I am the shadow you see beside you at night

The distorted, blackened version of yourself

Flickering in and out of alleyways

Not quite a person

Just the manifestation of all that you are trying to hide

Just the agony of being who you are

Everything you don't want the world to see

I am everything you don't want the world to see

Why are you afraid of me?

You run from me

But I am attached to you

We can never be separated

But through the noon sun's light, I can be you

And in total darkness you can be me

Which would you prefer?

I can't be in love with him, It must be something else...it HAS to be something else! These were the thoughts going through a certain worn rabbits head as he tried to keep calm while sorting papers. He tried to make sure his troubled thoughts weren't shown through his actions. Luckily the black bear was busy looking over some things and didn't notice the slightly shaking rabbit. The rabbit had surprisingly kept his admiration a secret from the others. Well except Nightmare Chica of course. Thought he couldn't exactly keep things from her. She had a way of getting any info out of someone. It was kind of scary if you thought about it. Nonetheless this was a problem.

Springtrap glanced over at the working bear who didn't seem to notice his look. His circuits warmed at the sight further confirming the fact that he had feelings for the nightmare. He looked back at the papers he was holding. Hoping to get his circuits back to a normal temperature. It tooks a lot of effort to get his insides to go back to a normal temperature without drawing any attention to himself. Especially from the bear. It was hard enough being in the same room with him without freaking out. The rabbit carefully continued to organize the papers as he had been taught when he had gotten here.

The bunny smiled softly remembering when he first started 'working' as some sort of 'secretary' for the black bear. It was rather difficult at first understanding what went where when he couldn't read the strange text on the papers. True he still couldn't understand what the papers said, but with practice and help he started to understand what symbols ment the same things. surprisingly it had become rather easy to understand what went where. Of course he wouldn't understand any of it if Nightmare hadn't explained it all to him. The bear had a way of making things easier to do and understand.

Except when it came to these feelings of his. This was something the bear could only make worse for Springtrap. It wouldn't have been so bad if Springtrap understood why he had these feelings of strong admiration for the nightmare. It would give some sort of structure and sensibility to what was going on. Sadly apparently life didn't work like that. Of course he had thought the bear was good looking, but he had recognized this long before he started having these romantic feelings towards him.

"Spring..." A deep voice spoke instantly breaking him away from his thoughts jumping slightly. The voice came from the source that his troubled thoughts came from. "Y-yes N-Nightmare?" The rabbit said his voice shaking at the suddenness of the bear's voice. As he turned to face the bear sitting at the desk. There seemed to be a moment of silence between the two as they looked at each other. Rather than an awkward silence this seemed different. It was as if things had stopped for a short moment. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

The first time it had happened was when Springtrap had just realized what he was feeling. Nightmare would call him Spring, something that not many beings called him, and then the short silence would happen. And neither of them would address it. Then they simply go about their business and that would be the end of it until the next moment. It wasn't as if the rabbit wasn't confused about it. It just seemed as if was some sort of thing that happened and if was just to difficult to explain or try to talk about. Without sounding crazy of course.

"You seem rather distant today... Is something wrong?" Springtrap froze at the question knowing his strange behavior had been noticed. Faith didn't seem to be on his side today, that or life just really liked to see him suffer. "I-I'm fine Nightmare! Theres nothing to worry about!" The rabbit said sounding rather happy and smiled cheerfully. Quickly putting on a happy carefree face as to hide his actual feelings. In a way it was the same thing he had been doing for years at the pizzaria.

The black bear looked at him questioningly as if he was studying him. For a moment it seemed as if the bear wouldn't believe his fake happy act. Luckily fate this time face him some mercy. "If you say so, sorry for bothering you with my pondering." Nightmare apologized to the worn rabbit. "I suppose its due to all the work and papers I've had to go through today. My sense of judgement seems to have been blurred." Springtrap shook his head "Its fine! Everyone does things like that all the time." He said attempting to tell the bear it was okay. Maybe he should have just said he had a head ache or something instead of faking to be fine.

"Why don't you take a break or something then?!" Spring questioned putting down his papers. and looking at the bear. "after all you said it yourself. That you've been working to much today." The rabbit knew that he would regret everything he was saying later but now it didn't exactly matter. A few days ago he had a discussion with Nightmare Chica about his feelings about the bear. Since of course she was the only one he was really close enough to talk about things like that. She had suggested he just go for it and get if over with. Of course he couldn't do exactly that, but maybe this would lightly push things forward?

"I don't know I still have all this work to do..." Nightmare said motioning to all the papers on his desk. Knowing that it would at least take five more hours to have it all finished and done with. He knew the rabbit was a normally very cheery, quick to action, and down right adorable. But he had to many things to do that take a break. "Nightmare you have been working all day! You need a break!" the rabbit said stressing the word need. "Springtrap I would love to be able to take a break but thats-" he started but was cut off when he looked back up to the rabbits adorable pleading eyes.

"well I suppose when you put it like that I should take a break..." He muttered causing the rabbit to smile at this. If only Springtrap could see how adorable he looked to him. "Hey! Now you can show me how to do that weird portal things you were talking to me about!" Springtrap said excitedly causing the nightmare bear to chuckle "sounds like a good as time as any." He said standing up "Thought we should move to a better place, I rather not have my office destroyed by accident." He said knowing how damaging it could be when a beginner did magic. Especially portal magic.

Elsewhere a certain nightmare puppet was once more grumbling and complaining about how close Nightmare and Springtrap were getting.

"I can't believe this is happening..." Nightmare Marionette grumbled pacing back and forth. Watching him was a slightly concerned large yellow bear. "I told you something like this would happen!" Marion practically hissed looking over at Fred bear. Who had almost jumped out of his seat when he turned his glare towards him. "Yes Marion I know you said this would happen" Fred bear said after a moment. In hope that the puppets gaze would stop looking in his direction. Luckily for him Marion looked away and began pacing back and forth once more. With no signs that he would be stopping any time soon.

Fred bear waited for a moment before he spoke once more to the nightmare puppet. "Maybe this will be a good thing for him. It might make him focus on getting things done sooner than before." This caused Marion to laugh. "I highly doubt that having someone to distract him, will make him do things faster!" It seemed as if he couldn't be swayed from what he thought. "That may be so... But you have to think what this will do for Nightmare's mental heath." Fred bear pointed out. "If we calm down and let this happen It might help him mentally and give him more of a reason for doing what he is doing. Especially if we get Springtrap to join us."

"If we get Springtrap to do that...And Nightmare cares for him..." Marion said stopping for a moment and actually thinking about what Fred bear was saying. "Then that'll make him care much more about getting the job done because whatever he does it'll make things better for Springtrap since he'll be one of us." Marion had stopped pacing around at this point was starting to see what Fred bear was saying. "So all we need to do is make sure Springtrap joins us" the bear finished watching the change in the masked puppet's glowing eyes.

"where do we began?"

Okay guys sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, I haven't really written much recently, but I promise I'll get back on it now that I have some Free time before my second semester starts. Please go check out my youtube Bloody7851. My instagram Bloody7851. And my Deviantart Bloody7851!

Yep...really creative names...