Authors Note, It's been a while since I've written for Jasper and Bella. But here is my latest offering. It's unbeta'd and there is no update schedule. I am team Edward, but second is Jasper, I love bad Jasper almost as much as I love bad Edward. So sue me. Let me know what you think.

Pointers; this chapter is set during the time when James is hunting Bella and she goes with Jasper and Alice for protection.

Edward will not be vilified.

Yes Jasper and Bella will cheat. (I'm tired of virtuous characters.)

Chapter One.

"Do you find peace in controlling the emotions of those around you?" Bella's quite sudden question startled me, even though I'd felt it coming. Her curiosity had been growing in leap and bounds since noon. Her emotions were chaotic and intensely curious.

I found myself shaking my head even though the truth of what she'd said resonated deeply within me. I did get a type of peace from helping others control themselves. I'd always been this way, even before I'd become immortal.

Edward knew how my gift affected me, how it made up for all that I'd lost, my humanity being one of the things I still hadn't mourned sufficiently.

I stared at the human girl who bothered me a great deal more than I'd admit to and smiled at her sweetly open face filled with innocence and curiosity.

She was beautiful. Even with a humans imperfections she was sublime. God help us all if she were ever made immortal. She was a rival for Rose's beauty and that was saying a lot.

Rose knew it too which is why she was silently, and sometimes not so silently, hateful to Bella. Rose had never had a rival before.

Trust Edward to find this jewel in the rough.

Bella Swan awakened something in all of us, within the Cullen family.

With Edward it was suppressed sexual desires. With Alice it was a longing for sisterly affection. With Emmett it was brotherly devotion and with Esme it was that ever present mothering instinct which was always just below the surface. With me...well, that was an entirely different matter and best left undiscovered and unexplored.

I cared for my brother and what I wanted to do to Bella wasn't fit for hearin'.

I'd long since mastered the art of hiding my more private thoughts and feelings from the intrusive gifts of our family. My feelings towards Bella were no exception.

She awoke feelings in me I'd never experienced before in my very long existence. I loved Alice, I truly did. But she had never moved me, physically. Not really.

Not since Maria had I felt true sexual desire and never for a human.

Humans were prey.

Not sex objects.

I knew that Edward would try to kill me if I ever revealed just how much Bella Swan effected me.

And he'd be well within his rights as an enraged brother and boyfriend.

Bella leaned back on her elbows, as she lay across the crap hotel bed. Her long brown hair trailed out behind her across the ugly green counterpane, gently emitting her unique tantalising scent that was all Bella.

I felt my fangs lengthen as my eyes wandered across her perky breasts and deliciously pouting lips.

Her lower lip was a lot fuller then the upper one, her mouth was sinfully flawless, beestung, succulent perfection which made me long to taste it's softness.

Her mouth would yield to me, her lips would mould to mine and she would be warm, her body fragile and breakable in my arms...

I shook myself mentally and turned my lusting eyes towards the TV which sat across the room.

"Do you?" Bella prompted, not giving up that easily.

I refused to look at her as I replied. "Not peace,no, I feel that I'm helping others sometimes just by preventing them from acting rashly or making them realise how they have truly felt all along. There is no true peace in my existence."

I keenly felt the rush of air around me as Bella sprung up from her reclining position on the bed and came towards me slowly.

The air actually crackled as her warm little body moved closer to me.

Bella Swan had never possessed any self preservation.

And now was a perfect example of this fact.

Her comfort around us, her natural enemy, was complete and instinctual. She genuinely had no fear of us, I knew.

It fascinated me as much as it puzzled me.

She stopped a few scant inches away from my dangerously still figure and I felt her desire, although I wasn't sure what had prompted it.

I slowly looked up at her and I felt my stone gut clench tightly at the look in her wide brown eyes.

She wanted to touch me. I could see it there in those fathomless orbs of golden warmth.

As our eyes met a dark, needy, toxic thought wove it's self through my mind.

I wanted to taste her.

I had to taste her.

Just once.

Alice was gone and would be for an hour yet. I was quite alone with Bella and we were in a hotel room.

The little human watched me longingly and I felt my length stir beneath my jeans at the thought of all that warmth and all that softness.

She was too young for me.

I was old enough to be her great grandfather several times over.

Long buried instincts reared their ugly heads as we stared at each other, both of us with varying degrees of longing.

The old me, pretty much dead and buried; wanted to take her, consequences be damned

But the other part of me, the part loyal to Alice and all she had done in my existence, made the bitter taste of betrayal linger on my tongue.

But need won as my fangs lengthened to their full capacity and pierced my lip, reminding me needlessly of just how much I wanted to have this girl.

"So you think that playing with people's emotions is acceptable simply because you believe that you're helping them? What if they don't want to be your puppets? What if they want to be free to chose, whether or not they follow their baser emotions? What kind of fiend are you, Jasper Whitlock to take advantage of people like that?"

I was momentarily taken aback by her attack, I'd been so busy trying to contain my own need that my vast brain was unprepared for her anger.

Bella had done the impossible and blindsided me.

I watched in amusement as her tiny fists clenched and her smooth alabaster skin become tinged with heated blood.

I tasted her emotions and found, much to my added amusement, that her anger was actually internalised - she was angry at herself and the reason became clear as I followed her gaze.

She studied my face and lazily lounging figure with wide eyes and dilated pupils. Her breaths were fast and her heart raced wildly.

She wanted me, and it somehow went beyond the usual allure us immortals held for our prey.

Bella found me more than visually appealing, she was fighting an epic internal struggle with herself not to like me.

It was as simple as that.

She liked me and she didn't want to.

I sensed it all and my findings brought a smirk to my face which seemed to enrage her further.

"We all use the powers God has given us, Miss Bella." I said, lazily amused. "Even you utilise your God given gifts with startling regularity. "

"Me? What gifts do I have? Unless you count suffocating shyness or life threatening clumsiness? " She asked, breathlessly, her bee stung lips parting to emit small shallow bursts of air.

I could taste her scent on my tongue.

Tasty human and alluring woman mixed together with Bella's unique scent of vanilla and rose.

Without thought, working completely on instinct, I held out my hand to her, palm upwards, silently asking her to take it.

We never usually touched

It was an unspoken rule between us.

I was too powerful, scarred, dangerous.

She was delicate, human.

And yet right now I knew as surely as I knew I had killed more than a thousand humans in my existence, that I would never harm this girl.

This beautiful, dainty, brunette with the startling eyes and lips like plush rose pillows held me in her power.

She would probably never know it, nor would she care if she did, but this small girl held me to ransom and I would do anything for her.

"You are so beautiful, Bella." I said, my voice low, quiet, as I prepared to say things I shouldn't say.

Things Edward would kill me for even thinking.

Well, he could try.

"You have more gifts than your aware of darlin'. Those eyes of yours could make a man do crazy things."

I willed her to take my hand and then in the split second before she took my offered hand, I regretted it.

Because, before I had known what she felt like, resistance was possible - now it was improbable at best.

A thousand sensation's flooded every nerve and cell in my rock hard body as her petal soft skin touched mine.

I growled low and deep. And Bella gasped loudly as her tiny fingers slid over mine.

Before I knew it my fingers were caressing hers, in slow hungry strokes designed to calm as well as excite.

Her eyes slid shut and her plump mouth formed an endearing 'o' as her head rolled backwards slightly.

Supernatural sight gave me the advantage as I watched goose flesh erupt across her skin and her pupils dilate fully leaving her eyes dark and hungry.

I lifted her hand to my mouth and pressed a slow kiss onto the palm.

At that moment I sensed Alice approaching and released Bella reluctantly.

"Alice is almost back." I stated quietly.

Bella moved away from me at once, so fast it was as though she'd been stung.

I lifted my booted feet onto the fires grate and tried to calm the lust running rampant through my body.

This was going to be a long fucking day.

Alice breezed in a moment later and took over the energy of the room leaving it spoiled and distasteful to me.

I caught Bella watching me many times, her gaze curious and shy.

I wanted more.