Authors note: Hope everyone is staying safe and well. Just a reminder that in this world, that there is a lot of timeturner usage, when this chapter begins Minerva has 36 hours until she has to return to Hogwarts. In training time this will equate to 12-15 days, we are seeing only snippets of those sessions.

"Imagine a building block, something that you can construct a wall from." Minerva paused for a moment, watching the light from a single candle flicker dimly in the room and onto the face of the younger witch and wizard lounging on comfortable chairs in front of her. She let her voice dip into the mesmerizing tone that had taken her a lot of practice to learn decades ago now.

"Hold the block in your hand, feel it. Note the parts of it that are rough, the parts that are smooth. Feel the weight and solidity of it. The block is strong, real." She almost laughed when Harry reached out from his comfortable recliner, both hands outstretched as he obediently followed her instructions. For her part, she was sitting stiffly upright in an uncomfortable wooden chair, willing herself not to be lulled or distracted by the meditation.

"The block is on the ground now. Another is placed next to it, tightly, firmly, solidly. And another. A row of blocks now, they stretch as far as you can see in either direction. Place another block atop the first few, they fit comfortably, like they are meant to be there. This row overlaps the first, each block neatly overlapping. Watch as the rows begin to form faster now as a wall builds up in front of you. Slowly at first but becoming faster, each one put in the right place."

Harry was imagining a wall built of red bricks, each one a familiar shape, each one perfectly identical, held together by a sandy cement. The wall at a precise ninety degree angle to the concrete floor in front of him, straight and true the wall was soon higher than he was.

The wall that Hermione built was different, taller than Harry's from the get go. It was built from thickly carved granite stone, each block hand carved, interlocking together perfectly without the need for mortar. It was a wall made by a skilled stonemason, the type of bastion that could last for centuries. Something similar in fact to the walls of that northern fortress she had called home for the last several years.

"It's a wall now, strong, almost impenetrable, towering above you. Your main and first defence. It is an integral part of you. Feel it, touch it."

Hermione reached out with her magic, feeling the essential solidity of it, the chill of the stone and the intense reality of the wall. This was not a fantasy constructed by her mind, it was more than that, magic had given the imagination form.

Hours passed with them held in trance, Hermione had added a moat filled with dangerous creatures and surrounded it by spikes. A heavy portcullis guards the small gatehouse next to the drawbridge. Rings of barbed and razor wire, landmines and tranches ensure that the outside of the wall cannot be assailed without being noticed.

"The road or path to your door is winding, confusing, a maze. It twists and turns back on itself, over and over again. Feel the crunch of the surface under your feet, small rocks shifting under your toes, dust scuffing onto your shoes. Thick under-brush grazes your arms, trees obscuring your view of the wall, it would be so easy for someone to get lost, here in your mind."

The older woman stood up stiffly, turning on the main lights with a wave of her hand, "And that is your first lesson in Occlumancy." Minerva used one hand to brace herself against the nearest wall and stretched her back out. "Tomorrow we will work on using these new defences to repel a mental attack. Each night before you sleep, take the time to empty your mind and add another element, another ring."

Harry staggered when he got up, "That was different than Snapes method but no less tiring."

"There are many ways to teach Occlumancy, this is my preferred method. It incidentally works with some of the other methods of handling Legilimancy, allowing you a more effective defence."

Hermione put her feet on the floor, not even trying to get up. She was completely spent, hours without food, drink or moving had left her drained; physically, mentally and emotionally. She gave a long sigh, "My caffeine buzz has worn off."

"We can't have that." The sardonic words from Minerva held a hint of amusement, fondness for the younger witch obvious. "Dobby."

"Yes Professor?"

"Please can we have some coffee, rather a lot of coffee and some snacks in my office please?"

It was Harry's turn to sigh, he was hoping for something of a longer break after this session but evidentially that wasn't going to happen. Associating with these two women might just kill him quicker than Voldemort.

It was after lunch when Hermione found herself flat on her back on a padded floor, the first of the physical training instructors that Minerva had arranged was preternaturally fast and strong. The young witch was covered liberally in bruises and had barely managed to get a hit in. It took the young Gryffindor about a minute to work out that the man she was fighting was not human and a further five to determine that she was facing a vampire.

It really was unfair of Minerva was the thought that rushed through her brain before Hermione rolled to her feet.

"Good, I like a human with spirit. Lift your hands little human, weaker hand in front with your wand if you are using one, dominant hand behind. Feet should be in line with your hips, weight centred. Knocking you down is easy if you're halfway over already. Don't stand still, watch for openings but watch my centre of gravity, hands can be deceiving.

The kick when it came was not gentle but nor was it hard enough to knock her from her feet, the second time Hermione was able to block it with a forearm, swinging a punch at the vampire with her other hand. "Good."

By the time the forty-five minute lesson finished, Hermione was again dripping with sweat, dusty and bruised. Blood was dripping from a split lip but she felt content with the physical exercise, endorphins and adrenaline having woken her up from the monotony of training and long, long days.

The vampire merely nodded at her, pleased and slouched insolently against a wall waiting for Harry to enter.

"A vampire really?"

Minerva smiled at the note in Hermione's voice. She reached out and brushed the blood from the younger woman's face. "He was recommended by your solicitor."

"That doesn't surprise me somehow."

"You picked a good one."

Hermione glanced at the massive piles of paperwork on the desk. "What'cha doing?"

A sigh, "Timetables for the first few weeks after I return to Hogwarts," She tapped one pile of brightly highlighted parchment, "Physical education plans", another tap.

"I wish you didn't have to go back."

Minerva sat on the edge of the desk, "Sometimes I wish I didn't either."

"I thought you loved your job?"

"I do but lately it seems more war planning and politics than teaching. Not to mention that I am going to have to face Albus."

"Did you have a plan for that?" Hermione leant against the desk and playfully nudged Minerva's knee with her hip to take the sting out of her words.


"Enunciate please Miss McGonagall."

That prompted a chuckle, "I was contemplating just ignoring him as much as business allows for. Maybe convince Peeves to throw something at him."

"That's one way of going about it."

"Truthfully Hermione I have no idea, I think that I will have to take my cue from him. Besides, it is only a matter of time until The Ministry falls and Hogwarts with it. Things will change then."

"And The Order?"

"Are preparing for such eventualities." It seems like Minerva is bound by some kind of secrecy vow because she seems to struggle to say even that much.

"Harry just handed me this letter, it was forwarded on from the solicitor." The younger woman changes the subject because there was just too much unknown about the future and in any case there wasn't much else to say about it. And the recently received missive was far too interesting.

Dear Lord Potter

Harry, my dear I hope that you remember me from the Triwizard event. I fondly recall our confabs.

Might I be one of the first to congratulate you upon your title and emancipation? I hope that you will consider giving your first interview about the changes to me in the near future.

I am currently working on a book that may interest you and to be frank I am looking for further contributors and reviewers and think that given recent events,that the subject matter will be of some interest to you. The working title is The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, I aim for it to be a revealing biography with a number of secrets to expose.

Please contact me, I am sure that we can work well together again but please keep Miss Granger away


Rita Skeeter

"She cannot be trusted." Minerva's words were flat.

"I know but I do have something I can blackmail her with, to keep her honest."

Raised eyebrows follow Hermione's statement, "Do tell... And is that why she doesn't want you there?"

"She... doesn't like me. Rita Skeeter is an unregistered animagus which is how she gets many of her secrets."

Another chuckle, "I may have misjudged her, I honestly believed she was not talented enough for that."

"I wouldn't recommend underestimating her determination but no I don't trust her."

Minerva wraps one arm around Hermione's too thin frame, waiting quietly because she knows that there is more to come.

"It occurs to me that while her version of events and sources should not be trusted, there is no smoke without fire as they say. There must be something that we can research, perhaps get some kind of investigator to look into it. If he has some kind of secret hidden in the past, it may help us understand his motivations."

"That makes sense and you are right. I know his brother has a criminal record, as did his father or at least I remember hearing something about it."

Hermione nodded, got up and scratched a note to her solicitor on a blank piece of parchment she found on Minerva's desk. When she straightened up she found the older woman looking up at her with a very strange, almost thoughtful look on her face. "Minerva? What?"

A slight shake of the head, "I was just thinking how oddly... normal it seems that you are comfortable enough to use my things."

The young woman chuckled, "I didn't think."

" I rather like it."

Minerva took a swig of her coffee and continued, "Using those techniques I want you now to pick a real memory to test on me. Choose an important memory; an occasion that you could have walked left but walked right, a time when you could have chosen right but chose wrong. Something that you would have an emotional connection to; while it will make it harder to hold onto the false projection, it is better for practice because in reality if you are fighting to hide the truth it will be important and you will be emotionally fragile. It does not matter today if I know the truth."

Another sip, "Focus on your memory and change what happened in it. Remember the sights,, sounds, smells. Add the detail."

Harry took a deep breath and leaned back, what memory to pick? Then an epiphany struck him, the first night at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy had offered his hand to him, things would have been very different if he had taken it. Could he imagine the rest of that interaction? His current understanding of his relationship with Ron meant that he might have shook, responding to the first overture of friendship that he came into contact with, had Dumbledore not intervened.

"I'm ready Minerva."

"Alright Harry."

Hermione gave a small smile as she watched Minerva break through Harry's outer mental wall almost effortlessly. It didn't take long before it was her turn and she indicated readiness despite seeing her friend pale, shaking and holding his head.


The very tired witch focussed on her mind, neatly changing the memory of her sorting ceremony. Slotting herself into Ravenclaws blue and bronze, she even flashed snippets of the following days uniform before Minerva withdrew from her mind. Pain, deep pain ripped through the inside of Hermione's skull and she could imagine she looked as bad as she felt, judging by the stricken look on her mentors face.

"Dobby." Harry's voice was weak, "Three Calming Draughts and two Pain Potions please."

The elf popped in and popped out again in a split second and without a word. All three looked at each other silently, absorbing what had just happened. Minerva's assault on their minds had not been as aggressive as Snapes previous attempts on Harry but her insistent, almost sneaky pressure in their barriers had been exhausting. Combining that with hiding their main defences and projecting the fake memory was one of the most intense effort that either young person had ever experienced.

"The good news is that your fake memories would probably pass scrutiny. I could see the gaps partly because I knew what really happened... Thank you Dobby." She drank the potion without complaint, "Hermione it was a good touch to add an extra memory but I did get a glimpse of your inner barriers. Harry your memory did lack some detail and was slightly disjointed but your inner defences were concealed. You both did really well."

Harry slipped a note to Dobby unseen to either witch. "Alright debrief in here and then we have a session planned in the forest room." Both women sighed but complied readily enough, beginning to verbally breakdown the two Occlumancy lessons of the day.

About an hour later they all stepped into the forest room that Minerva had first seen what seemed like weeks ago. Surprisingly in the clearing between the trees was set a comfortable looking blanket and a picnic basket along with a bottle chilling in a metal bucket. "I asked Dobby to arrange this, " said Harry, "I am far too tired to continue with anything else today, so I'm off to bed. You two need some time together that isn't training schedules, conspiracy theories and war plans."

"I don't disagree Harry but..."

Hermione found herself cut off by her friend, "I'm glad you don't." A grin and his green eyes twinkled, "Have a good night Sis." A nod to Minerva, "Be good." His quick exit leaving them both bemused and amused.

"Seems a shame to let a good picnic to go to waste. Shall we?" Minerva gestured to the blanket.

The younger witch gave a grin and idly waved her wand, adjusting the charms on the room. She sat down next to Minerva as the light began to fade and the crickets began to chirp. "I'm touched that Harry called me that. I'm touched that he recognised our bond."

"I was rather touched that he was warning me to treat you right."

"Is that what that was?" Hermione chuckled and reached for a slice of cold beef.

"He's a nice boy." Minerva smeared salmon paste onto crusty bread, glad that she had thought to take a pepper up potion before leaving the last room. "His mother was like that."

"He'd be glad to hear that, not enough people talk about his parents to him." She leant over and rested her head in the older woman's lap, making herself comfortable and enjoying the contact, as Minerva carded her fingers through chestnut tresses. "I was reading this old article about the particular difficulties of Trans-Species Transfiguration between vertebrate and invertebrate creatures... I was wondering if it would be easier to transfigure invertebrates with hard shells into vertebrate creatures, particularly those with cartilaginous skeletons rather than bone."

"That's a good point." Minerva slipped into professional mode easily and they relaxed into each others company in a way that was both stimulating and immensely comforting.

They spent the night in Minerva's room this time, mainly because it was the closest. The charms on the forest room were almost too good; as the sun went down, the temperature began to drop noticeably. Even despite their rush, they needed to be careful picking their route through the corridors because their past or future selves were somewhere within this maze.

It had been a number of nights that they had now spent together, usually they were far too tired to do more than collapse into the cool sheets and fall fast asleep. This evening they were not quite so exhausted, potions and engaging conversation had given the two women a second wind.

Minerva's fingers found the delicate fastenings on her outer robes as she began to get ready for bed. "Can I help?" Hermione's question was a surprise but not an unwelcome one.

"Of course." The elegant fingers dropped away and she gave a lopsided smile. "Whatever you want?"

"Whatever I want..? Minerva McGonagall, you brazen woman."

"Oh hush." Both women chuckle before going back to the serious business at hand, so to speak.

Hermione slides a hand over the deceptively soft fabric, across the angular structure of the older woman's collarbone and to the first fastening. Small fiddly buttons are hidden below a fold of cloth, they lock into small loops of braiding and are difficult for novice fingers to tackle. Still she manages and soon the robes slip to the floor.

"Muggle clothes are so much easier," Hermione says, eyeing the lighter green robes with a smile.

"Well young lady, if it too much for you..."

"Good things are worth waiting for." Little more than a murmur the words are whispered against Minerva's lips, almost but not quite touching. And then they are; lips caressing softly at first but becoming more frantic over time. Seemingly of their own accord the robes become free and join their cousins on the floor, neither woman aware of whose fingers who had succeeded in the task but in fact neither cared which was responsible.

They sat on the bed, not breaking the kiss and lay down together. Hermione was still fully clothed and the older witch was clad in very sensible white knickers and bra. One kiss led to another and before they knew it, Minerva had pulled Hermione on top of her. Those elegant fingers sliding across denim clad curves and under her cotton shirt.

The younger woman wasn't shy in her own explorations; caressing Minerva's sides, feeling the ridges of a too thin rib cage, curving across a prominent hip bone. Their lips separate as they pant for breath and they exchange beaming smiles. Hermione lets her fingers train upwards to brush over and against a hardened nipple that is obvious despite the layer of cotton covering it.

Minerva gasps quietly, breathy, and it it the most entrancing sound that Hermione has ever heard. A sound that she thinks she could never get enough of hearing. She rolls, bringing the older woman on top of her, feeling the weight of Minerva press her into the mattress.

A very sexy chuckle and the older witch doesn't lose a beat, lips and tongue finding Hermione's throat at the same time that her fingers deftly unfasten the metal button on her jeans and unzip them in a single motion.

How far they would have gone was unknown, as at that moment Dobby popped into the room and gave a surprised and mortified squeak as they rushed to cover themselves. "Dobby... What?"

"Dobby is sorry Mistress Hermione. Master Gagran at Gringotts has requested your presence immediately." He wrung his hands and popped out of the room again.

Both women gave a large sigh and parted, ignoring the complaints from their libidos as they did so. Hermione stood up and fumbled with her jeans, shaking fingers not helping her. Minerva just lay back on the mattress, slowing her breathing and getting herself under control. She was heedless of her state of undress but was hyper aware of darkened lust filled hazel eyes that were devouring her body. It made her stretch lazily under the intense gaze, feeling more than a little desirable.

"You minx." Growled Hermione quietly. She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to swollen lips. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Try and get some rest."

With a swift about turn that was remarkably Snape-esque, she left the room.

Stepping from their sanctuary into the real world and real time was always more than a little disconcerting. Time rewinds had left her body clock on late evening but when she entered Gringotts it was the middle of the day, the bank busy and bright sunlight streaming through the many windows. Unnoticed the young woman slipped into the staff only area and headed towards Gagrans office.

It didn't bode particularly well that she was summoned by the goblins and she was definitely not at her best. Hermione took a deep breath, gathered her poise and confidence before knocking on the ornate door.

"Aaaah Hermione Granger, do come in."

"Good Morning Master Gagran." She bowed and took the offered chair.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please." Despite the lateness of the day Hermione was more than a little eager for the beverage. The goblins imported a very special coffee, too strong for most humans, it was extremely palatable to her and packed a massive punch. She sighed as she sipped the scalding liquid.

"While I always appreciate a visit, I was somewhat occupied when I received your summons."

"With the lovely but reclusive Professor McGonagall?" The goblin crossed his arms, and leant back in his chair amused.

Hermione smirked, knowing not to let her discomfort show. "Something like that."

A change in body language signalled the pleasantries were over and that they were now moving on to business. "We have a number of developments, "Lucius Malfoy has moved six million galleons from his personal and business accounts, they have been transferred to a new account in the name of Lord Voldemort."

"Has he ever done this before? Has Voldemort ever had an account?"

"Under his previous name he had an account but that was closed after the first war."

"Presumably it is to settle the Wizengamot reparations case." Moving back to the Malfoy issue, she ignored the goblins breach of confidentiality in discussing it.

"That was my guess as well."

Hermione eyed him silently, sipping her coffee, he would not have called her here just for that.

"The Dumbledore vaults have both been almost emptied, the family vault is now vacant and awaiting reassignment. His personal vault contains only books and artefacts, along with a few hundred galleons."

"He is funding a war."

"True but he has leached millions of galleons from Harry Potter over the last decade, millions from his vaults and in the last two days he has illegally used a proxy account to drain a total of..." He looked at a piece of parchment on the desk but Hermione knew it was just for affect, Goblins never forgot a number. "Eight hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and ninety...six Galleons and some miscellaneous sickles and nuts."

"Do we know where that money has gone?"

"Our investigation is only just beginning but I suggest you also get an investigator onto it. It seems that he has transferred some into accounts with banks in other countries, spread around the world. He has also spent a lot in various companies, purchasing battle supplies, potions and properties. False names have been used, making it very difficult to track the money trail." He tossed her a file.

"Thank you. I appreciate this." She finished her coffee. "What else?"

"We have received a warrant from the Wizengamot for all financial records pertaining to you and Harry Potter; including the student account set up for you by your parents and Lord Potters family vault. The warrant includes listing all monetary transactions for the last six months along with a list of contents."

"Are you going to release the information?"

"Do you wish for me to do so? We cannot lie to them but we can delay releasing that information almost forever."

"My account information would not prove damaging, as you know I moved most of my capital from muggle banks into another name after the attach on my parents. Harry's would potentially prove to be an issue, as his financials would show some interesting transactions."

"My suspicion is that the request came from Dumbledore, rather than from the actual Wizengamot perhaps in some attempt to flush you out or perhaps just to hinder your plans. However it will cause you to appear guilty if that information is not available."

"Guilty of what?"

"Of whatever Albus Dumbledore wants to make it appear."

Hermione thought furiously. "I will have to speak to Harry and let you know but what I believe we should release information on my main account; while delaying the release of Harry's information due to the fact that you are conducting an investigation into attempted fraud."

The goblin looked displeased.

"Of course your security is top notch, everyone knows that Gringotts is safe. Say that someone tried and failed, or tried and was stopped. You refuse to release his information until the instigator is identified and brought to justice, the Goblin Nation will not rest until justice is served."

"Sounds like a plan. Although remember the Goblin Nation hasn't existed for centuries."

A smirk, "Of course... I forgot. How silly of me."

The Goblin laughed, it was a completely inhuman sound, raucous and loud but somehow conveying a cruel undertone that would have sent shivers down the spine of a lesser person. "Very remiss of you indeed." No wonder they were so feared by wizarding kind, Hermione thought and it was not for the first time.

Hermione didn't immediately return to the bedroom, the past hour was laying heavily on her mind. She sat in a spare office, hiding from her past or future self while scrawling notes on a piece of parchment. Why is Dumbledore so desperate she wrote, he risked everything by committing fraud again. Misappropriating Hogwarts funds was not exactly bound to go unnoticed, at the next budget he would be found out. So what was he up to?

Dobby popped into the room again, "What now Dobs?"

"Mistress Minerva, asked for you."

"Ok I'll go."

A click of his fingers and they appeared back in the bedroom. "Thank you Dobby." The elf vanished, "That was a long meeting...?"

"Sorry, plus I had to get some notes down before I forgot." The younger witch yawned. "Too late for sexy time?"

It was Minerva's turn to yawn, "Perhaps we could get up"

The lights were mostly extinguished and the Professor was lying on side facing the door, covered by a thick blanket, she looked more than a little cosy. She was half asleep in fact. Hermione stripped off her clothes, pulling on an oversized gown that Minerva had left out for her.

"Sorry." She murmured again, sliding under the sheet with the older woman. She brushed her lips against a bare collarbone and promptly fell asleep.