Blake and Ruby sat outside with the sun beaming down on them. In front of them Blake had a mug of coffee and a muffin, whereas Ruby had a hot chocolate and a bunch of cookies. Blake watched in amusement and wonder at how fast Ruby consumed them.

"Um, shouldn't you slow down?" Blake asked.

To that Ruby replied "Nope" smiled and ate the rest and rubbed her belly in delight.

"So, Ruby I gotta ask, why did you invite me to breakfast?' Blake asked and took a drink from her mug.

"Well, to celebrate our first video of course, and now with the added bonus of like 15,000 views on it. What's not to celebrate" Ruby said and waved her arms in delight.

"I still can't believe it, I didn't think we'd get that popular so fast" Blake commented, feeling a slight ting of pride.

"Yea, but it's good to see those hours of animating payoff" Ruby said and took a large gulp from her drink.

"So I've been thinking about the show" Blake said.

"Right here" Ruby pointed to her head "Open to ideas please" she smiled as did Blake.

"I think we should make our episodes in bulk" the faunus said and took another sip.

"How so?" Ruby tilted her head.

"What I mean is animate, voice act and complete about, let's say 5 episodes, then put them out weekly" Blake explained.

Ruby nodded "That could take weeks Blake, I was hoping each episode would be about 10 minutes long" Ruby leaned forward and leaned on her arms.

"Well, Weiss could focus on creating the character models and rigs, we already introduced most in the first episode so she won't have to do too many. I have a good idea on where the show is going and could pump out those five episodes in a few days, don't worry Ruby" Blake gave her small, yet great smile.

Ruby couldn't help but smile back at her. "Well, we start tomorrow then. We can have today off" Ruby yawned.

Blake gave a confused look "Ruby, it's only 10am, how are you tired?"

"Because I didn't sleep until about 3" she said and Blake chuckled.

The two girls sat in silence and drank their drinks, soaking in the warmth and admiring the view. There wasn't a lot of people around as most would be at where ever they work at this time. Ruby was on a high since they episode release and getting to spend time with Blake added to it that much.

"There is one problem though" Blake said, her cat ears becoming slightly lower.

"What would that be?' the younger girl asked and took another sip of hot chocolate.

"Well, in the next episode there's going to be a male talking, and unless you or one of the other two can do a really good impression, we might be stuck" as she said this Ruby smiled slightly.

"Actually no, I know someone, he's a friend I met a couple of years ago, I'll give him a call later and see if he can" Ruby gave a toothy grin and finished her drink.

Blake breathed a sigh of relief at hearing this. "Thank god for that. I wonder what Weiss and Yang are up to?" Blake wondered.

"Well, they're like fire and ice, I can only guess" Ruby said and went to get another drink.

"Oh yea, I got you now" Yang grinned and showed a face of pure determination.

"Oh please, you think you can beat me with just a crossbow" Weiss laughed but was just as determined as the blonde.

The two sat in the living room, controllers in hand and were into their fifth game of Call of Duty. The score now was two each and this would be the deciding game, the loser, well the loser had to make the two lunch. Although the two of them could easily cook, neither really wanted to and had decided to make this match, with Yang being shocked at how good Weiss was at this.

It was all over when in the end, the white haired girl was declared the winner.

"Haha, don't ever underestimate you brute" Weiss pointed her finger to Yang.

"Yay a whatever, what do you want for lunch?" she got off the floor, still wearing her pyjamas as was Weiss.

"Just some scrambled eggs will be ok" Weiss said and got up to sit back on the sofa behind her.

Weiss turned the tv on and Yang went to work in the kitchen that was open to the other room.

"So you doing characters' tomorrow?" Yang asked and began heating up the frying pan.

"Yea, I have to make two major models for the next episode according to Blake and Ruby, your little sister text me just before our game. What about you, more business?" Weiss looked over to the blonde.

"Na, got a lot of it sorted yesterday, I'll help Ruby with the animation, if I don't she'll over work herself and pass out at her desk again" Yang giggled at the memory of a cute Ruby sleeping at her work desk, it was so precious she had to take a photo of it.

Weiss smiled at the memory of finding the small girl sleeping like a puppy.

"So, Ruby and Blake aye" Weiss looked over to Yang.

"Yeaaaa, what about them?" Yang looked at her unsure.

"Dunce, Ruby invites Blake out, but not you or I" Weiss put on a surprised look and walked over to Yang.

Yang just looked at her with a blank face. "You idiot Ruby likes Blake" Weiss exclaimed.

"What?" Yang said and quickly got back to the eggs.

"Yea, I believe Ruby has a crush on Blake" Weiss moved closer and watched Yang cook the eggs with stern eyes.

"That's long enough, take them off" she instructed.

Yang did as she was told and quickly grabbed two plates and laid out the scrambled eggs on the plates. The blonde handed a plate to the white haired girl.

"Here you are m'lady" she said in an overly posh voice.

"Dunce" Weiss deadpanned.

"Whatever, wanna watch a movie while we chow down?" Yang perked up.

"Very well, what film?" Weiss asked as she sat back down on the sofa.

"Well let's turn to your blu ray collection" Yang place her plate down and went to the large cupboard stocked with blu ray disk; all owned by Weiss.

"I can't believe you put these in alphabetical order" Yang giggled and found one she liked.

"This one" Yang held the case high in victory.

"Um, which one is it?" Weiss asked and ate some of her eggs.

"Lion King" Yang grinned and put the disk and started the film.

"Well, you could have picked worse" Weiss smiled and along with Yang, ate her lunch and watched the film.