Animal Crossing: The Mayor and the Shih Tzu

Chapter 1: Turning over a New Leaf

I find myself jolting up from my slumber to the clanging of metal. I look around at my location: a… train?

'W-where…? Oh, that's right… How could I forget so easily?'

I was on the train that would bring me to my new home, Tengoku. I had heard many great things about this village, ranging from fantastic food to friendly neighbors. My parents suggested that I moved to Jigoku, but I eventually decided against it. It wasn't easy moving out, I obviously had grown strong bonds with my friends and family. But I won't let that get me down, I'm turning over a new leaf! I've got to stay positive throughout my journey.

I sigh as I shuffle around in my seat, attempting to get comfortable, until something out of the corner of my eye gets my attention. It appears to be a blue and white feline in a dark-red sweater. As he begins to pass by me, he goes limp with a surprised look in his eyes. He comes up to me…

"Uhh… Hello?" I ask.

He clears his throat, "Hey there! Can I talk to you for a second? Do I see a ticket to Tengoku in your hand there?"

I look down, realizing that I fell asleep with it instead of putting it in my suitcase.

"You know, I have an acquaintance who lives in that town! Mind if I sit down?"

'Who is this guy? Why does he care so much about a total stranger on the train?'

I ponder in my mind, but yet I soon respond, "Uh sure…"

"Great. Thanks!" he cheerfully replies as he sits on the seat opposite of me. "By the way, what's your name?"

"M-Maxwell, my name's Maxwell."

"Oh, Maxwell? Well, that's a fantastically great name!"

"Yeah, uh… it's cool…" I embarrassingly admit.

"You're right! It is a cool name! And so fitting for a guy like you!"

I lightly smile, scratching the back of my head and laughing nervously.

"So, Maxwell, do you go to Tengoku very often?"

"No, actually, I've never been there."

"Oh, so today is your first time? That sounds like tons of fun! Can I ask why're you heading there?"

'Seriously, why does this guy care so much?' I question myself.

"I'm moving."

"Oh, wow, is that right? That sounds pretty good to me! But you said this is your first time there, right? Does that mean you haven't seen your house yet?"

"I'll get a place there."

"I see, so you're going house hunting once you get there? Heh, I guess it'll be a lot more fun that way! I hope you find an awesome little house and have tons of fun in your happy, new town!"

I braced myself for another question. Luckily, though, there wasn't one.


"Now arriving in Tengoku, Tengoku station!"

I prepare to stand up, making sure I have everything I brought with me.

"Oh, hey! Looks like we're about to arrive in Tengoku! Thanks for chatting with me! It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a train ride this much! Come to think of it, I've been riding the rails an awful lot again lately. Haven't done this much traveling by train since 2002 or so… Man, that's weird… Okay, good luck, Maxwell! Bye-bye!"

I smile, "Bye, uh…"

"Rover, my name's Rover!" he chuckles.

"See ya, Rover."

The train comes to a halt, the doors slide open, and I take in a deep breath before stepping off into my new home.

I'm greeted by a chimp as I step off, "Welcome to Tengoku! We hope you enjoy your stay! Eek eek!"

I smile as I walk past him and exit the train station. My mind is practically lost as I set foot into my new town. Being bathed with the heat of its sun and the chirp of the birds; it's quite a wonderful feeling, I must say.

"Whoa! Look who just got to town!" I hear a young man whisper.

Well there you have it folks, chapter one! Let me know what you think by leaving a review. Thanks for reading and I hope you stay tuned for more!