"... I just wanted to tell you, before you meet the rest of my family at my birthday-party tomorrow."

"Okay" I laugh nervously. "Stop it now James."

"I promise you, I'm not joking!" He says solemnly and takes both my hands in his. I don't quite know if he's teasing me. He's such a prankster, so it's hard to know when he actually tells you the truth.

"Yeah right" I say and continue to laugh uneasily, while I pull my hands out of his. To tell you the truth, I'm a little bit scared James is going mad.

I start walking with long strides as if I could run from the fact, that either me or my... whatever he is, was nutty. Unfortunately for me his legs are longer than mine, so about 2 seconds later he is walking besides me again. A chilly breeze encircles us at the park and makes me pull my jacket closer around me. The weather is becoming colder and the days shorter. Autumn is on its way. That meant that James had to return to his boarding school - or was it a mental institution?

It could, be if he truly believed in what he was trying to tell me. How could such a gorgeous-looking boy be crazy though? I observe him out of the corner of my eyes. His brown, messy hair has a tinge of red and nearly invisible freckles are sprinkled over his nose. He's tall and skinny, but I know that if he takes that plain blue sweater he wears off, he'll look anything but skinny. The first time I met him was on the beach, and as that shy person he is, he was showing off his six-pack. Although I at first thought he was a big braggart, I couldn't keep my eyes of him. And I wasn't the only one sending long gazes in his direction.

Although he's wearing a shirt now, I'm still not the only one peeping on him - I can see two girls sitting on a bench, maybe a year younger than me, pointing at him and giggle being all sugar. And come on - who wouldn't throw a second glance at him? With those warm brown eyes, that always had a mischievous sparkle in them, those gorgeous cheekbones and his perfectly-shaped lips.

He notices, I looked at him and smiles that crooked, complacent smile he almost always wears on his face.

Apparently he's waiting for an elderly couple to pass us, before he grabs my arm and forces me to stop.

"I'm telling you the truth Olive! It's true!" he says dead serious.

I'm beginning to really worry now - he's not coming with those sarcastic side comments, not telling a joke and for once... He's acting mature. Maybe he's not joking..? Argh, I don't know!

He's not waiting for an answer but keeps trying to convince me:

"I don't get it! You've always complained about how this world's so boring. And the second it turns out to not be so boring, you freak out?"

"What did you expect James?" I cry out loudly, so the couple that just passed us turns around and stare at us.

James wave awkwardly their way, and drags me behind a bush.

"Did you just expect me to believe in fairies and witches and Hugworts and real gold and... and..."

"Hogwarts..." he corrects me, while I continue.

"... and your dad, not that I think you don't have a dad, but I mean that he's really famous. If he's really famous, I think I would have seen him before" I finish my monologue, and try to catch my breath again.

"He's not famous in your world" explains James impatient.

"Oh my world!" was my brilliant respons.

James patience seems to have been expended because he shushes me.

"Did you just... Did you just shush me? Are you serious?" I can't help but laugh.

James's lips begins to return to their usual smile:

"Yes that's my middle name!"

Aaaand the normal James is back!

He is about to laugh out loud at his own joke, but he resists and stays serious:

"Do you remember the poster I had at my room?"

I nod and frown. He had insisted that he wouldn't talk about that weird moving poster, I once found under his bed. Why would he want to...

"See - that was magic. The chocolate frog - magic. The flying spoon? Are you really telling me, you believed that it was a miracle and it withstood gravity?" he asks, with only a teeny weensy tone of contemptuous in his voice.

No I hadn't believed that silly story. I had accepted it, because there was no logical explanation. And as for the miracle - it's a miracle that there apparently is magic in this world!

Abruptly i see. That would explain so much.

"A tons of other weird things happen when I'm around you!" I agree and my voice is suddenly trembling.

I look into those brown eyes and I can't not believe him.

"A muggle... Is that a real word then?" I whisper overwhelmed.

"Yes it is. You're a muggle."

Since the first time I spoke to him, he has been calling me 'muggle'. I've always just thought it was some sort of weird nickname. Maybe it's something insulting.

Apparently James Sirius Potter is a wizard and I'm a muggle - whatever that is.

This chapter became very short, but i just want to see if anyone would like to hear more.

P.s I'm so sorry for that "dead serious" joke in the chapter, i actually didn't notice it at first!