Author's Note : This takes after season two

Disclaimer : I don't own any of these characters and I'm not taking any money of this .

When davina failed to resurrect Kol from death

She went to the bar and drank a lot ! She was so wasted and angry at herself for not being able to do the one thing she wanted the most

She was mad at Kol for leaving her all alone and she was angry with the Michelsons

So she decided to go to them and give them a piece of her mind at 3:am !

When she was walking in the streets there was a vampire lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to jump on her and feed on her

At Marcel's gym

Josh told marcel that davina went missing after trying to resurrect kol so he made a search party for her by his vampires … but the thing is they didn't find her

So they needed a locator spell and the only witch who could help them was freya Michelson

So he steeled himself and called Klaus .

"Tell marcel why the bloody hell would you call me at this hour ?

"Hello to you to Klaus

"Cut the crap

Marcel sighed "Davina is missing and I cant find her

I need freya to do a locator spell to find her "

"So would tell her to do it as a favour

Klaus muttered something about annoying teenagers and how he wanted to kill them all

But then said "fine but she will need something belong to Davina … bring it here "

Marcel said "actually I'm here already with davina'a hair brush "

Klaus huffed "wait I will open the bloody door "

He speed to freya's room and woke her up telling her it's an emergency

Then open the door to Marcel who looked sheepish while glaring daggers at him

Freya was actually concerned about the young witch and did the spell very quickly

The spell tracked her into a bar outside the town … "Thanks Freya I owe you one "

Freya said "Don't worry just go find her before she gets hurt "

He was about to leave when klaus stopped him and said that he was coming with him

Marcel didn't argue because Davina was top priority

So they drove until then reached the bar but they didn't find her inside

So they split up to find her

Klaus heard a loud cry so he ran there and found the vampire is jumping on Davina

So he ripped out his heart from the back and the vampire dropped dead

Davina quickly sobered "what are you doing here ,klaus ?"

He glared at her after smelling the alcohols on her

"I'm saving your ass that why I'm here

Marcel came running and saw the body on the ground and when davina saw him she ran and hugged him because she was afraid and she cried

Until marcel calmed her down and picked her up bridal style

"Shsh .. davina you are safe now .. you will be okay

And took her to the car and put her in the back set while he sat next to her cradling her in his arms because if something happened to her he would be devastated again !

Klaus drove

Davina slept the entire way …

Marcel then huffed and said "I don't know what to do with her ? Today she almost died and almost died trying to bring Kol back … I can't lose her .. not again "

"You seek a parental advice from me Marcellus?

Marcel laughed "i don't know how to answer that question .. I just don't know she has been through a lot .. her father left when she was 4 .. her mother left her to die in the harvest .. the boy she had a cruch on died and Now Kol died too .. these aren't situations a 16 years old kid should experience ever ."

"You want my advice ? Do what I did to you when you were in here age ? … remember Jesse ? When I forbade you to go to that party on a Full Moon but you sneaked out anyway and while you were coming back a wolf attacked you and bit her and she died because her body couldn't handle the bite … you actually thought that you will never love again

Until Lorraine ofcourse … so do you remember what did I do ? "

"When I came home you were there you … comforted me and stayed with me all night untill I slept then the day after you grounded me and made me do chores around the house and in fields .. it was a hell of a month "

"And you forgot about her .. I involved you in life so you won't think about death just like davina today … when I got ther I Found the vampire trying to feed on her but she didn't struggle. . She didn't try to stop him with her magic .. She gave up Marcel "

We are here … marcel looked outside but he didn't find his place .. it was klaus's

"You will stay here until she is in good shape .. she need supervision 24/7 .. and you won't be able to do it alone …"

Marcel started to argue "I can watch ..

Klaus interupted him "that wasn't a suggestion , Marcellus "

And marcel hated how his full name from klaus in THAT Commanding tone made him feeling like a kid .