Webs and Shadows

Chapter Beta by SuperSherlockedGallifreyan

Chapter 01: Voldemort's Demise

Voldemort's cry in the night echoed throughout the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His fury could be felt by all in the Great Hall as the fighting was now subsiding. His fury was directed at one person — one person who has eluded him for so long, has denied him, has even escape from him.

Harry Potter.

Harry stood proud and tall before Voldemort, not an ounce of fear inside of him. He was smirking at Voldemort who, just moments ago in the Forbidden Forest, believed to have killed him.

"No one get involve; this is between me and Tom," Harry called out as he noticed many of his schoolmates and friend readying themselves to get involved in the fight.

Voldemort's nostrils flared at the mention of his real name, the name he has for so long denounce, his birth name.

"Potter doesn't mean that," Voldemort said out loud. He looked into Potter's green eyes; his red eyes burning with fury. "Tell me, who are you sacrificing to save yourself?" Voldemort said.

"No one," Harry said. "There isn't a need to anymore. No one else is going to die, Tom," Harry said.

Once again, Voldemort's nostrils flared dangerously. Yet, he did not strike. He needed answers as to why Harry Potter was able to survive the killing curse.

"Your mortal once again, Tom. All the Horcruxes have been destroyed. You have nothing left to save you. You are as you always wanted to be, alone."

Voldemort once again flared his nostrils.

"It does not matter. Once I kill you, I will simply make more."

"You can't," Harry said calmly.

"You don't know what I'm capable of, Potter!" Voldemort hissed.

"I know better than you think. Magic doesn't have limits, but your soul does. You cannot split anymore. This was proven on that Halloween night; your soul is already at its limit. If you die here, there's nothing left to save you. You feared death so much that you would do anything to prevent yours, but you never did understand, there are things in this world, in this life, far greater than death. Death is nothing but the next great adventure. But you can never understand that, can you?" Harry said.

"You do not understand, Potter! Death is the worse fate anyone can endure. I will do anything to prevent mine!"

"Indeed you would. That is why you will fail. Because you close yourself off, refuse to see what others can see. You have never sought what we have, for that, you are blind, and you are blinded by so many things in this life," Harry said calmly.

"You think you have what it takes to defeat me? The greatest sorcerer of all time! The one who is responsible for Dumbledore's death…"

"Dumbledore was already dead. Your plan to kill him wouldn't have changed that. He chose simply to go quickly rather than suffering in bed. That is why you never could see or realize that Snape was never yours."

"What do you mean, Potter?" Voldemort cried out. He began to fear a lot as he trusted Snape with many important task; some of them were personal.

"You killed the one he loved. You must have known this would only drive him away. When you killed my mom, he started working for Dumbledore, determined to finish you off for my mother's sake."

"He desired her was all, but even he agreed there were better woman for him, more worthy of him…" Voldemort sneered.

"Is that what he agreed to or what he wanted you to think?" Harry said. He did not blink as he stared into Voldemort's sinister eyes.

"He left you to finish me? He would have stood a better chance, and I killed him not long ago. You're nothing more than an accident, Harry Potter. Dumbledore has been pulling your string since the beginning."

"Accident am I?" Harry said with a smile. "I won't deny Dumbledore has been pulling my strings. However, he is not here to pull any strings nor does he control the outcome. It's simply me and you. And to be honest Tom, you've already set up your own defeat the moment you chose to rise."

"What do you mean?" Voldemort hissed.

"Don't you remember; you can't be this naïve. You took my blood to revive you. You sought my mother's protection, the charm that exists in me so you could have it. You wanted it so bad that you never stop to think of the consequences to have it. You see, the protection was never meant for you. It was created to protect me against an attack by a single individual, in this case, you."

Voldemort's eyes opened wide at Harry's words.

"Don't you see; I cannot be killed by you because you are protecting me whether you want to admit it or not. As long as you exist, your magic cannot harm me."

"I have the Elder Wand!" Voldemort declared.

"You possess the Elder Wand; that is true. But you're not the wands master," Harry said.

"I killed Snape, who was the Master of the Wand. I am its true master!" Voldemort cried out.

"Snape wasn't the master. Dumbledore earned the wand by defeating Grindelwald. It is true that he set himself up for Snape to be master, but someone else beat Snape to the punch. A person who never even held the wand earned the Wand's allegiance."

Voldemort stared at Harry, waiting for the boy to tell him who won the wand's allegiance.

"Draco Malfoy was the Elder Wand's master. He disarmed Dumbledore against his will and never realized the most powerful wand in existence swore its allegiance to him."

"It does not matter. If what you say is true, then I will simply kill Draco Malfoy." Voldemort said in a calm tone of voice.

"Do you not understand? Do you not get it, or are you so narrowed minded that you can't see the truth in front of you?" Harry shouted. Voldemort paused and looked at Harry. "The wand chooses the wizard, not the other way around. The Elder Wand rejects you because you are not its master. I am its master."

"You said Draco was…" Voldemort stopped in mid-sentence after realizing what Harry was saying. Harry smiled and twirled Draco's Hawthorn wand in his fingers.

"That's right. Before I escape Malfoy's manor, I disarmed Draco and defeated him. In doing so, I became the Elder Wand's master. That means, as long as you have the Elder Wand, it won't obey you, not unless you can defeat me with your own magic, which I highly doubt you can," Harry said in amusement.

"What makes you think you can defeat me Potter?" Voldemort shouted. "Do you believe you are more powerful than I? More skilled than I? Or is it that you believe in a power I don't know?" Voldemort cried out.

Harry said nothing. He only smiled. Voldemort suddenly sneered.

"Is it love again?" Voldemort said. "Dumbledore's favorite solution to all of his problems — love, which did not save so many countless lives in this war. So what makes you think that love will save you from me killing you in a single strike?"

"Just one thing." Harry said calmly. He knew everyone could feel the two were getting ready to pounce like wolves, ready to rip each other apart. Yet, they just stood there, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"If it's not love that you believe in," Voldemort said slowly, "then you must believe in a magic I do not, or you believe you have a weapon more powerful than my own."

"I believe in both," Harry said simply.

Voldemort began to laugh. His high pitched, cold laughter was more frightening than his screams of fury.

"Tell me, what could possibly save you from me?" Voldemort cried out.

"I've already told you. Before you strike Voldemort, I'm offering you a chance to save yourself. I strongly advise you take this chance to try to feel some remorse for your actions. It's the only thing that will save you from certain death," Harry said.

"What is this?" Voldemort hissed.

"Want me to tell you what's stopping you and why I'm asking you to feel remorse?" Harry said, a smile growing on his face. Voldemort said nothing as he could only stare.

"With no more Horcruxes, both your magic and body are beginning to fade. Your body is decaying. It doesn't matter if you succeed in killing me. I suspect you only have enough strength left to cast maybe three more spells. Five at most. If you attempt to apparate away, you will only end up killing yourself faster. However, I can guarantee you this: before the dawn breaks, you will die," Harry said with a smile.

"You welcome death?" Voldemort said.

"I do. Unlike you, I do not fear death. Rather, when the time comes, I will embrace death as a friend. If that day is today, or should I grow old, either way, I will not run from it like you have. As I said, you've set yourself up to die when all you've done your whole life is run from it. I'm not asking the wizarding world to forgive you, I'm asking that you try to save yourself before you die. Because what will happen after your death, will be something even you will not want to go. No one will want to go where you're heading."

"I suspect you mean hell," Voldemort sneered.

"No, a place far worse than hell," Harry said. "A place only meant to suffer, where you cannot move on to your next adventure," Harry said.

"Your fairy tales do not scare me, Potter," Voldemort said. However, Harry could see it in his eyes that he was scared and frightful and beginning to form a plan to somehow survive that night. Dawn was already upon them, and Voldemort's time was ticking.

This made Harry capable of smiling, knowing Voldemort would die regardless of the outcome.

"You may have all those in your arsenal, but there is one thing you are forgetting, Potter; it's that you no longer have the Phoenix wand, for I know it has been destroyed. You no longer have your wand. We shall duel on skills and skills alone. That will settle things once and for all between us," Voldemort declared.

Voldemort and Harry stared at each other, knowing this would be their last bout.

Then without warning or pause, both raised their wands, Voldemort with the Elder Wand, and Harry with Draco's Hawthorne.

"Avada Kedevra!" Voldemort cried. The deadly jet green light shot forward at Harry with amazing speed.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. The powerful red beam shot forward without a pause of hesitation from Draco's Hawthorne, hitting the deadly killing curse and began to push it back; the Elder Wand refusing to kill its rightful master.

It was then, Harry saw something that he failed to foresee. It was what Voldemort claim about his Phoenix wand. Voldemort was pulling his originally wand out from his robes. Dual casting with two wands was dangerous. It was told that a witch or wizard should never attempt to cast with two wands at once. However, Voldemort believe he was capable of dual wielding.

"Sempiternus Excidium!" [Eternal Eradication] Voldemort roared.

A pure black spell was cast from Voldemort's Phoenix core. It was a curse Harry had never seen before.

With every ounce of his strength Harry force the killing curse to rebound upon the Dark Lord. Voldemort looked as if he was about to throw up.

Voldemort's spell, however, successfully hit Harry, forcing Draco's wand out of his hand.

Harry could feel something pulling him, almost like it was a force apparition. All he could feel was that he was falling backwards and spiraling out of control. It seemed like there was no end in sight.

Suddenly, Harry hit something hard on his back before falling down on the ground and tasting something nasty and foul.

Harry groaned as he picked himself.

Checking himself, he made sure that he wasn't splinched or didn't lose any body parts.

After confirming he was fine, Harry looked around and noticed he was in an ally. Seeing a street with people walking, he moved forward and looked around.

Harry had seen pictures of this place before, but he had never been here or even across the Atlantic before, for that matter.

Time Square was a sight anyone would remember.

For some reason, he had apparated to New York City.

Harry wished he had his wand with him. It would make casting magic so much easier. He could cast some spells windlessly, but it was much harder and very taxing.

He noticed some people were eyeing him funny. He didn't blame them as robes lost their style in the muggle world nearly two centuries ago.

Stepping back in the shadows of the alley way, Harry reached for his right side and was please to feel his pouch still there.

He was glad Hermione talked him into carrying all of his stuff and gold in his pouch. Ducking behind the dumpster, he grabbed some fresh pair of muggle clothes and put them on. He pulled out a backpack he got from Dudley, and put it on as well. It was just a plain, simple bag, nothing out of the ordinary. Carrying a pouch in the muggle world did seem foolish, and made him feel vulnerable.

First, he needed to make contact with Ron and Hermione. He had to let them know he was alright.

One Week Later

Harry was miserable. He had little food left, and to his greatest horror, he discovered the magical world was gone. The magical world had vanished without a trace, almost like it never existed.

To make matters worse, Voldemort's spell had nearly crippled him — at least magically. After a week of careful thinking and analyzing the situation — something he had never done — Harry could only determine that he was sent to an alternate world where he didn't even exist.

Voldemort had indeed gotten the last laugh.

Not only was everything Harry loved and knew gone, he was stripped of his magic, figuratively speaking. He could still do magic, but the price to do it now was a deadly one.

The first time he apparate, he threw up blood before he lost consciousness.

After that he thought he could build himself up, but even the simplest spells would cause him to throw up blood and vomit his insides out. After five days of intense pain and the loss of blood, Harry was force to give up on using magic. There were no signs of himself improving, and his magic was now a lost cause.

Harry had heard of individual's forced to become squibs because their magical cores were destroyed or severely damage. It would seem that he was now one of them.

Harry grabbed his coke and held it up high.

"Well, Voldemort, you won. Even in death you still managed to find a way to win," Harry said. "Here's to you. I hope you're resting well in Hell," Harry said with a chuckle before he drained his drink.

Harry looked forward and realize he needed a plan to survive. He still had all of his gold. It was mountains gold thanks to having all the Potter's and Black's money. He just wasn't sure how much it would be worth in this world.

The darkness began to fill the city and Harry as well, who vanished in the shadows of New York City.

If Harry Potter was to survive, he would have to adapt to his situation, and he would have to adapt fast.

The first thing he would have to do is research this world and learn how this world ran. He also had to keep the fact he came from another world a secret. He wasn't sure how the people of this world would respond, but he was sure they would use him in experiments for whatever reasons they deem necessary.

Harry Potter had much to do and much to think about.

Author Notes: Web of Shadows took off, but I was moving it too fast. This story is a redo and will move at a slower, more decent pace. Unlike Web of Shadows, Harry will not have immediate resources. Also, this story's situations will allow Harry to rise to the Owner and CEO of WebCorps. However, that's still some ways off. I'm still sticking to my plot. I'm just going to move at a slower pace and then jump from one end to the other.

As you guys can see, Harry is stranded in New York City. All attempts to connect to the Magical World has failed. Also, Harry magical core is severely damage to the point where he'll never be able to do magic again. No, he won't be healed, but he will become a hero in the Marvel World.

I'm doing this because, if he could do his magic, then nothing will be able to stop him. There is very little that would stand a chance against him. People like Thor, and maybe Hulk, could, but let's be honest, if people like that are the only ones capable of standing up to him, it makes his presence in the Marvel Universe throw everything off balance. That's why I'm going to let Harry grow into the marvel universe without his abilities.

Also, Harry's world still exists, just not in this story. Voldemort is also dead. In that last moment, Voldemort won the Elder Wand, but he died before anyone could defeat him. So the Elder Wand's power has been broken, and the power of the Deathly Hallows are no more due to Harry's 'demise' in that world. In other words, no more Deathly Hallows. Harry threw his invisibility cloak on the ground before he dueled Voldemort, so he doesn't have it on him. It wouldn't matter now, though, since the cloak's gifts are gone.

Suggestions are welcome.

Please leave your reviews if you guys like this story. The more reviews I get, the more I'll focus on the story.