As stupid as it sounds, I'm going to try and post whatever completed things I have today...Enjoy ;)

Summary: Wally West is adopted. Not that this fact is shocking (to him, at least), but then he finds out he has a biological family of 9-with magic. The universe really hates him sometimes.

Disclaimer: nnnnnggggggg. NO! I DONT OWN IT STOP BUGGING ME!

Chapter 1

Are You My Mother?

It had only been a science experiment (he'd wanted to check that his new equipment was working right) but now the cat was out of the metaphorical bag, so to speak. A pair of unfamiliar names peered up at him, taunting him. Not that it was really a surprise (he'd never looked like his parents, anyway) but the fact that these people had 7 children and had given him up was a little insulting.

Holding the slip in his (admittedly, shaking) hand, Wally sped out of his room in the Cave to the kitchen, grabbing a tub of leftovers and hopping on a spare bar stool (his best friend was occupying the other 2).

Robin stared with some surprise as Wally sat in the chair, unmoving, long after he'd sucked down the food. He closed his holographic computer with a swipe and turned to stare at the resident speedster, body twisting impossibly. "Dude, what's wrong? You haven't cracked a joke in the last 3 seconds..."

Wally sighed, handing Robin the card without looking at him. The boy wonder grabbed it curiously, skimming through the information. His jaw dropped open, "Uh, what? I mean-what?"

Despite the situation, Wally grinned, folding his hands behind his head. "What does it look like? Because I promise you it's not a marriage proposal. Wait," he frowned to himself, "ignore that. I just insulted myself.

Robin shook his head, mouth parted slightly from surprise, not even committing on that pristine opportunity. "I wasn't expecting that-so not whelming. Are you ok?"

"Ya, it's just-I don't know, it bothers me that I have 7 siblings and they couldn't be bothered to keep me." Wally said, more than a little irritated. He crossed his arms, pouting (because he had loving parents anyway, sooo, it didn't bother him too much. He tried to convince himself of that, anyway).

The boy wonder sat pondering for a moment before grinning and (literally) flipping into action. Robin flicked his computer on again, typing, and the little Robin heads shook angrily for a moment before cackling and smirking. Information scrolled across the screen and Robin grinned. "And I am so feeling the aster. Here you go, KF! Everything you could ever want to know about the Bio-Fam."

Wally grabbed the glove Robin handed to him and stared at the pictures with a little desperation, scrolling through the data so fast that Robin's glove started smoking.

"Slow down, Baywatch!" Artemis exclaimed as she entered the room, bow clasped in her hand and eyebrow delicately raised.

Ignoring the archer, Wally paused and squinted at an important piece of information. Robin glanced over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow and Artemis joined the group huddle.

"Uh, guys? Why are you stalking a family that looks like Wally's cousins?"

The duo glanced at each other. Then Wally turned to Artemis with an uncharacteristic serious expression on his face. "You might want to get the rest of the Team. And, uh, maybe sit down."

Batman told them he would look into it. That had been three days ago, and Wally was starting to get restless. The Team had taken turns trying to take his mind off of it (so far, arguing with Artemis had produced the best results).

Both of his parents had apologized continuously for not telling him, and Wally had easily forgiven them; after all, they had been treating him as their son for the last sixteen years, they were more his real family than these 'Weasleys'.

Barry, of course, had been as shocked as him. Iris had known, but Barry hadn't married her until after Wally was adopted, so they told him the same thing they told Wally. Barry had been fairly upset with his wife and her family, and taken Wally running out several times (it helped calm both of them down). He'd forgiven them, but was still pretty upset.

Finally, after a week of waiting, Batman gave the approval. Right after a mission.

"Why are you telling us now," Wally said angrily, goggles pushed up onto his sweaty forehead. "We were just in Europe, we could've made a stop after the mission!"

"You just came back from a dangerous, close fire mission," Batman growled, glaring at the speedster. "I would rather have you wait one more week than over-exert yourselves."

Wally paused, looking at Batman in confusion.

"We've got a covert mission in Europe next weekend," Robin explained, scrolling through the info on his glove and glancing at Kid Flash. "I can send the info back to Batman after we've gathered intel, and then we can stop by your folk's place."

Wally whooped, running to the Zeta to tell his family, disappearing in a flash of blue.

Kaldur sighed, turning to face Batman. "I was paired with Kid Flash this mission so I willl give his report."

"See that you do," Batman nodded, gesturing to Robin. The boy wonder waved to his teammates, following his mentor to-no doubt-do the 'Dynamic Duo thing.'

A few days later, after talking to his family, friends, and Batman, and locating the house his biological family resided in-who knew they could hide so well?-the Team headed out on the Bioship to England after completing the mission in Southern Europe.

Wally was buzzing in his seat the whole way there, causing M'gann to wince as she felt the Bioship get the Speedster version of a rug burn. Robin was chatting with Wally, hoping to calm down some of his nerves. Kaldur was watching Wally closely, Conner was grumbling, but keeping an eye open, and Artemis was trying to look uninterested, but watched the duo anyways.

They landed a few hours later, and Wally sped up the hill before freezing, staring at the house slack-jawed. The whole thing was several stories high and looked like it was going to collapse at any moment. The garden was overgrown with weeds the paint was peeling, but the whole thing managed to give off a warm vibe, a homeyness.

The others all stopped behind him, staring at the strange spectacle as well. Wally's first automatic reaction was to spout off reasons to why the house was even standing (and why it shouldn't be), but nerves over took him and he let out a strangled sort of noise. Kaldur placed a hand on his shoulder, and Wally turned to him nervously. Robin grinned at him and Kaldur gave him a reassuring smile. He took a deep breath, and they all trekked to the house, stopping at the entrance.

Hesitantly, Wally knocked on the door of the strange (unlogical) house. Seconds later it was flung open and a women (not just any women, his mother, he reminded himself) stood in the threshhold. She stared at his bright yellow and red uniform (Iris always said it brought out the color of his eyes) and Wally smacked his head, uttering a "Hello, Wally!" before flipping up the goggles and pulling down the cowl.

"Uh, hi, I'm Wally West, also known as Kid Flash, and I am your biological son," he stretched out his gloved hand for her to shake. The red-haired women stood there for a second. Then her eyes rolled back into her head and she fainted.

Wally rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as several multicolored heads peaked around the corner to stare. "That could have gone better."

Behind him, the rest of the Team sighed and Robin face palmed. "You tact skills are disastrous, heavy on the 'dis, KF."


Soooo! Might make this into a series...tell me what you think! Reviews are needed for decisions to be made!

