A/N: Thank you to whoever is reading this. This is my first story so please bear with me. This is a plot bunny that popped into my head one day that wouldn't leave me alone. I apologize in advance if anyone is OOC. I am making Daredevil completely AU, with only Matt's backstory being the same. I will follow the Young Justice storyline as mush as possible with adding in another character. I have made some changes to Hell's Kitchen by making it a city instead of a neighborhood, and I have exaggerated the criminal elements to make everything fit my idea better. Please leave a review with your honest opinion about my writing. Updates will be sporadic as I don't know when I will be able to write and update. Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own either Young Justice or Daredevil.
Chapter 1
September 2009:
Matt was in a state of shock and sadness. Three years ago Stick had taken him in, taken him from the orphanage and trained him. Stick had taught Matt how to control his newly enhanced senses and how to fight. Stick was bling, just like Matt, and had decided to make sure that Matt would never be helpless due to his blindness. Matt had been so grateful that he kept the ice cream wrappers from the first time he met Stick and had made them into a bracelet, the same bracelet that had gotten him sent back to Saint Agnes Orphanage in hell's Kitchen New York.
Matt had just found out that it was not kindness that caused Stick to take him in, but the money that Matt's father left him, Matt's father was the late Battlin' Jack Murdock the boxer who had been murdered because he did not throw his last fight because he wanted to make his son proud. And Matt was proud of his dad, and had been the entire time.
Not only was Stick's betrayal on his mind, but the fact that his best friend, the only person who didn't treat him like glass, Richard 'Dick' Grayson had been moved to an orphanage in the nearby city of Gotham and had been adopted shortly after moving there.
Now Matt was alone, and was unable to tell anyone about his abilities, how he was able to hear the voices of everyone and everyone in Hell's Kitchen, and even into nearby Gotham and Bludhaven, he could smell everything in that range as well. He couldn't tell the nuns that he could taste every chemical in the food that they gave him and the others in the orphanage, he couldn't even tell them that the cheap clothing and sheets that they gave him felt like sandpaper in his skin. He definitely couldn't tell them that he although he couldn't see, he could still 'read' the ink on paper, or that he didn't need his cane to know where everything was, or even that he knew how to fight and defend himself because Stick wanted to make him into the perfect little soldier for his mysterious war.
The only person Matt told all of this to was Father Lantom. Father Lantom was the priest at a small Catholic Church, he had baptised Matt and had helped the Murdock family after Matt's mom walked out on them because she hadn't wanted a kid. Father Lantom had helped both Matt and Jack adjust to Matt's blindness when he was nine, Father Lantom had even been the priest who said Mass at Jack Murdock's small funeral. He was the only person Matt felt he could tell anything to who would not tell a single soul. It was Father Lantom now who helped Matt recover from being abandoned by Stick because MAtt gave him the ice cream wrapper bracelet. It was Father Lantom who Matt would trust in two months to tell that Matt was going to become a vigilante to help saved the condemned city of Hell's Kitchen.
Hell's Kitchen was among the three most crime ridden, corrupt cities in the world along with Gotham and Bludhaven. All three cities were in the same area of New York, and anyone who wasn't desperate or insane knew that these cities were best to be avoided. It was Gotham that everyone saw as being the worst, Gotham was overrun with insane costumed villains who attacked the city constantly, the only good things in Gotham were that millionaire Bruce Wayne contributed to humanitarian actions to help clean up the city, and that the masked hero Batman and his protege Robin fought the villains and other criminals to help protect the city. Bludhaven was similarly riddled with costumed villains, but they were not as insane as the Gotham variety. Batman and Robin also ventured into Bludhaven to fight these villains whenever they could.
It was Hell's Kitchen that some thought was worse though. Although there were no costumed villains, all the gangs, mafia families, and other crime lords who were kicked out of Gotham and Bludhaven moved into Hell's Kitchen. For years, the police force was underpaid, understaffed, and corrupt to the point that whenever they did something to try to help, it did very little overall. The crime lords fought with each other about who could control most of the city, rival gangs fought on the streets, and many people especially teens found that joining gangs was the best way to survive in the city and have safer places to live. The mafia families bribed, cheated, and murdered their ways to the top and used the gangs to try to drive their rivals out. The only people who were safe were the people who worked/lived at either the church, or the orphanage because they were too pitiful to bother with.
November 2009:
Matt was not at all shocked to see how far his city had degraded on the time he was gone. He also understood that Batman and Robin, while very impressive, couldn't deal with three cities and Justice League missions, and while Hell's Kitchen was as dangerous as both Bludhaven and Gotham, it didn't have any masked or powered villains. Matt knew that he had to help his city, since he had returned two months ago he couldn't get the sounds of the city destroying itself out of his head. He knew he could do something, he just had to figure out what.
It was when he was walking back to the orphanage after talking with Father Lantom one night that Matt heard a mugging going on in the alley he was walking by, he had to fight down the urge to run into the alley to stop it, but he had to keep up the facade that he was a helpless blind 14 year old. He then began to think about how lucky Gothamites were, sure they dealt with more than their fair share of crime, but they had a vigilante/heroes looking out for them who stepped in when they could.
Matt wondered what it would be like if he were a vigilante who did what no one else in the Kitchen could do, and he realized that he actually could help. Sure it would be dangerous, after training with Stick and living in Hell's Kitchen all of his life he knew better than to delude himself into thinking of hero/vigilante work as an amazing, safe experience, but he didn't care. Matt knew that there was a high possibility of him dying trying to protect his city from itself, but it would be worth it if he could save even one life from dying due to gang violence, if he could stop even one rape, or save one of the few honest businesses from being burnt down because the mafia didn't like it.
Matt had the ability to help, so he felt like he was the only one who could help. He decided that he would talk to Father Lantom tomorrow and ask for his help. He knew that the kind priest would not be happy with his decision, but Matt hoped that he would help him despite his doubts. Matt knew he would need help, he knew he would be injured and he needed someone he trusted to patch him back up so that he could continue to help more and more people.
Matt was right about Father Lantom being wary of his decision to don a mask and become a vigilante, but agreed rather quickly to help Matt so that he would not be killed. Two days about going over a plan with Father Lantom, Matt set out wearing a black shirt and cargo pants, black gloves, combat boots, a black mask, and a leg holster and belt for his billy clubs which would serve as his weapons when hand-to-hand combat was insufficient. Matt used his training in parkour to get around the city and quickly followed the sound of a mugging going on in a nearby alley. Matt had decided to start small with stopping muggings before he got really ambitious and went after larger crimes.
Matt's career as a vigilante started strong and with each crime he stopped he slowly gained more confidence. People knew better than to say anything in newspapers, because they wouldn't be published as the kingpin who controlled the newspapers that came in and out of the city didn't want word to spread. People were too scared to risk even slipping in a hint of his activities in passing in any article, and if they sent out word in any other way, they ran the risk of being murdered in their beads, or waking up to find their families dead. So news spread via word of mouth, and by whispers in the night.
Whenever Matt went anywhere, he would hear whispers of, "Did you hear, the masked Daredevil did…," or " _ was saved from a mugging by the man in a black mask, people are beginning to call him Daredevil," and so on. As word continued to spread, the criminals, gang members, and mafia began to put up a bigger fight, they were willing to kill to get rid of the pesky Daredevil who stopped their plans. They never succeeded.
It was so dangerous for word to spread that it took two months for news of named Daredevil to make it out of the city. The Justice League began to investigate these claims and wanted to know who this new possible hero was. And who better to send out to investigate than the world's greatest detective, Batman.
I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a review and let me know what you think.