"Alright, we're nearly done, just gotta do this" Ruby said while looking at the computer screen with concentration.

Behind her was Blake Belladonna, a girl of 20 that she had recently met, and quickly became friends with.

"How much longer?" she asked with extreme excitement.

"Not much longer, go get Yang and Weiss" Ruby motioned to the door and Blake left.

What was happening was something amazing, something wonderful, they were uploading a video to DustTube. For last two weeks Ruby, along with Blake, Weiss and Yang had worked hard to create an animated show, and had just finished up on the first episode. The show was about four girls around 13 who develop super powers and have to battle a constant evil. They had a story planned out, but it was only the first episode.

The door to their 'studio room' burst opened as three girls ran in, two in their pyjamas and Blake in sweat pants and black hoodie.

"How long left, how long" Yang pushed right up next to her little sister and stared right at the screen.

It was showing the progress bar of the video, of which they had hours upon hours, several late nights and a countless amount of cups of coffees into.

"Just a few more minutes left" Ruby squeed.

As the two sisters had their faces glued to the screen, Weiss and Blake stood behind them; a little more composed.

The room they used as their studio was a regular sized room, enough to fit four large desk and four high end computers with two monitors each, courtesy of Weiss.

After what felt like hours to the four the video was finally uploaded without issue. They breathed a sigh of relief and Ruby sat back in her chair.

"Well, now what?" she asked.

The three looked at each other, not entirely sure. "Well, I suppose in the morning I'll get started on the script for the next episode" Blake said, writing was her field, along with some minor animation, like the other three.

Yang, surprisingly was good at the business side, Weiss did a huge bulk of the character models and Ruby did about 70% of the animation, all four of course did voice acting.

"Also, I forgot to tell you guys, but guess what?" Yang smiled and the others looked to her.

"I got our name made official, as of now we are Studio RWBY" she smiled as did the others.

"That's awesome, it's like we're an actually animation studio" Weiss gave a rare smile.

"Yea sis" Ruby yawned "But can we celebrate in the morning, it's nearly 1am"

"Yea true" Yang gave a yawn to "See you guys in the morning" she waved and left the room to head upstairs to her room, the others following along.

The next morning Weiss walked down to the kitchen in her night ware, her white hair still a mess from the night's sleep. Their home was two floors with three bedrooms and one bathroom, nothing compared to the mansion she grew up in, but she loved it none the less. It was still kind of confusing the other girls as to why Weiss decided to live with them in a place like this when she could easily afford a house that cost one million lien. In truth, she wanted to feel independent from her father and not have to rely on his money, it also helped she was allowed to be creative in this job. She still didn't like the fact the all their tech and equipment was paid for using her father's money from the small loan of $50,000 that he gave her.

Weiss pored herself a mug of coffee and saw Blake seated in her pajamas typing on her laptop, Weiss smiled.

"Getting the story done early?" she asked and took a seat next to her.

Blake was wearing short black shorts and tank top, similar to Yangs.
"Yea, though I'll have to get Ruby and Yang have a look at it" she answered.

"So are you writing the script or-"

"Right now I'm doing a basic outline of the story, Yang told me her and Ruby are gonna get some more character development in today and some extras in" the girl answered.

Blake was an interesting character. She grew up in a poor home, and was a faunus. Faunus were beings that were humans born with a form of animal genes, Blake was born with cat ears, along with other cat traits, like a strong liking to fish. Along with that Blake loved reading, and with that she had a desire to write stories, so when she found a posting on Dustbook about a writer wanted she jumped at the offer, plus it saying that she'd be given a place to live helped as well.

"Well I hope so, that dolt can't stay seated for more than a few minutes without getting distracted" Weiss said then giggled, as did Blake.

"Well, I'm sure Yang will help and-" Blake was cut off with her phone vibrating.

"Huh, it's Ruby" she muttered and read the text.

Wanna get breakfast at that café down the street?

"What did she say?" Weiss asked as she watched a show on the tv she had just turned on.

"She asked me if I wanted to get breakfast with her" she said and looked at the message, they had been living together for a few weeks now, and this was the first time this had happened.

"I wonder why?" Blake asked herself.

Weiss looked at her and shrugged "Maybe it's to celebrate the fact we uploaded our first video last night. Oh speaking of which I wonder how that went" Weiss said and fumbled for her phone to open DustTube to see their video.

"OMG" she half yelled and shoved the phone in front of her Blake, a rare sight of excitement from the heiress.

When the faunus girl saw the screen, she understood the white haired girls excitement, on it was their videos DustTube page, with nearly 15,000 views.

"Wow, and it's only been about 7 hours as well, people must really like it" Blake smiled and Weiss just looked at the number in pride.

"Do you think Ruby and Yang know?' Weiss asked.

Just as she said the two loud excited squeals could be heard from upstairs.

"I think they do now" Blake laughed and go to relying to Rubys' text.
