kid is Tucker. Don't mind them, and don't take it personally if they avoid you. It's a… personal thing…. " she explained in a hushed voice.

As she whispered, Danny and his friends moved quickly past us. I caught a few words of their conversation. It was something along the lines of: "ghost hunter … portal … away … screwed…."

I raised an eyebrow at Jazz, who was doing a horrible job at hiding her sudden nervousness. Damn it, just our luck to end up with this freakshow.

"Anyway," Jazz continued quickly, "that's the Fenton portal. It's kind of like a link between our world and the ghosts."

I looked at it. "Mind if I take a look?" Jazz nodded reluctantly.

The Portal was open and much bigger than I had expected. It was a little taller than me and just as wide, plus it went back probably 10 feet. 10 feet of buttons and wires.

Before I could get inside, Jazz leaped for a button and slammed it down, causing two giant steel-frame doors to close the Portal.

"What was that for?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm sorry about that. It's not the most stable yet and it's time for dinner." She looked at her watch and walked back to the stairs. I followed after a second glance around.

How the hell did I get in this mess?