WARNING; Vampires being vampires! Yes, Jasper's coven hunt humans. So if you're squeamish don't read this chapter – or any of the others for that matter – because it's only going to get worse as the story continues. Also this chapter is quite lemony so, you know, avert your eyes if that kind of thing offends you.





Bella hunted like a panther, striking with a natural ferocity which was a pleasure to watch. A middle aged man stood sweating profusely in the heat of the midday sun, trying to fix whatever was wrong with his faded red Chevrolet. Bella approached with stealth, her hunger in overdrive. She wasn't even the tiniest bit human right now, I could sense each of her emotions and they were completely primitive; base instincts controlling her. I was unspeakably aroused while watching her hunt, it was a first for me, being so connected to a new-born on their first hunt. It was as though I was seeing it all through her eyes; her bloodlust was my own.

Peter, Charlotte and I followed closely, we didn't want to hinder Bella's first hunt, but we were there if she needed us, which was unlikely by the looks of it. She was a natural.

Bella straightened out of her crouch and went to the human boldly. The man was startled by the gorgeous girl who had materialized out of thin air. We were in the middle of the desert, after all and he had not seen her approach.

He tipped his cap upwards so he could see her better, his eyes widening at the sight of my dark haired demonic angel.

"Well, howdy, little girl, have you come to help a fella like me?" his tone was friendly but flirtatious as he took in just how sexy this stranger was.

On seeing Bella's bare feet he hesitated, confused. A normal person would not have been able to walk on the scorching ground without shoes. His sixth sense warned him that something wasn't right, but he still wanted to help her.

"Are you alright?" he asked taking a step towards her, genuinely concerned.

Bella didn't respond, her gaze fiercely focused, her pink lips slightly parted to reveal sharp teeth.

The man finally saw her blood red eyes and froze, fear rising in him rapidly.

Bella growled low and deadly, her lips parting further as she tasted the air. I felt her hunger and excitement as if they were my own.

It was so long since I had hunted a human, I found venom pooling in my mouth in shared hunger. I could feel Bella inside me and her hunger became my own.

In a flash of supernatural speed Bella had the man by the neck, her hand around his neck. His face was the picture of shock and pain as he struggled for air. Her slender fingers had cut off his air supply instantly. Without pausing Bella bit into his neck viciously, blood splattering across her face and chest.

She drank ravenously, her gaze growing even more scarlet as she began to feed. Finally, after a few minutes she drew back, the man was lying dead at her feet.

I went to her, my arms itching to hold her; my mate, my Bella.

Peter whistled in a completely human way as he joined us. "Jasper, we have ourselves a natural born killer!" he looked as proud as punch, like he was her father or some shit.

Charlotte chuckled at her mate and kissed him, she found his antics loveable.

Bella stared up at me guilt written all over her face, her eyes glowing from the human blood inside her.

I killed him.

I heard her voice in my mind, it sounded confused, hurt, uncertain.

Why don't I feel bad about it, Jasper? Why did it feel so good?

Her eyes were wide and troubled as they stared into mine, communicating with me in our private way.

"Because humans are our natural food source, darlin'." I told her, stroking her face reverently. I rubbed the blood splatter into her skin, watching mesmerized as it blended into her creamy flesh.

"If we had stayed with the Cullen's, wouldn't we have hunted animal's?" Bella asked out loud.

Peter scoffed and Charlotte grimaced.

I smiled at Bella. "Maybe, I haven't thought about it. I wouldn't want my mate to be less powerful than she should be, so an animal diet would be out of the question. Only human blood makes us as powerful as we should be."

"Are you weaker than you should be? You lived with the Cullen's for so long."

I nodded and sent a wiry smirk towards Peter. "Yes, I am a small amount weaker now, I need to hunt before the Cullen's come back."

Bella looked worried.

Will they come back? I was hoping it was over.

I kissed her softly, my tongue sliding into her mouth, unable to resist the urge to taste her kill on her full lips.

Bella whimpered into my mouth and I was bombarded by her lust and need.

I groaned, pulling back from her reluctantly.

"Yes, they will come back, if only to try and rescue you. Alice warned them, that they must not fight today – but that doesn't mean it's over. Edward isn't happy with the way things turned out, he hates me more now than he ever did. He wants to provoke me into fighting him."




A little while later I was finishing off my own kill. My meal was a woman who had tended bar not far from Bella's kill. It came back to me all too easily, like a human riding a bicycle. I felt my victim's fear and then her pleasure as I made dying bearable for her using my gift to manipulate her emotions, she simply faded away blissed out on endorphins.

Bella watched me closely while I fed, feeling each part of my kill, her beautiful face filled with rapt attention. When I was done drinking, I pulled my mate towards me across the prone body of my meal and shared my kill with her. Our kiss was deep and Bella moaned, the sound going straight to my cock.

Peter ignored our preoccupation with each other and piled the bodies together ready for disposal. Charlotte laughed at us openly.

"You might want to seal the deal, Jasper, its been a few hours since she woke up. Peter jumped me before I'd fully finished changing." She told me while examining her long, sharp finger nails idly.

I growled at her in mock seriousness. "Mind your own business, Char."

She smirked at me. "You're making it our business, Major."

I pulled Bella up with me, my arm around her waist. It just felt so fucking good to be holding her like this. Our connection was still there, keeping us inside each other constantly. The bond I'd forged with Bella in the beginning was immeasurably stronger, it would cause us both pain to sever it now.

Bella frowned at me.

"Why does she call you Major?"

I smiled at her, a bit guarded. I had never fully shared my story with anyone, not even Alice. I had mentioned my past to Bella once before, briefly, but I didn't believe in bragging.

"Because that's who he was. We call him Major sometimes, as a sign of respect." Peter said, returning from throwing the bodies down an abandoned mine shaft. "Your mate is one dangerous immortal, Bella. He doesn't like to toot his own horn much, but you've got nothing to fear from the Cullen's. Jasper will annihilate them if they force his hand."

Bella stared at me, a soft smile on her gorgeous mouth. I loved how much she liked hearing about my past.

I glared at Peter, he had a big fucking mouth sometimes.

Peter laughed at me. "What? She needs to know who her mate is and I know you wont tell her."

I slapped Peter on the back good naturedly. He was right as usual, I didn't have to go talking shit about my past. I had nothing to prove to anyone.




A few short minutes later we were alone and I kissed Bella. I was driven by passion so fierce it was almost violence. I slammed Bella into the wall beside the door to my room, all else forgotten as I devoured her mouth like a man possessed. Her taste was subliminal, delicious, mine, mate.

Peter and Charlotte had vanished the second we had arrived home, sensing the sexual tension between Bella and I.

Bella's strength was twice that of mine at the moment and I grinned against her lips as she tore my shirt from my body and shoved me backwards towards my four poster bed. She followed me, her hands going to my belt even while I could feel her uncertainty and shyness.

She hesitated for a moment, but her need for me won out, as she undid my belt and the button on my denim jeans. My belly clenched as her soft fingers slid inside and touched me, I growled low and deadly as I lifted Bella as if she weighed nothing at all and seated her on my lap.

A raw moan left her lips as I thrust my hips upwards against the heated flesh between her thighs. Bella moved against me, experimenting with a few slow movements which had me growling deeply as I claimed her plump lips with mine.

She tasted like fucking strawberries. Like blood. Like all my favourite things, both past and present, rolled into one perfect pint sized package.

I stripped her naked as slowly as I could, drinking in her beauty.

Her body had always been phenomenal, but now she was quite literally perfect. She was satin smooth skin, rose tipped breasts and lithe, supple thighs and perfectly curved hips.

Bella clung to me, her breasts against my chest, her finger nails scraping my scalp as she kissed me as deeply as she could, holding my face to hers. I could feel the tight buds of her nipples against my chest, her skin like silk beneath my hands as I touched her everywhere, memorizing everything about her.

Impatient, she tried to push my jeans off, her sharp nails tearing the fabric as she did so. I helped her and then we were skin to skin.

Bella's sigh was more of a hiss, as I settled her body over mine. My hands cupped her buttocks as I rocked her onto me, my hardness sliding inside her slick warmth easily. Soon, she was impaled on my erection, her moans breathy and incoherent, as I moved her onto me, guiding her movements.

Bella kissed my neck and chest, finding each scar there and laving them with her tongue. I groaned at the sensation, my entire body ready to explode.

She felt warm to me now, our body temperatures matching.

I licked at her nipples as she rode me, her perky tits near my face.

Our hair created a curtain around our faces, our own private world. It was a combination of us both, light and dark, blond and brunette.

Our experience was mind blowing, being linked physically and emotionally was a deep building pleasure so intense it was like slow rising tsunami wave, rushing towards the shore, gathering momentum.

We watched each other, all boundaries gone, our gazes locked as we moved as one.

I felt her body flutter around mine as she came hard and I followed her over the precipice fast, our climax vibrating through us like a sonic boom.

I clutched her to me and her fingers clawed at my back, we were impossibly close, almost one being.


Two bodies, one heart, intertwined.


It echoed through our minds, a whisper on our lips.





I drew lazy patterns on Bella's back and buttocks as we lay together, naked on my crumpled, broken bed. We had made love for more hours than I could count, exploring every inch of each other thoroughly. My bed was a pile of splinters around us, but neither of us cared.

Bella trailed curious fingers across my body too, touching my scars as if she were memorizing each one.

She found a particularly large one along my ribs, it was twelve inches long and jagged.

Where did you get this one? She asked in my mind, her concern touching.

I smiled at her lazily.

"It was a particularly feisty new-born who tried to kill me. He was barely a few minutes old and he didn't realise that you cant kill a vampire by stabbing them."

Why did he try and kill you?

"I was about to end his very short life. He merely fought back."

Bella eyed me in shock.

I sighed, "I was an executioner in an army of vampires. It was my job to cull the defective new-born's." I waited for her to feel revulsion at my confession, I was surprised when I felt curiosity and nothing more.

So, you were an executioner? Is that why you have so many scars?

"Yes, that and the fact that I've fought in countless wars, both as a human and a vampire. Each scar I possess represents someone who tried to kill me and failed, usually because I killed them instead."

You're deadly. Bella said a strange sort of pride warming her thoughts.

I smirked at her and kissed her lips lightly, lingering on her softness. I didn't reply, my thoughts going to more pleasurable places.

Bella reeked of my scent, as I did of hers.

The beast within me settled, finally content that she was mine.

That thought brought a ridiculously satisfied smile to my face as she returned my grin, her face the picture of mischievous energy.

"There is just a few more things I'd like to try -before we go and eat again." I told Bella, rolling onto my back and taking her with me.

Bella laughed, it was a joyous sound, as pretty as fucking church bells ringing. My grin widened in response to the happiness I could feel rolling off her in waves.

I lifted her and placed her ass on my chest before firmly pulling her knees apart, baring her body to my rapt gaze. She was mortified, if she had been human, she would have been beet red. I didn't give her a chance to pull away, I lifted her ass in my hands, bringing her pulsing, slick sex to my mouth

Bella cried out as I worked her soft flesh with my tongue and lips. Soon she was kneeling over my face, embarrassment forgotten, riding my tongue in abandoned pleasure. I watched her writhe over me, my cock hard and aching.

I swallowed her sweetness down as she climaxed, thighs trembling against my face. I rolled again until she was beneath me and the I slowly slid into her welcoming depths. I could still feel her inner walls pulsing around me as I began to move, claiming her again and again.




As it turned out, Edward was beyond caring about our arsenal of gifts as a coven. With my gift for emotional manipulation and Peter's epic future predictions we were an unstoppable team. But Edwards anger towards me for taking Bella was boundless.

So he did the one thing he knew we wouldn't be able to control. He involved the Volturi. Peter saw it coming, one week later while we were hunting as a coven, decimating a group of would be campers.

Peter had frozen, halfway through his meal, his face full of blood. Charlotte had gone to him at once.

"What is it?"

Peter eyed me from across the clearing, his cocky expression absent for once. "That little prick." He ground out through clenched teeth. "Major, we have ourselves situation."

Bella tossed her kill aside and came to us, she was worried.

"What is it Captain?" I asked, pulling Bella to my side possessively.

"He fucking went to the Italian scum! He reported us! That's what. They are going to send scouts – a week from today."


Bellaasked, in my mind.

"Edward." I stated, not having to ask. "He's reported us to the Volturi."

"What can he report us for? We've not done anything wrong." Bella said, holding me tightly. "Have we?"

Charlotte looked terrified, her gaze fixed onto her husband's face. "They often don't need a reason, Bella. The Volturi have been known to make up reasons to destroy covens far less talented than ours. Aro will love any excuse to visit us. He has always wanted Peter."

Peter and I shared a loaded glance. "We can leave, if we have to." Peter said sounding pained, he loved the ranch.

I shook my head.

"I don't run."